1 DECLARATION I Sagnik Dasgupta hereby declare that the project report entitledDigital marketing is new era for Indian economy growth” under the guidance of Prof.MOHAN KUMAR submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Master of Business Administration to university of Mysore my original work and research study and not copied from anyone and not submitted to any other university. Place: Bangalore Sagnik Dasgupta Date: 15MB3281

Digital marketing is new era for indian economy growth

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Page 1: Digital marketing is new era for indian economy growth



I Sagnik Dasgupta hereby declare that the project report entitled” Digital marketing is

new era for Indian economy growth” under the guidance of Prof.MOHAN KUMAR

submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Master of Business

Administration to university of Mysore my original work and research study and not

copied from anyone and not submitted to any other university.

Place: Bangalore Sagnik Dasgupta

Date: 15MB3281

Page 2: Digital marketing is new era for indian economy growth



I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who were instrumental in the

preparation of this project, especially Dr.K.RAMDAS, Director of international institute

of business studies.

I would like to present heartfelt thanks to Prof.MOHAN KUMAR, my project report

guide for his constantly valuable guidance, help, and advice during the course of the


Also I am thankful to the librarians and stuff of our institute for their continued support

and invaluable encouragement.

Above all, I am thankful to the “Almighty” and to my parents for their blessings, humble

support and showing their belief in us.

Place: Bangalore Sagnik Dasgupta

Date: 15MB3281

Page 3: Digital marketing is new era for indian economy growth








1.1 What is Digital Marketing with

flow chart

1.2 Digital marketing and the global


1.3 Digital marketing with Indian


1.4 Scope of the internship

1.5 Methodology

1.6 Limitation

1.7 Company Profile

1.8 Hierocracy

1.9 Functional Department












2.1 Digital Marketing Global Status

2.2 Digital marketing India status

2.3 History of IT invention in India

2.4 How it has come through website

2.5 Birth of Digital Marketing

2.6 Industry Profile

2.7 Indian economy before IT and after


2.8 Indian economy before and after

online transaction

2.9 Indian economy before and after

digital marketing

2.10Vision and Mission

2.11SWOT analysis

2.12Learning points















Data analysis 76-100



Summary of findings 102



Conclusion and Suggestion 104

6 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography 106

7 APPENDIX Questionnaires 107-112

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1 How do you get information about service? 1 80


Did you ever purchase from an online site?

2 81


If yes, then what type of product/ service did you purchase online?

3 82


Do you have a mobile phone or smartphones?

4 83

5 Do you have a laptop or PC? 5 84


Do you have a tablet?

6 85


Do you have internet connection in any of the above-mentioned


7 86


When do you use these gadgets?

8 87


What do you do with these gadgets?

9 88


Do you ever notice advertisements?

10 89


If yes, from where?



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Mention one form of media from the list below, which you give more

importance? 12 91


How do you normally purchase a product?

13 92


Is digital marketing worth for online servicing only?

14 93

15 After purchase, what type of experience will you share with others? 15 95


How will you share your experience with others?

16 96


Which digital marketing tool you mostly like/use?

17 97


Which services should Infibeam alter for better customer satisfaction


18 98

19 Is digital marketing helping the growth of Indian economy? 19 99


Is digital marketing can beat traditional marketing after making


20 100

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1 How do you get information about service? 1 80


Did you ever purchase from an online site?

2 81


If yes, then what type of product/ service did you

purchase online?

3 82


Do you have a mobile phone or smartphones?

4 83

5 Do you have a laptop or PC? 5 84


Do you have a tablet?

6 85


Do you have internet connection in any of the

above-mentioned gadgets?

7 86


When do you use these gadgets?

8 87


What do you do with these gadgets?

9 88


Do you ever notice advertisements?

10 89


If yes, from where?




Mention one form of media from the list below,

which you give more importance? 12 91


How do you normally purchase a product?

13 92

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Is digital marketing worth for online servicing only?

14 93


After purchase, what type of experience will you

share with others? 15 95


How will you share your experience with others?

16 96


Which digital marketing tool you mostly like/use?

17 97


Which services should Infibeam alter for better

customer satisfaction ?

18 98


Is digital marketing helping the growth of Indian

economy? 19 99


Is digital marketing can beat traditional marketing

after making “DIGITAL INDIA”?

20 100

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Chapter 1


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Digital marketing in business is a form of marketing communication used to encourage,

persuade, or manipulate an audience to take or continue to take some action. Most

commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial


Digital Marketing is normally done by Company digital marketing team or third party

known as Digital marketing agency. A digital marketing agency is a service based

business dedicated to creating, planning, and handling web marketing for its clients.

Digital marketing agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of

view to the effort of selling the client's products or services. An agency can also handle

overall marketing and branding strategies and sales promotions for its clients.

Types of ad agencies are

The SEO Company

The Small Business Digital Marketing Company

The Digital Marketing Consultant

The Pay Per Click Agency

The Full Service Digital Marketing Agency

This report is completely discussing about digital or new media agencies. There was a

time when Television was the most popular medium for Marketer to promote, spread

awareness and generate leads for their products but now the trend has changed and Digital

media has taken its place. Main reason for this change was

Traditional methods are expensive. Compared to digital marketing channels, you

could end up spending thousands of dollars more.

Traditional marketing channels fail to provide instant feedback and reports about

who saw or heard and took action.

Digital marketing, on the other hand, refers to marketing methods that allow

organizations to see how a campaign is performing in real-time, such as what is being

viewed, how often, how long, as well as other statistics such as sales conversions.

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FLOW Chart of digital marketing Services

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1.1) Digital Marketing and the Global Market

No longer comprising just billboards and brochures, a career in marketing is now a

chance to work at the sharp edge of tech innovation. The internet has changed many

industries but few have changed as drastically as marketing. If you’d told marketers back

in 1995 that, 20 years later, they’d be able to tweak campaigns based on their results in

real time, they’d have laughed – and that’s before you even get started on augmented

reality or the concept of Shazam.

Those were the days of all-powerful television ads and static billboards. There was no

SEO, no community management, no Spottily tie-ins and no Face book ads. The internet

wasn’t old enough to handle much more than a flashing text box in Netscape Navigator.

Even 10 years later, “Thefacebook” had only just become Facebook, neither Twitter nor

the iPhone existed and although SEO did, marketers were barely scaling the tip of the

Google iceberg.

Thanks to the rise and rise of digital, a career in marketing is now far more than just a

career in marketing, explains Sammy Andrews. She’s head of digital at one of the UK’s

biggest independent record labels, Cooking Vinyl, and has been working in the area for

more than 10 years. “It’s a chance to be at the bleeding edge of tech innovation,” says


She and her team run bespoke marketing campaigns for artists including The Prodigy and

Marilyn Manson, while she also runs an independent consultancy working with Annie

Lennox, Robyn and others.

As well as keeping her finger on the musical pulse, Andrews needs to be up to date on all

forms of new technology. She cites targeting, data analysis, video production and

advances in mobile tech as just a few of the tools she uses in her campaigns. So as well as

using what we think of as “traditional digital marketing” – SEO, display advertising,

social media – Andrews is on constant lookout for new ways to use technology.

The question of where the blend of technology with traditional marketing might go is a

big one. Video is still on the rise – “we’re just at the start of the potential there”, says

Andrews – and brands are starting to experiment with messaging apps and virtual reality

while getting to grips with ever-more intelligent targeting and analysis tools.

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It sounds like a lot of hard work, but the payoff is a rewarding career that never gets stale.

Plus, there’s the added bonus of flexibility. “The very nature of being digital is a bit of a

double-edged sword,” Andrews warns.

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1.2) Digital Marketing in Indian context

As per a industry requirement there will be over 1.6 lack job requirement in 2016

Source The Times of India (newspaper) Digital marketing to create 1.5 lakh jobs by 2016:

Experts - Times of India

As per the recent study Internet Penetration in India is yet to cross 16% of the population

however this population is 10 times more then the population of Australia. According to a

recent survey report released by IAMAI and IMRB, Internet penetration in india will

cross 462,124,989 million mark by 2016. The number of mobile Internet users in India is

expected to grow over 55 per cent to 371 million by June this year.

Of the 306 million internet users, 219 million users are from urban part of the country.

The userbase saw a growth of 71 per cent year-on-year. On the other hand, the userbase in

rural India went up 93 per cent from December 2014 to reach 87 million at the end of

December 2015.

Now these reports and stats shows how India is moving in the Digital World. As you have

seen there any many ecommerce store which is growing at rapid speed and there is a huge

demand to resource to contribute in their needs. When demand is high supply is also

required by becoming a Digital Marketers you can fit in to this Digital Marketing industry

and earn a handsome salary.

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“Social media is not a trend,” It is here to stay and constantly evolving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now is the time for health and fitness professionals to jump on board. Otherwise you are

not only going to be lost, but you are going to be lagging ‘way behind your competition.”

In future, it will surely doubles. You can see this gradual growth since early 20th century.

Internet User Doubles = Business Competitors Doubles = Digital Marketing Grows

Day to day every physical businesses are migrating to online, due to constant growth on

internet users.

Ex. Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal are the real time proofs, they are constantly

improving their business targeting customers from all sources like PCs, mobile & tablets.

eCommerce industry / other business relaying digital marketing to achieve their targets.

So definitely, future of all businesses will be occupy by digital marketing enthusiasts.

While all other industries are struggling with a growth rate of 5 to 10 %, digital media

industry is booming high with 30% growth rate. But the most remarkable point is that this

growth rate is not going to be stagnant in the coming years. Scope for digital marketers in

India will only get bigger and better in the years to come.

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1.3)Scope of the Internship

1) To understand the element in digital marketing

2) To understand the effectiveness of branding and promotion through digital media

3) To understand the effort behind fulfilment of brands objective through campaigns

4) To choose appropriate media for communication

5) To maintain relationship with clients

6) To understand the Target Group for different brands.


For accomplishing this internship, I used some methodologies. One is working as a SEO

and SMM analyst in Odigma Consultancy PVT.Ltd. and another one is search for

prospective clients who are really interested in digital marketing. I search their consulting

person contacts and involve in cold calling. Main cause is to business development for the


1.4.1) SEO (Search engine optimization)

In seo my focus was to get how much backlinks create in a particular time period.

Because it was a weekly based review processes. In ODIGMA my clients were SPYKER,

PURVANKARA, ALEMBIC and COOLPAD INDIA. For these companies, I used to

create backlinks each day moreover 100 in different websites. Some of these websites are

payable some are non-payable. For 3 months, each and every dayI create backlinks for

those companies.

