Digital Marketing Strategy MKT 40900 University College Dublin

Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin

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This project involved preparing a digital marketing strategy for The Butler's Pantry which recommends a strategy designed to achieve an increase in sales within the next six months and targeting a younger audience. Members of the group were: Emer Ni Cheidigh (ie.linkedin.com/in/nicheidigh/) Olivier Lacroix (http://ie.linkedin.com/in/olivierlacroix) Lenka Matecna (http://ie.linkedin.com/pub/lenka-matecna/29/541/876) Cariona Neary (http://ie.linkedin.com/in/carionaneary) Mark Doherty (http://ie.linkedin.com/pub/mark-doherty/57/558/843)

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Page 1: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin

Digital  Marketing  Strategy  MKT  40900  -­  University  College  Dublin

Page 2: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin


Executive Summary The Butler’s Pantry, a network of 10 shops based in up-market Dublin suburbs, is seeking to

attract a new market segment, the 25 – 45 year old ABC1 Dublin male and female consumer,

while retaining its relatively loyal 45+-customer base.

Its current product offering is a combination of premium quality ready meals and bakery

products with just 1% of sales coming from online purchases.

The marketplace is highly competitive. At the lower price range, supermarkets are offering a

wide range of ready meals while at the upper end, there are a number of more competitors with

a more appealing offering for the new target market, in particular, Donnybrook Fair.

In this report, we focus on digital marketing strategies to achieve four objectives:

• Increase awareness and customer acquisition and sales in the new target market;

• Reposition the brand to reflect more clearly the health and dietary value of the

products, emphasizing the artisan nature of the business

• Increase online and in-shop sales through higher customer engagement and specific

calls to action;

• Build sales in B2B and B2C channels, integrating brand communications across all

digital touch points.

Our main pillars to improve acquisition, engagement and sales is through greater engagement

with the local community, increased ecommerce through more compelling online offers and

increased online engagement via relevant social media and other digital marketing tools. The

business objective is to increase sales by 8% in 6 months, from June to December 2014,

supported by a budget of €100,000.

While we have made some suggestions to increase The Butler’s Pantry distribution channel,

including sales via other retail outlets and outdoor events, the focus of this report is the

activation of a digital strategy. The strategy for the wider marketing mix, including, branding

(name and logo), pricing, product ranges, are outside the scope of this study.

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary!..........................................................................................................!1!

Company overview!...........................................................................................................!7!

Market analysis!................................................................................................................!8!Competitive analysis!...................................................................................................................!8!Digital Footprint!.........................................................................................................................!9!The Food Service Sector – a Quick Overview!...........................................................................!11!Trends worth Tracking!.............................................................................................................!11!Unique selling points of the services offered!.............................................................................!14!TOWS!.......................................................................................................................................!15!BUSINESS OBJECTIVES AND DIGITAL GOALS!...............................................................!16!

Business Objectives!.......................................................................................................................!16!Digital Objectives!..........................................................................................................................!16!

Current and potential customers!..............................................................................................!17!New Product Initiatives!............................................................................................................!18!Market Positioning!...................................................................................................................!21!Positioning Map!........................................................................................................................!22!Buyer Personas!.........................................................................................................................!23!Mapping buyer personas to digital channels!............................................................................!26!Current Marketing!...................................................................................................................!27!

Website strategy!.............................................................................................................!28!

Opening The Butler’s Pantry eCommerce doors!...........................................................!34!The New Marketing Paradigm for The Butler’s Pantry – Converged Media!..........................!37!

Digital Advertising Strategy!...........................................................................................!38!Overview!...................................................................................................................................!38!Display Advertising!...................................................................................................................!38!Pay Per Click Advertising!.........................................................................................................!38!Remarketing Advertising!..........................................................................................................!39!

Proposed Social Media Strategy!.....................................................................................!40!Facebook Strategy!....................................................................................................................!40!Editorial calendar!.....................................................................................................................!41!Digital objectives and KPI’s!.....................................................................................................!42!

KPI’s!.............................................................................................................................................!42!Facebook advertising!................................................................................................................!43!Twitter Strategy!........................................................................................................................!44!

Editorial Calendar!.........................................................................................................................!45!KPI’s!.............................................................................................................................................!46!Twitter advertising!........................................................................................................................!47!

Instagram!..................................................................................................................................!48!Recommended Themes!.................................................................................................................!48!Instragram competitions!................................................................................................................!49!

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The Butler’s Pantry Blog!..........................................................................................................!50!Table 19: Sample Blog Topics!......................................................................................................!51!Improve Impact of Blog by adding Google Rich Snippets!............................................................!52!Optimising for Rich Snippets!........................................................................................................!52!Optimising for SEO!.......................................................................................................................!53!Distribution of Blog!.......................................................................................................................!55!

LinkedIn Strategy!.....................................................................................................................!57!

Email marketing!.............................................................................................................!59!KPI's for email marketing!..............................................................................................................!60!

YouTube Strategy!...........................................................................................................!61!Editorial Calander!....................................................................................................................!61!KPI’s!.........................................................................................................................................!62!YouTube Advertising!................................................................................................................!62!

Overall budget!................................................................................................................!63!

Implementation plan!......................................................................................................!64!


APPENDIX I!..................................................................................................................!68!

APPENDIX II!.................................................................................................................!69!

APPENDIX III!...............................................................................................................!74!

APPENDIX IV!................................................................................................................!83!

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List of Tables Table 1: Siginificant consumer Food Trend for The Butler’s Pantry 11

Table 2: TWOS analysis of the Butler’s Pantry 14

Table 3: Current and potential customers 16

Table 4: New Product Initiatives 17

Table 5: Ecommerce 18

Table 6: Mapping Buyer Person’s to Digital Channels 26

Table 7: Current Marketing 27

Table 8: Website SEO 32

Table 9: Digital Advertising Budget 39

Table 10: Editorial Calendar 41

Table 11: KPI’s 42

Table 12: Facebook Advertising Budget 43

Table 13: Twitter Editorial Calendar 45

Table 14: Twitter KPI’s 46

Table 15: Twitter Advertising Budget 47

Table 16: Instagram Themes 48

Table 17: Instagram Competition Ideas 49

Table 18: Blog Content 50

Table 19: Sample Blog Topics 51

Table 20: Optimisin for Rich Snippets 52

Table 21: Optimising for SEO 53

Table 22: YouTube Edititorial Calendar 61

Table 23: Overall budget 63

Table 24: Implementation plan 65

Table 25: Original review of competitors and star ratings 68

Table 26: Brand positioning and coherence 69

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Table 27: Google Adwords Ad group 1 – Quick & Ready Made Meals 74

Table 28: Google Adwords Ad group 2 – Healthily Eating & Recipes 75

Table 29: Google Adwords Ad group 3 – Food Delivery 79

Table 30: Google Adwords Ad group 4 – Catering 80

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List of Figures

Figure 1: The Butler’s Pantry Competitor Analysis 7

Figure 2: Comparison of Butler’s Pantry Competitors Online and Social Media experience 8

Figure 3: Reference model: Model of Ecommerce Website Quality Evaluation 9

Figure 4: Emotive Images essential to drive engagement 12

Figure 5: Food Service Trends 12

Figure 6: Brand positioning Map 21

Figure 7: Paid, owned, earned and shared media 27

Figure 8: Website strategy 28

Figure 9: Website Strategy 29

Figure 10: Website strategy 30

Figure 11: Website strategy 30

Figure 12: Website strategy 31

Figure 13: E-commerce 35

Figure 14: E-commerce 36

Figure 15: The New Marketing Paradigm for The Butler’s Pantry Coverged Media 37

Figure 16: Sample Instagram Competition 49

Figure 17: Linkedin advertising 58

Figure 18: Email Marketing 59

Figure 19: Sample Google Adwords Campaign Copy 83

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Company overview The Butler’s Pantry is a network of premium Irish food stores located across County Dublin. It

currently has 10 branches with the flagship branch located in Castleknock, opened in May

2013. Other branches are located in local communities such as Donnybrook, Sandymount,

Rathgar, Clontarf, Blanchardstown, Bray and Greystones.

