Actions Trump Ideas in B2B Marketing and Sales By Christopher Ryan CEO, Fusion Marketing Partners “Planning is very important, but no one ever purchased anything because of a plan”

Actions Trump Ideas in B2B Marketing and Sales

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Actions Trump Ideas

in B2B Marketing and Sales

By Christopher Ryan CEO, Fusion Marketing Partners

“Planning is very important, but no one ever purchased anything because of a plan”

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In his seminal book, Managing Oneself, Peter Drucker made the following observation.

“A planner may find that his beautiful plans fail because he does not follow through

on them…”

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“…Like so many brilliant people, he believes that ideas move

mountains. But the truth is that bulldozers move mountains;

ideas show where the bulldozers should go to work.”

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This thinking doesn’t just apply to moving mountains, but moving prospects forward on their buyer’s journey.

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Planning is very important, but no

one ever purchased

anything because of a plan

– rather, they purchased because someone took action and

executed on a plan

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No amount of magical thinking will make prospects respond to offers or purchase products and services

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You and I need to take action to encourage people to act, or at least be there when they type in a search term that is related to what you are offering.

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“The harder I work, the luckier I

get.”- Lucky people tend to put themselves out there by taking actions that often lead to good outcomes

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- serendipity is not some magic thing that happens to us out of the blue.

It manifests when we expose ourselves to the right people and circumstances (e.g. putting yourself in front of people who can buy your products or services).

“Practical serendipity.”

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In The Power of Pull, John Hagel states

“Serendipity can be shaped: we can make choices that will

increase our ability to attract people and resources to us that

we never knew existed, leading to serendipitous encounters that

prove enormously valuable.”

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…you will achieve better outcomes and a gain a fruitful measure of practical serendipity.

“Serendipity can be shaped: we can make choices that will increase

our ability to attract people and resources to us that we never knew existed, leading to serendipitous

encounters that prove enormously valuable.”

With a slight change…

take actions

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…and walking

the path.

There is a difference between knowing the path

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Most of us could probably benefit from a little less knowing and a little more walking…

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What We Do

Fusion Marketing Partners (FMP) provides outsourced B2B Marketing consulting services to help businesses generate more sales revenue from every dollar invested in people and programs. The result is a framework for generating awareness, qualified leads and revenue that is repeatable and predictable.

How We Do This

Every business, including its market, offering, organization and capabilities is unique. We work within your organization, from the CEO to the stakeholders, as appropriate to create and optimize B2B marketing and sales processes. FMP operates as an outsourced extension of your business operation. We supplement your existing staff to build team performance or as your entire marketing organization, deliver a blended set of skills.

Fusion Marketing Partners – 3730 Sinton Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 719-357-6280 [email protected]