Demystifying Programmatic TV

Demystifying Programmatic TV - 4C Webinar - Sept 2016

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Demystifying Programmatic TV

Audience Targeting for TV

Q. What demo buys vinyl?

Proprietary and confidential. ©2016 4C Insights, Inc. 3

A. Everyone!

Proprietaryandconfidential.©20164CInsights,Inc. 4Source: Music Watch Inc.



Limitations of today’s audience building methods

Purchase data, survey data, CRM/1st party data is not ideal for building audience targeting segments for television

Not great for prospecting new customersSmall sample sizeLack of customizationLag time slows you down


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What Data to Use??

Social Data = “The Limitless Panel”

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Social Audience Targeting

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Create your ideal definition of a target audience not one that’s pre-packaged

Target audiences never available to you before


Use fresh data versus studies done months or years ago

Leverage a rolling data set of recent consumer behavior


1.6 billion people vs. 40,000 households

Unbiased, demo audiences in local markets can be small and invite bias to your targeting and measurement

Examples of Social Audiences

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Consumers who have engaged with

your brand on social media.

Consumers who use certain keywords or

mention specific social handles.

Consumers who have engaged with specific programs

and movies.

Consumers who have engaged with

your competitors but not your brand.

TV and Social Are Already Intertwined


Social Drives TV Viewership


Consumers Watch and Socialize Simultaneously


Social engagement is already a key indicator for TV marketers


“A few years ago, the only thing that mattered was ratings. Now what

matters more is the level of social engagement around the content.”

Keith Hindle, CEO, Digital and Branded Entertainment, FremantleMedia

4C Social Audience Targeting for Television

The first market solution for TV advertisers to target customizable audience segments based on

the real actions, interests, and connections of over 1.6 billion social media consumers

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4C’s Data Science Approach to Social Data

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4C’s data science detects the strength of connection between hundreds of millions of consumers and brands on Facebook and Twitter.

This scoring system of trillions of social interactions to determine the strength of connection between consumers and brands

This patent-pending Affinity Analysis has had market success for years:

4C’s industry leading self-service social advertising platform offers powerful, Affinity-driven targeting segmentation that outperforms native platform targeting

4C’s differentiated analytics suite leverages Affinity data to help brands, agencies, and networks better plan and allocate marketing resources



Affinity Analysis of the Target Audiences

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1. Tap into Facebook and TwitterPublically available, non-PII engagement data

Billions of engagements, trillions of calculations

2. Identify your target audiences

3. Score social media consumers by affinity

4. Build TV program “fingerprint” of that audience

TV viewing patterns cross demos

“You are what you watch”

5. Score the TV program affinity (4C patent pending algorithm)

Correlate to Respondent Level Data

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Match to linear panel• Works with what you’re doing today but applicable to any

viewership data set

Output respondent level target for loading into an optimizer/planner

Fits into Your Existing Process

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Load output into any analysis system supported by NPM respondent level data (i.e. NPower) to create custom audiences

Load into optimizer (Tardis, Lake 5, Rovi, etc.)

Rank custom audiences(Programs, networks, dayparts, etc.)

Plan and buy based on custom audiences

Post-Campaign Measurement

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Reach Measurement • Did I reach more of my custom audiences or not?

Response Measurement• 4C provides social engagement lift

Closed Loop

• Measure back to objective metrics

• Sales, leads, etc.

Case Study


TV Ads Optimized to Social Audience Segment For a Major Motion Picture


Step 1

4C analyzed the people who historically engaged

with a list of recent, successful films which were

similar to the studio’s upcoming release.

Step 2

4C mapped that affinity behavior to respondent

level TV viewership data in order to form a targetable audience segment for TV


Step 3

This socially-optimized target audience segment was then

input into Turner Broadcasting’s TargetingNOW product which

produced an optimal TV schedule for the four-week marketing campaign leading up to the release of the film.


The result was measured by analyzing the lift in social engagement that occurred within 2 minutes before and 2 minutes after each commercial for the film aired, across each TV ad that ran for the entire film campaign on all TV networks. We then aggregated the lift scores for each TV ad and calculated Turner’s average lift versus other cable networks’ average lift.


The optimized Turner schedule generated a 2.89x lift in social engagement with the film versus other cable advertising during the same period.

Measurement and Results


For more information…

For more information on Programmatic TV, download our white paper.