The Butler’s Pantry offers high quality home-style food that is prepared by qualified chefs

from fresh artisan ingredients. The product range has a short shelf life as it is freshly prepared

and is free of preservatives.

Founded in 1987 by Eileen Bergin, the brand has strong recognition among ABC1 customers,

aged 45+, typically people with good income that don’t have time to cook and prefer the

quality of home-style food.

The brand name and food offering has become dated and is facing strong competition from

supermarkets such as M&S which offer premium prepared dishes at very competitive prices.

Newer, more exciting outlets such as Donnybrook Fair are also offering artisans prepared

foods. The Butler’s Pantry is seeking to rebrand itself to appeal to a younger demographic (25

– 45 y/o) and is looking for new channels and products to attract the new customer base.

At the moment, The Butler’s Pantry food offering consists from ready-made meals, purchased

directly in the shops and food catering for corporate business and for personal events (15% of

revenue). Online sales of hampers at just 1% of turnover are also under-performing.

In our Market Analysis, we look examine the market potential and company capabilities to

identify a growth strategy for the organization.

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Market analysis

Competitive analysis There is no single food company in Ireland competing directly with The Butler’s Pantry in

terms of retail outlets, range of quality pre-cooked dishes, confectionery and bread products.

However, there are competitors that are performing well in each of these areas. Avoca has a

national reputation for excellent food but is not positioned as a solution for time-pressed

customers to pick up food on their way to and from work. Donnybrook Fair competes in the

artisan food space as well as food on the go, appealing in particular to the younger market. KC

Peaches is a smaller competitor, competing for food on the go for office workers. The Happy

Pear is a strong competitor in the organic and artisan food market. It is by far the strongest

performer in digital marketing. Meal deals in supermarkets, particularly M&S and Tesco’s

Finest range, are also competing for the dining in experience.

In our Competitor Analysis, we are using Kim & Mauborgne’s Value Curve (1997) to

compare the performance of the core competitors against the elements that make up The

Butler’s Pantry Value Proposition in respect of the new target market of the young, urban and

relatively affluent consumer.

Figure 4: The Butler’s Pantry Competitor Analysis











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The supermarkets, in particular, Marks & Spencer’s, SuperValu and Tesco’s Finest are also

competing with The Butler’s Pantry in the ready-meal space with M&S providing the most

direct competition in terms of its strong association with high food quality. The Butler’s

Pantry has, to date, not created a clear enough positioning to help its brand stand out in an ever

more crowded market.

Digital Footprint As the main thrust of this campaign will be based on digital marketing, we pay special

atention to the consumer’s online experience, using the e-Commerce website quality assurance

evaluation proposed by Parasuraman et al (2007), Qin et al (2008) and Khurana (2013) we

have listed 5 factors to compare competitor website performance. In addition, we compare the

performance of each of the competitors’ social media presence and consumer engagement.

Figure 5: Comparison of Butler’s Pantry Competitors Online and Social Media


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Figure 6: Reference model: Model of Ecommerce Website Quality Evaluation

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The Food Service Sector – a Quick Overview The food service sector, valued at €6.07 billion, is emerging from decline and will grow over the next

five years (Bord Bia, 2013). The café sector, together with food served in pubs, represents the second

highest share of the market, at 32% is worth almost €2 bn and growing, while the fastest growing

sector remains the quick service restaurants at 37%. International trends (Café Bakery Trends, 2011)

indicate that café bakeries are one of the fastest growing fast casual sectors in the US and UK,

particularly for cafes that serve baked products, such as breads and confectionary.

Café Nerro is to spend €20 million opening 40 shops over the next four years in Ireland, opening on

average ten per year. This UK chain will compete directly with The Butler’s Pantry to win the young,

urban consumer (Irish Foodservice Newsletter, April 2014).

Trends worth Tracking

Top 7 Relevant Food Service Facts for The Butler’s Pantry

1. Lunch market: Only 16% of at work consumers buy lunch to bring back to the office.

2. Average lunch spend is €6.24, with 40% consuming sandwiches. Majority bring in lunch from


3. Key drivers of lunch time choice are budget, ingredients and calories.

4. For take away meals, in 2013 only 2% of consumers went to a premium fast food outlet, such as The

Butler’s Pantry, on a weekly basis, down from 7% in 2009.

5. Some 26% of consumers claimed to buy ‘meal deals’ in supermarkets instead of going to


6. Superfoods perform well in terms of digital buzz created by food bloggers, however only 4% of

consumers actively seek out superfood ingredients.

7. By comparison, buying local is much more motivational, with 70% saying it was either very or quite


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Global Food Trends

An Bord Bia identifies six global consumer trends (Consumer Lifestyle Trends, 2012) that drive

consumer choice. Three of these major trends are of significance to The Butler’s Pantry.

Table 7: Siginificant consumer Food Trend for The Butler’s Pantry

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Figure 4: Emotive Images essential to drive engagement

Figure 5: Food Service Trends

To Emotive images appeal to the trend hungry, young urban consumer, The Butler’s Pantry

will have to become a food trend spotter. Food trends typically last 12 – 18 months so to be

seen as a leader in this field, The Butler’s Pantry can blog about trends, their merits and

thereby become more visible under new search terms while demonstrating their food

knowledge. By posting a picture on Instagram and Facebook of a dish with the hashtag of one

or more of the food trend terms, then tweeting and driving traffic to a blog, The Butler’s

Pantry can drive up traffic in its target market.

Trendy food searches:


Free from…. Dairy free, gluten free




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Unique selling points of the services offered The Butler’s Pantry offers a wide range of products that are selling to their customers. In order

to formulate a proper strategy, we have to identify the unique benefits or selling points of the

brand. The Butler’s Pantry main selling points are:

• Artisan ingredients used in the preparation of the food

• Home style preparation of the food (cooking)

• 10 stores located in the relatively wealthy Dublin suburbs

• Ability to accommodate any type of event (catering for private and corporate


• Short shelf life (no use of the gas flushing comparing to their competitors)

• Selling handcrafted food

• Dedicated staff makes a difference in customer experience

• Supporting local communities

• Working with great quality respected Irish suppliers

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TOWS Using a TOWS analysis, we can – in one matrix – capture the key strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats and create strategies to leverage Butler’s strengths, while minimizing

its challenges. This will, in turn, help us to identify the best growth strategy for the business.

Table 8: TWOS analysis of the Butler’s Pantry

The Butler’s pantry has two strategic tasks:

1. Offensive strategy – to capture market share in the new target market of younger

consumers who are more digitally active;

2. Defensive strategy - create a distinct and compelling positioning strategy that sets it

apart from the very crowded competitive market.

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Business Objectives

• From June-December 2014 increase overall sales by 8% by targeting an additional

substantial segment, the younger 25-45 consumers. While all our strategies bring benefits

to the whole business, we are focusing our main online and offline activities to attract this

new segment.

• Build brand awareness and local sales through community engagement

• Increase ecommerce activity to drive online orders, in particular, dine in offers and special

occasion offers.

• Increase B2B and B2C sales through out of store catering events to reach 10% of total


• Introduce additional channel of distribution via select Dublin-based SuperValu outlets.

Digital Objectives

• To increase online sales from the current 1% of sales to 10% of sales by December 2014.

