Mobile WHO

Mobile Who - Overview of Mobile audience in Russia

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Mobile WHO

Long time ago Yesterday

Human tendency to be addicted to media didn’t changed. Media changed.


Quiz: if you answer any of questions below you will know some interesting fact about mobile

Q1. How much dark energy in the Universe?

Q4. On how much 196 is more than 100?

Q2. How many women feel guilt everyday?

Q3. How many people had voted for Crimea connection to Russia?

Facts about mobile

96% use MOBILE


76% use SMS/MMSSearch?






How we can catch them in mobile media?

Do we know enough about mobile?

Mobile is still a new touch-point compared with other traditional media

So far there is no deep industrial mobile monitoring in Russia, but overall we understand that:

• Mobile behavior is more complex than we used to think

• Mobile includes different type of content: text, audio, video, verbal

• Mobile provides different opportunities how to consume this content

• Mobile is probably one of the most personalized media

…and that’s why we need to dig deeper for the insights of mobile consumer

QUIZ: What do you think each

of them is doing right now?

MediaCom research

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Defining the audiences

We ran a survey to select the audience segments depending on what part of life people

spend on mobile

(Online Survey)

Data proof

Key statements representing each segment have been ran through industrial research to

define basic profile (age, sex, regionals, occupation, income, media consumption)

(TGI Data, 2014)

Searching for the insights

Individual interviews allowed us to find a real representative of each segment who

provided additional insights

(Focus groups)

Code name: Ok, Google

Description: early tech adopter

Population: 4 307 000 (15%)

Ok, Google >> BIO


• the first in line for a new iPhone

• the first who become best friends with Siri and Google

• the second registered on Facebook


Ok, Google >> Profile

Age: 16 - 24

Geo: Msc, St.Pete

Occupation:Sales / Marketing /


Income: above average


use the Internet to relax

and have fun


watch TV less since the time I began to

use the Internet

I buy new product/brand out of curiosity

Sex: 50% male/female

Ok, Google >> Insights

“I download new apps and services

ass soon as they are released”

«I have push notifications to

get the latest TOP news»

“I’m driving, so I often use voice

commands for car and mobile phone

including voice messages in Whatsapp”

“I use browser on my mobile

mostly to search for smth”

“In my daily app list are: whatsapp,

iMessage, facebook, mail

(personal and work)”

“I have a lot of applications

but use only few of them”

“Mobile is under my pillow. Read FB

newsfeed to wake up in the mornings”

“I use laptop mostly to watch TV

series and for online shopping”

“I keep TV in my closet”

Code name: Ok, Google

Description: early tech adopter

Population: 4 307 000 (15%)

Code name: Social maniac

Description: deeply in social life

Population: 4 344 000 (15%)


• Can’t imagine life without mobile phone

• Have accounts in vk, fb, insta, OK, twitter, G+, YouTube vlog

• Less than 300 likes per post – you are loser, go kill yourself

Social Maniac>> BIO


Social Maniac >> Profile

“The most usable apps: photo editors and taxi services”“facetune, collages, instasize”

“Don’t speak by phone much,

maximum 3 calls a day”

“Don’t waste my time on

playing games”

“Differentiate content for social

pages: odnoklassniki for relatives,

Facebook – colleagues, Instagram

– friends, Twitter – niche

community by interests”

“I carefully track activity in my

Instagram via special analytic app”

“Start my day with checking

social networks”

Social Maniac>> Insights

Code name: Ok, Google

Description: early tech adopter

Population: 4 307 000 (15%)

Code name: Social maniac

Description: deeply in social life

Population: 4 344 000 (15%)

Code name: Workaholic

Description: working 24/7, work

is one of interests in life

Population: 5 002 000 (18%)

Workaholic >> BIO

Facts: WWW

• Work at work

• Work at home

• Work for entertainment


Workaholic >> Profile

I like technology that helps me to be better







20 - 44

Msc, St.Pete, Central Black Soil, Ural

Marketing / Legal / Advertising

Above average

There are not enough hours in the day to do

everything I would like

I have two SIM cards / two mobile phones

Sex: 50% male/female

Workaholic >> Insights

“Among frequently used apps:

navigation, taxi services”

