Webinar Mobile Testing December 16th 11am PT | 2pm ET

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Mobile Testing

December 16th11am PT | 2pm ET

Carina ValdezProject Leader

Scrum Master

Liliana ManriqueQA Engineer

Charles Green Host

So what’s at stake?

Smartphones rapidlybecoming the primarymethod of interaction forconsumers and businesses worldwide.

So what’s at stake? Just the future of yourbusiness!


• Retail: Location-intelligent mobile commerce

• Media: Magazines & newspapers going 100% digital

• Travel: Mobile bookings, check-ins, maps, deals.

• Education: Tablets and apps in classrooms

• Healthcare: Patient records, physician notes.

• Finance: Apps for real-time trading, portfolio analysis

• Social: Games and social media platforms

The challenge of Testing Applications


Mobile applications need to be tested on:- a variety of software platforms and versions- on diverse hardware and form factors- under different network connectivityconditions.

The majority of desktop applications need to be tested on a single dominant platform– Windows. The lack of a similar dominant platform for mobile apps results in manyapps being developed for and tested on Android, iOS and sometimes even more platforms.

Why is Mobile App testing different?

The challenge of mobile application testing can be addressed by a test strategy combiningthese elements with traditional best practicesand processes for testing.

Scenarios to include in a test plan:- Environment- Application- Users- Device- Network

Environmental challenges

It is necessary to understand and prioritize these components and ensure

their availability when needed

Major components:

- Targeted devices

- Adapting to frequent OS changes

- Efficient use of gestures and device controls

Challenges from the device and user´sperspective

UX is critical for the success orfailure of an app

Challenges- Keeping it simple and easy for navigation- maximum functionality in the mobile application

Items that should be verified by the QA Team:

- Keep the menus simple and easy to access

- Usability

- Connectivity

- Security

- Efficiency, performance and continuity

Testing Scope

- User settings

- Interruptions

- Features of your app

- Localization

- Real connection

- Policies and guidelines

Mobile Testing Strategy

- Target device selection

- Usability testing

- Functional testing

- Network connection

- Localization

- Performance testing

- Accessibility and security testing

- Interruption

- Test automation

Some Tips

- Sign-up & login

- Menu options

- Keys

- Data handling

- Connection speed / carrier

- Operating system

- Screen size

- Interruptions

- Error messages

Common Mobile Issues

- Load & performance

- Security

- Localization

To Sum Up

A careful selection of…

- Target devices

- Connectivity options

- Tools that maximize automation

…can ensure a cost effective mobile testing process

To Sum Up

✓ Have an understanding of the network and device landscape

before you begin actual testing

✓ Simulate the real-world mobile web and mobile app environment

to the greatest possible extent

✓ Select the right automation tool

What should you look for in an automation

tool?✓ If it uses the Prioritized Platform Matrix for testing different

combinations on actual devices.

✓ If it increases the speed of your mobile app

Carina ValdezProject Leader – Scrum Master

[email protected]

Liliana ManriqueQA Engineer

[email protected]


Belatrix Software


Belatrix Software

Belatrix Software

Thank you!