Kommando Experiential Marketing About Us

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ProcessStage 1Immersion in the subject and alignment of stakeholder needs

Stage 2Insight gathering and strategy formulation

Stage 3Development of outline campaign proposals

Stage 4Campaign design

Stage 5Live campaigning

Stage 6 Campaign evaluation and final report

Here at Kommando, we are experts in the creation and implementation of great ideas. Specialising in experiential & guerrilla marketing, our campaigns are designed to captivate the imagination, challenge perception and–crucially– influence behaviour.

Combined with a unique toolbox of interactive technologies, our techniques bring brands to life in exciting ways, seamlessly bridging the widening gap in reaching the ‘Experience Economy’ consumer. With over 15 years of experience across 21 countries, our mission is clear; create shareable & memorable brand experiences through creative thinking, production expertise and implementation excellence.

We capture attention, eliminate risk and deliver results. You’re in safe hands with Kommando.

About Us What We Do

Experiential& Field Marketing

Unique In-houseStaffing

Guerrilla Marketing & PR Stunts


At Kommando, we pride ourselves on being front-runners in the field of marketing technology as our production team and design engineers continue to develop new products and platforms to turbocharge brand experiences. Be it augmented or virtual reality, gamified interactive content, or engaging social media amplification tools, there’s no challenge too big.

We believe that while technology cannot replace great campaign creative, it has a critical role to play in experiential marketing. Used intelligently, it can be both the conduit and catalyst in driving deeper consumer engagement and we do our very best to embrace this principle whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Technology At The Heart

BriefAmplify SSE’s sponsorship of Glasgow 2014 both on and offline through experiential activity targeting families and tourists which would celebrate the friendly competition between the Commonwealth nations whilst promoting the “Next Generation” brand campaign.

CreativeAn interactive hashtag installation was erected in the “Live Zone” – the main hub of Commonwealth related activity out with the sporting events themselves – where consumers were able to choose which nation they were supporting to display on the screen. Once selected, consumers were photographed & their data captured using Kommando’s photo marketing technology which instantly tweeted all images from @GoGlasgowGreen as well as uploading them to a branded digital gallery.

From the gallery, visitors could like/follow SSE on Facebook & Twitter as well as share their branded photograph across their personal social channels. Votes for each nation were counted and visualised in real time through the #GoGlasgow leaderboard which was hosted on the Glasgow 2014 website, SSE’s own website and Out Of Home media boards across the UK. Team Scotland captain and silver medallist Eilidh Child got involved in the activity, posing with fans in front of #GOSCO and fellow SSE Ambassador Sir Chris Hoy also joined in at Glasgow Green helping to whip up support.

SSE Energy “With over 10,000 people going through our showcase over 9 days, professionalism and efficiency was key to making sure the consumers journey was seamless and as an integral part of Team SSE, Kommando over delivered.” Sponsorship Project Manager, SSE

5,000 images were captured

with 10,000 consumers

participating in the activity

3,924 emails collected

31,500 tweets featuring campaign


SSE Energy - Photo Social Activations

74% increase in daily sign up


5,553Virtual Reality


126,000 campaign impressions

BriefIntroduce to and educate a target audience of VELUX window suppliers & installers on the new white-painted roof window through an immersive & engaging field marketing tour with a primary focus on data capture.*

CreativeHoused in a fully branded touring van featuring functioning VELUX roof windows, the 250 date experience transported suppliers & installers to the VELUX factory in Denmark by way of a Virtual Reality headset. Their journey begins in the forest where the wood is sourced and continues to the building, testing and installation stages of the innovative new design, providing a full understanding of the product along with instilling a sense of community and workmanship with the brand. A pre-registration facility, scratch card initiative and interactive game offered the chance to win various high-value prizes throughout the experience.

These touchpoints facilitated a number of opportunities for data-capture whilst Kommando brand ambassadors & VELUX experts were on hand to ensure a high level of participation & consumer engagement. A live leader board of winners from across the country was also displayed in each van and on the campaign website which encouraged an element of friendly competition between regions!