In SEO work I did most of the time for off page work.These had some various ways to


Social Bookmarking

Image Submission

PPT and PDF posting

Forum Posting

Classified Posting

Article submission

Blog posting

Blog commenting

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In on page I did-



These are all Seo work which I did in 3 months of my internship for ODIGMA.

1.4.2) Keyword Research

In these 3 months of time period I did Keyword research for my clients. Keyword

research is a monthly report for each keywords. End of each months I research every

keywords that how much ranking they were gaining in the month. If the ranking is not

good the I again did seo in more creative way for my clients.

1.4.3) Social Media Marketing(SMM)

In these 3 months of time period I did in Social Media to find possible target audiences. It

is very easy to find in social Media platforms to find target audiences. Facebook

In facebook I found some posts on my clients.So, my work is to post any recommended

things and tag to those people for better customer satisfaction and for promotion also.

Time to time I had follow-up answer some clients questions. Twitter

In twitter there is a awesome thing is “hash tag”. By this only our tweet can be trending.

But it has some rules to follow. Each and every country have their own “hash tag”

processes to follow otherwise t will be legal issue.

1.4.4) Client Servicing

Heart part of this project is dealing with client servicing. A client servicing is the face of a

digital marketing agency. Responsibilities of client servicing include understanding the

client’s needs and expectations. In fact, the digital marketing process begins with the

client servicing person visiting the potential client for a brief. He then needs to

communicate this to his agency. His job is to hunt for new business and be a bridge

between the agency and the client.

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Key responsibilities of client servicing are managing internal workflow and developing

strong partnerships with clients. Other responsibilities include liaising with the clients on

all aspects of marketing communications, briefing agency departments, presenting

proposals to clients, managing advertising spend budget, keeping clients up-to-date on

their own and competitive activity, occasionally negotiating with media on client’s behalf

and approaching prospective clients whose accounts are under review.

Analysis the industry and digital media for clients, formulating strategies and

executing them based on the objectives of client. This whole process consist of 18


Brief: Brief given by the client based on their marketing objective.

Pitch Presentation: Presentation made by the odigma for client based on the

brief, by analysing industry and digital media. Mostly used for new clients.

Proposal: Proposal put forward by odigma including campaign objective,

target market, strategy, approaches, estimated cost and outputs.

Review: Reviewing the proposal of odigma by clients.

Revised negotiation: If clients have any problem with proposal, odigma will

rewrite the proposal and make negotiation

Final proposal: Proposal which finally put forward to clients by odigma.

Approved: Final proposal need to get approval from client, otherwise odigma

will lose client.

Estimate Signed: It’s a contract between client and odigma.

Release Order: Order which submitted to vendors for buying space and

placing ads

Creative: Executing the idea or plans of campaigns in to final formats like

banner, websites...Etc.

Run Campaign: Starting the campaign by placing ads banners, videos,

facebook contest, facebook page managing ...Etc.

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Reports: Reports submitted by which vendors to odigma, based on the

running campaigns of clients.

Compile: After getting all reports from vendors, odigma will compile those

reports for submit to clients

Optimization: Making changes in the campaign for improving the

effectiveness and to achieve objectives.

End: End of the Campaign after achieving the objective.

Review of Campaign: Evaluating campaign based on standard and actual

performance of campaign. It will help to understand what odigma planned

and what actually happened.

Bills: Bill submitted from vendor to odigma and odigma to client including

service tax and commission

Payment: Payment of bill by client to Odigma and then to vendor by odigma

after deducting the commission and tax.

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1.5) Limitation

1) The time span for the project is limited

2) The problems with using paid tools for relevant data, example like SEMrush

3) Time of campaigns for some client is more than three months

4) Office management is not that much good.

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1.6) Company Profile


ODigMa is a dedicated Online Marketing agency focused on creative and out of the

league Advertising and Marketing campaigns. We have worked with most of the Top

companies in India like @home, Philips, Sterling Hospitals and more.

They offer end to end online marketing solutions, that include –

- Social Media Marketing

- Search Engine Marketing

- Search Engine Optimization

- Online Reputation Management

- Graphics and Creatives Services

For more, get in touch with on www.odigma.com


Social Media Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google

Adwords Management, Online Reputation Management, Banners and Flash creation,

EDMs / Emailers, Website creation, Website Analytics, Conversion Rate Optimization,

Mobile App Creation.

It is a privately held 2010 digital marketing and advertising agency. Company employee

size is 51-200.It’s headquarter in Bangalore. It has two branches in Mumbai and


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1.7) Hierocracy:

Advit Sahdev(Head of Marketing at Infibeam


Mathew Jose(Vice President - Sales &

Operations at Odigma)

Akash Jain(Sr. Manager - Social Media at

Odigma - Infibeam.com company)

Abhijith Shyandilya(Key

Account Manager at Odigma)

Sourabh Sanyal(Sr Manager : Business

Operations at ODigMa)

S Kumar Babu(Head - SEO / SEM at ODigMa Consultancy Solutions

Pvt. Ltd)

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1.8) Functional Department:

1.8.1) Finance Department:-

In my company don’t have that much strength in Finance management. Most

important we are digital marketing service provider. So, we have one SEM team to

look after financial works. They deal on the clients Keywords Beating for ppc.They

do audit for them in each and every months. Basically the Keywords are always

changeable so, they active every time for this work. Now for software development

the finance team depends on the IT team and recent market and their competitors.

That is how finance department works.

Abhijith Shyandilya(Abhijith


Abhijith Shyandilya(Account Manager at Odigma)

Prashanth Doraiappah(Key

Account Manager & Social Media Executive

at ODigMa)

Mathew Jose(Vice President - Sales &

Operations at Odigma)

Advit Sahdev(Head of Marketing at Infibeam


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1.8.2) Marketing Department

Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. The American

Marketing Association has defined marketing as "the activity, set of institutions, and

processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have

value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large." The marketing team works

very hard in start up IT sectors. Because in start-up IT sectors don’t have that much

resources and glory in the market.

So, like big brands they don’t easily trust in start-ups. So, the marketing team take that

incentive to convince the clients by their outstanding works. The SEO team always do

the promotion works for the clients. They design the websites, logos, blogs keywords,


They always watch how the analytical works done in the websites for the clients. If

some clients ranking not changing through the month, they modify the keywords.

That is how marketing team do their works. That is why a start up always have the

best marketing team.

There is one more important work is lead generation. One start up company always

need to start with prospective clints.So, we, we followed each and every day

newspaper and target those companies who lead the market on that time. We searched

their manager contacts details, called for a meeting and gave them a presentation of

our works. This is one of the most important works for marketing team.

Advit Sahdev(Advit Sahdev)

Sourabh Sanyal(Sr Manager : Business

Operations at ODigMa (An Infibeam.com

onwned company))

S Kumar Shetty(Agile Marketer [ 70 : 20 : 10 ] -

ROI Driven - Digital Marketing)

Akash Jain(Sr. Manager - Social Media at Odigma - Infibeam.com company)

Mathew Jose(Vice President - Sales &

Operations at Odigma)

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1.8.3) HR department

A human-resources department (HR department) of an organization performs human

resource management, overseeing various aspects of employment, such as compliance

with labour law and employment standards, administration of employee benefits, and

some aspects of recruitment and dismissal.

Now for a IT start up HR department is not so strong. Some companies CEO take the

responsibility to be HR. But for this company we have a three member of HR team.

One of them is HR manager who take the responsibility to choose the right man for

the right job. Some they failed, sometimes they get success.

For this company HR department is excellent but they don’t have that much of

experience. So, for them it’s a hard job to choose right person. But they try their level

best and the most important thing if the problem is complicated the CEO helped them

to solve the problem.

Mathew Jose(Vice

President - Sales &

Operations at Odigma)

Sourabh Sanyal(Sr Manager : Business

Operations at ODigMa (An

Infibeam.com onwned


Akash Jain(Sr. Manager -

Social Media at Odigma -

Infibeam.com company)

Abhijith Shyandilya(Key

Account Manager at Odigma)

S Kumar Shetty(Agile

Marketer [ 70 : 20 : 10 ] - ROI

Driven - Digital Marketing)

Santhosh Rakonda(Senior PPC

Analyst at Infibeam.com)

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1.8.4) IT Department

In the start up IT companies they recruit IT specialist with some manner. If they

recruit one fresher, they also hired an experience person on that particular field.

Because that experience person can teach fresher’s to develop their skills. They also

know the market so; we can gather much information from them.

Web development work is a team job to satisfy the clients. Web Development is the

important work for the company. Because now in the days every company need to be

a cloud based company. So it can easily applicable through all the gadgets through the

internet. That is why web develops making a webpage for the clients with their


Web developer

Also known as: Web designer, web producer, multimedia architect, internet engineer.

This job in brief: Web development is a broad term and covers everything to do with

building websites and the entire infrastructure that sits behind them. The job is still

viewed as the trendy side of IT years after it first emerged. These days web

development is pretty technical and involves some hardcore programming as well as

the more creative side of designing the user interfaces of new websites. The role can

be found in organizations large and small.

Key skills required: Basic understanding of web technologies (client side, server side

and databases), analytical thinking, problem solving and creativity.

•Agile Marketer [ 70 : 20 : 10 ] - ROI Driven - Digital Marketing

S Kumar Shetty

•Graphics Designer at Odigma

Tripti Das

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Digital Marketing current Status

2.1) Global Status

From 2008 to 2016 onwards global market is impressively improve.That is only one

reason in Digital Marketing. In Global Market Dgital marketing one of the key sources

for Improve the maketing strategy.

Which digital marketing techniques will matter most to the businesses in 2016? The

question was:

Digital Marketing activities with the greatest commercial impact in 2016?

For reference, the full alphabetical break-down of activities which helps explain the

results. For example, Big Data is surprisingly high, but this includes market insight and

predictive analytics

Big Data (including market and customer insight and predictive analytics)

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Content marketing

Communities (Branded niche or vertical communities)

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) / improving website experiences

Display (Banners on publishers, ad networks social media including retargeting

and programmatic)

Internet of Things (IoT) marketing applications Marketing Automation (including

CRM, behavioural Email marketing and web personalization)

Mobile marketing (Mobile advertising, site development and apps)

Paid search marketing, e.g. Google AdWords Pay Per Click Online PR (including

influencer outreach)

Partnerships including affiliate and co-marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) S

Social media marketing including Social CRM and Social Customer Care

Wearable’s (e.g. Apple Watch, activity trackers, augmented reality)

Trends in consumer purchase behavior

Following the views from marketers and businesses, changes in consumer use of digital

media and technology is core to understanding trends in digital marketing. Today's

consumer buying decision is certainly getting more complex.

