Faq 2minute miracle gel

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Formulated with Ocean Avenue’s unique 3.1 Skin Complex™, 2 Minute Miracle Gel delivers an ideal blend of three core ingredients proven to enliven and rejuvenate your skin. When used daily you can sustain moisture and protect your skin with Antarcticine®, feed your skin with Aloe Extract, and repair/restore your skin with the beneficial amino acids found only in KBGA (Klamath Blue Green Algae).This is why there have been more than 1 million jars sold worldwide!

This is basically seven products in one as it cleanses, exfoliates, tones, hydrates, bright-ens you skin, minimizes the look of pores and fine lines while priming your skin for flaw-less makeup application.

This is not what you traditionally think of as an exfoliator. There are no grains, no abra-sives, no acids or harsh chemicals. There is also no artificial color or artificial fragrance. This is a “smart exfoliator” because it is specifically designed to only remove the top layer of dead skin cells while hydrating, brightening and refining the look of your pores – all at the same time. This is for all skin types; dry skin, combination and oily skin, mature skin and sensitive skin – Men and Women of all ages. Use this on your face, neck, décolleté, hands, elbows and shoulders . . . everywhere you want to revive the look of your skin, instantly. Visible Results you will see in just Two Minutes!

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Benefits of 3.1 Skin Complex: • Highest grade of Aloe Vera – patented processed for efficacy and purity. • Made with natural botanicals . • Visible results in one use! • 6 products or more– in one : cleanses, exfoliates, hydrates, tones, brightens skin, minimizes the look of pores and primes skin for flawless makeup application. • No grains, abrasives or acids. No artificial color or fragrance. • All skin types; dry, oily, combination and sensitive. • To be used by both Women and Men – all ages. • Men can use prior to shaving to soften the beard and prep the skin. • Use daily. • Use on face, neck, décolleté, chest, hands, and elbows anywhere skin needs revitalizing. • Allows all other skin care products to penetrate more effectively for optimal results. • Can be used in combination with any other skin care product or line – will not interfere. • No sun sensitivity, redness or irritation.

MYTHs - All Glycols are linked to Cancer and they are anti-freeze and brake fluid which makes them toxic.

The first myth I want to address is that a glycol is Anti-freeze and is toxic on the skin.Glycols in General (Propylene Glycol to be exact) are used to help with freezing points which is why you would find it in anti-freeze - but it is not anti-freeze. Most people confuse Propylene Glycol or Ethylene Glycol , with the data on Butylene Glycol. There is not the same negative data regarding Butylene Glycol, which is what we use and at very low levels.

For reference, Butylene glycol is an organic molecule with two alcohol groups, used in cosmetics as a humectant to bind moisture and hold water to the skin. Alcohols are attracted to water; the smaller alcohols evaporate quickly, drawing water away from the skin, while larger organic alcohols do not evaporate as quickly and actually hold water to the skin. Butylene Glycol can be derived by the fermentation of corn, grains and or other carbohydrate substrates - comes the word Gycol caused by the fermentation process (organic).

Ice Elements by Ocean Avenue is committed to safety in cosmetics and we continue to monitor the latest research on ingredient safety to maintain the highest standard of safety and quality. The scientific committees that review these studies in the United States and Europe are associated with organizations such as the European Commission Scientific Committee for Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products (SCCNFP); Cosmetics, Toiletries, and Fragrance Association (CTFA); the European Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association (COLIPA); the Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA); the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); and the American Medical Association (AMA), to name a few. These review boards are made up of unbiased and qualified scientists and professionals that understand the methods of scientific research and are experts in their fields. These committees examine available studies on a given ingredient and determine human safety applications and environmental impact when used in cosmetics. The CTFA provides ingredient safety information to the cosmetic industry through the Cosmetic Ingredient Review board (CIR), a program established in 1976 to assess cosmetic ingredient safety in an unbiased, independent forum. The CIR is comprised of an expert panel of respected physicians and scientists. Ice Elements and our laboratory are members of the Cosmetic Toiletries and Fragrance Association, The Cosmetics Chemists Association and respect and follows the CIR recommendations and findings. According to the CIR panel, as printed in the Journal of the American College of Toxicology, Butylene glycol is “safe as presently used in cosmetics.” The report goes on to say that repeated insult patch tests on butylene glycol produced no evidence of skin sensitization.

Question and Answers

Q: How do I use it?A: Make sure your skin is not damp or wet – it must be dry. Apply a thin layer to all areas of your face, neck, décolleté and hands. Wait approximately 45 seconds and begin to rub in a small circular motion. If the gel does not become runny – wait an additional 30-45 seconds and begin to rub again. As you gently massage, you will see balls of dead skin rolling up on the surface of your skin. You will see it working!