• To provide a user friendly website experience by improving the design, functionality and

content of the website.

• To create an effective ecommerce shopping experience that leads to sales conversions.

• To provide greater consumer engagement by increasing channels of communication,

through blogging, e-mail marketing and social media activity.

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Current and potential customers Through a highly focused digital marketing strategy, the Butler’s Pantry will be able to re-

configure its revenue model to generate more catering and online sales. In this report, we

demonstrate how each of these goals can be achieved.

Table 9: Current and potential customers

Goal in terms of increase in total revenue from the start of the campaign for the next six

months: 8% uplift in sales based on additional revenue from increased footfall driven by better

optimized marketing programs, improved online and catering sales.

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New Product Initiatives 1. New Product Initiatives

a. Community

We recommend that further efforts be made to build on The Butler’s Pantry’s role

within the community. We recommend that in store events and online promotions

are organized to get the whole community involved and encouraged to visit the

shops or purchase online. Examples of such events are as:

Table 10: New Product Initiatives

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b. Own brand coffee capsules

In October 2013 the Nespresso European patent on coffee capsules lapsed. From

some focus groups and surveys we undertook the majority of Nespresso coffee

capsule users loved the convenience of the capsules but found it inconvenient to

purchase in bulk online or to visit the Grafton Street store. Nespresso customers

also find that the quality of the coffee to be poor. We believe that there is an

opportunity for The Butler’s Pantry to supply high quality coffee in capsules for

consumers. Customers can either purchase in store or online and collect from the

store or have them delivered to their homes. We recommend an ecommerce

monthly subscription model such as Craft Coffee, Mistobox or Tonx in the USA.

This will be more convenient for customers and ensure a regular flow of income

for The Butler’s Pantry. Flavors, the convenience and customer feedback with be

fed online, along with Google search and display adverts.

c. Ecommerce

To expand on the ecommerce business we recommend adding the following

product offerings and heavily promote them online.

Table 11: Ecommerce

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d. Business to Business

The Butler’s Pantry caters fantastically for private domestic parties such as

Christenings. There is opportunity to cater for small corporate meetings and

conferences, proving lunches, snacks, teas and coffees directly to the meetings.

There is also an opportunity to deliver lunches to offices within the locality of the

10 The Butler’s Pantry stores or to cater for the canteens in these offices. The

primary online methods to promote these services will be via LinkedIn, blogs and

direct mail.

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Market Positioning Over the last 10 years it is clear that The Butler’s Pantry brand and market position has

suffered as a result of new competitors entering the market place and the economic downturn

which occurred in 2007. Over time we have seen variations in the marketplace and product

offerings develop which has further eroded The Butler’s Pantry brand due to a lack of

innovation from their offering.

Originally The Butler’s Pantry brand would have been a sign of premium quality food which a

consumer can take home, reheat and consume in their own time for a fraction of what it would

cost to go for a meal of apparent similar quality in a restaurant. However alongside the

introduction of retailer’s own brand offerings, the perception of The Butler’s Pantry has

shifted from a cost effective solution to going out for a meal in a restaurant to an expensive

ready meal alternative. The key issue here is a lack of communication to establish the

personality of the brand and drive awareness of the superior quality ingredients and

preparation which goes into every dish.

Separate to the arrival of low budget ready meals other retailers such as Avoca and

Donnybrook Fair have also entered the market and established a strong brand alongside a

range of premium product offerings. The key takeaway from these premium retailers is the

level of success they have experienced with their other products. Donnybrook Fair have firmly

established themselves as suppliers of great quality meats from their butchers counter,

premium coffee baristas and a seller of fine wines and champagnes in some stores. Similarly

Avoca have also introduced other brands and food manufacturers such as Poulet Bonne

Femme which have proved to be incredibly popular and an effective way of bringing in

customers to try their own branded products and meals.

For The Butler’s Pantry they appear to have done little to widen their core offering for their

customers. While they still have established products such as their ready meals and their

bakery they have not been as successful when introducing new products such as their ready-

made sandwiches and soups as the same business model does not apply in this much more

competitive market.

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Positioning Map Figure 6: Brand positioning Map

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Buyer Personas Buyer personas are three dimensional market segment profiles that help to clarify the

demographic, psychographic and need states of different types of consumers as well as their

media habits. This in turn helps us select value propositions and communicate motivating

messages through relevant channels for each persona.

Meet Lesley Yummy-Mummy!

Lesley is 32 years old married mum with one child, who is living in Sandymount and is very

busy with her career as an accountant. She is trying to balance her life career with her family.

She loves good quality food but lately she has no time for cooking. She is aware of the brand,

but doesn’t visit The Butler’s Pantry, as she doesn’t really know what they are offering.

Lesley spends a lot of time online (medium internet user – about 5 hours per day). She is very

active on Facebook and Twitter for updates and has a profile on LinkedIn for work. She uses

Pinterest, but doesn’t have an Instagram account. Google+ is another platform that she likes to


Lesley’s life motto: Hoping, inspiring, believing!

The Butler’s Pantry value proposition for Lesley: The Butler’s Pantry is offering premium

quality food for you and your family, a nutritrious alternative and handcrafted alternative to

home cooking – perfect when you’re really tired and want to give yourself a small treat.

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Meet Brian GoodLife!

Brian is young IT worker, who loves good food, without having to cook it himself. He is 28

years old and is still living with his parents in Bray. He likes good quality brands and drives a

BMW. He likes to stay fit and runs regularly. His parents go to The Butler’s Pantry, but he

doesn’t. He likes their food, but is looking for broader offering on the go. He is heavy Internet

user (up to 8 hours per day) and is present on all social media channels. His favorite social

medium is Twitter and he tweets almost all the time. Instagram is another platform that he

prefers. He answers his emails instantly.

Brian’s life motto: Struggle you feel today will offer you strength tomorrow!

The Butler’s Pantry value proposition for Brian: The Butler’s Pantry is offering healthy,

high performance, nutritious food that will keep you going all day for a very reasonable price!

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Meet Trish Techco

Trish works for an international software company, based in the Grand Canal dock area. The

company prides itself on looking after its employees, making sure they have a great working

environment. Her company has a top quality in-house cafe for its staff, with free coffee on the

go all day and heavily subsidised meals and snacks. Many of the staff are under 35 and like to

lead healthy lifestyles. It is also a multicultural team, so Trish has to ensure that all food

served is suitable for different cultures and preferences.

Every Friday they invite different premium caterers to come in and provide a fresh and

exciting hot and cold menu for the staff. Sometimes they are celebrating international

holidays, such as the 4th of July or Bastille Day. She is always on the lookout for something

new and exciting but is vigilant about only working with companies that have a strong quality

ethos. Even better if the company has some funky food ideas. Price isn’t her first priority but it

is a factor in her choice. For her, she wants a company that can come in and fit in with the

cool culture her company likes to create. She is a high internet user and wants a company that

looks as good online as it does in reality.

Trish’s life motto: Be brief, be bright, and be gone!

Butler’s Pantry value proposition for Trish: Butler’s Pantry can offer the big food

experience, Irish ingredients served in a contemporary and surprising style. Our sourcing is

ethical and completely transparent. Our experience in catering means you don’t need any!

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Mapping buyer personas to digital channels

Table below shows relevant digital channels for each of our buyer personas. It is extremely

important to target effectively and not waste resources on the channels that are not relevant to

the buyer persona.