The increasing complexity of the purchase decision

We're continuing to see consumer decision behavior increase in complexity. This example

of today's complex consumer purchase behavior from research analysts GfK shows the

complexity of today’s customer journeys across multiple devices and through time,

particularly for high involvement or high-value purchases, such as insurance in this


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The graphic shows how involved today's purchase decision is. Over a 35 day period it

averaged 9 visits to 5 different websites amounting to 34 minutes in total. The influence

of online channels is clear with 82% of purchasers researching online against 4% using

offline only.

Increasing mobile usage

This year we have also seen a continued strong growth in mobile use, shown clearly

by Mary Meeker's annual mobile trends round-up from earlier in the year. So,

unsuprisingly, the use of mobile marketing will continue to be one of key trends to follow

in 2016.

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Digital Transformation: From 'Digital Silos' to Integrated teams

For some time, there has been increasing talk of a need for a 'post-digital marketing

world' marketing world where the use of digital media and technology in marketing has

become so ubiquitous we no longer complete separate "digital marketing activities" since

they should be fully integrated and simply part of marketing. This thinking is partly

driven by changes in consumer media consumption where they continue to consume

content in different formats without consciously thinking about which devices or

channels. The 'post-digital' thinking is also driven by problems of managing marketing

activities in a business where a common problem with up skilling in digital is that 'digital

silos' are created where different parts of marketing and their agencies don't communicate

effectively giving rise to campaigns that don't work across media.

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For example, according to an interview with TFM, HSBC global head of marketing for

commercial banking and global banking and markets, Amanda Rendle, has said she has

banned the word ‘digital’ to encourage her team to think beyond organizational silos.

Rendle says:

“We need to go back to what marketing is, and the product is marketing. More people

need to remember that, get off the drug of digital being something separate and get back

to what we do best".

She says the types of roles she is looking for might end up being called customer

engineers or customer journey engineers. A key problem for HSBC, she says, is that it has

an abundance of insights on customers but having staff to translate that into actions is a


The rise of the Chief Marketing Technologist

Another trend within the management of marketing today is the shift in control of

marketing technology from IT and Sales to Marketing. Selecting the most relevant

Martech from the increasingly complex Marketing Technology landscape is a major

challenge as we now literally have thousands of different cloud services vying to be part

of the Marketing Stack.

The challenge of integrating digital and traditional marketing

Our latest research on Managing Digital Marketing in 2016 suggested progress as

marketers move towards integrated planning of digital and traditional activities, but there

is still plenty of room for improvement with only one-quarter of companies satisfied with

their level of integration across digital and traditional communications and 5% fully

integrated and optimized.'

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Assesment of intregration of Digital and Traditional marketing activites(Source-Smart


The chart certainly shows this is a challenge which many businesses are trying to meet.

The most detrimental factor to 'integrated planning' is the lack of planning, as many

companies have separate traditional marketing and digital marketing teams who work

independently when it comes to planning their marketing refers to digital marketing.

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2.2) Indian status

Digital marketing team is an umbrella team for the marketing of products or service using

digital technology, mainly on the internet, display advertising, and any other digital

medium, but also including mobile phones. Digital marketing activities are search engine

optimization, search engine marketing, content marketing, and content automation,

campaign marketing, and social media marketing, social media optimization, e-commerce

marketing, display advertising, and any other of digital media, e-mail direct marketing ,

optical disks and games ,callback and on-hold mobile ring tones.

Latest digital marketing trends India they are: Search and e-commerce will go beyond

Google to Facebook and twitter, Snap chat, Link to extremely engaged audience with live

video streaming , Let consumers be the marketers of your brand ,Advertise to users

through Instagram, Identify-based pay per click marketing, changing the future of

advertising, Target a person based on their interest on pinterest with an animated pin,

Capitalize on the merge between healthy living and wearable technology, Create an omni-

channel experience, etc..

The hottest upcoming digital marketing trends are: Efficient content marketing,

Everything mobile, more value or video marketing, marketing Analytics, New payment

method ,New technology such as Augmented Reality and wearable technology, more

focus on customers creates more sales,

Social Media marketing is the use of Social Media’s and Communities to Generate Public

awareness of a product or services. social media marketing activities by delivering your

brand and marketing message as posts, links, presentations, images, video, articles, news,

short stories, questions etc. Social media marketing programs usually focus on efforts to

produce content that grabs attention and encourages readers to share it across their social

networks. Social media marketing is part of the internet marketing. Social media

marketing techniques can be used by web developers for client, internet marketing, and

key word- rich SEO information.

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Digital Marketing Industry in India in present & future will remain as the most powerful

and result-oriented way of marketing.

Mobile Marketing - To drive results from marketing campaigns, mobile marketing will

play one of the most important role.

Current Outlook of Mobile Marketing in Driving Customer-Engagement- 40%


Future Outlook of Mobile Marketing in Driving Customer-Engagement- 75%


Video Marketing - Growing need for the visual content has turned video marketing to be

one of the most effective channel of digital marketing to promote your service or brand.

Current Outlook of Video Marketing in driving Customer Engagement- 37%

Future Outlook of Video Marketing in driving Customer Engagement- 69%

Various kinds of video content:

Social Media Videos like Facebook videos, Instagram Videos, Snapchat videos.

Use of videos in email marketing campaigns

Running video campaigns

Email Marketing - One of the most effective digital marketing channel to generate leads.

Current Outlook of Email Marketing in Driving Customer Engagement- 45%

Future Outlook of Email Marketing in Driving Customer Engagement- 57%

Social Media - One of the evolving digital marketing channel for branding, optimization,

lead generation, conversions

Current Outlook of Social Media Marketing in Driving Customer Engagement-


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Future Outlook of Social Media Marketing in Driving Customer Engagement-


SEO & PPC - With the evolving growth of search engines & their changes will help

marketers to target their audience more precisely to generate conversions.

Current Outlook of SEO Marketing in driving Customer Engagement- 21%

Future Outlook of SEO Marketing in driving Customer Engagement- 40%

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Digital marketing is new era for Indian economy growth

2.3) History of IT invention in INDIA

Information technology (IT) in India is an industry consisting of two major

components: IT services and business process outsourcing (BPO). The sector has

increased its contribution to India's GDP from 1.2% in 1998 to 7.5% in 2012.According

to NASSCOM, the sector aggregated revenues of US$147 billion in 2015, where export

revenue stood at US$99 billion and domestic at US$48 billion, growing by over

13%.India's current prime minister Narendra Modi has started 'Digital India' project to

give IT a secured position inside & outside India.

Information technology is playing an important role in India today and has transformed

India's image from a slow moving bureaucratic economy to a land of innovative

The IT sector in India is generating 2.5 million direct employments. India is now one of

the biggest IT capitals of the modern world and all the major players in the world IT

sector are present in the country.

Bangalore is considered to be the Silicon Valley of India because it is the leading IT

exporter. Exports dominate the industry and constitute about 77% of the total industry

revenue. However, the domestic market is also significant with a robust revenue growth.

The industry’s share of total Indian exports (merchandise plus services) increased from

less than 4% in FY1998 to about 25% in FY2012. According to Gartner, the "Top Five

Indian IT Services Providers" are Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys, Cognizant, Wipro,

and HCL Technologies.

Regulated VSAT links became visible in 1994.Desai (2006) describes the steps taken to

relax regulations on linking in 1991:

In 1991 the Department of Electronics broke this impasse, creating a corporation

called Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) that, being owned by the government,

could provide VSAT communications without breaching its monopoly. STPI set up

software technology parks in different cities, each of which provided satellite links to be

used by firms; the local link was a wireless radio link. In 1993 the government began to

allow individual companies their own dedicated links, which allowed work done in India

to be transmitted abroad directly. Indian firms soon convinced their American customers

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that a satellite link was as reliable as a team of programmers working in the clients’


Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) introduced Gateway Electronic Mail Service in

1991, the 64 kbit/s leased line service in 1992, and commercial Internet access on a

visible scale in 1992. Election results were displayed via National Informatics Centre's


The Indian economy underwent economic reforms in 1991, leading to a new era

of globalization and international economic integration. Economic growth of over 6%

annually was seen during 1993-2002. The economic reforms were driven in part by

significant the internet usage in the country. The new administration under Atal Bihari

Vajpayee 1999 govt pm—which placed the development of Information Technology

among its top five priorities— formed the Indian National Task Force on Information

Technology and Software Development.

Wolcott & Goodman (2003) report on the role of the Indian National Task Force on

Information Technology and Software Development:

Within 90 days of its establishment, the Task Force produced an extensive background

report on the state of technology in India and an IT Action Plan with 108

recommendations. The Task Force could act quickly because it built upon the experience

and frustrations of state governments, central government agencies, universities, and the

software industry. Much of what it proposed was also consistent with the thinking and

recommend notions of international bodies like the World Trade

Organization (WTO), International Telecommunications Union (ITU), and World Bank.

In addition, the Task Force incorporated the experiences of Singapore and other nations,

which implemented similar programs. It was less a task of invention than of sparking

action on a consensus that had already evolved within the networking community and


"The New Telecommunications Policy, 1999" (NTP 1999) helped further liberalise

India's telecommunications sector. The Information Technology Act 2000 created legal

procedures for electronic transactions and e-commerce.

Throughout the 1990s, another wave of Indian professionals entered the United States.

The number of Indian Americans reached 1.7 million by 2000. This immigration

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consisted largely of highly educated technologically proficient workers. Within the

United States, Indians fared well in science, engineering, and management. Graduates

from the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) became known for their technical skills.

The success of Information Technology in India not only had economic repercussions but

also had far-reaching political consequences. India's reputation both as a source and a

destination for skilled workforce helped it improve its relations with a number of world

economies. The relationship between economy and technology—valued in the western

world—facilitated the growth of an entrepreneurial class of immigrant Indians, which

helped aid in promoting technology-driven growth.

The India Startup Ecosystem TimeLine has been compiled with key events from the IT

industry, including software services, MNCs, and startups.

2.4) how it has come through websites

March 1989: Tim Berners-Lee circulated “Information management: A proposal” at

CERN in which he outlined a global hypertext system.

[Note: if round numbers are your passion, you may opt—without changing the substance

of this condensed history—for the ENIAC proposal of April 1943, Ethernet in 1973, and

CERN making the World Wide Web available to the world free of charge in April 1993,

so that 2013 marks the 70th

, 40th

, and 20th

anniversaries of these events.]

Why bother at all to look back? And why did I select these as the top three milestones in

the evolution of information technology?

