Cost free kindle cannon

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Michael Balmaceda

Copyright © 2014 – Michael Balmaceda

All Rights are reserved.

NO part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any

form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,

recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval without

express written, dated and signed permission from the author.

Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

This guide is not to be reproduced in any way shape or form without

express written consent by the author. You may not share,

distribute, or give away this guide for any reason.

If you got this guide for free somewhere, please contact the

following email address and let me know. For more information,

please contact me at [email protected] .

The contents of this guide are 100% the author’s opinion only. All

examples, ideas, methods, stories, and images are for illustrative

purposes only. Before trying any method or any idea, please make

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sure you check all the terms of service and make sure you are in


This guide does not guarantee earnings potential in any way shape

or form. The sole purpose of this guide is to give the reader a general

understanding of the kindle publishing industry and crowd funding.

The guide will not make you money itself.

All methods and ideas in the guide are for information purposes


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Welcome to “The Cost-Free Kindle Cannon”!

Here, I will be sharing with you a special method on how to utilize

crowd funding sites to generate funds you can use to create your

kindle books.

This method can be tedious, but there is no risk involved. All you

have to do is complete your project, as you would have done

regardless, and then use those funds to pay yourself back when

outsourcing/funding your books.

Ultimately, creating books can be cost-free and super simple to do as

long as you follow the steps outlined in this guide.


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Looking for an EXTENSIVE solution?

I’m not going to BS you –

This WSO does NOT need to be long!

I’m going to be providing you the MEAT of the process and

EVERYTHING you need to know here.

I will be getting straight to the point and provide to you a quick,

effective solution to stop you from paying out of pocket for your

kindle books.

The great part of this entire process is:

- That you raise money on an AMAZING, easy to use platform

- You get to keep ALL of the money you raise after fees

- You don’t have to pay anything up front to create the campaign

- You can reach a HUGE audience in minutes

- You can inspire and create relationships with the wealthy

- You can create a HUGE following and get early interest and

sales for your books

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C RE ATI NG A K IN DLE BO OK F O R F RE E U SI NG CROWD F UNDI N G This method can get very advanced if you let it become that way.

To start off, crowd funding allows people to give you funds for any

project you’re working on!

If you’re working on a book, you can use the money from crowd

funding to outsource and promote your book!

The best thing about this is that all of the money you receive after

these sites’ small fees is yours! As long as you complete the project,

you’re good!

People invest money for incentives, or rewards that you give them

as a “thank you” for the money they invested. The more enticing

your “perks” are, the more people will want to fund your project to

receive them.

Let’s start by talking about the sites you can use in this


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The best crowd funding sites to use are www.indiegogo.com and

www.kickstarter.com .

I personally prefer IndieGoGo because it allows you to do “Flexible


This funding option allows you to keep WHATEVER you raise

regardless of if you hit your goal or not.

Kickstarter is ALL OR NOTHING. You either reach your goal and

receive your money, or you DON’T reach your goal and you make $0.

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Don’t believe that this can work?

Let’s view some of the campaigns that have successfully funded

book projects for authors! YOU can do better!

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Inspiration Are you seeing this? One book alone has raised over 25,000 dollars!

There are other books raising $17,000 and more!

Guess what the best part is?

As long as they completed their project, whatever other money they

don’t use is THEIRS! They get to put that money in their wallet to

fund future projects!

Us smart marketers know where to find cheap services, so you can

make a very pretty penny and FUND YOUR ENTIRE CAMPAIGN

through these services!

Let’s get into the meat of how this works!

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Let’s Follow these steps to get started:

1. Let’s navigate to www.indiegogo.com

2. Let’s find some successful campaigns for book creation by

Clicking on Browse at the top of the page.

3. On the left side, click on “Writing” under the creative section.

This will show writing related books.

4. Now click “Most Funded” to find the best campaigns that have

received the most amount of money. By mimicking these

campaigns, we can find what works and put it in our campaign.

5. I’m now going to choose a campaign for a book that looks

interesting to me and has also raised 100% plus of the goal

that they had initially. I chose “The Gifted Entrepreneur” found

here : http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-gifted-


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6. Now, write down what this campaign has done well and use

this to mimic in yours.

