Perfumery Facts and Some Other Tips

Perfumery Facts and Some Other Tips

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Perfumery Facts and Some Other Tips

Page 2: Perfumery Facts and Some Other Tips

Perfumes have an association with high living that has come down to us from centuries of their being used by the royalty. In olden days, most perfumes came from natural products from plant and animal matter, and even today natural scents like sandalwood and musk are greatly preferred.

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Page 3: Perfumery Facts and Some Other Tips

Great demands and the realization that species are being endangered have led to the restriction in the availability of natural perfumery products, and this has led to synthetic aromas being produced. While earlier scents were mainly used to improve body cosmetics, they are now used to freshen up homes, cars and a lot of other places.

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Page 4: Perfumery Facts and Some Other Tips

Perfume has been known to negatively affect health, and there a number of people who are allergic to them. They trigger asthma bouts and other physical discomfort. Perfumes also contain volatile products and some substances that act to disrupt the hormones.

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Page 5: Perfumery Facts and Some Other Tips

Perfume acts to heighten charm and indicates a sense of caring and awareness of personal hygiene. It is a rare woman who goes out of the home without a dab of perfume, and the high sales volumes of perfumes meant especially for men, indicates that this habit has extended to men as well.

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Page 6: Perfumery Facts and Some Other Tips

Heat, light and oxygen do affect the fragrance of a perfume, and this is why perfumes kept in bottles do lose their fragrance when they are kept in bottles for a long period, and the level of oxygen within the bottle increases as the perfume liquid level goes down.

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Page 7: Perfumery Facts and Some Other Tips

The use of rollers to apply perfume can also allow the perfume to last longer, as bottles then do not have to be opened and exposed to the air. That is the reason, that most modern day perfumeries are available in spray bottles that do prevent any oxygen from getting to the scent.

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Page 8: Perfumery Facts and Some Other Tips

Perfumes are classified as floral, fruity or woody, while there are others that are oriental and green. They are also classified as notes, which refer to its harmony. A top note is when the scent is just sprayed, a medium note is when it blends with the odor of the body and the base note is when it is almost gone.

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Page 9: Perfumery Facts and Some Other Tips

When you are trying out new perfumes, do not try out more than three varieties at one time, as the nose loses its ability to distinguish between scents. You need to wait for a period of at least ten minutes, to really gauge the effect that it has on your skin.

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