Q: Is it really my skin that I am seeing ball up?A: Snowball AnalogyYou know when you were child and you would roll a snowball downhill? As it rolled it picked up more snow and grew bigger and bigger. But, besides picking up only snow it also picked up sticks, and rocks and debris in its path. And then, when you looked back there was a clean path where the snowball rolled. That is what the 2 Minute Miracle Gel is doing. The product does pick up product as you rub it but it also sticks to surface dead skin, dirt, and debris from your pores. It leaves a smooth, clean bright path behind it as you rub and rinse it off.

Q: I applied the gel but I didn’t get the balls of dead skin to roll upA: If you apply the gel and leave it on the skin for too long, without massaging ( over one minute) you will get the benefits of hydration but you will not get optimal exfoliation. Make sure to apply the gel and begin to gently rub it within the first minute after application.

Q: Why do I need to exfoliate my skin?A: When we are young (under the age of 25) our skin cells readily turn over and fall off of the surface of our skin. This is why young skin looks so smooth, plump and vibrant. As we age, this shedding process slows down and we are left with a layer of dead cells which frequently cover the surface of our skin. In order to get back that youthful look we need to keep our skin turning over like it used to. That is what exfoliation does for you. Also by removing surface dead cells, you avoid blocking all other products you apply which may be sitting on top of a dead layer of skin.

Q: How often can I use my 2 Minute Miracle Gel?A: Ideally, you should use it every day as we continuously shed dead skin. But, these dead cells do not fall off of the surface of our faces and body – they hang on. Removing these cells are essential for skin health and beauty. For long term benefits you should use it no less than three times per week.

Q: Is it OK to use it at night or do I need to use it in the morning only?A: It is acceptable to use this treatment either day or night as long as you apply it to your skin while it is dry – not damp or wet. Most prefer to use it each morning because it leaves your skin smooth and glowing and will help your makeup stay on all day long!

Q: What is the best way to store my 2 Minute Miracle GelA: It is important to make sure your lid is closed securely immediately following use so the gel will stay in a gel form. It is also important to not allow moisture to enter your container. We suggest storing it in a temperature-controlled environment away from extreme heat or extreme cold.

Q: Where can I use this gel?A: The 2 Minute Miracle is designed to be used everywhere; on your face, neck, décolleté, hands, elbows – everywhere you want to instantly revive the look of your skin. Just make sure you apply it to dry skin, not damp or wet.

Q: Do I need to wash my face first before I use the Two Minute Miracle Gel?A: It is not necessary to remove your makeup prior to use unless you have on waterproof makeup. If you do cleanse first, make sure your face is thoroughly dry prior to applying your gel.

Question and Answers

Q: Can I use this with any other products I currently use?A: Absolutely! It does not matter what other brand of products you are using, what type of ingredients you are using – this works together with every skin care product and system. We actually are confident that you will see enhanced results when this is added to any other beauty regimen.

Q: I have very sensitive skin and have to be careful what I use. Can I use this?A: The 2 Minute Miracle was actually formulated originally for those with sensitive skin and who cannot use traditional exfoliators. There are no grains or abrasive ingredients to scratch and pull at your skin. This is made from an Aloe Vera gel that feels soothing and hydrating on your skin.

Q: Why does it take longer to get runny on some skin and faster on others?”A: The ingredients in this product interact with the components of dead skin which includes “sebum” (Free fatty acids) or oils. Even dry, dead skin has oils. Since this product is pH sensitive and moisture sensitive, it may cause slightly different reactions on each person’s skin. Overall you will find that it should take approx. 45 seconds to one minute to begin to get runny after you begin rubbing. But some will begin to observe the gel liquefy almost immediately and some who will take the full two minutes. The nice thing about this gel is that while it sits on the skin, it delivers an intense dose of moisture to the skin and the Hyaluronic Acid (a humectant - not an acid) draws moisture to the surface. This will give you plump and hydrated skin once the product is removed - as well as to help fill in the look of fine lines. It is a treatment and an exfoliator in one product.

