The Time for a Direct Marketing Automation Platform is NOW

The Time for a Direct Marketing Automation Platform is NOW

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Page 1: The Time for a Direct Marketing Automation Platform is NOW

The Time for a Direct Marketing Automation Platform is NOW

Page 2: The Time for a Direct Marketing Automation Platform is NOW

Consumers can research and purchase products in many different ways. Some still prefer the traditional brick and mortar storefront. Others may like to browse a paper sales flyer. A rapidly growing number order many products and services online, or at the very least do their research online. And a new expanding trend is the use of mobile devices to browse, shop and purchase. With all the different channels to manage, businesses need to utilize a direct marketing automation platform.

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How a Marketing Automation Software Platform Works

Multiple facets of your target audience are revealed through their search and shopping habits. Marketing automation software gathers this intelligence and then provides tools to take advantage of this knowledge.

Understand your target market – get to know what time of day they normally shop, what types of purchases they make, basic demographic information, and more. Develop a detailed profile of your ideal customer

Build a strategy around your target audience – create campaigns that are tailored to your audience so they will be instantly interested and engaged in your business

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Monitor activities – observe how visitors interact with your web site or other online materials. Gather more intelligence on this behavior and fine tune your strategy for even greater results

Watch conversions – understand your current conversion rate from visitor to lead to customer. Then note what is successful and expand on that success

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The Tools to Use for Best Results

The best direct marketing automation platform will utilize several tools and techniques to create a successful marketing system.

SEO – through search engine optimization understand your current business search ranking and determine keywords and phrases that will bring better results and higher rankings

Content – develop content centered on SEO and your target audience preferences. Utilize this content consistently on your web site, email newsletters, social media posts, blogs, and even your direct mail print advertising

Heat mapping – through heat mapping and other customer engagement tools, get a better understanding of how your visitors use your web site. Note the areas of each web page that have the most visibility and leverage that knowledge to attract and engage visitors to become customers

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A/B Testing – try new approaches through various test scenarios and determine what is the most effective. Iron out issues before any web page is published and get the most effective results

Affiliates – utilize affiliate web pages to direct new visitors and higher quality leads to your web site. Develop a strategy to manage affiliate microsite pages and monitor the results

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Improve Time to Market through Automation

By using a marketing automation software platform you can perform multiple tasks much more easily and generate higher quality marketing campaigns. With just a few clicks with a direct marketing automation platform you can develop your audience profile, evaluate SEO options, review your web pages, execute email newsletters, publish blogs and much more.

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The Fyoosion Solution

A breakthrough innovation in marketing automation, Fyoosion, is a platform, which business marketing managers can use to reach a new level of performance and dramatically increase conversion rates. By consolidating virtually all marketing activities into one centralized application, Fyoosion can leverage the information gathered from one source to launch campaigns and react to market changes quickly.

Develop multiple target audience profiles Enter new geographic markets Launch new products or services

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Test and adjust based on rapidly changing scenarios Increase the number of campaigns without substantially increasing


It is time to take marketing to a new level of performance by combining the best parts of all marketing strategies into one conversion centric solution. Fyoosion can deliver the marketing results that businesses have desired since long.

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