The content of this presentation was adapted from a webinar held on 12/4/2014. Enterprise Mobility Gets Real: Drive Operational Excellence with Apps

Enterprise Mobility Gets Real: Drive Operational Excellence with Apps

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The content of this presentation was adapted from a webinar held on 12/4/2014.

Enterprise Mobility Gets Real: Drive Operational Excellence with Apps

Opportunities that Mobility Create

•  Make your team more productive and better serve your clients

•  Greater visibility into operations with real-time reporting

•  Break down barriers to data, and get the right people the right data at the right time to get the job done

State of Business Mobility

Corporate-Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE)

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)


2003: Mobility as a Hybrid Device

•  In 2003, Blackberry devices were introduced with physical keyboards

•  COPE (Corporate-Owned, Personally Enabled)

•  Consumers had the ability to text message and e-mail from a mobile device for the first time

2007: The BYOD Revolution

•  In 2007, Apple introduced the first iPhone

•  One-to-two function apps were launched

•  Changed the way we viewed software—lighter, quicker and gets out of the way when you’re done with it

The Implementation of MDM

•  The introduction of Android devices saw the beginning of different operating systems

•  Unpredictable landscape for mobile device security

•  Corporate IT departments responded with implementing MDM to secure corporate data

The Shift Away from MDM

•  Forward thinking IT departments began to move away from MDM and towards EMM in the late 2000’s

•  Management of data and apps began on corporate back ends, rather than on the user’s device

The Shift Towards Managing Apps

•  Today, the focus is shifting away from managing devices towards managing apps

•  By implementing apps, organizations provide new opportunities for maximizing operational excellence and modernizing business processes

Meet the Industry Experts

As part of the webinar, “Enterprise Mobility Gets Real: Drive Operational Excellence with Apps,” Catavolt asked two thought leaders to speak on how mobility is driving operational excellence in the manufacturing industry:

Chris Marsh Principal Analyst, Enterprise Mobility 451 Research Yankee Group

Anthony LaBorde Operational Excellence Consultant, Six Sigma Black Belt

Big Question #1

How can business and IT leaders work together to identify where mobility can add the most value?

Big Question #1

“The best place to start is to think of what mobile means. We need to begin to think of mobile as a way to enhance data, to ultimately affect how organizations operate and reach the needs of their customers.”

Big Question #1

“A good, solid brainstorming session to map out business and IT thought processes is key. Get the right people in the room DQG�\RXèOO�ĆQG�DUHDV�RI�EXVLQHVV�where mobility can address pain points.”

Big Question #2

What is unique about the opportunity that mobility provides manufacturers to drive operational excellence?

Big Question #2


Big Question #2

“The combination of Lean and Six Sigma, brings in an aspect of increased speed and transparency, making the process PRUH�HIĆFLHQW��0DQXIDFWXULQJ�FRPSDQLHV�XVLQJ�PRELOH�DSSV�now have a 24/7 view of their RSHUDWLRQV�ë

Big Question #3

What are the first steps IT and business leaders can take when mobilizing a business process?

Big Question #3

“IT and business leaders must work together, and communicate transparently, to make sure that metrics are aligned with business needs. Security is critical, so IT PXVW�ĆUVW�FRPH�WR�WKH�WDEOH�ZLWK�security options.”

Big Question #3

“It’s valuable for IT and business leaders to create a current state map and a future state map, to see where your operations want to go with mobility. A future map is especially useful for talking to senior management about what operations will look like with mobility.”

Why invest in mobile?

Because it’s easier than ever. Implementing mobile apps in your organization is now easier than ever to fit in to your IT department’s budget. There’s no need to hire expensive consulting firms, undergo lengthy and costly integrations, and embark on traditional software development projects.

Today, it’s easy enough to make a simple, first enterprise mobile app in one day.

Get Started Today

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