Question and Answers

Q: Does Climate have an effect on the 2 Minute Miracle Gel process?A: The humidity of the air and skin will affect how well the 2 Minute Miracle Gel exfoliates and how quickly it will begin to activate. An important fact to consider is that once you apply the gel, you do need to test rub for about 45 seconds to one minute. Gently rub to see if it is starting to activate and liquefy. If it does not, let it sit an additional 30 seconds and then rub again.If you apply the product and let it sit on the skin for a full two minutes before you rub it, you will not see the same amount of exfoliation because some of the moisture has been absorbed. Q: Should women remove any foundation they have on their face before using? If yes, what is the best way for them to remove the foundation so that the 2MM will work best? A: You will observe results more readily without foundation, but it is not necessary to remove your makeup, unless your makeup is waterproof or heavy with a primer (such as silicone). Some makeup products will block the penetration of 2MM and will reduce effectiveness. Mineral powder is generally not a problem and does not need to be removed. It is recommended that you use 2MM before applying your makeup. Q: What is the best way to remove the 2MM after use? A wet washcloth, a wipe, splash water? etc. If a wipe, what kind would be best so no one gets a reaction from using a wipe that might have something in it that wouldn’t be good for their skin?A: If you have access to water and a wash basin, a splash with water will remove the product cleanly and quickly. However, we have found that a squirt bottle and wash cloth is portable and works well. It is fine to use some of _makeup wipes but makeup wipes can sometimes mask the true result and benefits of the product itself - as most of makeup wipes have a lanolin or built in moisturizer. Like makeup – lanolin or other moisturizers may mask the effectiveness of 2MM.

Question and Answers

Q: Should people dry their face after using 2MM? If so, what is the best way? Towel, paper towel, etc?A: I prefer to pat dry skin with a soft cloth. It could be a paper towel or just a little wash cloth - even some of those small wash clothes that you pick up at the dollar store. Q: The involvement of Sodium Hydroxide ingredient.A: Sodium hydroxide is used in many products as a pH stabilizer. It is used in the bread making process, shampoos, soaps etc. This ingredient should not be confused with a concentrated or un-reacted sodium hydroxide. It is added to 2MM in a very small concentration and is used as a “reagent” – to product a reaction with another substance. In that reaction, a new substance is formed. I liken it to cooking with wine - after the components of wine “burn off” you are left with the sugars and other substances. It is not the same as drinking wine directly. For reference, we always follow the regulatory standards relating to all ingredients and any which are considered un safe or toxic are not included in our product. The FDA includes Sodium Hydroxide on its list of substances affirmed as GRAS (Generally Recommended As Safe) for direct addition to food. It is also accepted and approved by the Cosmetics Directive of the European Union and may be used at the specific concentrations and pH values (we are way under both). The CDEU has the toughest standards - even compared to any of our US agencies in that the CDEU conducts extensive scientific testing prior to releasing an approval!

Q: Is it okay to use the 2 Minute Miracle if you are using Retinol or Retin-A. Can they use retinol/retin A at night and 2 MM in the morning?A: YES this is ideal to use in tandem with retinoids. As you know the Retinoids are small molecules that go deep into skin and “disturb” the lower layers to stimulate collagen and cell turn over. As cells synthesize they push new cells to surface and old cells die on top and should be shed to make room for new healthy cells. The 2 MM is not the same type of chemical exfoliation but rather a mechanical one that will help remove only surface cells that the Retinoids bring to the surface. They are perfect together and will only help get better results.

Question and Answers

For specific questions or concerns regarding Ocean Avenue’s 2 Minute Miracle, please contact our customer care center at:

Email: [email protected] Free: 888-341-9978

Q: Can I use the 2 Minute Miracle Gel if I am using other Acne fighting skin care products?A: In general the answer is yes you can and it should not interfere but actually should help the results, for these reason. Many popular prescription strength acne fighting products help combat the processes in the skin that causes clogged pores and leads to pimples, blackheads and other skin conditions associated with acne. So does the 2 Minute Miracle Gel but in a more gentle and different way. They both attack the build up of dead skin and sebum (oils) that clog pores and lead to bacteria build up. Most of them are a chemical reaction and a Retinoid type of compound - very small molecules that go deeper into layers. The 2 Minute Miracle Gel is a mechanical reaction and strictly removes the top layer of dead cells which rise to the surface, die and do not shed. When using many acne fighting compounds, you will cause new cells to rise to the surface and leave old cells to die on the surface. The 2 MM will remove these while allowing the new and healthy cells to stay in tact. Also there tends to be somewhat of a drying effect on skin when using these types of products so the hydration and moisture balance that the 2 Minute Miracle Gel will leave on your skin will have a positive effect because it is not oil but rather natural humectants that draw moisture to the skin. The 2 MM will also help remove any light flaking you may have due to the issues of dry skin caused by the acne fighting products. .

Q: Does the 2 Minute Miracle Gel have sunscreen in it and do I need to worry about sensitivity to sunlight from using it?A: Since the 2 Minute Miracle Gel is a rinse off product, it does not contain an SPF. In general when you use skin lightening or brightening products, you would be concerned with sensitivity to the sun. Although I strongly suggest everyone wear a sunscreen every day, the 2 Minute Miracle Gel will not increase your sensitivity to sunlight. There are not any chemicals which would cause this type of reaction as you would typically find in Vitamin C, Retinoids, higher percentage glycolic’s and other similar products.

Question and Answers