Most observers of the IT industry prefer and are expected to talk about what’s coming,

not what’s happened. But to make educated guesses about the future of the IT industry, it

helps to understand its past. Here I depart from most commentators who, if they talk at all

about the industry’s past, divide it into hardware-defined “eras,” usually labeled

“mainframes,” “PCs,” “Internet,” and “Post-PC.”

Another way of looking at the evolution of IT is to focus on the specific contributions of

technological inventions and advances to the industry’s key growth driver: digitization

and the resulting growth in the amount of digital data created, shared, and consumed.

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The industry was born with the first giant calculators digitally processing and

manipulating numbers and then expanded to digitize other, mostly transaction-oriented

activities, such as airline reservations. But until the 1980s, all computer-related activities

revolved around interactions between a person and a computer. That did not change when

the first PCs arrived on the scene.

The PC was simply a mainframe on your desk. Of course it unleashed a wonderful stream

of personal productivity applications that in turn contributed greatly to the growth of

enterprise data and the start of digitizing leisure-related, home-based activities. But I

would argue that the major quantitative and qualitative leap occurred only when work

PCs were connected to each other via Local Area Networks (LANs)—where Ethernet

became the standard—and then long-distance via Wide Area Networks (WANs). With the

PC, you could digitally create the memo you previously typed on a typewriter, but to

distribute it, you still had to print it and make paper copies. Computer networks (and their

“killer app,” email) made the entire process digital, ensuring the proliferation of the

message, drastically increasing the amount of data created, stored, moved, and consumed.

Connecting people in a vast and distributed network of computers not only increased the

amount of data generated but also led to numerous new ways of getting value out of it,

unleashing many new enterprise applications and a new passion for “data mining.” This

in turn changed the nature of competition and gave rise to new “horizontal” players,

focused on one IT component as opposed to the vertically integrated, “end-to-end

solution” business model that has dominated the industry until then. Intel in

semiconductors, Microsoft in operating systems, Oracle in databases, Cisco in

networking, Dell in PCs (or rather, build-to-order PCs), and EMC in storage have made

the 1990s the decade in which “best-of-breed” was what many IT buyers believed in,

assembling their IT infrastructures from components sold by focused, specialized IT


The next phase in the evolution of the industry, the next quantitative and qualitative leap

in the amount of data generated and how we use networked computers, came with the

invention of the World Wide Web (commonly mislabeled as “the Internet”). It led to the

proliferation of new applications which were no longer limited to enterprise-related

activities but digitized almost any activity in our lives. Most important, it provided us

with tools that greatly facilitated the creation and sharing of information by anyone with

access to the Internet (the open and almost free wide area network only few people cared

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or knew about before the invention of the World Wide Web). The work memo I typed on

a typewriter which became a digital document sent across the enterprise and beyond now

became my life journal which I could discuss with others, including people on the other

side of the globe I have never met. While computer networks took IT from the

accounting department to all corners of the enterprise, the World Wide Web took IT to all

corners of the globe, connecting millions of people. Interactive conversations and sharing

of information among these millions replaced and augmented broadcasting and drastically

increased (again) the amount of data created, stored, moved, and consumed. And just as

in the previous phase, a bunch of new players emerged, all of them born on the Web, all

of them regarding “IT” not as specific function responsible for running the infrastructure

but as the essence of their business, data and its analysis becoming their competitive edge.

We are probably going to see soon and maybe already are experiencing a new phase in

the evolution of IT and a new quantitative and qualitative leap in the growth of data. The

cloud a new way to deliver IT, big data a new attitude towards data and its potential

value, and The Internet of Things connects billions of monitoring and measurement

devices quantifying everything, combine to sketch for us the future of IT.

2.5) Birth of Digital Marketing

People are consuming digital content on a daily basis. Very soon, traditional

marketing platforms will disappear, and the digital market will completely take

over. There are a number of advantages to Digital Marketing. Unlike traditional

marketing, digital marketing is more affordable.

We can reach a larger audience in a shorter time-period. Technological advances

have resulted in considerable attrition of the customer-base of traditional

marketing agencies & departments. People have moved on to tablets, phones, and

computers, which are the areas where digital marketers have gained the most


The term Digital Marketing was first used in the 1990s. The digital age took off

with the coming of the internet and the development of the Web 1.0 platform. The

Web 1.0 platform allowed users to find the information they wanted, but did not

allow them to share this information over the web. Up until then, marketers

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worldwide were still unsure of the digital platform. They were not sure if their

strategies would work since the internet had not yet seen widespread deployment.

In 1993, the first clickable banner went live, after which Hotwired purchased a few

banner ads for their advertising. This marked the beginning of the transition to the

digital era of marketing. Because of this gradual shift, the year 1994 saw new

technologies enter the digital marketplace. The very same year, Yahoo was


Also known as "Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web" after its founder Jerry

Yang, Yahoo received close to 1 million hits within the first year. This prompted

wholesale changes in the digital marketing space, with companies optimizing their

websites to pull in higher search engine rankings. 1996 saw the launch of a couple

of more search engines and tools like HotBot, LookSmart, and Alexa.

1998 saw the birth of Google. Microsoft launched the MSN search engine and

Yahoo brought to the market Yahoo web search. Two years later, the internet

bubble burst and all the smaller search engines were either left behind or wiped out

leaving more space for the giants in the business. The digital marketing world saw

its first steep surge in 2006, when search engine traffic was reported to have grown

to about 6.4 billion in a single month. Not one to get left behind, Microsoft put

MSN on the backburner, and launched Live Search to compete with Google and


Sensing an opportunity, Google began to expand, introducing such products as

AdWords, which are 3 line ads that show up at the top or to the right of search

engine results, and AdSense -which is a cost-per-click advertising scheme. In time,

Google realized the value of analyzing the content they received and then target

ads based on the interests of the users, and thus became a major player in the world

of business.

Then came Web 2.0, where people became more active participants rather than

remain passive users. Web 2.0 allowed users to interact with other users and

businesses. Labels like ‘super information highway’ began to be applied to the

internet. As a result, information flow volumes –including channels utilized by

digital marketers- increased manifold and by 2004, internet advertising and

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marketing in the US alone brought in around $2.9 billion.

Soon, social networking sites began to emerge. MySpace was the first social

networking site to arrive, soon followed by Facebook. Many companies realized all

these fresh new sites that were popping up were beginning to open new doors of

opportunities to market their products and brands. It opened fresh avenues for

business, and signaled the beginning of a new chapter to business. With new

resources, they needed new approaches to promote their brands & capitalize on the

social networking platform.

The cookie was another important milestone in the digital marketing industry.

Advertisers had begun to look for other ways to capitalize on the fledgling

technology. One such technique was to track common browsing habits and usage

patterns of frequent users of the internet so as to tailor promotions and marketing

collateral to their tastes. The first cookie was designed to record user-habits. The

use of the cookie has changed over the years, and cookies today are coded to offer

marketers a variety of ways to collect literal user data.

Products marketed digitally are now available to customers at all times. Statistics

collected by the Marketing techblog for 2014 show that posting on social media is

the top online activity in the US. The average American spends 37 minutes a day

on social media. 99% of digital marketers use Facebook to market, 97% use

Twitter, 70% use Google+, 69% use Pinterest and 59% use Instagram. 70% of B2C

marketers have acquired customers through Facebook. 67% of Twitter users are far

more likely to buy from brands that they follow on Twitter. 83.8% of luxury

brands have a presence on Pinterest. The top three social networking sites used by

marketers are LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

The digital market is in a constant state of flux. A digital marketing professional

must find ways to keep up with this change. They need to be able to keep an eye

out for emerging trends and the development of newer and smarter Search Engine

Algorithms. After all, nobody can afford to get left behind in this race.

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There is no denying the fact that e-commerce has re-entered India and is here to stay.

Even the small and medium retailers of the country want to ride the wave and are ready to

make a fortune out of the market place concept. It may be now that online shopping has

become popular but the concept of e-Commerce was introduced long back in the 20th


Circa 1991: Introduction of E-Commerce

The year 1991 noted a new chapter in the history of the online world where e-commerce

became a hot choice amongst the commercial use of the internet. At that time nobody

would have even thought that the buying and selling online or say the online trading will

become a trend in the world and India will also share a good proportion of this success.

Circa 2002: IRCTC teaches India to Book ticket online

India first came into interaction with the online E-Commerce via the IRCTC. The

government of India experimented this online strategy to make it convenient for its public

to book the train tickets. Hence, the government came forward with the IRCTC Online

Passenger Reservation System, which for the first time encountered the online ticket

booking from anywhere at any time. This was a boon to the common man as now they

don’t have to wait for long in line, no issues for wastage of time during unavailability of

the trains, no burden on the ticket bookers and many more. The advancements in the

technology as the years passed on have been also seen in the IRCTC Online system as

now one can book tickets (tatkal, normal, etc.) on one go, easy payments, can check the

status of the ticket and availability of the train as well. This is a big achievement in the

history of India in the field of online E-Commerce.

IRCTC Website in August 2002

Circa 2003: Introduction of Low Cost Airline with AirDeccan

After the unpredicted success of the IRCTC, the online ticket booking system was

followed by the airlines (like AirDeccan, Indian Airlines, Spicejet, etc.). Airline agency

encouraged, web booking to save the commission given to agents and thus in a way made

a major population of the country to try E-Commerce for the first time. Today, the

booking system is not just limited to the transportation rather hotel bookings, bus

booking etc. are being done using the websites like Makemytrip and Yatra.

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Circa 2007: The Deep Discounted model of Flipkart

The acceptance of the ecommerce on a large scale by the Indian people influenced other

business players also to try this technique for their E-businesses and gain high profits.

Though online shopping has been present since the 2000 but it gained popularity only

with deep discount model of Flipkart. In a way it re-launched online shopping in India.

Soon other portals like Amazon, Flipkart, Jabong, etc. started hunting India for their


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Circa 2014: Current Scenario

Online shopping in its early stage was a simple medium for shopping with fewer options.

The users can just place an order and pay cash on delivery. But, in last few years this field

has been renovated to a high extent and hence fascinated many customers. Today, the

online shopping has become a trend in India and the reason behind the adoption of this

technique lies in the attractive online websites, user friendly interface, bulky online stores

with new fashion, easy payment methods (i.e. secure pay online via gateways like paypal

or cash-on-delivery), no bound on quantity & quality, one can choose the items based on

size, color, price, etc.

Despite being a developing country, India has shown a commendable increase in

the ecommerce industry in the last couple of years, thereby hitting the market with a

boom. Though the Indian online market is far behind the US and the UK, it has been

growing at a fast page.

