Van Shea Sedita [email protected]

Red Clay Creek Communication & Archetype Work

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Today was privileged to help with Red Clay Creek Presbyterian Church's strategy for social media and some other marketing/design challenges. I suggested that we run a survey on the employees and church congregation and get together with some of the church leadership to review the high-level survey results, and establish an archetype for the church. Today established the archetype of Caregiver / Outlaw with a hint of Jester, and we have set our next steps as developing a more comprehensive vision statement as well as some sample social media posts.

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Page 1: Red Clay Creek Communication & Archetype Work

Van Shea Sedita [email protected]

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How does Red Clay’s Congregation perceive us?

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How do we communicate to them?

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How do we best serve them?

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6% Response Rate On Our Survey!

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Why does our church exist? (in 10 words or less) - Open-Ended Response

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Why does our church exist? (in 10 words or less) - Open-Ended Response

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Why does our church exist? (in 10 words or less) - Open-Ended Response

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Where do you see Red Clay in five years? - Open-Ended Response

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Where do you see Red Clay in five years? - Open-Ended Response

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Where do you see Red Clay in five years? - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent Red Clay’s strengths. - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent Red Clay’s strengths. - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent Red Clay’s strengths. - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent Red Clay’s weaknesses. - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent Red Clay’s weaknesses. - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent Red Clay’s weaknesses. - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent Red Clay’s challenges. - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent Red Clay’s challenges. - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent Red Clay’s challenges. - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent some of Red Clay’s future opportunities. - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent some of Red Clay’s future opportunities. - Open-Ended Response

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Enter five words that represent some of Red Clay’s future opportunities. - Open-Ended Response

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Imagine Red Clay is a person, enter 5 or more words below to describe him or her. - Open-Ended Response

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Imagine Red Clay is a person, enter 5 or more words below to describe him or her. - Open-Ended Response

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If we had a celebrity represent us as a spokesperson, who would it be?

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Ellen DeGeneresMr. RodgersNeil Patrick Harris

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“The archetype is a tendency to form such representations of a motif - representations that can vary a great deal in detail without losing their basic

pattern ... They are indeed an instinctive trend.” ~ Carl Jung

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one and Personality is the essence of Communication for a Brand.

Color, Typography, Textures, Social Media, Employee Profiles, Email, etc. It could influence sermons,

office design, dress code policy, etc.

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● To be a child (being care-free, finding purity, connecting with the past, beholding a treasure, uniting opposites, changing the future)

● To be a trickster (being subversive, being mischievous, making people laugh, crossing boundaries)

● To be wise (learning, experiencing, teaching, advising, being fatherly)● To protect (nurturing, mothering, defending)● To provide (gathering, hunting, giving)● To be heroic (winning, being a pioneer, exploring, expressing one's

individuality)● To be a savior (guiding, saving, caring for others)

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The Innocent Utopian, traditionalist, naive, mystic, saint, romantic, dreamer.

-offer a simple solution to an identifiable problem are associated with goodness, morality, simplicity, nostalgia or childhood

-are low or moderately priced are produced by a company with straightforward values need to be differentiated from brands with poor reputations.

The Regular Person The good old boy, everyman, the person next door, the realist, the working stiff, the solid citizen, the good neighbor,that give people a sense of belonging

-with an everyday functionality

-with low to moderate prices

-produced by a solid company with a down-home organizational culture

-that need to be differentiated in a positive way from more elitist or higher-priced brands

The Explorer: The seeker, iconoclast, wanderer, individualist, pilgrim.-helps people feel free, nonconformist or pioneering-can be purchased from a catalog or on the Internet-helps people express their individuality-can be purchased for consumption on the go-want to differentiate themselves from a successful regular guy/gal brand or conformist brand-have an explorer culture that creates new and exciting products or experiences

The Sage: The expert, scholar, detective, advisor, thinker, philosopher, academic, researcher, thinker, planner, professional, mentor, teacher, contemplative.-that provide expertise or information to customers-that encourage customers to think-that are based on new scientific findings or esoteric knowledge-that are supported by research-based facts-want to differentiate themselves from others whose quality or performance is suspect

The Hero: The warrior, crusader, rescuer, superhero, the soldier, dragon slayer, the winner and the team player -that help people be all they can be-that solve a major social problem or encourage others to do so-that have a clear opponent you want to beat-that that are underdogs or challenger brands-that are strong and help people do tough jobs exceptionally well-whose customers see themselves as good, upstanding citizens

The Outlaw: The rebel, revolutionary, wild man, the misfit, or iconoclast -has customers or employees who feel disenfranchised from society-helps retain values that are threatened by emerging ones, or paves the way for revolutionary new attitudes-Is low to moderately priced-breaks with industry conventions

The Magician: The visionary, catalyst, inventor, charismatic leader, shaman, healer, medicine man- the product or service is transformative its implicit promise is to transform customers-it has a new-age quality-it is consciousness-expanding-it is user-friendly has spiritual connotations-it is a very new, contemporary product-it is medium- to high-priced

The Lover: The partner, friend, intimate, enthusiast, sensualist, spouse, team-builder -it helps people belong, find friends or partners-it's function is to help people have a good time-it is low to moderately priced-it is produced by a freewheeling, fun-loving organizational structure-it needs to differentiate itself from self-important, overconfident brands

The Jester: The fool, trickster, joker, practical joker or comedian-that give people a sense of belonging-that help people have a good time-that are low or moderately priced-that are produced by a fun-loving company-that need to be differentiated from self-important, -overconfident established brands

The Caregiver: The saint, altruist, parent, helper, supporter- it gives customers a competitive advantage it supports families (products from fast-food to minivans) or is associated with nurturing (e.g. cookies, teaching materials)-it serves the public sector, e.g. health care, education, aid programs and other care-giving fields helps people stay connected with and care about others

The Creator: The artist, inventor, innovator, musician, writer or dreamer

-it promotes self-expression, gives customers choices and options, helps foster innovation or is artistic in design-it is in a creative field like marketing, public relations, the arts, or technological innovation-you want to differentiate it from a "do-it-all" brand that leaves little room for the imagination-your product has a do-it-yourself aspect that saves money

The Ruler: The boss, leader, aristocrat, politician, role model, manager or administrator

-it is a high-status product used by powerful people to enhance power-it makes people more organized-it offers a lifetime guarantee it empowers people to maintain or enhances their grip on power-it has a regulatory or protective function-is moderately to high priced-you want to differentiate it from more populist brands or one that is a clear leader in the field-it is a market leader that offers a sense of security and stability in a chaotic world Get this PDF