The Experience Revolution: Maker Marketing

The Experience Revolution: Maker marketing

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The Experience Revolution: Maker Marketing

What drives loyalty? 13



Interacting with something creates a neurological response !

Response creations emotion !

Emotion produces stronger feelings of attachment !

Attachment produces brand-loyal customers

It’s not about giveaways and swag !

It’s about how you made them feel !

Did you capture their imagination? Did you inspire them? !

This is drawn directly from the maker movement which thrives on !

Inspiration. Creativity. Creation.

Launched at SXSW 2012 !

Drove traffic to booth and game sign-up via special SXSW-only game


40K sign-ups in 3 days—crashed the servers

Hackable badges, assembled in booth SXSW 2014, World Maker

Faire New York, Maker Faire Rome !

In partnership with Atmel !

Largest booth attendance ever !

Drove increased web traffic and sales


Highest degree customer satisfaction

Other examples: !

Suntory and CNC ice cubes !

Ex Machina and Tinder profile !

Nike and Chalkbot !

Oreo and Trending Vending !

Coca-Cola and Open Happiness

Questions that will be answered: !

What makes a good experiential campaign? !

A lot of these examples are at events. Does it have to be limited to that? !

What separates maker-inspired experiences from “shock marketing”? !

What do we need to consider to implement this kind of campaign? !

We don’t have someone who can make widgets. Who does that kind of work?


Why should we put the effort into this kind of campaign?

Make something awesome.