Further, the addition of discounts, coupons, offers, referral systems, 30days return

guarantee, 1-7 days delivery time, etc. to the online shopping and the E-Market have

added new flavors to the industry.

The Key drivers of in Indian ecommerce have been:

Increasing broadband Internet and 3G penetration.

Growing Living standards

Availability of much wider product range

Busy lifestyles and lack of time for offline shopping

Increased usage of online categorized sites

Evolution of the online marketplace model with websites like eBay, Flipkart, Snapdeal,


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The Way Forward:

Social Media as a Lead Generation tool

Social media has now become the hub for the merchants which enable them to analyze

the customer choice based on their purchase activities. Social network like LinkedIn,

Twitter, Google+, Facebook and others have become a medium for easy log-in and

purchase. Moreover, the clients can stay updated via the posts published on this media.

Further, the advertising & promotions on these social sites has increased the chances of

success of generating transactions to many folds.

Mobile Commerce:

The latest trend in e-commerce it to focus on mobile based shopping. Snapdeal now

getting half of its traffic from mobile, up from 5% around a year back and flipkart gets

40% traffic from mobile up from 15%. As price of smart phone reduce, these figures will

only increase. For this reason, the larger ecommerce firm has started focusing on mobile

commerce. It is speculated that the next wave of digital commerce consumer will come

thru the mobile.

Price comparison engine:

In the race to acquire customer, e-commerce sites offer deep discount and these discount

vary from site to site depending upon its capacity to negotiate with the supplier. To get

the best discounts, buyer needs to search a plethora of sites. Here, Price comparison sites

come in like mysmartprice.com, Pricedekho.com, freekamal.com and Junglee, etc. . The

website compare prices over the entire web and provide users with the best available

price. E-Commerce sale through these website are increasing and will further increase as

consumers get more and more discount savvy.

Online Grocery Store:

Online grocery stores are gaining popularity in India due to absolute convenience, ease of

shopping and a fast-growing market. Punexpress.com, Milestore.com, Atadaal.com have

already entered the market and are gaining popularity. They provide discounted product

and free home delivery. All of these stores are targeting the Indian housewife, who are yet

to move to e-commerce way of shopping.

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Innovation in logistics:

The addition of the new concept in the ecommerce industry had been recently observed

when Amazon patented its new delivery model called the Prime Air which is expected to

be launched in the upcoming years. This model will use the highly technically embedded

drones or helicopters for the instant delivery of the items. These will be programmed in

such a way that using a GPS system they will identify the exact address for delivery and

drop the item right in front of the doors of the customers. These aerial vehicles will

prioritize the public safety and are designed as per the commercial aviation standards.

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2.7) Indian Economy Before IT and after IT

The 67-years of independence have seen many changes in the socio-economic landscape

of Asia's third largest economy.

During the decades that followed the colonial rule, India's economy, in absolute terms,

has expanded to Rs 57 lakh crore from mere Rs 2.7 lakh crore and the nation's foreign

exchange reserves have crossed $300 billion, giving the economy firepower to fight

external shocks.

Even as the country has progressed in laying out the basic framework to take the

economy to high growth path by building roads and ports and ramping up the food grain

production, a fast growing population and infrastructure woes demand more work to be

done on multiple fronts.

Here is a look at the key macro indicators of the nation's economy from independence till


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India's GDP, in absolute numbers, has grown from a mere Rs2.7 lakh crore to Rs57 lakh

crore in 67 years of independence.

India's GDP at factor cost

Year In Rupee Crore

1950-1951 279,618

1956-1957 352,766

1962-1963 423,011

1967-1968 513,160

1972-1973 593,843

1977-1978 744,972

1982-1983 868,092

1987-1988 1,094,993

1992-1993 1,440,504

1997-1998 1,957,032

2002-2003 2,570,935

2007-2008 3,896,636

2013-2014 5,741,791

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India is a land burgeoning with youth and life. It is the 11th largest economy in the world

by nominal GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and 4th in terms of PPP (Purchasing Power

Parity). India is also making very significant strides forward economically and is poised to

become an economic superpower by 2020. While agriculture is still the predominant employer

and economic mainstay of the nation, industries contribute a very large percentage to the

economy. This contribution has increased more rapidly after the government opened up the

economy and revised its economic policy to include liberalization and globalization. With more

foreign companies entering the country and more Indian companies becoming MNC’s, India is

expected to have one of the fasted predicted economic growth rates in the world. Currently its

GDP is growing at the rate of an average of 7.5%.

A particular industry that has been instrumental in the growth of the Indian economy is

the IT sector. IT stands for Information Technology. The design, development,

implementation or management of information systems is referred to as information

technology. It describes the production, storage, manipulation and dissemination of

information. IT industries account for 6% of the GDP of India and provide employment

directly or indirectly for over 2.3 million people. It also contributes very significantly to

India’s exports: accounting for around 18% in 2001. India produces roughly 150,000

technically and socially adept engineers every year. Most of them migrate to developed

countries and form an integral part of the workforce there, thus becoming India’s most

beloved export.








In Rupee Crore

In Rupee Crore

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The growth of technology as a field of education started with the establishment of the first

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Kharagpur in 1951, by the then education minister

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. The IITs remain, till date, one of the best among the premier

technological institutes in the world, providing high quality training in both the

theoretical and practical aspects of engineering. The concept of IT as an industry began to

take root in India in the late 1960’s. Until then, India used to import the EVS EM

computers from the Soviet Union. But in 1968, Tata Corporation formed the Tata

Consultancy Services, which soon became the largest software providers of the 60’s. The

National Informatics Centre was established in 1975 and was followed by a boom of

indigenous IT companies such as Tata Infotech, Patni Computers and Wipro. Although

the growth of industries as such was slow in the pre-liberalization days, both India

Gandhi and Rajeev Gandhi were convinced that electronics and telecommunication

industry were the future of India. The Indian government created three wide-area

computer networking schemes: INDONET – which was intended to serve IBM networks

across the country, NICNET- the network created for the NIC, and Education and

Research Network (ERNET) which was oriented towards educational research; in the

years 1986-1987. With the birth of the 90’s, India saw massive changes in the IT industry.

The Department of Electronics created Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) in

1991, which is basically an export oriented scheme for the development and export of

computer software, including export of professional services. The decade saw a massive

stride in India’s economic growth, partly due to the extensive internet connectivity

provided all over the country at that time. In the 21st century, India has risen to the

position of one of the largest IT capitals of the world. As of 2006, technologically

inclined services sector in India accounted for 40% of the country’s GDP and 30% of

export earnings.

Perhaps no other industrial sector has affected the middle and upper middle class

population of India as much as the IT sector. Since the establishment of the IIT, technical

education has grown like an ever expanding tree with new engineering colleges opening

every day. It is of course the fondest wish of all Indian parents that their child becomes

either an engineer or a doctor. Since the early 1950’s technical education has been the

ticket out of poverty and to a comfortable life for the people of India. The first great wave

of Indians migrating to the US in search of high skilled jobs was during the 1950’s and

the 60’s. An estimated 10,000 Indians were settled in the US by the year 1960. This

phenomenon, known as “brain drain” triggered off the mass emigration of a large number

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of Indians to various countries around the world in search of jobs with better pay and

comforts. This probably impacted India in a negative way, because even though the

population steadily increased, the number of skilled workers in India went on reducing.

The second wave of Indian migration to the US occurred in the 90’s. The number of

Indian Americans reached 1.7 million in the year 2000. The growth of the IT industry has

also helped to forge positive political ties with nations round the global for the mutual

exchange of intellectual resources. A joint EU-India group of scholars was formed on 23

November 2001 to further promote joint research and development. On 25 June 2002

India and the European Union agreed to bilateral cooperation in the field of science and


The IT industry has helped the growth of modern India in many ways. Indian engineers

and technicians are sought world over for their competency and diligence and strong

fundamentals in their field of work and study. India’s technology boom has also helped

her shed her “Hollywood” image of being the land of mystics, snake charmers and

beggars and has put her on the world map for being a global information hub. The IT

industry refers to a broad, umbrella term encompassing various other industries like

software industries, hardware industry, computer companies and outsourcing companies.

Each of the above mentioned industries have grown at massive rates, providing jobs and

products to Indians. For example HCL Enterprise is an electronics, computing an IT

company based in India, has become a leading provider of IT service and technological

solutions worldwide. In fact, the IT boom of the 90’s and the 2000’s in India was also

accompanied with the growth of BPOs in the nation. India has come under fire from

certain groups of people worldwide for “stealing their jobs”, but the fact stands that

foreign corporations love India for its abundant availability of skilled labour that can

master foreign languages and are satisfied at comparatively low salaries. But with most

recent graduates these days being absorbed into IT companies and BPOs and then getting

their ticket to America and Europe, India is losing a large chunk of its brains which will

perhaps be detrimental to the growth of innovative, indigenous technology and inventions

in India.

The IT industry in India has seen massive change, growth and development over the

years. The future of this industry seems bright with more growth being predicted.

Financial analysts are optimistically predicting strides in software technology

development in India. Additionally, the growth of the IT sector is expected to bring about

a corresponding growth in other sectors like employment, exports and Foreign Direct

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Investments. IT sector is also intimately linked to other relevant sectors like biomedical

technology, defense and infrastructure. Thus the future of the IT sector will directly

impact the growth of the nation.

2.8) Indian economy before and after online transaction

India had an internet user base of about 354 million as of June 2015 and is expected to

cross 500 million in 2016. Despite being the second-largest user base in world, only

behind China (650 million, 48% of population), the penetration of e-commerce is low

compared to markets like the United States (266 million, 84%), or France (54 M, 81%),

but is growing at an unprecedented rate, adding around 6 million new entrants every

month. The industry consensus is that growth is at an inflection point.

In India, cash on delivery is the most preferred payment method, accumulating 75% of

the e-retail activities. Demand for international consumer products (including long-

tail items) is growing much faster than in-country supply from authorized distributors and

e-commerce offerings.

In 2015, the largest e-commerce companies in India were Flipkart, Snapdeal, Amazon

India, and Paytm.

India's e-commerce market was worth about $3.9 billion in 2009, it went up to $12.6

billion in 2013. In 2013, the e-retail segment was worth US$2.3 billion. About 70% of

India's e-commerce market is travel related. According to Google India, there were 35

million online shoppers in India in 2014 Q1 and is expected to cross 100 million mark by

end of year 2016. CAGR vis-à-vis a global growth rate of 8–10%. Electronics and

Apparel are the biggest categories in terms of sales.

According to a study conducted by the Internet and Mobile Association of India, the e-

commerce sector is estimated to reach Rs.211, 005 core by December 2016. The study

also stated that online travel accounts for 61% of the e-commerce market.