Do this for multiple campaigns that are successful and make a list of

what you need to include in your campaign.

Essentials to have in your campaign are:

- A video introduction that catches contributors’ eyes

- An introduction of the book

- Why you’re creating it

- Parts of the book and what it includes

- Where their contribution will go (Editing, promotional costs,


- About the author section

- 10+ Great perks (spread out by dollar value)

- Call to action asking for support

ALERT: Follow my first of 3 video trainings which details exactly

what’s good and bad with current campaigns!

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Ideas for perks to use include:

- A PDF copy of the book

- Facebook thanks

- A personal email

- A personal thank you video

- A hardcopy of the book

- A hardcopy of the book, signed by the author

- A 30 minute skype session teaching about your niche

- A handwritten thank you letter (postcard) sent in the mail

- A dedicated page in your book for mentioning their


- Extra PDF copies of the book sent to their friends

.. And more. These are just a few examples of what works best

Like I said, the best way to go about creating a crowd funding

campaign is to view other books that have been funded.

Look at their perks and how their product description is structured

and mimic theirs in your campaign.

Make sure to have a clear beginning and end to your project!

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C RE ATI NG A N IN T RODU C TI O N VI DE O A rule of thumb for raising a good amount of money here is to create

an enticing video that will gain their attention.

Use www.VideoHive.net , for project videos/intros!

These usually are very high in quality.

If you do not know how to edit these videos (usually in Adobe After

Effects), hire someone on www.Fiverr.com to do it for you for $5.

Make sure to take parts of your book description and put it into this


You don’t want the video to be TOO flashy, but you also want it to be

exciting enough to get them to contribute.

At the end of the campaign, use a call to action “Contribute now!”.

Once you have this done, you can create a campaign!

ALERT: Watch my 2nd of three trainings taking you step by step

through the campaign creation process!

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C RE ATI NG A C AM P AI GN O N I NDI E GO GO Once your project is completed, you will have raised money that you

would NOT have otherwise had before! You can use this money to

fund your book instead of taking money out of your own pocket!

1. Click on Create at the top of your browser on

www.indiegogo.com .

2. Select Writing

3. Set your fundraising goal to $500-$2000

4. Choose “An individual person or group of people”

5. Click Set up your campaign

6. Add a small thumbnail of your book cover

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7. Keep your Category as Writing

8. Add your Book title as the Title

9. Add a very short description about your project and what

you’re trying to raise the money for

ALERT: Watch my third video explaining how to create a killer

description and use the template I’ve provided!

10. Short Link: Add your book title in there as condensed as


11. Add in Your Country

12. Add in Your City

13. Click Save

Make sure to click save after you complete each step!

Now on to the next section.

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Under Your Story:

1. For Pitch Media, put the link to your video you created at


Personally, I like Vimeo because the videos look professional. I

suggest uploading your video there and then providing the link to

it in the Pitch Media section.

2. For Pitch Text, follow the essentials we talked about before for

the description:

- An introduction of the book

- Why you’re creating it

- Parts of the book and what it includes

- Where their contribution will go (Editing, promotional costs,


- About the author section

- Call to action asking for support

3. For “Your Perks” add each perk value with the Name (must be

short), a description, the number available (I decrease as the

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perk dollar value increases), and Estimated Delivery should be

when you think the project will be completed.

Make sure to NOT check “Shipping Address Required” unless you

are shipping them something in the mail.

Make sure to check that box for the handwritten postcard or for

the hardcopy book, signed or not signed.

Once you complete this, your campaign will almost be done!

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Here, you can choose a campaign team. Add a professional photo for

yourself if you have one and your name.

For your role, put “YOUR BOOK TITLE HERE Project


The question here is, should you only make ONE person on your

campaign team?

If you have someone else that can get in on this with you, DO IT.

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Why? Because teams of 2 or more end up getting more campaign

funds than others with only 1 on their team.

