Elizabeth Marsten: Find Paid Search Zen this Holiday Season

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Page 2: Elizabeth Marsten: Find Paid Search Zen this Holiday Season



» 9 years in the Search industry

» PPC, SEO, Analytics, Social &


» Speaker: MozCon, SMX

(Adv/East/West), PPC HeroCon,

Searchfest, Marketing Profs

» Author: All in One Web Marketing

for Dummies, Lynda.com,

ClickZ/Search Engine Watch

Elizabeth Marsten,

Director of Paid Search

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Find Paid Search Zen with Santa’s Little Helper

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1. It’s the Year of Mobile

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Totally the Year of Mobile

Over half of online traffic is on mobile devices

now…how are far behind are conversions

from following?

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Totally the Year of Mobile

» Mobile Bid Modifiers

Time of day, day of week traffic is different than desktop

Re-evaluate and change bids often

» Remarketing to Mobile Visitors

But on desktop, via programs like Facebook Dynamic Product Ads

» Some of You Will Still Just Have to Turn it Off

Or really close to it

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2. Facebook Dynamic Product Ads

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Facebook DPA: Remarketing on Speed

» Need a product catalog feed to Facebook API


As well as the Facebook Pixel

» Need a 3rd party OR a developer with skills

In order to create and manage campaigns to the Facebook Ad

Management API

» Need some people to remarket to

Traffic sources of direct, referral, organic or paid search

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Facebook DPA

» Create and Modify Ad Units

Depending on catalog size, you may need a lot of templates and copy

» View Through Conversions Count

» Seed Demographic Data from the Brand

Create audiences within “all site visitors”

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Facebook DPA

» What we’re seeing: home decor

3x conversion rate of Google PLA

ROAS of 1200%

Right rail has a higher return than Newsfeed and Mobile

Return is fairly equal between 24hours and <10 days, so recency is not a

major factor

Timeframe: one month

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Facebook DPA

» Does Facebook DPA Cannibalize PPC Sales?

A little…

For one client (major retailer, multiple verticals) we saw over the course of

3 months, 23% of Google AdWords PLA clicks go to Facebook instead

8% of Facebook conversions came from an Google AdWords assist

Facebook “organic” accounted for 40% of the original referral

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3. Accelerated Budgets

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Accelerated & Standard Budget Serving

» Campaign A never reaches it’s daily budget, but

converts well

Change ad serving to accelerated

» Set that daily budget at a reasonable number, not one

that will cause panic attacks

» Pair with Conversion Optimizer feature

Standard: ad serving is spread out the day based on daily budget

Accelerated: ad serving is for every eligible impressions until budget is


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4. Dynamic Remarketing

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Dynamic Remarketing

» Add dynamic parameters to your website and show

visitors the products they added to cart, but did not

buy on the GDN

» Set up feeds in the Business Data area for non-retail

» Use predefined audiences or build your own


» Use Conversion Optimizer for easier management

Highly targeted banner ads on the Google Display Network showing to

previous site visitors.

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16https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/products/dynamic-creative-for-remarketing.html@ebkendo #stateofsearch

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5. Category Conversion Rates

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Conversion Rate by Category

For example:

» Conversion rate average is 2%

» Jackets & Blazers, gets only 5,000 clicks a month, but

converts at 4%

» Turn up the bids/daily budget on Jackets & Blazers,

get all of the conversions possible. Volume might not

be as impressive, but revenue is revenue.

Review conversion rates by category or product type. Sure, it may be

lower volume, but at 4%, let it ride!

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6. RLSA for Shopping

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RLSA for Shopping

» Build remarketing lists based on cart behavior, site

behavior and show up in search results pages

» Second highest converting ad type after text/PLA ads

» Requires a tiny bit of code

Pair with Google Analytics and build audiences based on a myriad of


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7. YouTube Trueview Shoppable Ads

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Trueview Shoppable

» Users click on an invite notification

Ad unit expands to show products

» Choose the SKUs to be in the product cards

» Or Target with Dynamic Remarketing

» Instream ad units only

» Choose your targeting

Categories, brands or audiences

Show the products that appeared in the video ad with click through


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Trueview Shoppable

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8. Excluded Audiences

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Negative / Excluded Audiences

» Site Converters

» Time on Site > than one minute (give or take)

» Page Viewers

Viewed 5 pages in under a minute and left

» Out of Stock Items

Not everyone needs to be remarketed to. In fact, some of them may be

really tired of you by now.

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They Already Bought or Didn’t See What They Wanted

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9. Turn it Off

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Turn It Off

» Set a Floor for Holiday

If you’re strapped on budget, pause that ad group or campaign and move

that budget over to where you need it.