Table 12: Mapping Buyer Person’s to Digital Channels

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Current Marketing Figure 7: Paid, owned, earned and shared media

Table 7: Current Marketing

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Website strategy There are many reasons why a business should have a presence online: For the brand

awareness, the accessibility or even for driving more sales. And probably for all these reasons,

The Butler’s Pantry have invested some time and money to have a website that represents the

brand and the different shops located in Dublin. The issue is that after couple of minutes on

their website, we are actually wondering what they are trying to achieve. Is it to sell more

products via their e-commerce, is it showcasing the different meals that they are selling, or

maybe communicating on all the new offers that are happening at the moment. If we are

looking at their analytics account, we can notice that they have only 37% of returning visitors

on their website. We would expect a number close to 50%, which means that most of visitors

don’t feel the need to come back on their site. This could be because of the content, navigation

or the products that they sell.

Figure 8: Website strategy

Pulling numbers from Analytics again, visitors coming from mobile represents 27% of their

visitors and will logically goes up following the actual trend. We will need a website


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Figure 9: Website Strategy

If we take the 10 most visited pages to understand what people are looking for, we have:

E The menu page containing the menu (/food-for-now-landing)

o People want to know what they are selling

E Contact us page

o People want to contact them or know where the shops are

- Food for entertaining

People want to know what they are selling

E Food for entertaining for communion

People want to know what they can do for events like communions

E Food ethos

o People want to know who they are and what are their values.

In conclusion: Considering that most of people are coming through branded keywords, this

data is confirming that visitors want to know more details about the products and services they

are selling (Big opportunity for the e-commerce), as well as information about who they are,

what are theirs values and how can we reach out to them.

Last piece of data, let’s have a look on terms that people are searching for via the search bar in

the website.

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Figure 10: Website strategy

These are extremely low numbers compared to the total number of visits but it confirms our

idea of people who want to know more about what they are selling, especially around special

family events with cakes and food like this.

Considering all this data that we gathered together, here is what we suggest:

The website should have one main focus: Converting people. Driving them to the items that

they are looking for and make them pay on the website. Ideally, we should integrate the

website and the e-commerce section together to avoid any “cut” in the sales process. We

presume for some technical reasons, it won’t unfortunately happen on the Butler website.

Considering this, here is the new structure:

Figure 11: Website strategy

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From the home page, we should have access to:

E “Our food” sold in the shop ordered by type. Small image, small description, a price

and link to buy it (or pointing to the right page in the ecommerce site).

E “Special events” should be divided in 3 sections: Family, friends and

corporate/Business. Then, in each section, we will have the listing of the

services/products sold including photo, description and price. Order it directly should

be possible.

E “Order online” Should point directly to the e-commerce section. If the integration in

one platform were possible, this link would not exist.

E “Our passion” should be a page dedicated to Butler’s Pantry. Their history, their value,

their team, their story…. With a CTA like contact us pointing to the contact page.

E “What’s on” should be a link to the blog where they are writing on a regular basis

articles about what is going on in the different shops, with their community, their new


E The “Contact us” should point directly to a page including a form to send them a

message as well as the address of all the shops located all across Dublin.

Figure 12: Website strategy

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On the home page, we kept the design considering that the photos are definitely very relevant

and high quality. We have just re-structured the navigation, moving the high-conversion items

of the navigation to the left (human watch from left to right). The bottom pods are now

focused also on conversion with 2 links pointing to the product section and 2 links pointing to

the blog and the community, which are quite important too especially for customer retention.

Our last offer will be highlighted in the spotlight area with a link pointing directly to the e-

commerce section.

In terms of A/B testing, we should definitely test the home page, trying different type of offer,

different type of CTA, different photos. The metrics would be CTR as well as converted


On a SEO perspective, we will focus the website on branded keywords to keep our traffic

coming in. The blog will be focus on non-branded keywords by creating content focused on

topics like recipes, events.

Here are the recommendations of title and description for each of the main categories:

Table 8: Website SEO

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Final point, to make sure our website is performing well, we willtrack specific KPIs:

E Traffic: Traffic will be key in our strategy and will be a good indicator of our

awareness level

E Website conversion: How many people are converting compared to number of people

who visit the website.

E How much money do we make through the website. At the end of the day, this is the

most important one.

E Time spent on the site and number of pages visited: Good indicator of our website


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Opening The Butler’s Pantry eCommerce doors As already highlighted in our strategy we believe that there is a clear opportunity to expand

the product offering online and increase sales through the online store. At the moment there is

a distinct shortage of products available to purchase online via The Butler’s Pantry website.

By expanding this product offering we plan to attract more customers to The Butler’s Pantry

website and also engage more with those customers. New product offerings will include the

availability of The Butler’s Pantry branded coffee capsules, the ability to purchase ready

meals, along with daily and weekly specials.

Alongside the inclusion of a new set of products which consumers will be able to buy online

and get delivered to their home or collect from their nearest store there are a number of

changes which we feel must be made to the ecommerce section of The Butler’s Pantry website

in order to make it a smooth and hassle free experience for customers when buying online.

The two core areas we are recommend changes be made are in the checkout experience and

the navigational menus.

From a checkout perspective we believe that the current ecommerce store needs to be

redesigned so that it is a cohesive and uniform customer journey from browsing to checkout.

We have identified the following elements to change in order to refine the checkout process:

1. Include ADD TO CART button below all products listed on a product category page

without the rollover effect. (See below for mock-up outlining proposed changes.)

2. Reposition the ADD TO CART and ENQUIRE buttons to sit at the top of the product

3. Listing page and also use a different colour for each button in order to allow customers to

easily differentiate between each option. (See below for mock-up outlining proposed


4. Improve styling of the item description on product listing page.

5. Integrate a different credit card processing system i.e. Stripe.

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Overall the navigation system currently in place on The Butler Pantry store is confusing and

difficult to use. We recommend that the expandable menu system currently in place be

replaced by a more straightforward dropdown to list the different procut categories. Also as

we add new products to the site it will become very important that users are able to access

popular items in as few clicks as possible. For this reason we will included a number of

popular products/special deals to the homepage of The Butler’s Pantry store so that a user can

find what they are looking for as quickly as possible.

Figure 13: E-commerce

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Figure 14: E-commerce

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The New Marketing Paradigm for The Butler’s Pantry – Converged Media “Marketers are now required to develop scale and expertise in owned and earned media to

drive effectiveness, cultivate creative ideas, assess customer needs, cultivate influencers,

develop reach, achieve authenticity, and cut through clutter.” (Lieb et al, 2012) In our

marketing strategy for The Butler’s Pantry, we are recognising that new and existing

customers will experience the brand through combinations of owned, paid and earned media.

Through co-ordinating closely both traditional and digital activities and tactics, we will align

the brand across every customer touch-point.

Figure 15: The New Marketing Paradigm for The Butler’s Pantry Coverged Media

In our strategy we are recognising the convergence between the various social channels and co-

ordinating campaigns across multiple channels, as this is how the customer will experience The

Butler’s Pantry brand. A recipe (owned) promoted via social media platforms will generate earned

media through sharing and improved SEO performance.

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Digital Advertising Strategy

Overview Online digital advertising will serve 3 purposes in this digital strategy.

1. To raise awareness of the revamped website and online store offering.

2. To bring The Butler’s Pantry to the top of SERPs for users in their search for food online.

3. To retarget and re-engage with users who have already visited The Butler’s Pantry


Display Advertising In order to raise awareness we are recommending a series of display advertising campaign on

high profile Irish based placements. By association this will help improve the Butler’s Pantry

brand and should also deliver a high click through based on relevance. We feel that websites

such as Her.ie, Eumom and The Daily Edge will serve as the perfect base to drive appropriate

traffic to The Butler’s Pantry website. By using display ads such as leader boards we can

utilise The Butler’s Pantry’s assets to attract traffic, which in this situation is, it’s food. By

including images of their products we will be able to display one of the core brand values,

which is fresh food, made everyday.

