Testimonial advertising

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Josphin Bala

What is a testimonial..?What is a testimonial..?

• In advertising, a testimonial  consists of a person's written or spoken statement statement extolling the virtue of a product.

• The term "testimonial" most commonly applies to the sales-pitches attributed to ordinary citizens, whereas the word "endorsement" usually applies to pitches by celebrities.

• Testimonials can be part of communal marketing.

• The testimonial is a common advertising method used in advertising media, such as television and radio commercials and sales letters.

• In a testimonial, an end user of a product or service, as opposed to the manufacturer or creator, attests to its effectiveness and explains how others can benefit.

Techniques for Testimonials in Advertising

• Testimonial advertising uses a number of techniques.

Celebrity endorsement Expert opinion Man on street Satisfied users

Expert Opinion

• The expert opinion technique explains the benefits of products that are more technical.

• A doctor wearing a white laboratory coat may praise the effectiveness of a new medicine or medical treatment, or an engineer may cite the benefits of a piece of safety equipment.

• The endorser's expertise in the field adds credibility to the product or service and also can alleviate fears consumers might have about trying something new and unfamiliar.

Man on Street

• The "man-on-the street" interview is a testimonial technique to help consumers identify with a product.

• Rather than offering the opinion of a celebrity or expert to build credibility, this method attempts to show customer satisfaction by a user who in many ways resembles members of the target audience.

• The interview subject is asked to try a new product, and is shown to enjoy the experience. The message conveyed is, "If this person likes it, you will, too."

Celebrity Endorsement

• In a culture in which everyday people are enamored with the rich and famous, celebrity endorsements can be a powerful testimonial technique.

• It is statement endorsing an idea/product by a prominent person.

• Product can be inside or outside particular field.

• Musical artists,Sports giants orActors/actresses.

• In this technique, famous people promote an item and draw attention.

• When a product is sold by using words from famous people or an authority figure.

 • For example:

Michael Jordan and Nike tennis shoes and Adam Levine for proactiv +

• If the celebrity / athlete / star uses the product, then it must be good, so I will purchase it too.

• These endorsements are most effective when the product or service they promote is easily identifiable with the celebrity's image or specialty.

Satisfied Users

• Testimonials from satisfied customers can come the form in letters that appear in printed advertisements.

• The letters, often from longtime users, praise the product or service and explain how it changed their lives for the better.

• In general, each comment focuses on one specific benefit the product or service offers, such as saving time or money, ease of use, low cost or speed of results.

• Testimonials from customers who are not famous have been effectively used in marketing for as long as marketing has existed.

• A past or current customer will present a formal "word of mouth" testimonial that a business can use in marketing and to build trust with future customers.

• Testimonials are incredibly effective when believed to be true, but a challenge is having the audience believe that testimonials presented by a business are given by real people, not fabricated by the business itself.

Customer testimonials

• Even so, testimonials, reviews, and case studies are still considered by most marketing experts to be the most effective means of marketing and gaining brand trust by small- and medium-sized businesses

• Testimonials can add another layer of credibility to your products and/or services or they can be a major headache.

• Celebrity testimonials while potentially valuable in attracting attention to a firm's products or services also have a higher risk factor.

• For example, media attention on celebrity athletes, singers, and other personalities can turn negative quickly. In these instances, products or services with which the celebrity is associated can be stained by implication.

Pros of testimonials

Social Media = Testimonial Treasure Trove!

• Gathering feedback has never been easier since the explosion of web-based interaction on Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, etc. Make sure to cultivate your business accounts on these platforms and seize upon positive praise.

• Retweet happy customer messages and add Facebook integration onto your website to show off all those “likes”.

• The More Specific, The Better

• When people leave you testimonials be sure to gather their names, occupation and where they live. The more information, the more believable.

• This also goes for the content of the praise. The best testimonials are specific and to the point. For a spa owner, what service is the customer's favorite to get and why? Get to specifics: numbers, dates, facts.

• Make sure testimonials address the benefits of your product or service. Testimonials that set you apart from competition are equally golden

• Creative Formats• Have some awesome quotes from your busine

ss' biggest fans? Great, now get them on all your materials: website, social media accounts, flyers, brochures and ads.

• Don't stop at the written word. Add audio and video formats.

• These formats give the names and occupations a face and a voice.

• Genuine emotions are easier to recognize through videos, so having your testimonials on video will allow potential customers to see actual enthusiasm and satisfaction. If you are not able to get video, try for a photo of your endorsers.

Cons of testimonials

• Too DramaticNot to discredit an enthusiastic customer, but testimonials peppered with hyperbole can actually have an opposite effect on potential new customers.

“This ____ changed my life, it's the greatest thing in the world”, can come off disingenuous. Example:What if the product is a pen or a shoe? While you may be grateful for your customer's satisfaction, some statements that get out of perspective should be replaced. Remember, facts and specifics beat dramatics every time.

• Lies & Fabrication• Testimonials can be untrusted due to the fact

many people or businesses continually fabricate them. Due to this, how much of an impact your business' testimonials will have on selling your product may not be so apparent.

• Never make up testimonials, it damages your credibility. Same goes for fabricating or changing the meaning.

• Testimonials are always under the air of suspicion so if you want yours to be effective, you have to work to make them as credible as possible.

Why testimonials are important..?

• No matter how you're marketing your business, if your claims don't have credibility, your prospects won't be won over.

• Testimonials can help you strengthen your sales letters and other marketing materials, making them more believable and effective.

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