For outside links, feel free to add any social media links or website

links related to your campaign. You can also add a google analytics

tracking ID, video link, and other files into your campaign.

Once you’ve finished that, click “Get Funded” to start the last step.

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Choose Payment types as “Enable Payments by Credit Card” AND

“Enable Payments by PayPal”.

This will allow more payments from contributors.

Enter in your paypal email, first name, last name, etc.

If your paypal isn’t already, upgrade your personal account to a

Premier account. This process takes seconds.

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Once you start making money on your campaign, a screen will show

up Under Bank Information.

It will ask that you add your bank account, address, routing number,

phone number, and more.

You will receive credit card payments into your bank account, and

paypal payments into your paypal account.

Verify your identity by providing your personal details, and then

your campaign will Go Live!

The GoGo Factor

When your campaign becomes viral, its “gogofactor” increases.

The higher the gogofactor, the more likely your campaign is to

feature on the homepage of IndieGoGo.com!

Make sure to have a completed pitch to be considered for homepage


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Other Ways to Spread the Word:

- Friends and Family

- Local Business that support your niche – Local bookstores.

Gain supporters!

- Email

- Social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest)

- Create an Account at SocialBro.com , Go to Tools > Discover

Twitter Users

o Build a list of the most influential people through this

tool. The tool allows you to see who anyone you enter

into this tool retweets to, who they reply to, who they

mention, all the hashtags they use, etc. The best way to

reach these people is to use hashtags they’re using and

tweet information that would interest them.

- Use Twitonomy.com to find influencers and put them in


- Find influential bloggers by creating an account at

Buzzstream.com. Start a new project > Add Websites > Link

Prospecting. Thumbs up good blogs and add the authors to

your twitter lists.

- Use Technorati.com, Alltop.com, or DoFollowBlogFinder.net

to create an even bigger list of blogs/blog influencers that

you can contact for exposure.

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- Use Google, intitle:”keyword” in Google to find a site that

mentions any problems you solve through your campaign.

Reach out and offer the solution.

Reach out genuinely, don’t ask for money or favors up front.

Connect with them, then explain your goals and look for ways

to interact with them. Mention your campaign and look to

receive funding for it.

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Maintaining Momentum on Your Books - Add new perks throughout your campaign – Contributors

will sometimes buy additional perks if you add new ones!

- Update your campaign – once or twice a week if you have

the time. Use updates and perks to up your campaign


Follow up with your contributors and let them know that they’re

perks are going to be sent soon. Continue speaking with your

contributes through social media, etc after your launch! Export a list

of contributors in your campaign dashboards.

If you’re unsatisfied with your campaign, you are able to launch a

follow-up campaign on IndieGoGo!

Photos, logos, videos, and graphics help make your campaign look


Use them or create them with Photoshop. If you’d like to buy them,

Fiverr.com is affordable!

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F I NI SHI NG S TE PS F OR YOU R CAM PA I GN Once your campaign is live, share it with friends and family.

A technique to consider is to add your own money into your

campaign to start off with.

Think about this: When you see a tip jar with no money in it,

psychologically in your head, you think that no one has donated so

you don’t either.

When you see a tip jar at a store with money already in it, people

follow suit and add money.

In the same sense, if you see a tip jar is full, you don’t want to donate

because you think they have enough money.

The main thing to conclude from this is to add a small amount of

money to your campaign. Doing this, instead of starting at $0, will

get people interested in adding money into your campaign.

Don’t worry, this money is coming right back to you via PayPal or

through your bank account.

Keep in mind that whatever you have offered as perks must be given

before your campaign ends. People donated money to your cause

and you must give them what you promised.

Once you’ve added money, reach out to blog influencers/owners in

your niche and ask to make a guest post about your book and your

IndieGoGo campaign. Push as much traffic as you can to your

IndieGoGo link.

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I’ve even created a press release for my IndieGoGo campaign for $25

at www.webwire.com . You will make this money back in the long


Tell as many people as you can about this! You can even say that a

certain amount of money that you generate from your book will go

to a charity, donated to a good cause, and more.

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Will This Become Oversaturated?