Pay Per Click Advertising At a PPC level we will focus on a select number of keywords as listed in Appendix X to drive

targeted traffic to The Butler’s Pantry website. Upon analysis of The Butler’s Pantry Google

Analytics account we can see that between January 1st 2014 April 30th 2014 44 out of the 50

most used keywords involve the term Butler’s Pantry in some format. Currently there does not

appear to be bidding on Butler’s Pantry related searches. For this reason we are

recommending a series of PPC campaigns which will focus on a set amount of keywords

which have no relevance to the words The Butler’s Pantry. While this is likely to be an

expensive campaign at the start costs should lower overtime as our quality score improves due

to the additional products which will be added to the store and the blog posts which we plan to

publish. For a full list of adgroups, keywords and our proposed key performance indicators

please see Appendixes III towards the end of the report.

Page 40: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin


We also recommend that a portion of the PPC campaign budget is allocated to allow us to run

a series of ads to target catering related searches. For this campaign we will focus on the

keywords catering and caterers along with a number of phrase match variations which users

may use when searching for catering. This should help us increase awareness of the office

catering offering and increase sales for all catering offerings online and in-store.

In terms of campaign duration we envision the PPC campaign to last 6 months with a daily

spend of €50. We will then allocate an additional €500 to be used at a later stage to support

specific business objectives such as the Friday Meal Deals. With this budget we expect to

receive 800 ad impressions a day with an estimated 17 clicks per day giving a click-through

rate of 2.1%. This will give us roughly 144,000 ad impressions and just over 3,000 clicks over

the course of the 6-month campaign.

For sample campaign ads please see Appendix IV.

Remarketing Advertising

As The Butler’s Pantry website evolves and products begin to ship we will also create a

remarketing list for user who have access The Butler’s Pantry online store and have viewed

products. Via the Google Display Network we will then be able to retarget visitors in order to

bring them back to The Butler’s Pantry website and to entice them with the latest deals and

special offers available.

Table 9: Digital Advertising Budget

Digital Advertising Budget (6 months)





Page 41: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin


Proposed Social Media Strategy

Facebook Strategy Facebook serves as primary source of connecting customers to the brand and making the

brand more personal and engaging (serves as online customer service). In order to have a full

digital strategy, The Butler’s Pantry will need to focus its marketing activities on developing

community feeling with its local communities through engaging activities and events like

baking pancakes in The Butler’s Pantry on Pancakes day, decorating eggs on Easter, carving

pumpkins on Halloween and decking the halls on Christmas and promoting these on


As well The Butler’s Pantry should focus on promoting the whole product range with strong

visuals and storytelling about the brand and its key personnel to always make the brand more

personal and stand out. Facebook strategy should include as well the use of popular #hashtags

to increase the brand awareness and promote the brand through Facebook advertising

platform. It is proven that brand can increase the traffic to website through use of links on

Facebook advertising (Fitysocial media, 2013).

The Butler’s Pantry has currently 1524 likes and 10 retail shops around Dublin area.

Donnybrook Fair has 1955 likes KC Peaches has 3874 likes. It is important to change the

profile image for stronger visual of the ready-made meals (maybe a collage of the whole range

they are offering) and not the current image of bread – this image is not engaging. The same

applies for the Butler’s Pantry logo that is not in high quality and needs to be changed for

high-resolution version.

It is crucial to have links to internal pages of the website to achieve higher CTR and the text

shouldn’t be longer than 100 characters. Washenko (2012) suggests a use of historical photos

to memorize the milestones to get more engagement. Proposed editorial calendar below

should be followed to reach the best exposure and reach and promote the unique benefits of

the brand. Currently the brand primarily promotes the dessert range and the chocolate

products, completely ignoring the full range of products. It is important to have simple

effective images and use the right tone of voice to target the customers (in this case to target

Lesley and Brian). Facebook shouldn’t be used solely for sales objectives, this is secondary

objective. Hootsuite will be used for auto scheduling the posts to get the best exposure.

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Editorial calendar Table 10: Editorial Calendar

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Digital objectives and KPI’s


We would need to set the key performance indicators for this channel in order to see if the

strategy is being successfully implemented. By using the RACE model (reach, act, convert,

engage), we will set relevant key performance indicators for each stage.

Table 11: KPI’s

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Facebook advertising In order to achieve the KPIs given, part of the budget needs to be allocated for Facebook


Table 12: Facebook Advertising Budget

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Twitter Strategy According to Twitter (2014) more that 80% of the people that access Twitter access it though

mobile devices, that means that they are checking the news on the go and following their

popular brands and see what is trending every day. As well, 94% of twitter users research the

products or services they would like to buy through mobile and 56% is influenced by the

content on Twitter when deciding on their purchase. Based on these facts, it is essential to

have strong Twitter presence, follow the influencers in the market and let them share The

Butler’s Pantry news (one of the objectives should be to get the influencers to retweet your

business posts) and start a discussion.

The Butler’s Pantry currently has 1474 followers and Donnybrook Fair has 3830 (with the

new profile). Avoca has 13 800 followers. Huge opportunity arises from use of the new profile

form Twitter (Donnybrook fair & Avoca already have it). This is a must as strong visuals and

stronger impact is necessary and it can be done for free. As the big ideas is to engage with the

communities properly and support the new range of the combination packages, this will be

very well integrated in the timeline of the scheduled post and promoting it by offering free

samples to community and famous Irish influencers, which will be followed by The Butler’s

Pantry. Use of tweet deck is essential to see the conversations happening between the

customer and opportunities for real time engagements and precise targeting. Social Media

examiner (2010) suggests that by implementing Twitter elements to blog the traffic will

increase dramatically. Editorial content is critical to push out the content at the right time and

in order to support the ecommerce on the website. Use of Instagram images is natural

interlinking between the channels.

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Editorial Calendar

Table 13: Twitter Editorial Calendar

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As for every social media channel, we would again need to set of key performance indicators

for Twitter to monitor the investment and the digital objectives that we would like to achieve.

These KPI’s would need to be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time

related. Please see below Twitter KPI's.

Table 14: Twitter KPI’s

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Twitter advertising

In order to achieve the KPIs given, part of the budget needs to be allocated for Twitter


Table 15: Twitter Advertising Budget

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Instagram Food is highly photogenic, often referred to as ‘food porn’, successful food marketers such as

Donal Skehan, place huge emphasis on food images. According to research published by

Forbes, 40% of people respond better to images than plain text while 90% of information that

reaches the brain is visual – hence the rise in infographics. The image sharing platform,

Instagram, is an ideal tool as it is particularly followed by younger audiences, the target of the

Butler’s Pantry digital campaign.

Recommended Themes

Having reviewed sites of successful Instragramers, we recommend 5 themes:

Table 16: Instagram Themes

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Instragram competitions

Promote competitions of customers making particular recipes, drives Google+ratings,

community engagement and promotes interest in The Butler’s Pantry brand, while also fueling

content for all The Butler’s Pantry social media platforms.

Instagram Competition Example:

Figure 16: Sample Instagram Competition

Table 17: Instagram Competition Ideas

Page 51: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin


The Butler’s Pantry Blog The Butler’s Pantry needs to create a regular blog to achieve the following objectives:

• Increase brand awareness and engagement, especially among younger potential customers

• Improve digital footprint through SEO, plus links between blog and social media


• Generate leads for eCommerce as well as shop visits

Table 18: Blog Content

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Table 19: Sample Blog Topics

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Improve Impact of Blog by adding Google Rich Snippets

The Butler’s Pantry currently has a relatively low SEO performance. One way to improve the

visibility of PB’s Blogs is to use Google Rich Snippets which will enable extra details to be

displayed in the SERPs such as author information, pictures, video clips and review ratings.

