Effecting Change Thinking outside the box in FY15 August 20, 2014

Applying Innovation to Marketing

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This is my presentation to the DFW American Marketing Association on August 20, 2014. The content covers B2B marketing and new approaches you can apply.

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Page 1: Applying Innovation to Marketing

Effecting Change Thinking outside the box in FY15

August 20, 2014

Page 2: Applying Innovation to Marketing

Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 1 Extended leaders’ summit

Campaign innovation: We must change or become extinct

Presentation Notes
We’re going to cover the spectrum of innovation across the spectrum of reputation, relationship, and revenue. We’re going to talk through a lot of ideas and then you
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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 2 Extended leaders’ summit

Case Study Think differently

Something new Encourage You

Presentation Notes
Today I’m going to try to accomplish 4 things with those of you in this workshop. I’m going to try to get you excited about the possibilities that FY15 has in store for marketing geniuses like ourselves I’m going to show you some new things that have really inspired me to think about how marketing could be different for Deloitte I’m going to try to inspire you to think differently about what you do in FY15 And, then we’re going to work together to start building and generating big marketing ideas that will mirror our organization’s commitment to building a culture of innovation
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Case Study: Excitement

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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 4 Extended leaders’ summit


Presentation Notes
Let’s start with excitement. Believe it or not, this is a Deloitte party. Yes, the kind with our tax people. The kind with the event lists that we have to upload to MIX. And, the kind with clients—and I was shocked at how some of our clients were so cool!
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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 5 Extended leaders’ summit

Excitement (cont.)

Presentation Notes
And because of a little tweet using a influencer strategy, 3,000 people RSVP’d to a Deloitte party. They stood out in the rain… the pouring rain… to try to get into the Deloitte party. I’d never been part of an event at Deloitte where people were so excited about Deloitte.
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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 6 Extended leaders’ summit

Presentation Notes
And, it all started with a cat GIF. The really super smart dudes at Deloitte Digital know every successful social media campaign has cats. But honestly, what they really did was do something that the targeted audience would react to and they placed the party on the go-to site for SxSW. We were where our audience was rather than trying to figure out how to make them visit our site.
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And people liked us—a lot!

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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 8 Extended leaders’ summit

Excitement (cont.)

Presentation Notes
And then this dude showed up and issued the official buzz kill of the best Deloitte Party ever. The instagram post said, “Deloitte #sxsw party shut down for being too awesome” He had to come to our party because we were over capacity. Can you imagine the luxury of over-capacity? It’s a great thing! And, it was all because we were where our clients wanted to be, listened to what our target audience wanted to do, and delivered it via digital channels. On that night, we used the CX best practices of a B2C—and we were rewarded with engagement. Forrester says the biggest mistake that B2B companies make is not using best practices of B2C engagement. So let’s take a look at how social and digital marketing is changing everything we know and what we should be considering in FY15.
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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 9 Extended leaders’ summit

Why do B2B marketers use digital techniques?

Increased web traffic


Generate leads


Drive sales/ revenues

27% Improve



Lower cost-per-lead


Improve brand or product awareness


#1 objective

Compared to 2012, 30% more B2B marketers have identified revenue generation as their top objective, while 20% less still think it is lead generation

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Think differently

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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 11 Extended leaders’ summit

Five trends impacting 2015 marketing and beyond

Yesterday Innovation Pioneers

Isolated channels

One size fits all


Demographic targeting

Intuitive marketing

Coordinated experiences

Every channel personalized

Continuous conversations

The age of context

Better decisions with data

Presentation Notes
So what does it mean…. Just tell me how all this translates to the marketing planning strategies we have to enter into MIX? There are 5 areas I want you to think differently about when you are executing your plans this year and thinking like an innovative pioneer. Are you just broadcasting to a single channel—hoping for mass groups to run out and download your next big thing? Or, are you coordinating the experience from a buyer position? Your target is a HR person. You need to think about talent. You need to consider the technology to empower their talent. You have to find new solutions to deal with overwhelmed employees, who work in the technology industry. All of these different perspectives define the buyer experience and are we doing enough to cross our silos to adjust to the buyer perspective Are we personalizing our content? Buyers now demand hyper-relevant communications. Unfortunately, we’re trying to do more with less and our people may be responding by sending emails that try to speak to masses. But, buyers aren’t listening because the trend is now that they’re used to content that speaks to them. Once you start a conversation, are we ending it with no action? It’s amazing to me that we do so much that we always forget what I pleasantly refer to as the after-party. Once you engage the buyer, are we thinking about what happens after the event? After the dbrief? After the POV. Our conversations need to be more responsive. We’ve spent 5 years talking to our audience, it’s time to let them have a turn. Spend more time telling the complete story. Deloitte is a big place and it’s hard to know everything going on—and we’re in the organization. Imagine how our buyers feel? Why did we make our content a priority? Help us understand the bigger picture and interactions. Finally, now that you have data from our new systems—are you using it to change anything? Are you listening to digital behavior?
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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 12 Extended leaders’ summit

Using data to create customer experiences that differentiate and provide long-term value.

