Effective Email Marketing 5 Tips to Incorporate Email to Improve Customer Engagement

Tips for Effective Email Marketing

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Effective Email Marketing 5 Tips to Incorporate Email to Improve Customer Engagement

With the rise of social media, many have questioned the relevance of email marketing, but for B2Bb companies, email is still considered the leading channel to generate revenue. Research shows that emails are almost 40x more effective at generating new customers than Facebook and Twitter combined. By sending targeted emails with compelling calls to action, you can drive audience engagement and nurture prospects until they are ready to buy. 1 Email is Not Dead


Have you been blasting the same email to your entire contact list? This approach might be causing you to lose subscribers. Research shows that targeted emails drive 18x more revenue than broadcast emails. By segmenting your contact list, you can send specific contacts relevant content and offers that are of interest to them. If you are just beginning to segment your contacts, start with a few segments, test various content, and adjust accordingly. 2 Segment Your Contact List


Many companies use email to help with automated lead nurturing strategies and to follow up with new leads, but many companies are losing out on the opportunities that transactional emails offer. Emails that contain order confirmations and billing information have a much higher open rate because they promise information the customer wants and is expecting—so why not take advantage? Use these emails to help generate brand awareness and to show the customer you value their purchase. Include a CTA to a similar product or offer. Just be relevant and on-message. 3 Use Every Touchpoint to Your Advantage


When developing your marketing strategy, take into consideration that each stage of growth will require different steps to be accomplished. For example, when planning for a product launch, your marketing strategy will be focused on customer interviews, keyword research and marketing positioning. As your company expands, your focus will shift to customer retention as well as gaining new customers’ attention.

Download our Lifecycle Guide for the top marketing and sales considerations at each stage of a tech company’s growth.

4 Consider Your Stage of Growth


In print marketing and event marketing, one way to stand out from your competitors is to include a “touch” aspect. It can be as simple as using a thicker cardstock for your business cards to represent your company’s reliability, or making them textured to showcase your creativity. At a trade show, engage booth visitors with a demo or another activity involving your product or service. Allowing potential customers to interact with your booth will them get a better sense of your brand and product, which will encourage more inquires and leads. 5 Use Touch in Your Marketing Strategy