BHiveLab Agency Innovation Labs – 10 Steps to Success

Agency innovation labs 10 steps to success

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BHiveLab Agency Innovation Labs – 10 Steps to Success

Page 2: Agency innovation labs   10 steps to success

BHiveLab | How to Set up an Agency Innovation Lab


Brunner’s innovation lab, BHiveLab is recognized as one of the fi rst true agency innovation labs. At our 2013 industry creative technology conference sponsored by the 4A’s, we were asked to chair the innovation lab session which took a look at various

successful innovation lab models. During the 1 hour session there was one question that was

asked repeatedly of the panel –

How do I get started?

This deck contains my personal top 10 steps to starting a successful agency innovation lab.

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BHiveLab | How to Set up an Agency Innovation Lab


Any successful business needs a crystal clear vision

statement. By nature of what a lab does, there is

temptation to go in infi nite directions…because you can.

Having a clear vision helps the team stay on point, and

also helps in defi ning the lab’s value proposition. Our

mission for four years has been “inventing new ways to reach the on the go consumer

through next-generation-technology”. No matter what,

we don’t waver from that.

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BHiveLab | How to Set up an Agency Innovation Lab


TERMTechnology changes so fast that it’s easy to focus 100% on the next shiny object. But thinking 3 to 5 years out will help you drive your strategic

plan. Decide whether you want to be known as a thought leader or an

inventor? A revenue producer or a break even entity or

even an investment? Through the years our lab has grown into 4 distinct focus areas

which were born out of following a long term plan.

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BHiveLab | How to Set up an Agency Innovation Lab


Before pulling the trigger on your plan, defi ne success

metrics. This will help you talk the language that the

CEO and CFO want to hear – ROI. We used a startup

launch canvas which forces the ROI conversation. And

then we built success into the performance and incentive

plans of the team.

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BHiveLab | How to Set up an Agency Innovation Lab


Without executive buy-in from the very top, don’t even think about it. Labs cost money…at least upfront. Labs fail…often. Several agency labs

have fi zzled out before gaining much traction. A

committed CEO or top level executive team is critical. Clearly map out the plan –

with the pros AND cons – to get the buy-in needed.

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BHiveLab | How to Set up an Agency Innovation Lab


It’s easy to bite off too much – the possibilities are so

endless it’s mind blowing. Getting an early success – for

us it was an app called Tailgate Champ which was picked up in the New York

Times – proved that we could create something interesting

and news worthy, and gave us confi dence to move forward

and scale.

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BHiveLab | How to Set up an Agency Innovation Lab


Be nimble. Expect failure. Focus on culture. Over

communicate. Demand an entrepreneurial spirit. Pivot.

Invent. Celebrate.

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BHiveLab | How to Set up an Agency Innovation Lab


Staffi ng an innovation lab with just one person, on

average, costs in excess of $200,000 – and that’s before

any work is done or equipment is purchased.

Successful labs pay this back in spades, but that can take

time and commitment. Consider virtual teams to

start which can spread the cost burden across the


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BHiveLab | How to Set up an Agency Innovation Lab


Innovation labs need to be nimble. They often need to

change course. They require decisiveness. If you are

going to micro-manage the eff ort, or not empower your lab leadership, be prepared for a tough road. Guiderails should be set, however the team will need staffi ng and budget authority at least to

the point where fl uid decisions can be made

without multiple layers of approval.

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BHiveLab | How to Set up an Agency Innovation Lab


It’s a privilege to get to work on the bleeding edge. Not everyone is cut out to do that, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t

teach others. But perhaps more important than

teaching about the “stuff ” your lab is working on –

teach about the methods you use to invent. Share the

process. For some, this approach will create future lab team members or may even get applied to other

areas of the business.

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BHiveLab | How to Set up an Agency Innovation Lab


Failing fast has become a mantra of sorts for the

startup community. Innovation labs need to adopt that mindset. Our experience

is that 90% of our experiments go nowhere. But recognizing that quickly, and moving on to something more fruitful is the key. Also, see

executive buy-in.

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BhiveLab.comRick Gardinier412.995.9611

BHiveLab invents new ways to creatively engage the on-the-go

consumer through next-generation technology.