All of these are highly relevant and motivating for a food-related blog. Pictures of recipes also

work well.

Optimising for Rich Snippets

We recommend the following rich snippets:

Table 20: Optimisin for Rich Snippets

The webmaster tool http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets can be used to test

the functionality of rich snippets before posting a blog.

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Optimising for SEO

Table 21: Optimising for SEO

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Sample BLOG

5 Tips for a Stress-Free Holy Communion Party (title)

By Jacquie Marsh

Get lots of Communion Party plan ahead menus to help you cater for a crowd (meta tag)

Are you planning a Communion party? Easy entertaining at home is what you your guests want, so

let theButler’spantry.ie share our top 5 Tips to help you prepare ahead for your Communion Party. We give

you lots of plan ahead party menu ideas to help you cater for a crowd and offer some thoughts and ideas that

will make planning your party a little bit easier and a lot more fun!

#1 Start Party Planning Early

As soon as you have your date, you should start your planning, particularly if there are a lot of children making

First Holy Communion on the same day in your area. If you decide to use outside caterers, then these will need

to be booked well in advance. A party check list and a budget is usually the best idea. The items to consider and

budget for would include:Number of guests – close family or for the bigger event friends, family, classmates

• Catering – buffet or sit down meal? Will you cook / get party catered?

• Invitations

• Decorations

• Entertainment and activities

#2 The Food

• Get caterers for your main dish – ask friends for recommendations and book early, so you can relax and

enjoy the day. The Butler’s Pantry has prepared a special Holy Communion Party menu.

• If you are a great cook and want to cater yourself keep it simple. Watch our special video tips for

catering for a crowd.

• Ask for help and do as much as you can before the day. You could ask family or friends to bring

desserts and salads.

#3 Tableware & Decorations

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For a truly stress-free day, why not use disposable tableware? No more worry about having enough cutlery and

plates! When the party is over, your work is done. No washup! For decorations, balloons are a must but you can

also create a sophisticated look by colour theming your party. It’s easy and cheap when you simply decide on

two colours and then follow through with your balloons, napkins and flowers.

#4 Back Up Plans for Irish Weather!

It may be the nearly summertime, but the weather is always a little unpredictable. A Gazebo or covered area in

the garden can add to the party atmosphere and keep your guests dry!

#5 Have some fun!

A pinata can be great fun and will keep the children, and adults, happy. The Butler’spantry.ie have a lovely

range of pinatas online.

Enjoy the party – it’s a special day for you too as the parent!

To find your local The Butler’s Pantry, check out theButler’spantry.ie/locations.

Did you like this article? Why not share it with your friends!

Distribution of Blog

Using Wordpress Sharing option to distribute blog via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn

and Google+. After initial launch of blog, tweet, post of Facebook and write a short piece for

LinkedIn, post recipes on Pinterest and gather ratings for recipes for Google+. Post photos and

hashtag #HolyCommunion #partyfood, #catering #BudgetRecipes, #Partyonabudget on


Identify food bloggers through channels such as www.irishfoodbloggers.com

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Examples of Food Blogger relevant for The Butler’s Pantry include:

Dinner du Jour - [email protected] Kristen Jensen, Belpatrick, Smarmore, Ardee, Co. Louth.

English Mum - [email protected]

- Becky Wiggins, Knocktemple, Virginia, Cavan

Gluttony for Beginners – [email protected]

Annette Lindsay, Gladree, Belmullet, Co. Mayo.


[email protected] – Anne Kennedy

icanhascook.wordpress.com – Aoife McElwain (foodie news – Irish Indo magazine – on

her Blog are lists of food bloggers). 086 089 2769 – [email protected]

Ice Cream Ireland - [email protected] < [email protected]>

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LinkedIn Strategy According to Cheryl Connor (2013) LinkedIn is an excellent channel to use for sales

reinforcement. As Forbes (2013) states that 38.5% people who have profile on LinkedIn build

new relationships with potential customers and 28.3% generated identifiable business

opportunities. Due to these high numbers and due to the main activity on LinkedIn, which is

recruiting and connecting people on business level, The Butler’s Pantry would leverage to

have a strategy for LinkedIn.

As the entire 3 buyer personas are relevant for this channel (Brian, Lesley and Trish) certainly

the most important persona is Trish, as she is working for international software company that

has requirements for food catering for all the staff. Trish would be the primary target when

creating LinkedIn group with business to business tips on catering, talking about fresh

ingredients and short shelf life and starting discussions about what products do the customers

like and what is suitable for food catering.

Strategy for LinkedIn is mostly based on creating a group for all catering side of the business

and let customers participate and give you their opinion and feedback about products that you

are planning on launching, getting fresh ideas on promotions and offers, see what food trends

would be “hot “at that moment in time. It is good a business as well connect with the right

people on the personal level (HR. in the big companies) and as well talking to the community

and opening more business opportunities this way. Polls are a good tool for feedback as well.

Schaffer (2009) suggest that by scoping the competition (finding the real size of the company

marketing department through the advanced search) you will be able to predict the budget that

you should need to allocate for your own company in terms of resources to have effective


Most LinkedIn users are using LinkedIn for free (not pay for the premium account) which

gives deeper data if you would like to know who viewed your profile in last few days etc.

Strong focus should be on creating The Butler’s Pantry food lovers open group and invite all

your connections and potential customers to join the group and have compelling content for

this group.

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For The Butler’s Pantry LinkedIn Advertising would be beneficial with a recommended

budget of €500 month. Advertising strategy would consist form 2 types of advertising:

creating an ad and sponsoring an update from the profile. Just tweaking both campaigns will

show which one has more impact ad get more sales lead generation.

Figure 17: Linkedin advertising

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Email marketing

According to Malm (2014) email marketing has its place on the digital strategy more than it

had in 2013. The right strategy though needs to be smart about the responsive design email

and needs to link with the relevant buyer personas. For The Butler’s Pantry project we will be

focusing the digital strategy on all 3-buyer personas (Brian, Lesley, Trish) as they all check

their emails on daily basis. The best practice is to use the Mailchimp to create great visually

appealing marketing campaigns, where you can see the results and reports and try more A/B


Mailchimp allows the responsive design and shows you how the email will look on the mobile

devices. Customer can choose from range of predefined templates as well as start from the

scratch. As mentioned before, A/B testing should be used to see better performance results and

identify what works the best. The Butler’s Pantry should focus on promoting their Friday

Night treats as well as sales of The Butler’s Pantry sales of own branded coffee capsules and

promoting this new product line and pushing it directly to buyer personas. Below you can see

the proposed email samples of how an email campaign should look like. It is important to

have editorial plan as well (recommendation of 3 emails per month).

Figure 18: Email Marketing

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KPI's for email marketing

Few of the KPI's to monitor for email campaigns are:

• Number of click to the website

• Opening rate

• Leads to subscribers conversion rate

• Unsubscribe rate vs. open rate

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YouTube Strategy YouTube is the second most popular social media site in Ireland after Facebook, with over 1.6

million Irish visits each day. It is therefore very important that The Butler’s Pantry invest in


We recommend that The Butler’s Pantry set up a YouTube channel, posting recepies and

details of instore specials and talks. The videos can also be distributed across all social media

and displayed on The Butler’s Pantry homepage.

Along with this we recommend short adverts on the convenience and the delicious taste of

The Butler’s Pantry’s dinners. These adverts should be displayed to those looking up cookery

demonstrations and recepies.

Editorial Calander Along with the below editorial calander we recommend YouTube video adverts to run

alongside these as stated above.