Coordinated experiences

The business



Buyer needs

Customer experience is the new competitive playing field.

Presentation Notes
Today’s buyer is everywhere — on the web, on social, on mobile, on email. As isolated channels and siloed information converge, so does the idea of the all-important coordinated buying experience. In 2013, the media was fixated on the idea of the “brand story”, where brands deliver a consistent experience across all channels: paid, owned, earned, and shared. Marketers are charged with coordinating this experience, and to do it well, they need a platform specifically designed to drive engagement across every single channel. �
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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 13 Extended leaders’ summit

Coordinated experiences (cont.)

Digital behavior

Social experiences


Analyst/Third party







The Buyer

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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 14 Extended leaders’ summit

Thinking you know what customers want is incredibly risky.

Knowing what they want leads to customer experiences that matter. • Strategy • Customer Understanding • Design • Governance • Measurement • Culture

The B2B CX Framework

Sometimes it’s innovative to just listen

to our buyers.

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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 15 Extended leaders’ summit

Personalization is about understanding buyer needs. • Right message, at the right time,

and in the right places • Customized content by location,

industry, job title • Intimacy of conversation

Personalized channels

Presentation Notes
Although some marketing channels like email are individually targetable and personalized, until recently most were not. This was true even for digital channels such as display ads and PPC – even the website was one-size fits all. Think about it: when you send a customer a relevant email, you don’t expect them to hit reply; you expect them to come to your website. But all too often, that customer would see the same generic website as every other visitor. If you are operating on the new ios 7 from Apple, you are already operating a blue-tooth reader that is going to help customize your experiences. Let’s say that you are at an amusement park, as you walk around you’ll start to get information, possibly coupons, or all sorts of possibilities to personalize based on what you are doing, reading your behavior, and help you find exactly what you want. Google has already changed how it ranks based on information it thinks you need. If I type in restaurants, I’m likely to get a list of information close to me based on where I’m logging in and creating data. So, our clients are going to expect us to personalize the experience just like every other interaction they have in their life. We have to get on the personalization bandwagon or people are going to notice we don’t know anything about them. And, whether it’s as simple as customizing Twitter cards to more in-depth applications that optimize experiences. As leaders, we need to think about this in terms of budget, conversations, and start to push it. Today, however, buyers demand hyper-relevant communications that speak to them as individuals. Just like you will likely start to order shoe sizes that aren’t size 9 but size me. Nearly half of the online adults globally are always addressable, and they expect marketers to meet their specific needs — always and everywhere — according to Forrester’s 2013 Interactive Marketing Predictions report. Fortunately, we can now target individuals, based on context and affinity, with more and more channels. In fact, the technology exists to customize what every user sees on pretty much every channel. Today, your website can be as personalized as your email. Even TV is becoming individually addressable: Millennials today spend their entertainment time online and only 44% of their TV watching time actually happens on a television.
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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 16 Extended leaders’ summit

If getting started with real-time personalization seems complicated, relax. You’ll start by simply defining your three W’s:

Who, What, and Where.


• Deloitte.com new platform • Interim package pages • Social platforms • Emails

• Firmographics • Titles • Customer journey status • Location

• Case studies • Thought leadership • Blogs • Events • Videos

Who’s our target? What do we personalize?

Where do we personalize?

Presentation Notes
Making real-time personalization tools a part of your marketing strategy doesn’t require painful implementation, time-consuming maintenance, or an arsenal of brand new content. Personalized marketing is only a matter of Who, What, and Where.
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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 17 Extended leaders’ summit

Responsive and ongoing conversations

Presentation Notes
Unless you work for Apple, it’s safe to assume that your customers are not eagerly anticipating your next campaign. “Campaign” is a militaristic word that focuses on the needs of the company, not the consumer. Too many marketers think of their campaigns like a gumball machine: drop a campaign in, customers are supposed to come out the other side. With this mindset, it’s no wonder these marketers are perplexed when they see the declining effectiveness of their campaigns. Let’s face it: the way consumers live, work, and interact with technology isn’t organized around your campaign schedule. We need to be there for buyers, always and everywhere, conducting a conversation that’s customized to her taste and that perpetuates her journey. This means we’ve moved from “seller is in control” to “buyer is in control” and now to the notion of “iterative response”. Marketing today is about coordinated experiences that, like real conversations, are collaborative. In other words, we don’t just talk at a customer; we give her a reason and an opportunity to respond, and adjust appropriately. Experts are now talking about content marketing is dead and conversation marketing is now alive.
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Responsive and ongoing conversations (cont.)