*results to be updated upon campaign completion.

Velux“I have been so impressed with the Kommando team from the outset. Not only have our dedicated Account Manager’s shown real passion and attention to detail at every turn, but the field staff have brought amazing life and energy to each event, making a real difference to the results that we are seeing across the campaign.” Ashley Nelson, VELUX Brand Manager

Velux–Virtual Reality

61,500 collaterals & products for change distributed

5,500 Augmented Reality experiences

& pledges

Over 33,000 consumer


BriefRaise awareness of the specific dangers of second-hand smoke in the home, focusing specifically on the dangers faced by children and encouraging smoking parents to re-assess their current (perhaps misguided) efforts to protect children from it.

CreativeAn interactive stand - designed to mimic a typical living room space - was built to house the right outside experience which touring the UK for a period of 3 months over 3 consecutive years.

Through an emotive augmented reality (AR) experience combined with photo marketing, the campaign was able to “make the invisible visible” and encourage people to rethink their smoking habits and “Take It Right Outside” for the sake of their kids.

The AR showed parents their own kids in a specially built typical living room scene which gradually filled with the invisible toxins contained in second hand smoke often overlooked by smokers. Blackened lungs appeared to breathe on the child’s chest and helped to deliver the campaign messages in a personalized and immersive way designed to initiate behaviour change in the target audience.

The whole experience was mirrored on a large TV screen, giving passers-by the chance to stop and take in the message too. After participating in the AR, families were literally asked to “Take It Right Outside” through a door in the living room where they had their photo taken and gifted to them in a Healthier Scotland branded frame. The photographs acted as a tangible reminder of their pledge to keep a smoke-free home and a further catalyst for behaviour change. The images were also instantly uploaded to a bespoke branded gallery on the campaign website from which people could share their pledge across social media and educate others on the lesser known facts about second hand smoke in the home.

Scottish Government“Take It Right Outside”

Through an emotive augmented reality (AR) experience combined with photo marketing, the campaign was able to “make the invisible visible” and encourage people to rethink their smoking habits and “Take It Right Outside” for the sake of their kids.

Scottish Government–Augmented Reality

Increased awareness and

recall of the Mastercard

Priceless London scheme

Increased emotional engagement with

the brand

iWalker features a 19” HD screen elevated above the wearers head which featured bright and compelling Mastercard promotional footage as well as a walk-through of the new brand website.

BriefDevise an interactive outdoor activation to launch Mastercard’s latest instalment in the iconic ‘Priceless’ campaign; customer reward scheme “Priceless London”. Generate buzz around the launch, drive traffic to the activity area and facilitate data-capture and instant scheme sign ups.

CreativeA large 3D model of the City of London was erected in Covent Garden to act as a focal point for the activity area, whilst brand ambassadors in iWalker wearable advertising technology were able to roam beyond the immediate confines of the space to engage with a wider audience. iWalker features a 19” HD screen elevated above the wearers head which featured bright and compelling Mastercard promotional footage as well as a walk-through of the new brand website. In turn, this allowed the wearers to introduce the benefits of the scheme and conduct data-capture and sign-ups.

Fitted with advanced audience measurement technology, iWalkers were able to report on the number of consumers that engaged with the on-screen content and for what length of time segmented by gender and4 age groups.


Mastercard–Roaming Digital Signage

The beauty of experiential marketing is that it can take any number of forms. It enables consumers to experience and interact with brands in tangible ways, engaging multiple senses and thus building positive brand associations, memories and ultimately relationships.


BriefDifferentiate IVECO from the competition amongst their target audience of truck drivers by communicating Iveco’s commitment to customer service & after-care to them in their working environment.

CreativeA tour of the UK’s major service stations over a period of 20 days devised of a high-impact IVECO truck and trailer that effectively formed a mobile ‘lounge’ for IVECO drivers.

