The Burn Journals by Brent Runyon

Book Trailer for The Burn Journal

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  • 1.The Burn Journals by Brent Runyon

2. I wasn't okay. 3. They didn't know. They didn't ask. 4. So, I made a choice. 5. I doused my robe in gasoline and lit a match. 6. Obviously, I survived since I'm writing this. 7. But I'm different now. Wouldn't you be? 8. #TrueStory The Burn Journals 9. Works Cited Runyon, B. (2004). The Burn Journals. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Burning match. (2012). Retrieved from openclipart.org/detail/173087/burning-match-by-uwesch-173087 Fire icon. (2006). Retrieved from openclipart.org/detail/2242/fire-icon-by-zeimusu