“90% of my mobile activity is

connected to Internet usage”

“I use browser on my mobile

only for search”

“TV is on as a background to

avoid the silence”

“Have around 30 applications, but use

only 5-10. Mostly messengers, social,

related with work, reading books”

“Use laptop and PC for watching movies

or to shop online”

“I separate content and audience

in social accounts: Facebook for

work, Instagram – only family”

“I take my mobile as soon as I wake up. First

thing to do – check mail and Facebook feed”

Code name: Ok, Google

Description: early tech adopter

Population: 4 307 000 (15%)

Code name: Social maniac

Description: deeply in social life

Population: 4 344 000 (15%)

Code name: Workaholic

Description: working 24/7, work

is one of interests in life

Population: 5 002 000 (18%)

Code name: Functions seeker

Description: prefer functionality,

engagement is a 2nd

Population: 5 231 000 (18%)

Functions seeker >> BIO


• I’m not IPhone maniac

• Can easily go to the shower without mobile

• Have Active Citizen application (Активный Гражданин)

Functions seeker >> Profile

Functions seeker >> Insights

“Mobile is not a first thing to do in the morning.

Checking news only on a way to work”

“Disappointed in iPhone, need

to pay for apps and content,

hard to sync with PC/Laptop –

iTunes is not friendly at all”

“Use on a daily basis:

WhatsApp, Instagram”

“Mobile navigator is one

of the best things about


“Pay bills via mobile (mobile banks,

government apps: Сбербанк

онлайн, Ситибанк, ЖКХ)”

“Like to play games as a

way to kill time”

Code name: Ok, Google

Description: early tech adopter

Population: 4 307 000 (15%)

Code name: Social maniac

Description: deeply in social life

Population: 4 344 000 (15%)

Code name: Workaholic

Description: working 24/7, work

is one of interests in life

Population: 5 002 000 (18%)

Code name: Functions seeker

Description: prefer functionality,

engagement is a 2nd

Population: 5 231 000 (18%)

Code name: Beginner

Description: very basic usage,

low involvement

Population: 9 405 000 (33%)

Beginner >> BIO

BIO facts:

• recent smartphone user

• don’t spend much time on internet


Beginner >> Profile

Age: 25 – 64

Sex: 40% male, 60% female

Geo: Msc, Povolzhie, Ural, Siberia

Occupation: sales / finance / accounting / head of department

Income: average

Statements:• I like spending my free time at home

• The more simple equipment is the more reliable

• I usually look through the free newspapers and brochures that come in the mailbox

• I buy something only when necessary

Beginner >> Insights

“I bought my first smartphone 6mo ago. Key

factors – design, size, color – black”

“I use mobile mostly for calls and sms”

“I don’t have applications, but I have an Facebook icon

on screen. It’s very useful vs going to browser and

search for Facebook site”

“I found out what’s happening in

world from my friends or TV”

“I have no need in social networks.

Exception – Facebook to

communicate with foreign friends”

“I don’t know how to download and install

an application. I don’t need it”

“If I would consider to download an

app probably it would be related to

my interests, e.g. foreign languages”

“Don’t use PC much. Only for movies –

buy DVD or watch online”

Code name: Ok, Google

Description: early tech adopter

Population: 4 307 000 (15%)

Code name: Social maniac

Description: deeply in social life

Population: 4 344 000 (15%)

Code name: Workaholic

Description: working 24/7, work

is one of interests in life

Population: 5 002 000 (18%)

Code name: Functions seeker

Description: prefer functionality,

engagement is a 2nd

Population: 5 231 000 (18%)

Code name: Beginner

Description: very basic usage,

low involvement

Population: 9 405 000 (33%)

Who is the out of the box?

Mobile Vegans

Global Trend of Digital Detox

1 day per week without mobile phone

Reduce # of applications

