A Vision for the Future of TfL

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Page 2: A Vision for the Future of TfL

Cindy believes… in bottom up“We have to move from a focus of making good advertising to making advertising good. We have to demonstrate that we are a force for good if we are to have a future.

“And what’s around us now the death of the old top-down model of making things happen through hierarchies… and the growth of the bottom-up model – collaborative people power.’

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Martha believes… in bottom up“Dot Everyone will be a digitally powered organisation that will be both an authoritative public voice on the new digital networked world and also deliver things, showing how to transform services from the bottom up – sometimes prototyping and delivering new services…

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Reed believes… in Glass“Television is in flux, right down to what the word even means.

“The name Glass is an argument: that media are best understood as a competition for attention on screens connected to the internet. Phones, tablets, laptops, monitors, TVs – its all just glass… …as is a bus stop.

Reed Hastings, CEO Netflix.

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As is a Post Office window…It’s just another piece of Glass.If you build new models of mobile engagement from the bottom up, then you start with the lowest form of commercial advertising – the postcard ‘Message’ in the window of your local Post Office.A ‘Message’ that is helpful, relevant, contextual and useful to me… Advertising for me, not at me.

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Postcards by numbers…

In 2012, London had 805,085 SMEs (0-249 employees).

Employment in SMEs represents 49.8% of all London employment

Average annual spend per SME on marketing: £24k.

805,085 x £24k = £19.3bn.(GLA Intelligence Unit/Centre for Economics and

Business Research)

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Advanced simplicity… Addiply has tasked Cogniance

to complete one final piece of dev work - the world’s simplest in-app messaging exchange.

Addiply Messages. Deliver hyperlocal advertising

and alerts across multiple channels for multiple agencies.

Including 805,085 London SMEs All off one Public API...

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Look after me TfL, GLA… Keep me safe on your network. Warn me of danger. Alert me

when there is an emergency. Tell me there are pickpockets at

work on my station. Keep me safe at night. Utilise

your crime data to tell me of muggings on my bus route.

Keep me dry when there is a storm coming…

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Look after me TfL, GLA… Look after my health… Recognise that my estate has a

higher than average incidence of obesity; give us an offer of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Empower local health authorities to keep me flu free.

Work with your charity partners to keep me breathing easily…

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Look after me TfL, GLA… Look after me commercially Give me a local-facing piece of

glass across which I can sell my wares and services, simply.

Deliver an effective connection for my own app and I will help cover your costs via a share of my own advertising revenue.

Marry local content, commerce and connection together.

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Look after me, TfL, GLA…

Look after my individual data…

Keep it safe and sovereign to the UK

Let Londoners benefit from your bus-stop network.

Utilise that data for our good, not someone else’s…

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Regulate my mobile advertising experience.

Spare me from the useless, the intrusive and the irrelevant.

I trust you to approve only the good ads.

I trust you to deliver just one Message to me per user session.

And if its good, I’ll click…

Look after me TfL, GLA…

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A local-mobile advertising experience that puts the London citizen first.

A truly connected capital where TfL/GLA is a force for good that keeps Londoners safe, healthy, entertained and in business.

By bringing local commerce and connection together, you can now fund local content.

Welcome to TfL.tv…

Now imagine…

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Thank you.Rick Waghorn, Ceo Addiply. [email protected] @rickjwaghorn