By 2020, India is expected to generate $100 billion online retail revenue out of which $35

billion will be through fashion e-commerce. Online apparel sales are set to grow four

times in coming years.

India's retail market is estimated at $470 billion in 2011 and is expected to grow to $675

Bn by 2016 and $850 billion by 2020, – estimated CAGR of 10%. According to Forrester,

the e-commerce market in India is set to grow the fastest within the Asia-Pacific Region

at a CAGR of over 57% between 2012–16.

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As per "India Goes Digital", a report by Agendas Capital, the Indian e-commerce market

is estimated at Rs 28,500 Core ($6.3 billion) for the year 2011. Online travel constitutes a

sizable portion (87%) of this market today. Online travel market in India had a growth

rate of 22% over the next 4 years and reach Rs54,800 crore ($12.2 billion) in size by

2015. Indian e-tailing industry is estimated at Rs 3,600 crore (US$800 million) in 2011

and estimated to grow to Rs 53,000 crore ($11.8 billion) in 2015.

Overall e-commerce market had reached Rs1,07,800 cores (US$24 billion) by the year

2015 with both online travel and e-tailing contributing equally. Another big segment in e-

commerce is mobile/DTH recharge with nearly 1 million transactions daily by operator


A new sector in e-commerce is online medicine, selling complementary and alternative

medicine or prescription medicine online. There are no dedicated online pharmacy laws

in India and it is permissible to sell prescription medicine online with a legitimate license.

Online sales of luxury products like jewelry also increased over the years. Most of the

retail brands have also started entering into the market and they expect at least 20% sales

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through online in next 2–3 years.

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2.9) Indian economical growth before and after digital


In India Digital marketing used by the ecommerce sectors. But in India IT sectors came

up with main revolution after 2007-2008.The revenue of the market share are highly

increased by digital marketing processes. IT Industry in India, Indian Information

Technology, ITeS Sector, Services. The IT-business process management (BPM) sector

in India is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 9.5 per cent to US$ 300 billion by 2020.

The Information Technology Industry of India dates back to 1967 when the Tata Group in

collaboration with Burroughs set up the first software zone, SEEPZ in Mumbai. In 1973

SEEPZ became the first software export zone which saw 80% of the software export in

the 1980s. Since then, the IT sector of India has grown by leaps and bounds and has

acquired India a brand name in the IT and ITES (Information Technology Enabled

Services) sector in the global scenario. The major hubs for the IT export sector are

Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. Bangalore has earned the

sobriquet, ‘The Silicon Valley of India’ owing to the maximum IT export (generating

77% of the net IT export revenue of India). The IT- ITES sector can be broadly classified

into two categories (i) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and (ii) Domestic and IT

export. The growth in the BPO sector under the supervision of the IT-ITES sector has

been phenomenal. According to NASSCOM, “The IT-BPO sector in India aggregated

revenue of US$ 100 billion in FY 2012, where export and domestic revenue stood at US$

69.1 billion and US $31.7 billion respectively”.

The industry is also an employment intensive sector. The estimated employment

generation in the FY 2012 was an expected 230,000 thus providing direct employment to

2.8 million and indirect employment 88.9 million people all over the country. According

to a report prepared by Gartner, the top five outsourcing companies of India are TCS,

Cognizant, Infosys, Wipro and HCL Technologies.

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These imperatives are enabled by a portfolio of cross-industry capabilities;

These imperatives are enabled by a portfolio of cross-industry capabilities;

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Digital marketing Tools

2010-2013 2013-2015 2015-2016










2007-2010 2010-2013 2013-2015 2015-2016 Growth Rate

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The e-Intelligence TM, envisage themselves to be the renowned global leader in web

interactive marketing solutions industry exceeding customer expectations. Their Vision is

to be an accredited, preferred and acknowledged long-run partner for our global clients

while ensuring employee growth and satisfaction.


The primary Mission is to innovate, prepare and provide adaptable, user-friendly,

profitable and all-inclusive solutions to present and future requirements in the digital

marketing industry. Our long-term goal is to bring SEO and SMM solutions within the

reach of businesses of all sizes, in every corner of the world.

Business relations are based on the '7 Golden Values'

Professional and Human Centered Approach

Honesty & Integrity

Transparency in the process

Adherence to clients policies & privacy

Respect for deadline commitments

Client Satisfaction & Value for Money

Building Long Term Relationship with our Clients

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2.11) SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis (alternatively SWOT matrix) is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats and is a structured planning method that evaluates those four

elements of a project or business venture. A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a

company, product, place, industry, or person. It involves specifying the objective of the

business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are

favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. Some authors credit SWOT to Albert

Humphrey, who led a convention at the Stanford Research Institute (now SRI

International) in the 1960s and 1970s using data from Fortune 500 companies. However,

Humphrey himself did not claim the creation of SWOT, and the origins remain obscure.

The degree to which the internal environment of the firm matches with the external

environment is expressed by the concept of strategic fit.

• Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over


• Weaknesses: characteristics that place the business or project at a disadvantage

relative to others

• Opportunities: elements in the environment that the business or project could

exploit to its advantage

• Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or


Identification of SWOTs is important because they can inform later steps in planning to

achieve the objective. First, decision-makers should consider whether the objective is

attainable, given the SWOTs. If the objective is not attainable, they must select a different

objective and repeat the process.

Users of SWOT analysis must ask and answer questions that generate meaningful

information for each category (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) to make

the analysis useful and find their competitive advantage.

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Advantages of SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is instrumental in strategy formulation and selection. It is a strong tool,

but it involves a great subjective element. It is best when used as a guide, and not as a

prescription. Successful businesses build on their strengths, correct their weakness and

protect against internal weaknesses and external threats. They also keep a watch on their

overall business environment and recognize and exploit new opportunities faster than its


SWOT Analysis helps in strategic planning in following manner-

a. It is a source of information for strategic planning.

b. Builds organization’s strengths.

c. Reverse its weaknesses.

d. Maximize its response to opportunities.

e. Overcome organization’s threats.

f. It helps in identifying core competencies of the firm.

g. It helps in setting of objectives for strategic planning.

h. It helps in knowing past, present and future so that by using past and current data,

future plans can be chalked out.

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SWOT Analysis provide information that helps in synchronizing the firm’s resources and

capabilities with the competitive environment in which the firm operates.


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Limitations of SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is not free from its limitations. It may cause organizations to view

circumstances as very simple because of which the organizations might overlook certain

key strategic contact which may occur. Moreover, categorizing aspects as strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats might be very subjective as there is great degree of

uncertainty in market. SWOT Analysis does stress upon the significance of these four

aspects, but it does not tell how an organization can identify these aspects for itself.

There are certain limitations of SWOT Analysis which are not in control of management.

These include-

a. Price increase;

b. Inputs/raw materials;

c. Government legislation;

d. Economic environment;

e. Searching a new market for the product which is not having overseas market due

to import restrictions; etc.

Internal limitations may include-

a. Insufficient research and development facilities;

b. Faulty products due to poor quality control;

c. Poor industrial relations;

d. Lack of skilled and efficient labour; etc

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Market Leader in Search Engines

Perhaps the biggest strength of Google is that it is the undisputed leader in search

engines, which means that it has a domineering and lion’s share of the internet

searches worldwide. Google has more than 65% of the market share for internet

searches and the competitors do not even come close to anywhere that Google


Ability to Generate User Traffic

Google is a household brand in the world, its ability to drive internet user traffic is

legendary, and this has helped it become one of the most powerful brands in the

world. Indeed, Google averages more than 1.2 Billion hits a month in terms of the

unique searches that users perform on the site. This gives it an unrivaled and

unparalleled edge over its competitors in the market.

Revenue from Advertising and Display

Its revenue model wherein it garners humungous profits through partnerships with

third party sites has held the company in good stead as far as its ability to mop up

resources and increase both its top-line as well as bottom-line is concerned. This is

another key strength of the company that has helped it scale greater heights.

Introduction of Android and Mobile Technologies

The last of the strengths discussed here relates to its adoption of Android and

Mobile technologies, this has resulted in it becoming a direct competitor of Apple

as far as these devices, and operating systems are concerned.

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Excessive Reliance on Secrecy

Google does not reveal its algorithm for searches or even its basic formula as far

as internet searches are concerned leading to many experts slamming the company

for being opaque and hiding behind the veneer of secrecy. However, in recent

years, Google has taken steps to redress this by providing a bare bones version of

its unique search engine algorithm.

Falling Ad Rates

In recent years and especially in 2013, the company has been faced with declining

revenues from ads and as a result, the profitability of the company has taken a hit.

This is partly due to the ongoing global economic slowdown and partly because of

competitors snapping at its heels in a more aggressive manner. Indeed, Apple has

already taken steps to garner search engine revenues in its devices and hence,

Google must be cognizant of the challenges that lie ahead.

Overdependence on Advertising

Google’s business model relies heavily on advertising and the numbers reveal that

it gets more than 85% of its revenues from ads alone. This means that any

potential dip in revenues would cost the company dearly (literally as well as

metaphorically). The point here is that Google has to devise a more robust

business model that embraces e-commerce and mobile commerce along with its

current business model that is based on ad revenues alone.

Lack of Compatibility with next generation devices

Another weakness for Google is that it is not compatible with many next

generation computing platforms including mobile and tablet computers and this

remains an area of concern for the company.

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Android Operating System

Perhaps the biggest opportunity for Google lies in its pioneering effort in

providing the Android OS (Operating System) which has resulted in its becoming

a direct competitor to Apple and Samsung.

Diversification into non-Ad Business Models

As discussed earlier, the company has to diversify into non-ad revenues if it has to

remain profitable and current indications are that it is adapting itself to this as can

be seen from the push towards commercial transactions using its numerous sites

like Google Books, Google Maps etc.

Google Glasses and Google Play

The introduction of Google Glasses and Google Play promises to be a game

changer for Google and this is a significant opportunity that the company can

exploit. Indeed, this very aspect can make the company take the next evolutionary

leap into the emerging world of nano-computing.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing remains a key opportunity for Google as it is already

experienced in providing storage and cloud solutions. Indeed, if not anything, it

can move into the enterprise market using the cloud-computing paradigm.

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Competition from Facebook

The advent of Social Media has seriously threatened Google’s dominance in the internet

world and the company has to pull an ace to deal with the increasing features available on

Facebook and Twitter.

Mobile Computing

Another threat to Google is from the emerging area of mobile computing that threatens to

pass the company by as newer companies seize the opportunity to ramp up their mobile

computing presence.