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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 19 Extended leaders’ summit

Data is everywhere.

Understanding the data

Measures the likelihood of a brand being

mentioned in social media.

The likelihood that individuals talking about a

company will do so repeatedly.

A relatively large number of originators,

indicating a lively debate.

The ratio of positive to negative mentions.

Presentation Notes
The phrase “data-driven” is, admittedly, already a bit passé… but the implication is important: Your decisions must keep pace with your data. For that, you need an intuitive, powerful platform to access, analyze, and act upon your metrics. And as the speed of marketing gets ever faster, your decision-making needs to keep up. Data is your ally in making quality marketing decisions at speed and scale. Social mention is just one of my favorites for following what my target audience is doing because I simply don’t have the patience to wait 30 days to get one of our social reports. I’m one of the people in the world, who has gotten used to intermediacy—I’m sure I have some fellow friends who also love on-demand information. And, so there’s some tools I use to get a peek into what my audience is doing so I can adjust an approach as soon as possible. There’s also Tweet Reach, Google Analytics, Bitly, Klout—if I want to, I can tell immediately who’s tweeting, how far it went, whether it feels like my brand is doing well… etc. There are already apps out there that know when you talk about wine, what you say, and it’s possible to give feedback to the winery so they know exactly what type of wine drinker you are.
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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 20 Extended leaders’ summit

The only thing we should care about is where our eyes and ears are of our buyers.

The age of context

Presentation Notes
Are there any of us who are not ADHD? We are now living in micro-moments. We sit down and we watch entire seasons of a new show on Amazon and we do it on our time. Not when HBO wants to show their show on some stupid Tuesday when you have 4 more hours of Deloitte PPTs to build for your partner, who waited until the last minute to tell you they needed something for a leadership meeting in 2 days. No, we as a society consume information and entertainment when we are ready. What would make us think our buyers are different? We need to start thinking about the psychology of our buyers—if we’re connecting with them on Twitter and they post a picture of their kid, are we ignoring it because we can’t talk Deloitte? If they post a picture on Instagram, do we even understand why they are on that social medium. See… it’s not content, it’s context. The only thing we should be thinking about is where the eyes and ears are of our buyers. What is the psychology of why our buyers go to certain places?
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Four things that are going to change everything we think we know about how we tell our stories to our audience.

The age of context (cont.)

Wearable Computing Sensors Big Data

Presentation Notes
I’m going to show you four things that are changing the landscape. And, before I hear the words, “This isn’t about B2B,” I would challenge it’s already here and it is already impacting B2B. We’re simply behind. Wearables. Google Glass—I’m sure you are seeing them everywhere now. They went on sale a month or so ago and I’m sure as the prices get cheaper this will become even more commonplace. I’m wearing a pair here and it could help me connect contacts, videos, and watch something that would be relevant. Google Glass will start to understand who and what we are attracted to and help you make connections based on that data. These types of things are going to know what others are thinking and help you navigate those issues. Sensors—Cheaper, smaller, already used by retailers with geofencing—they are doing things none of us expected like tell you that you’ll have a heart attack 24 hours before you have one. This one is a ring that can pay your bills when its senses a particular gesture. Google has bought a sensor company. Facebook bought one. Deloitte should buy one… For business this now means that you will be able to see everything at one time. Deloitte hasn’t even begun to tap the amount of depth of data waiting for us to utilize. Databases are being developed so that businesses know everything you type, everything you look at, and every movement of your eyes and Google Glass is going to be one of the many mechanisms using wearable sensors to add to their data. We are going to know our customers in very deep, deep details. Audience FM is one example of how they already track people’s digital behavior to track the likelihood of who will like them.
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Something new

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Copyright © 2014 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 23 Extended leaders’ summit

Download Blippar

Presentation Notes
Let’s try something new… on the tables you have some flyers from Blippar. A particular item you can see is how the IBM items work. I also have a Deloitte koozie here that we embedded the augmented reality and I also have some cereal boxes with the augmented reality. I’ll play a video while you do this and you can start to let your mind think about how we might implement this into our marketing.
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The marketing organization is the catalyst to break down barriers and propel an organization through to meaningful results.

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