Table 22: YouTube Edititorial Calendar

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KPI’s The overall aim for the YouTube strategy is to gain views for the videos, our aim will be to

have 50,000 views across all videos in the first year of implementating the strategy.

YouTube Advertising We recommend creating 5 25 second YouTube adverts (“why dirty your kicthen, when The

Butler’s Pantry has delicious home cooks meals just for you”) spending €3,000 and running

these adverts over the year.

Page 64: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin


Overall budget Table 23: Overall budget

Channel Budget for 6 months

Website update/E-commerce €15,000

Adwords/Display/Remarketing €15,000

Facebook Ads €4,300

Twitter Ads €2,800

Linkedin Ads €3,000

Youtube Ads €3,000

Video creation by an agency €20,000

Creative help from an agency (banners,



A/B Testing using Optimizely €90

Total €68,190

The overall budget is estimated at around 70 000 euros minimum for the first 6 months. If we

have more budget, we would recommend to spend it in advertising as well as website

optimizations such as extra landing pages.. In this 65 000 euros, we include the modifications

of the website and the e-commerce by an agency. This is an important task to get done to

optimize as much as possible the conversion of the website. There is also some banners and

photos to be done by a creative agency to first of all, have all our products featured on the

website using a relevant picture, and also make sure our Display, and Facebook banners are

performing well.

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Implementation plan Regarding the imlementation plan, here is what we are going to do for the next 6 months.

The first month will be dedicated to the website update with a big work of re-organize the

whole website. This should take at least 3 week. The 4th week will be dedicated to take photos

of all products which are not currently on the website and upload them on it.

Then finally we will start by being fully running with the website and start to see some income

coming in. A website is not something you push live and then, leave it for 6 months as it is.

The website should be continuously tested on a regular basis, with some optimizations to do

after each test.

This will be the same process for ads. Many ads should be tested on a regular basis and

compared to the current ones running. Decisions should be taken from there to see which ones

are performing the best.

Finally, after 6 months, a report should be done to analyize where are we at, what is working

well and what is not. Was the investement beneficial for The Butlers Pantry, how is our ROI

doing, should we move to the next step or should we keep working on the elements above?

What is the data saying? By answering these questions and keep following this strategy, The

Butlers Pantry could become one of the most visited ecommerce website in Ireland in the food


Page 66: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin


Table 24: Implementation plan

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BIBLIOGRAPHY • Conmy, S. (2014). Is Google+ really Ireland’s third most popular social network?

| Digital Times. [online] Digitaltimes.ie. Available at:


social-network/ [Accessed 2 May. 2014].

• Davidaviciene V, Tolvaisas, J: Measuring Quality of ecommerce Websites, Economics

and Management, Lithuania, 2011

• E Consultancy (2014), Seven Super Exciting predictions for boring old email marketing

in 2014, available at: https://econsultancy.com/blog/64180-seven-super-exciting-

predictions-for-boring-old-email-marketing-in-2014#i.80ive15s7csxrv, Accessed


• Fity Social Media (2013). Benefits of Facebook Advertising. Available at:

http://fitysocialmedia.com/benefits-of-facebook-advertising/ [Accessed 21 April 2014].

• Forbes (2013), Five LinkedIn strategies you haven’t thought of before,


havent-thought-of-before (Accessed 1st May 204)

• Harris, Sabel., 2014. Fastcompany. Why Start-Ups should use Instagram for Marketing

[online] Available at: http://www.fastcolabs.com/3019809/why-startups-should-use-

instagram-for-marketing [Accessed 19 April 2014]

• Lieb, R, Owyang, J. The Converged Media Imperative Altimeter 2012. Available at


content/files_mf/theconvergedmediaimperative120718121051phpapp02.pdf [Accessed 20

April 2014]

• Manfield, Liza, 2014. Strutta.com Instagram Contest Ideas Available at:

http://www.strutta.com/blog/instagram-contest-ideas/ [Accessed 19 April 2014]

• Parasuraman A; Zeithaml, V; Malhotra A (2007) E-S-QUAL: A Multiple-item Scale for

Assessing Electronic Service Quality, Journal of Service Research 7(3) 13-33

• Qin, Zhao; Ting: Conceptualising Consumers’ Perception of ecommerce Quality

International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management 2008

• Reasons small business needs online presence http://smallbusiness.chron.com/reasons-


Page 68: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin


• Schaffer, N. (2009), Understanding, leveraging and maximizing LinkedIn, Great Britain,


• Social Media Examiner (2010), 7 Twitter strategies for growing a big


mass/ (Accessed 23 April 2014)

• Timmerman, H. 2012. Earned and Social Media Strategy – What’s the Difference?

[online] Available at: http://www.previewnetworks.com/blog/earned-social-media-

strategy-difference/ [Accessed 20 April 2014]

• Washenko (2012), Why Chanel sets a standards for Facebook Timeline Presence

http://sproutsocial.com/insights/facebook-timeline-chanel/ (Accessed 23 April 2014)

• Website structure http://www.searchenginepeople.com/blog/effective-website-


Page 69: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin


APPENDIX I Original Review of competitors & Star Ratings

Star Ratings: * very poor, ***** excellent.

Table 25: Original review of competitors and star ratings

Page 70: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin



Initial Impression of Butler's Pantry Digital Footprint

The Butler’s Pantry – First Impressions

Team: Emer NíChéidigh, Olivier Lacroix, Lenka Matecna, Mark Doherty, Cariona Neary

MKT 40910 Digital Marketing Communications

Table 26: Brand positioning and coherence

TheButler’spantry.ie Facebook Twitter Instagram




safe, simple, looks like a

template rather than customised

Different colours to the

website which is a little


The same logo as Facebook,

consistency is good

Same logo as Facebook

and Twitter

Colours Healthy images, not necessarily

Irish looking, more mainland

Europe or Artisan

The beige conveys something

old or discoloured rather than

tasty and fresh

Again the same as Facebook Same as Facebook and




Plain but easy to read Plain but easy to read Consistent with Facebook Consistent with Facebook

and Twitter

Strapline Not clear as to what is on offer,

sounds more like a testimonial

Again different to that on the

website but closer to what is

on offer

Consistent with Facebook Consistent with Facebook

and Twitter



None on the website, would be

nice for the catering section

There are testimonials on

Facebook and they are

responded to promptly

There is a lot of interaction

with both suppliers and

customers on Facebook

There is some tagging of

others but little use of


Tone of Voice

Mix of formal and informal, not

clear if it wants to be a

professional business or a

friendly place

Overall quite informal and

friendly which is very

appropriate to both the brand

and the channel

Very friendly and


Informal, simple and to

the point

Imagery Beautiful, what I expect to

purchase. The Holy

Communion cake is very

simple, would expect something

more extravagant

Beautiful, although I’m not

sure that it could be easily

recreated at home

Very realistic images from

stores and customers

Beautiful, simple real life




Some small changes could

hugely improve the user

experience and impression such

as not cutting words in the

middle, changing the time

stamp on the social wall updates

and making the menu bar

As Facebook is pretty

standard there isn’t much that

could be done here, the about

us section is well completed.

Again Twitter’s layout is

standard but information is

easily accessed

Difficult to find the

account as the username

is not publicised across

other channels, text with

images is pleasing but

there could be better use

of hastags

Page 71: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin



1. What are they doing well?

The About Us sections are well completed. There is good brand coherence between

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

2. What aren’t they doing well?

The brand image on the website does not correlate with social media. Social media could

be better exploited, encouraging more interaction, testimonials and images.

3. Are they effectively communicating their offering?

It is not clear what exactly is being offered, it looks like a bakery or cake shop and

restaurant rather than take away dinners. The healthy or convenient aspects of the meals

are not communicated.