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2.12) Learning points:

Economy of India

The economy of India is the seventh-largest in the world measured by nominal GDP and

the third-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country is classified as a newly

industrialized country, and one of the G-20 major economies, with an average growth rate

of approximately 7% over the last two decades. Maharashtra is the wealthiest Indian

state with an annual nominal GDP of US$330 billion, roughly equivalent to those

of Venezuela and the United Arab Emirates, and accounts for 13.4% of India's GDP

followed by the states of Tamil Nadu (US$170 billion) and Uttar Pradesh (US$150

billion). India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy in the last

quarter of 2014, surpassing the People's Republic of China.

Marketing as “the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy

the needs of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires.

It defines, measures and quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit

potential. It pinpoints which segments the company is capable of serving best and it

designs and promotes the appropriate products and services.”-By Philip Kotler

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Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using

digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display

advertising, and any other digital medium.

The way in which digital marketing has developed since the 1990s and 2000s has

changed the way brands and businesses utilize technology and digital marketing for their

marketing. Digital marketing campaigns are becoming more prevalent as well as efficient,

as digital platforms are increasingly incorporated into marketing plans and everyday life,

and as people use digital devices instead of going to physical shops.

Digital marketing techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine

marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation,

campaign marketing, data-driven marketing[6] and e-commerce marketing, social media

marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising, e–

books, optical disks and games, are becoming more and more common in our advancing

technology. In fact, this extends to non-Internet channels that provide digital media, such

as mobile phones (SMS and MMS), callback and on-hold mobile ring tones.

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Social Media Marketing:-

Social Media allows you to be a part of your customer’s online experience and building

engaged relationships with them, who will then become your promoters.

Why Social Media Marketing:

Social Media Marketing involves things like engaging your target audience on your

Social Media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc. to increase

customer engagement and turn it into real sales over a period of time. Customer

engagement through Social Media may look like a daunting task initially as there are so

many different Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter etc that serve various

purposes. Our services help you to decode these platforms for your business and create a

strategy to utilize the right one to engage your target audience.

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Social Media Strategy:

Our Social media strategy enables your brand to interact with your target audience,

engage them and help promote your brand. Our strategies are built on top of your

business strategies to attain greatest advantage possible. We have the expertise to increase

engagement on these platforms and create very effective Social Media campaigns for

your brand. We reach your potential audience through organic as well as paid campaigns

as channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram allow you to reach even niche target

audience easily.


Gone are the days where people walk down to the stores and get their stuff for the

business and search for their own clients over the target market. They’re going Digital

now! They find their customers online and get their business through internet now.

Internet is the source these days through which you get your customers or your customers

find you and this starts with a web search. And hence it’s very important that your

website is optimized for easy access to search engines. At the same time, do ensure that

an SEO plan is drawn considering all the key parameters that search engine looks for to

rank your website based on its authority.Here at ODIGMA, create SEO (Search Engine

Optimization) strategy and plan to help you better to crawl top ranks on the web results.

We make sure that your website is consistent in terms of its ranking, branding and its

content strategy.

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The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and

differentiates a product from other products . An effective brand strategy gives you a

major edge in increasingly competitive markets.

Business promotion is an integral part of any business's success, as it is through

promotion that a business expands its customer/client base and opens new windows of

opportunity. There are many ways to promote a business, and each varies in regards to

time, labor and costs.

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The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in India was worth 2095.40 billion US dollars in

2015. The GDP value of India represents 3.38 percent of the world economy. GDP in

India averaged 484.96 USD Billion from 1960 until 2015, reaching an all time high of

2095.40 USD Billion in 2015 and a record low of 37.68 USD Billion in 1960.

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Chapter 3


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Analysis of data, also known as data analytics, is a process of

inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful

information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making. Data analysis has

multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of

names, in different business, science, and social science domains.



A case study is usually an in-depth description of a process, experience, or structure at a single

institution. In order to answer a combination of ‘what’ and ‘why’ questions, case studies generally involve

a mix of quantitative (i.e., surveys, usage statistics, etc.) and qualitative (i.e., interviews, focus groups,

extant document analysis, etc.) data collection techniques. Most often, the researcher will analyze

quantitative data first and then use qualitative strategies to look deeper into the meaning of the trends

identified in the numerical data.


Checklists structure a person’s observation or evaluation of a performance or artifact. They can be

simple lists of criteria that can be marked as present or absent, or can provide space for observer

comments. These tools can provide consistency over time or between observers. Checklists can be used

for evaluating databases, virtual IM service, the use of library space, or for structuring peer observations of

instruction sessions.


In-Depth Interviews include both individual interviews (e.g., one-on-one) as well as “group”

interviews (including focus groups). The data can be recorded in a wide variety of ways including

stenography, audio recording, video recording or written notes. In depth interviews differ from direct

observation primarily in the nature of the interaction. In interviews it is assumed that there is a questioner

and one or more interviewees. The purpose of the interview is to probe the ideas of the interviewees about

the phenomenon of interest.


Sometimes, the best way to collect data through observation. This can be done directly or

indirectly with the subject knowing or unaware that you are observing them. You may choose to collect

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data through continuous observation or via set time periods depending on your project. You may interpret

data you gather using the following mechanisms:

1. Descriptive observations: you simply write down what you observe

2. Inferential observations: you may write down an observation that is inferred by the subject’s

body language and behavior.

3. Evaluativeobservation:

You may make an inference and therefore a judgment from the behavior. Make sure you can

replicate these findings.



a) Have definite and concrete questions.

b) Is prepared well in advance.

c) Initiates a formal inquiry.

d) Supplements and checks the data, previously accumulated.

e) Used in studies of the economics and the social problems, studies of the administrative

policies and changes etc.


a) Used at the time of the interview.

b) Acts as the guide for the interviewer.

c) Is very flexible in working.

d) Used in studies related to the group of families or those relating to the personal

experiences, beliefs etc.

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A questionnaire can also be divided as the follows depending on the nature of the

questions therein


a) Respondent is free to express his views and the ideas.

b) Used in making intensive studies of the limited number of the cases.

c) Merely an issue is raised by such a questionnaire.

d) Do not provide any structure for the respondent’s reply.

e) The questions and their orders are pre – determined in the nature.


a) Responses are limited to the stated alternatives.

b) One of the alternatives is simply YES or NO.

c) Respondent cannot express his own judgment.


a) Questions are both close and open ended.

b) Used in field of social research.


a) Used very rarely.

b) Pictures are used to promote the interest in answering the questions.

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c) Used in studies related to the social attitudes and the pre – judices in the children.

This questionnaire will be used to understand the consumer buying behavior of

Indians. The questionnaire was answered by 50 consumers and below is the statistics

of the information provided by them.

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1) How do you get information about service?

- A)Friends B)Family C)Advertisement D)News E)Other sources




1) From this analysis we can see most of the people know about services from

advertisement that is 70%.

2) From news they get information is 30%.

3) Other sources means web media,google,youtube inform people percentage is 5%.

4) Friends and Family person help to inform us about 5%.







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80



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2) Did you ever purchase from an online site?

A) Yes B)No




1) Here we find 82% people are using ecommerce platform to buy products.

2) But 18% people they don’t use ecommerce platform to buy any product.


YES 82

NO 18














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3) If yes, then what type of product/ service did you purchase online?

A)Apparels B)Electronics C)Books D)Travel products E)Fashion Accessories

F)Kitchen and Home items G)Toys H)Sports items I)Health and beauty products





1) Here we can see electronics is the most selling item in online shops. That is 34%.

2) Fashion products and apparels are the most attractive items for customers in e

commence websites. That is why their percentage also 15%-20%.

3) Books are not so popular products in online shops.So; the percentage is also 11%.

4) Others items are not so popular in online shops for customers.


Apparels 20

Electronics 34

Books 11

Travel products 5

Fashion Accessories 15

Kitchen and Home items 3

Toys 3

Sports items 5

Health and beauty products 2

Automotive 2

0 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40



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4) Do you have a mobile phone or smart phones?

A) Yes B) No




1) Now a days each and every people use smart phones. By this survey 80% of people

using Smart phones to buy products from online stores.

2) 20% of people using phones but not the smart phones.


YES 80

NO 20










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5) Do you have a laptop or PC?

A) Yes B) No




1) Now most of the people using laptops and PC.So, it’s getting easy to reach an online

shops for buying products.

2) But 22% of people still has economical problem to buy pc or laptops.


YES 78

NO 22










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6) Do you have a tablet?

A) Yes B)No




1) Tablet users are less than pc, laptop or smartphones users.


YES 42

NO 58












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7) Do you have internet connection in any of the above-mentioned gadgets?

A)Yes B)No




1) Now a day’s Internet in electronics Gadgets is very much easy to get. That is why 88%

of people use internet in electronics gadgets.


YES 88

NO 12










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8)When do you use these gadgets?

A)While watching TV B)Office C)College D)With friends




1) While watching tv we see most of the people attract in TV Adds.So,there is no time for

using gadgets.

2) In office and colleges have a huge access in Internet for their works.So,most people

use gadgets in that time only. More than 80% of people use gadgets on that time.


While watching TV 8

Office 43

College 38

Friends 11







While watching TV Office College Friends



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9) What do you do with these gadgets?

A)Game B)Surfing C)Shopping D)News reading E)Blogging F)E-Booking reading

G)Watching Videos H)Chatting




1) In this analysis we can see that watching videos and chatting is the most popular work

by electronics gadgets.

2) While surfing through various websites are less than watching videos and chatting.

3) Gaming and e book reading is the passion full work. By this analysis we can see that

whoever love those things to do they only play games and read e books.

$0Blooging is done by very professional persons who know how to write blogs.




















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10) Do you ever notice advertisements?

A) Yes B) No




1) The electronics gadgets users all have Internet in their gadgets.So, 92% of users said

that they notice advertisements in several websites.

2) 8% of people are not using internet in their gadgets or they stop the pop-ups while

advertisement are showed.


YES 92

NO 8










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11) If yes, from where?

A)TV B)Online C)Newspaper D)Youtube E)Outdoor hording F)Radio G)Display

Adds in shops




1) By this analysis we can see YouTube and online adds are very much effective for

viewers about 40%-45%.

2) TV is the traditional way for displaying advertisement around 37%.

3) Others have limited impact on viewers.


TV 37






Display ADDS In SHOPS 2

0 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40



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12) Mention one form of media from the list below, which you give more


A)TV B)Online C)Newspaper D)Youtube E)Outdoor hording F)Radio G)Display

Adds in shops




1) From this analysis we can see most popular online website youtube make most

importance to the viewer that is 40%.