Even if it’s only $5

You could bid down, way down, alternatively

But, I’d rather have the money and spend elsewhere than hope for the


Sometimes you need to retreat and regroup.

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10. Who Buys This Stuff?

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Who Buys This Stuff?

30% of 2014 Black Friday and Cyber Monday

shoppers bought items for themselves, not

as gifts.


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Who Buys This Stuff?

» Go through the site like a customer, try and buy


» Where do you get hung up? What couldn’t you find?

» How easy/hard was it to check out or keep going?

» Gift, for self? Women? Men?

» Geography?

» Time of Day?


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11. Gmail Sponsored Products


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Gmail Ads

» 25 character headline, 100 character body copy

Change ad serving to accelerated

» Set up a new Display campaign

Choose target and bid, add mail.google.com

» CPC based

Ad opens to a larger image unit, no additional cost if user clicks

through to site or closes and opens again

Show in the Promotions tab of over 40million Gmail inboxes

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Gmail Ads

» 25 character headline, 100 character body copy

Change ad serving to accelerated

» Choose your targeting

Recommend audiences to get started

» Choose your targeting

Change ad serving to accelerated

What we’re seeing based on a home décor client:

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Gmail Ads

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Gmail Ads

» Return was 1:1

Over the course of a month, once analytics worked

CPC was really low, like 0.06 for Interests

» Best for branding/exposure

Focus was new to file customers

Creative took the user to a video of products with a coupon at the end

» Have to be able to reformat email creative or

provide ready to go for the “landing page”

What we’re seeing based on a home décor client:

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12. Yahoo Product Ads

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Yahoo Product Ads

» Official launch: November 12th

“Gemini” removed from the over product name

All Gemini accounts will be enabled

» Still a lot of “wait and see” going on

We saw a 6x return with an early beta test

Showing on Yahoo.com, desktop and mobile, sprinkling in Polyvore ads

for women’s fashion.

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Yahoo Product Ads

» Some set up notes

Dropbox (or Fetch) used to submit feed file

Still need a Yahoo AM to create the FTP Yahoo Dropbox

Not all 3rd party providers ready to support fully yet

Feed configuration follows Google’s specs very closely

There is a Merchant Center within Yahoo Gemini

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Yahoo Product Ads

What CommerceHub has been seeing in Product Ads

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13. Bing Ads Product Ads

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Throw Some Money at Bing Ads

» Easy to import existing AdWords structure in

» Don’t structure too granularly

About 1,000 clicks per product group over 30 days

» Run Product Ads and Shopping concurrently until

transfer of traffic is complete

» 5% or less is on mobile, primarily desktop

January is now the official sunset date of Product Ads campaigns.

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Bing Shopping Campaigns

CommerceHub saw 30% 2013 vs. 2014 year

over year growth on average after switching

from PLA campaigns to Shopping campaigns

on Google AdWords.

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14. Countdown Text Ads

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Ad Customizer: Countdown Text Ads

» Text ads only

» Set up and let these customized ad unit ignite fear and


» Tons of other ad customization options, but for

holiday, start here

Find this easy-to-use template in the Business Data area of AdWords

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Ad Customizer: Countdown Text Ads

» 30% CTR increase, 2x Conversions for countdowns

» 50% reduction in CPA for geo customizers

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15. Conversion Optimizer

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Conversion Optimizer

» Must have AdWords Conversion Tracking set up

» At least 30 conversions in the last 30 days

In order to get the feature enabled

» If not, recommend at least 1,000 clicks in 30 days

before trying anything else

Like Enhanced CPC

» Works especially well on the GDN and with Dynamic


Gain statistical significance and let Google do the heavy lifting, especially

on the Display Network.

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Conversion Optimizer

» Can try accelerated ad serving to “speed up” getting

enough conversions to enable

» After Holiday

Make sure to change CPA goals to align with pre-holiday times

Otherwise, you’ll choke off pretty much all the traffic, unfortunately there’s

no “forget this giant spike in traffic” timeframe exclusion setting

Continue to enjoy the machine learning after holiday, just at a much

slower and probably a higher CPA rate

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16. Purchase on Google

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How it Works

Merchant | Google | Customer


PLA with Purchase on Google

Complete a Purchase

Ship Order

Online Management


Send payment to Merchant

Receives Order

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Purchase on Google

» A glimpse of what’s needed:

Still an experiment and heavily gated entry

Feed provider with full API integration set up

Order management set up

Merchant Center set up and feed configuration

AdWords account enablement

Payment set up from Google to you

Lots and lots of testing around end to end order fulfillment

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Purchase on Google

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