4. What is the user experience online like presently?

The user experience is quite confused and not welcoming for new or potential customers.

It is difficult to understand what is being offered and the tone of voice and value



What are they doing well:

- Design of the website is very well done, looks serious, modern

- Their visuals are amazing, look very professional

- They have a lot of up-to-date content which is quite important for a website

- Easy to contact them on their website, pretty clear

- Have links to their social media profile from their home page

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What are not they doing well?

- Their navigation. Not intuitive at all.

- Website goal not clear: do they want to focus on online sales, promote visits to their shops

or suggest recipes?

- Initially it looks like there’s a lot of content but some sections are not complete, with

information missing in templates, test sentences appearing on the site. Content on all the shop

pages is the same.

By section:

Food Ethos: Great content, interesting but should be called “Who we are”

Menu: Great content too but poorly organized, images should be included. Why can’t we buy

those meals?

Buy online: We would expect to go to a different website by adding something like :Access

to the shop. It is not organized like a typical e-commerce site, suggesting recommended

articles, or season meals… The content is great, but we just need to organize it as a real e-

commerce website.

Recipes & Demos: Not enough content. Looks really bad. Better not have them as it doesn’t

look to have a real strategy behind.

What’s on: It’s actually a blog so why not call it:”blog”?

Contact us: Great page. The map is too big which is annoying to navigate. Duplicating

content on each page dedicated to each shop, really bad for SEO.


Most of the content is great quality but the navigation and the layout is damaging to

performance. As the aim of the website is not clear, we don’t know where to go or what we

can expect to see. A website is mainly composed of navigation, some content and

messaging. Each of these elements is crucial and if one or many of them are missing, the

website functions poorly.

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What are they doing well:

- The imagery is strong and visually appealing to the eye

- Strong focus on the product on all social media channels ( FB, Twitter, Instagram)

- Instagram is great channel to use for promoting their range

- Great personal touch and connectivity with people and right tone of voice

What are not they doing well?

-Until last week in March, they are lacking regular content on all the social

media platforms (normally 2 updates/ posts per week)

- FB posts are too long in characters and are missing a link to the website many times

- a lot of imagery is based about their cakes, they are not promoting all their product

range and more of the ready-made meals

- could do with more recipes and more themed events

- not high res logo on FB

Per channel:

Facebook= 1466 likes, have good strong imagery based posts

Twitter= 1424 followers, quite active, need to promote their other offering

Instagram= 40 followers, good channels to use, needs to develop it (potential for Pinterest)


Great potential and some good practices up to now. Needs more attention and more

conversational tone with offering for their whole range.


Their main competitors are not performing particularly well so they should not seek to focus

on their activity. However, the Happy Pear is a very good example of a food company that

understands that successful social media is not about self-promotion but rather consumer

engagement. That consumer engagement needs to be based on the consumers’ lives rather

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than always focusing on how they interact with the brand.

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APPENDIX III Table 27: Google Adwords Ad group 1 – Quick & Ready Made Meals



Keyword Key

word Type








ated Click



Daily Impressio



ted Daily



ed Average


Quick &

Ready Made


quick and






20 1.26 0 0.36 0

Quick & Ready





for two



20 0.64 0 0.72 0

Quick &


Made Meals






30 0.76 0 0.72 0

Quick &

Ready Made







30 0.22 0.06 0.54 0.29 4.55

Quick & Ready

Made Meals





40 0.39 0.01 0.36 0.03 2.68

Quick &

Ready Made


quick and





50 0 0 0.18 0

Quick & easy Exac 70 1.09 0 0.36 0

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Made Meals




Quick &

Ready Made






90 1.44 0.02 0.18 0 0.17

Quick & Ready








90 0.74 0.02 0.72 0.01 0.41

Quick &


Made Meals





260 0.63 0 0.36 0

Quick &

Ready Made


quick and





260 0.69 0.08 4.89 0.07 0.89

Quick & Ready

Made Meals






320 0.83 0.13 4.89 0.07 0.56

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Table 28: Google Adwords Ad group 2 – Healthily Eating & Recipes



Keyword Key





y Searche




d bid









Daily Cost



Average CPC

Healthy Eating &







20 1.05 0 0.18 0

Healthy Eating &







20 0 0 0.18 0

Healthy Eating &







30 0.93 0 1.27 0

Healthy Eating &








30 1.13 0.03 0.18 0.03 0.76


Eating & Recipes



for dinner

Exact 30 1.22 0 0.54 0


Eating & Recipes







50 0.93 0 1.27 0

Healthy Eating &








50 1.07 0 0.54 0


Eating &





50 0.85 0 2.17 0

Page 78: Digital Marketing Communications Strategy for The Butler's Pantry, Dublin


Recipes recipes


Eating & Recipes




Exact 90 1.07 0 1.45 0


Eating & Recipes



ideas for


Exact 110 1.13 0 1.27 0

Healthy Eating &




for dinner

Exact 170 1.15 0.13 9.42 0.75 5.95

Healthy Eating &





Exact 170 1.02 0.05 6.16 0.16 3.12

Healthy Eating &





Exact 260 1.17 0.04 9.24 0.16 4.31

Healthy Eating &






320 1.08 0 9.42 0.02 3.37

Healthy Eating &





Exact 390 1.28 0.11 15.76 0.27 2.36

Healthy Eating &






390 1.14 0.92 66.65 2.42 2.63


Eating &






1000 1.44 1.02 160.48 3.49 3.41


Eating &







1000 1.08 0.27 19.56 1.06 3.89

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Eating & Recipes






1600 1.08 0.8 106.32 2.94 3.67


Eating & Recipes





1600 1.02 1.16 96.72 4.25 3.66


Eating & Recipes



Exact 1600 0.36 1.96 49.63 11.68 5.97


Eating & Recipes



Exact 2400 0.37 5.26 35.32 2.25 0.43


Eating & Recipes



Exact 3600 0.5 1.69 127.51 8.25 4.89

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Table 29: Google Adwords Ad group 3 – Food Delivery




Keyword Key

















Daily Cost



Average CPC






Exact 90 0.71 0 0.54 0








30 0.86 0 0.72 0








320 0.76 1.03 30.43 3.72 3.61








20 1.12 0.01 0.36 0.02 2.48



food home




10 0 0 0.72 0





Exact 90 0.35 0.02 3.62 0.15 7.73








20 0.36 0 0.36 0

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Table 30: Google Adwords Ad group 4 – Catering

















d Click






ed Daily




Average CPC






30 0.63 0.09 9.96 0.07 0.76








30 0.44 0.21 3.8 0.16 0.77






Exact 30 0.81 0.04 0.72 0.26 6.22








30 0.71 0.18 2.72 0.25 1.37






Exact 30 0.85 0 1.09 0





Exact 30 0.93 0 0.72 0








30 0.64 0.08 2.72 0.14 1.77






Exact 30 1.18 0 0.91 0









40 0.98 0.12 1.81 0.09 0.7

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Exact 50 0.94 0.14 1.99 0.18 1.23







Exact 50 1.97 0.16 4.17 0.26 1.58




Exact 50 0.63 0 1.27 0








50 0.53 0.27 9.06 0.34 1.26






Exact 70 1.31 0 5.43 0








70 0.69 0.17 3.98 0.35 2.01





Exact 70 1.03 0 3.98 0







110 1.01 0.33 31.33 0.81 2.43





Exact 110 0.7 0.03 2.9 0.09 2.87









170 0.83 0.19 4.35 0.36 1.92







320 0.82 0.44 15.76 0.71 1.62

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Exact 320 0.88 0.4 10.69 0.75 1.86

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APPENDIX IV Figure 19: Sample Google Adwords Campaign Copy