The Two Laws of Viral-ity David Guilfoyle

The Two Laws of Viral-ity by David Guilfoyle

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The Two Laws of Viral-ityDavid Guilfoyle


1. Story of Take. Premium Quizzes

2. The Two Laws of Viral-ity

3. Mechanics of the Viral Loop

Story of Take. Premium Quizzes

The $100 Bet

Why did this happen?

Users like taking quizzes.

Users shared their results on their Facebook Walls.

We had viral content:

We had a viral distribution mechanism:

Users engaged their friends using Facebook Invites.

The Two Laws of Viral-ity

Law 1) Users do what you tell them to do

• Share this post if you like puppies.

• Click subscribe below to follow us on YouTube.

• Invite your friends for more chances to win our daily drawing.

• Enter your email to view this gated content.

• Click here to learn more about the viral loop.

Examples of Law 1



Law 2) Users don’t do something unless you tell them to

Examples of Law 2

Mechanics of the Viral Loop

Lets clarify what virality means.Fuzzy Definition

The tendency of an image, video, or piece of information to be circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another.

Techie Definition

For every user who consumes my content, I get 1.1 more users consuming my content.


Benefits of Virality

1) Quickly increase the number of users consuming your content.

2) Cut down on content distribution costs.

Treat your posts like ads

• Taylor your creatives and copy to your distribution channels

• Optimize using existing user profile data

• A/B test your posts and CTAs


Track your Campaigns

• Embed your “campaign ids” in your links

• Track your conversions

• “Pixel” your users

Example: My Viral Article

Get in touch!

@Davedkg https://www.linkedin.com/in/davedkg

[email protected] ozcontent.com