Like IVECO Origin, the creative aimed to go beyond the conventional & develop a form of ‘comfort marketing’ that would act as a metaphor for the whole Origin experience.

It consisted of:• A mobile ‘loft apartment’ dedicated to existing IVECO drivers, offering a private lounge and rewarding them with preferential treatment• Complimentary 3G internet access – allowing drivers to catch up with email or simply surf and relax• Origin branded refreshments• A 50” plasma screen showing current feature films, Bose sound systems, and PS3 consoles• Electronically controlled Shiatsu massage seating with integrated sound systems• The ability to download essential contact details for dealerships and customer care lines by Bluetooth • The first ever complimentary barber service for this hard working, time-poor audience offering a haircut, hot towel face massage and shave• Externally, we provided a further relaxation zone with branded garden furniture

Iveco “Origin” “Kommando’s activity not only delivered great numbers, in many ways, it has raised the bar, not just with the industry’s perceptions of the brand, but also their expectations about our service. And that’s precisely what we want to be known for.” Bob Lowden, Customer Service Director, UK & Ireland

4,000 positive leads collected over 4 weeks,10,000 visitors to the

Origins Convoy

Massive impact and brand awareness

amongst commercial drivers

80,000 total campaign


Iveco “Origin”–Experiential

“Kommando’s activity certainly raised eyebrows! Mentos gum is all about challenging Glaswegians to take a fresh approach and zorbing to work definitely kick-started the morning, leaving Glaswegians feeling more refreshed.” Mentos Gum Brand Manager

BriefCreate a unique campaign to assist Mentos in launching their new range of chewing gum, establishing them as market leaders and encouraging trial & purchase amongst a “young and fresh” target audience of 16-34 year olds, primarily those with a morning commute.

CreativeA 2 week integrated experiential, PR, social media and sampling campaign based around the “Take A Fresh Approach” concept was designed and executed in Glasgow to generate buzz and online chatter. To bring it to life, branded Zorbs were placed on the River Clyde encouraging commuters to “Take A Fresh Approach” on their usual route to work or university.

To build on the excitement, radio DJ’s were scripted to chat about a competition to win a year’s supply of gum simply by handing a business card to brand ambassadors and a Mentos Metro newspaper wraparound cover was designed featuring a spoof story on the latest way to travel to work.


Increased awareness of Mentos Gum as a new product to the

market as a result of PR generated through the stunt and sampling

campaign, with positive feedback from target audience



1,200data capture



BriefIn line with Greener Scotland’s “Eat in Season” overarching strategy, the field campaign aimed to educate mid-market supermarket shoppers about in season produce, communicate the benefits of buying and consuming it and demonstrate how easily it can be incorporated into diets, with the ultimate goal of changing people’s behaviour to eat more in season food, more often.

CreativeTaste, inform and amplify. Our 5 week nationwide experiential and sampling tour of ASDA, Dobbies, Morrisons & Tesco stores was designed to meet all aspects of the brief in a fresh, informative and educational manner. Branded gazebo’s were erected outside stores in which experienced chefs were able to run interactive demonstrations on cooking healthy, delicious meals using only “in season” produce signposted and available to buy in-store that day. Freshly prepared samples were dished out to passing shoppers along with detailed recipe cards to encourage future behaviour change.

7,000 competition entries,15% average daily

in-store sales uplift of featured produce

70,000fresh samples


campaign impressions

Branded gazebo’s were erected outside stores in which experienced chefs were able to run interactive demonstrations on cooking healthy, delicious meals using only “in season” produce signposted and available to buy in-store that day.

Eat In Season

Eat In Season – Experiential

Guerrilla marketing injects brands into the space around us, producing awe inspiring campaigns using a mixture of creative stunts and below the line techniques. In our experience, guerrilla generates media coverage, sparks viral chatter and brings any brand message to the forefront of consumers’ minds.

