Finding P/M Fit: Customer Development @katrinatoo

Katrina Too - Finding Product - Market Fit - Customer Development

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Finding P/M Fit:Customer



Product/Market Fit

‘When people who know they want your product are happy with what you’re offering…

then you’re ready to shift your focus from product to distribution and win the market.’

Andrew Chen, Growth at Uber

P/M Fit is NOT

a one-off occurrence

a ‘discrete, big-bang event’ Brad Feld, Foundry Group

always obvious

Two Important Myths

Once you achieve P/M fit, you can’t lose it.

Once you have P/M fit, you don’t have to sweat the competition.

At TradeGecko

Product Marketing =

Customer Development

Customer Development Interviews

Goal: gather unbiased insights about our current customers

inc. their business history, operational structure and processes, products, expansion plans, product experience, pain points etc

Who Do We Interview?

> 18 industries

from Toys to Apparel & Accessories

All Subscription Plans

All Usage Types

Reminder: Unbiased

What Do Interviews Achieve?

Goal: Cross-functional Enablement

Creating Deliverables:

Interview Scripts

Personas: Business-Type and User

Influencing Product Roadmap

Customer Service

Customer Development Interviews cont’d.

ongoing exercise

requires planning - questions template*

requires attention during interview session

documentation consistency

invite your colleagues

= 1/2 of Product Marketing

In Summary

‘Every time you work on something new, whether it’s a new feature or product/line, recognise that you are searching for incremental product/market fit.

The search is a continuous and never-ending quest. Don’t confuse illusion with reality.’

Brad Feld