2) TV is one of the most traditional platform for the viewer that is 20%.

3) Out door hording and display adds in shops are the most common promotional activity

in marketing now a days.


TV 20






Display ADDS In SHOPS 10

0 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45



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13) How do you normally purchase a product?

A) Research in mobile and purchase from retail shop

B) Research in laptop and purchase from retail shop

C) Research in mobile and purchase from laptops

D) Research and purchase from mobile

F) Research and purchase from laptop

G) Visit the retail shop and purchase from mobile

H) Visit the retail shop and purchase from laptop

I) Visit and purchase from retail shop itself



Research in mobile and purchase from retail shop 5

Research in laptop and purchase from retail shop 2

Research in mobile and purchase from laptops 6

Research and purchase from mobile 35

Research and purchase from laptop 30

Visit the retail shop and purchase from mobile 10

Visit the retail shop and purchase from laptop 10

Visit and purchase from retail shop itself 2

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1) From this analysis we can say that online shopping via electronic gadgets are more

popular in consumer buying behavior.

2) Direct retail shop marketing is a outdated marketing in this days.










Research in mobile

and purchase

from retail shop

Research in laptop

and purchase

from retail shop

Research in mobile

and purchase

from laptops

Research and

purchase from


Research and

purchase from


Visit the retail

shop and purchase

from mobile

Visit the retail

shop and purchase

from laptop

Visit and purchase

from retail shop itself



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14) Is digital marketing worth for online servicing only?

A)Yes B)No




1) Most of the companies now using their digital marketing strategy to increase their


2) But still now some of the companies who has small funding or some companies don’t

have any choice to do modern marketing they using traditional marketing.


YES 94

NO 6










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15) After purchase, what type of experience will you share with others?

A) Nice deal which you got in terms of price

B) Bad experience with the product

C) Good experience with the product

D) All the above mentioned




1)Here by this survey we can see most percentage of people happy with the product

purchase deals that is 47%.

2)both good and bad experience of the product people percentage is 28.


Nice deal which you got in terms of price 47

Bad experience with the product 5

Good experience with the product 20

All the above mentioned 28







Nice deal which you got in terms of price

Bad experience with the product

Good experience with the product

All the above mentioned



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16) How will you share your experience with others?

A) Social networking sites B)Messaging C)Write a blog D)In company website

E) Through face to face talk




1) Most of the people now using social media platform to give their product review. Here

54% people give their response through social media platform.

2 )In company website some people give their response in products.

3) right now blogs are one of the popular platform to give opinion on products.

4) Rest of the things are not so important for reviewing products.


Social networking sites 54

Messaging 15

Write a blog 6

In company website 17

Through face to face talk 8








Social networking sites

Messaging Write a blog In company website

Through face to face talk



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17) Which digital marketing tool you mostly like/use?

A) SEO B) SMM C) SEM D) Content marketing E) Email marketing F) Pay

per click(PPC) G) Big Data




1) Now in modern marketing one of the best digital marketing tool is Social Media

marketing. It is a very popular platform where can we easily interact with customer and

know their view about products.

2) SEO is a most important digital marketing tool for the marketing team. They use this

because they need to know how much backlinks generated in particular time by the

marketing team for particular clients.

3) Content marketing and pay per click is the most newest tools in digital marketing.

Although email marketing is there which is still attract customers?

4) Big Data is completely IT tools which use in marketing field but only API based



SEO 25

SMM 38

SEM 12

 Content marketing 9

Email marketing 5

Pay per click(PPC) 8

Big Data 3

0 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40

SEO SMM SEM Content marketing

Email marketing

Pay per click(PPC)

Big Data



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18) Which services should Infibeam alter for better customer satisfaction?

A) Website content B) Product availability C) Customer services D) Payment





1) Infibeam main problem is payment method.Amazon, Flipkarkt and other ecommerce

companies have cash on delivery system. But still now infibeam don’t have this method.

That thing not satisfies customers.

2) Customer service is not also good for this company. Customer have to wait long time

for reply after giving a complain.

3) This ecommerce sites web contents are not that much good like Amazon or flipkart.

4) Minimum products are available there..


Website content 18

Product availability 15

Customer services 32

Payment Method 35










Website content Product availability Customer services Payment Method



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19 )Is digital marketing helping the growth of Indian economy?

A)Yes B)No




1) Now in modern days most companies using digital marketing. They are well funded

companies. Their numbers are big and they using modern marketing for getting more


2) The others are either not well funded or they still believe in traditional marketing.


YES 76

NO 24













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20) Is digital marketing can beat traditional marketing after making “DIGITAL


A)Yes B)No




1) After our honorable Prime Minister Declared “Digital India” concept Indian

companies are now very much ready to reach the global modern marketing strategy.

2) There is very few percentage of people thinks that this is not worthy concept in modern



YES 85

NO 15










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Chapter 4


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1. Most of the real sector people actually understanding the value and opportunities

of digital marketing.

2. With the study of digital marketing we came to its emergence and extreme growth

in today’s scenario.

3. What We found in client servicing is convincing clients is bit complex as they too

have complete knowledge about the digital marketing and also explaining how we

are better than others.

4. Most of the sectors initially opt for the digital marketing channels name search

engine optimization, search engine marketing and social media marketing and

later they will think about other channels which mean these three channel high


5. It is easier to approach a company’s if you first send them an E-mailer to related

sector and then call them in fact sometimes the company itself call having seen the


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The summer internship project helped us to understand how the corporate business works.

The various departments and its functions and how all are interrelated to each

other.Odigma Consultancy Pvt Ltd is a Digital Marketing firm which shows us the

complete process of how they work at each functional level, especially about the business

development as It is a basic process for which intensive research is to be conducted to

find out the target audience, clients, sponsors, vendors etc. The business development

process starts from research and ends at project closure. This project has made us

understand the various key- points which are is considered to crack a deal, how to deal

with different people.

The company helped us to learn a lot which helped us to understand the business in depth.

Online media is a way to do, which gives quick glance to raise your customers, goodwill.


5.2.1) Technical Aspects:

Finding the online presence of the client.

Understanding why it is so weak.

Identifying what solutions would be better for particular client.

How to improve their presence, etc.

5.2.2) Managerial Aspect:

To define SWOT for the client.

To define their requirements and the corresponding solutions.

To define the gap analysis for the client.

5.2.3) Business Aspect:

To find better business opportunity for ROW.

To resolve the client’s problem in terms of ROI.

Competitive benefits and bets pricing offering.

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1) WIKIPEIDA,2017.Digital Marketing.[online] Available from:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_marketing [Accessed 9 April 2014]


Digital Advertising In India Up 30% In 2013; Rs 3402 Cr Expected In 2014. [online] Available

From: http://www.medianama.com/2014/02/223-groupm-says-digital-advertising-in-india-30-in-

2013-rs-3402-cr-expected-in-2014/ [Accessed 10 April 2014]

3)World Population Statistics, 2013. Indian Population. [online] Available from:

http://www.worldpopulationstatistics.com/india-population-2013/ [ Accessed on 10 April 2014]

4)India online, 2014. Indian population. [online] Available from :

http://www.indiaonlinepages.com/population/india-current-population.html [Accessed on 10

April 2014]

5)comScore,2013. INDIA DIGITAL FUTURE IN FOCUS 2013. [pdf]

6)TOI,2014. Indian to have 243 million internet user by june 2014: IAMAI. [online] Available

from: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-news/India-to-have-243-million-internet-users-

by-June-2014-IAMAI/articleshow/29563698.cms [Accessed on 10 April 2014]

7)TOI,2013.With 243 million users by 2014, India to beat US in internet reach: Study. [online]

Available from: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-news/With-243-million-users-by-

2014-India-to-beat-US-in-internet-reach-Study/articleshow/25719512.cms [Accessed on 10 April



9)Smart Inside blogs


11) https://www.emarketer.com/

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1. Government Employee

2. Private Employee

3. Business

4. Self Employment

5. House wifretired

Income per month

1. Below 10,000

2. 10,000-25,000

3. 25,000-40,000

4. Above 40,000

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1) How do you get information about service?

A. Friends

B. Family

C. Advertisements

D. News

E. Other sources

2) Did you ever purchase from an online site?

A. Yes

B. No

3) If yes, then what type of product/ service did you purchase online?

A. Apparels

B. Electronic

C. Books

D. Travel Products

E. Fashion accessories

F. Kitchen and Home items

G. Toys

H. Sports equipment

I. Health and Beauty Products

J. Gifts

K. Automotive

4) Do you have a mobile phone or smartphones?

A. Yes

B. No

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5) Do you have a laptop or PC?

A. Yes

B. No

6) Do you have a tablet?

A. Yes

B. No

7) Do you have internet connection in any of the above-mentioned gadgets?

A. Yes

B. No

8) When do you use these gadgets?

A. While watching TV

B. Office

C. College

D. With friends

9) What do you do with these gadgets?

A. Games

B. Surfing

C. Shopping

D. News reading

E. Blogging

F. E-booking Reading

G. Watching Videos

H. Chatting

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10) Do you ever notice advertisements?

A. Yes

B. No

11) If yes, from where?


B. Online

C. Newspapers

D. YouTube

E. Magazines

F. Out Door Hoardings

G. Radio

12) Mention one form of media from the list below, which you give more importance?


B. Online

C. Newspaper

D. YouTube

E. Out Door Hoarding

F. Radio

G. Display ads in shops

13) How do you normally purchase a product?

A. Research in mobile and purchase from retail shop

B. Research in laptop and purchase from retail shop

C. Research in mobile and purchase from laptops

D. Research and purchase from mobile

E. Research and purchase from laptop

F. Visit the retail shop and purchase from mobile

G. Visit the retail shop and purchase from laptop

H. Visit and purchase from retail shop itself

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14) Is digital marketing worth for online servicing only?

A. Yes

B. No

15) After purchase, what type of experience will you share with others?

A. Nice deal which you got in terms of price

B. Bad experience with the product

C. Good experience with the product

D. All the above mentioned

16) How will you share your experience with others?

A. Social networking sites

B. Messaging

C. Write a blog

D. In company website

E. Through face to face talk

17) Which digital marketing tool you mostly like/use?




D. Content marketing

E. Email marketing

F. Pay per click(PPC)

G. Big Data

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18) Which services should Infibeam alter for better customer satisfaction ?

A. Website content

B. Product availability

C. Customer services

D. Payment Method

19) Is digital marketing helping the growth of Indian economy?

A. Yes

B. No

20) Is digital marketing can beat traditional marketing after making “DIGITAL INDIA”?

A. Yes

B. No

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