This is a question that I received very often when creating this WSO.

In short, no, this will not become oversaturated.

This is because there are many sites like indiegogo.com that you can

use to host a crowd funding campaign. Kickstarter and other sites

are possibilities.

If you are to utilize these sites, all you would do is set up a campaign

with a lesser monetary goal so that you can reach it and receive all

of your funds.

Many sites exist, and even if everyone who read this WSO completed

these steps, the method would not become oversaturated.

There are many wealthy, giving and generous people in this world

that are looking to fund people with goals such as yours.

You won’t know how your campaign will turn out until you START


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Do I need a website?

No you don’t! All you need is the IndieGoGo website to create your

campaign. A website is optional, and NOT needed!

How can I get a fan base and reviews for my books?

Simply reach out to your funders through your project page!

As you are writing your book, create updates on your campaign page

to let your funders know what is going on and how you’re

progressing. Once you are ALL FINISHED, create an update that will

immediately notify funders that your book is out. Create a call to

action asking them to spread the word and LEAVE THEIR REVIEW

of the book. Tell them that this step is ESSENTIAL to your success

and you would love to hear their feedback.

Since most of them have received a copy of your book, they DO NOT

need to purchase a copy of the book to leave a review. They can just

navigate to your book page and leave a review.

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Keep in mind that it will NOT say “Amazon Verified Purchase”… but

that is OK. We can work on getting those later.

The best part of all is that before you publish your book, you’re able

to send everyone your book and receive their feedback first!

Incorporate their feedback and change your book BEFORE

publishing it for real readers!

As you progress, leave comments, updates, and pictures of your

progress on your page!

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Can I set this and forget it? YES! Very little maintenance is required once you’ve created your

crowd funding campaign.

START WRITING your book or preparing all of the content! Do niche

research for other books. If you’re unhappy with receiving the funds

until later, create a campaign that isn’t as long so you can receive the

funds soon. OR, create your campaign RIGHT NOW so that when

you’re actually ready to have the books written, the money is ready

for you!

Make sure to check back every so often to see the progress of

your campaign.

What is so great about this?

- There is NO RISK – You can create a campaign without

owing ANY money upfront. Even if you make $0, (which you

won’t), there is NO risk.

- No website needed – Everything is done on the crowd

funding sites

- High returns – You can keep the money you receive and

pay yourself back for the money you’ve spent on other


- Quick reviews – You’re able to tell your fan base /

contributors about your launch and get quick reviews via

the Updates section of the campaign.

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- Fan base – Contributors are INTERESTED in your success

and your book!

- Simple – Set it and forget it!

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F AC E B OOK GR OUP I’ve created a Facebook group that anyone that has read my Kindle

WSOs can join. This group will serve a resource for any member to

ask questions in and receive a direct response from myself or other


Please note that there are no promo posts allowed in this group. We

don’t want to fill the group with spam; there are plenty of resources

available for you to publish your book in.

This can be the ultimate resource if you choose to use it. I’ve found

much support from Kindle groups such as the one I’ve created for


Join the group here:

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1448938851992919/. Please

mind the rules!

I will personally accept you into the group.

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C ON CL USI ON Now you’ve created an IndieGoGo campaign for funding your book.

Now, whatever money you make from this campaign can be

used to:

- Pay outsourcing costs for creating your book

- Pay for Fiverr gigs for formatting, cover design, etc.

- Cover art

- Video editing

- Editing for your book

- Promotion costs

- PPC ads

- Outsourcing the creation of extras for your Email List

.... and More!

Regardless, you are making money here that you would not have

made otherwise.

You can use this money to fund all of the above tasks.

You receive your money after your campaign is over! During that

time, write your product and prep your content! Use the SAME

VideoHive video template and description + perks you’ve used for

other projects! Just simply change around the benefits of your

product. All of the information about you should remain unchanged,

so you’ve already done most of the work already once you’ve done

this once!

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Create your campaign and see campaign funds roll in!

Please post a reply in my WSO thread with any helpful thoughts or


To your success,

Mike Balmaceda Joe Balmaceda