Nw tech presentation plugged in jm 120-140a-01

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Page 1: Nw tech presentation plugged in jm 120-140a-01
Presentation Notes
Good Afternoon my name is Jean Leonard and I want to thank all of you for joining me today. I am an Social Marketeer here with Plugged-in Inc. I am earning my Web Design degree currently at IADT Online. Upon Graduation. I will transfer into the Internet Marketing program to complete my Bachelor Degree. Header in Georgia Serif Fonts
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Order of Operation


Friendship to Business


The Plan

Key performance Indictors

Why Plugged-In?

Presentation Notes
Today I will be talking a little bit the Evolution of Social Media as we know it today. The movement from Friendships to business aspect of Social Media. Success stories of social media for business and potential draw backs from not using Social media. The plan of action. Why you should use Plugged-In for your Social Media Network Solutions.
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The Evolution of Social Media Word of Mouth



You got Mail

Chat Rooms



Presentation Notes
Believe it or not we have been using Social Media for centuries. Information would be exchanged at social gatherings for thousands of years. People would go to church to one reason or another. Before they left they would exchange news of births, deaths, marriages, promotions, and even a little gossip. The telephone allowed this information to be done in the privacy of your own home and the information was transmitted at a more rapid pace. Then came the internet, and the words every person longed to hear “You got Mail”. Instead of talking to one person, now we can talk to a dozen in a chat room. Expressing ideas, thoughts, jokes, good and bad experiences. On to Facebook where with one comment you can talk to 5000 friends all at once and we can do this all from our smartphones.
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Forward Thinking


Brand Identity

Brand loyalty

Presentation Notes
NW Technologies is not a shoe or a box of cereal with a logo that every person will recognize in the normal commercial market place. Plugged-In understands the B2B Social Media market and helps puts NW name to a Social Face. NW technologies needs a brand Identity on the B2B Social Media market place (Rodriguez,2012). Having a Social Brand Identity will allow your customers see you as a company of innovation, transparency, forward thinking, and build trust with old customers while developing new ones. As employees change Jobs or become displaced workers, the fastest way to find new employment is through Social Media sites like LinkedIn. Once they secure their new positions being able to use Social sites to find vendors they trust and like turns into into brand Loyalty.
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Customer Engagement Revenue Creation Building Loyalty Search Engine Optimization

Presentation Notes
The Benefits of joining Social forums like Facebook and other social sites gives you the opportunity to see if they are talking about your service in a positive manner. If so encourage the conversation and with incentives or reward. If you see negative comments, this gives you the opportunity to address the issues and set the record start potential saving one customer but the more from potentially many they could have access too. is a social forum to engage with clients will allow your business you have more interactions with your client base. Social Networking allows your company have a big presence on a small budget. It’s easier than ever to loyal customer refer business by sharing related stories or blogs from your company. Friends referring friends is just a click away. One way or another your company has will appear on a search engine. If you are not activity engaging social media or updating your Website on a daily bases. Someone else could be writing about your company in a negative manner and hurting your ranking.
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Concept Definition Design Deployment Optimization

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We here at Plugged-In understand the needs of the Business to Business of NW Technologies. Using business bases social networking sites to promote your company brand. Having clear strategies to optimize goals. Designing the marketing material and deployment of careful place post and blogs to increase maximum saturation of post. Using key performance indicators to help tract and adjust ads. ELP Enterprise Listening Platforms to allow us to monitor the types of discussions about our products and services. Site Analytics Solutions helps us track where the visitors are coming from to see which social site is directing more traffic to NW website.
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Social Media Increases Revenue

Stronger Client Relationships

Increase Brand Recognition

Boost Search Engine Optimization

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In conclusion, NW Technologies would benefit from Plugged-In Inc. Social Media strategies to increase revenue. By having a strong social networking presence and developing a congruent marketing brand. Building stronger client relationships with incentives for social referrals and return business loyalty programs. We here at Plugged-In Inc. have the expertise you are looking for in a social media marketing company. Implementing plans to increase Search engine optimization. Tools to track media performance through our Social media performance dashboard. In a few short months NW Technologies will be seeing measurable results. Thank you, and I looking forward to helping NW Technologies build their new Social Solutions as strong as Your Advance Network Solutions.
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Marketingcharts staff. (2013, May 2013). CEOs on Social Boost Credibility, Say Senior Execs. (Watershed Publishing) Retrieved February 22, 2013, from Marketingcharts: http://www.marketingcharts.com/wp/interactive/ceos-on-social- boost-credibility-say-senior-execs-29955/ Rodriguez, M., Peterson, R. M., & Krishnan, V. (2012).Social Media's Influence on Business-To-Business Sales Performance. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 32(3), 365-378. Schriener, J., &Tuchman, J. (2010). Social Media Moving Quickly From Friendship to Business. ENR: Engineering News-Record, 265(3), 14.


Presentation Notes
Jean Leonard IMKT 120-140A-01