Guerrilla & PR Stunts

PretBriefTarget, Reach and Engage shoppers and office commuters within the specified target audience. Sample and communicate Prets’ brand values through creativity and taste, whilst driving footfall into Glasgow’s flagship store.

CreativeTo reflect Pret’s global reputation of producing stylish, fresh and natural lunch options, we created a highly visual ‘Word of Mouth’ and sampling campaign with a European feel and executed over 2 days in Glasgow’s city centre. Alongside a team of brand ambassadors offering food samples and free coffee vouchers, branded pedicabs were positioned in high footfall and branded ‘Pret Stations’ to transport hungry consumers to redeem their voucher and sample additional products at thenew store.

Branding was continued at street level with randomly placed branded wheel barrows full of fruit and vegetables and using freshly cut pieces of ‘Pret turf’ laid on the ground in the shape of arrows, we were able to capture attention and direct consumers to the store.





8,000 coffee vouchers redeemed

To reflect Pret’s global reputation of producing stylish, fresh and natural lunch options, we created a highly visual ‘Word of Mouth’ and sampling campaign with a European feel and executed over 2 days in Glasgow’s city centre.

Pret – Guerrilla

Under the cover of darkness, we transformed Kensington High Street into the contents of a make-up bag using bespoke built props.

BriefLaunch Superdrugs new flagship store on Kensington

High Street London, create surprise and delight whilst

driving footfall and shared content.

CreativeUnder the cover of darkness, we transformed Kensington

High Street into the contents of a make-up bag using

bespoke built props. Giant eye shadow palettes,

tweezers and nail files were hung from railings outside

Kensington High Street Tube Station, street bollards were

turned into lipsticks and pelican crossing poles into eye-

liner pencils. Actors dressed as removal men roamed the

area carrying large branded mirrors with store details

written on them in lipstick.

The actors were briefed to appear lost and “accidentally”

stumble into competing stores. Bio-degradable street

graffiti was strategically placed around the area,

creating a path to the store’s entrance carrying the

message “Not Just A Pretty Face, Love Superdrug xx”.

Superdrug86% of visitors to

the store identified 1 or more props on

Kensington High Street

200% increase on expected footfall


BriefTo raise awareness of One Kind’s proposed ban of illegal animal snaring in Scotland, increase signatures for the petition as well as capture the attention of the media and key influencers such as politicians and bloggers.

CreativeWhat if nature was turned on it’s head? Outside Edinburgh’s parliament buildings, blood soaked humans from varying walks of life lay trapped in “snares” attached to branded signs reading “Move along now, nothing illegal here!”. Transposing suffering animals with humans helped to stir emotions and drive the campaign message home amongst passers-by. By creating a compelling story, the press and social media amplified the images further extending the reach and message penetration.

600% increase

in website traffic

2,500 petition signatures in 1 day

Value of press exposure £400k approx

“We were delighted with the range of creative ideas that Kommando came up with for a media stunt. The event on the day went very smoothly to plan and produced the professional result we were wanting. The stunt helped us to generate extensive local and national media coverage for our campaign to ban snares in Scotland.” Ross Minett, Campaigns Director for One Kind

One KindAdvocates for Animals

Advocates For Animals – Guerrilla

At the heart of any great experiential marketing campaign lies true engagement between brands and consumers. In order to achieve this, you’ll need great promotional staff and brand ambassadors on the front line. Our network of over 2,000 trained, experienced and passionate people across the UK means that regardless of whether you need 1 staff member or 100, we’ve got it covered.

All of our projects are underpinned by “Klockwork”, our unique field force recruitment, monitoring, evaluation, processing, invoicing & mobilisation system. It’s had a full decade of investment and enhancement put behind it and its name quite simply says it all.


[email protected]+44 (0)141 643 3980

LondonThe Black and White Building,74 Rivington Street,London, EC2A 3AY

GlasgowThe Barn, Townfoot Farm,Blantyre Ferme Road,Glasgow, G71 7RR