Understanding the relationship between paid and organic installs

Understanding the relationship between paid and organic campaigns

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Page 1: Understanding the relationship between paid and organic campaigns

Understanding the relationship between paid and organic installs

Andrew Hansen
do you know where this graphic came from?It would be nice if we could get a clearer image.
Ilja Goossens
Maybe we should talk about the relationship between paid and organic before we get into ASO.Because it is easy to make the connection from there.Relationship blah blah blah.To maximise the result, make sure your AppStore visibility is optimised.
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Who I Am

Ilja GoossensDirector of Market Development

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Overview• Current state of the user acquisition market

• Two key marketing channelsPaid & organic

• Understanding the paid & organic relationship

• Improving how users find appsTop charts visibilityApp store optimization

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Current state of the UA market

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Two main channels• Paid & Organic

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Paid installs

• Paid social

• Paid search

• In-app ads

• Others

A paid install occurs when a user installs an app after clicking on an ad.

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Cost per install

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Cost per launch

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Cost per loyal user

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Organic installsAn organic install occurs when a user decides to download and app based on their interest in that app (i.e. not as the result of an ad).

• AppStore Search

• Top Charts

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How users find apps

53% of Android users and 47% of iOS users found the last app they downloaded through app store search.“

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How users find apps - survey

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Understanding the relationships between paid & organic

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Paid & organic relationship

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Paid & organic relationshipRunning paid install campaigns boosts two (of the many) specific metrics that impact an app’s rank in the app store:

● Total downloads● Download velocity

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Paid & organic relationship - study

● Anonymized data from thousands of apps● 245 day period● Apps with millions of downloads

For every paid install, how many organic installs can you expect to see?

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Paid & organic relationship - study

Every paid install

1.5Organic Installs

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Paid & organic relationship - studySize does matter

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Paid & organic relationship - study

Predicted Organic Installs = Paid Installs x <Organic Multiplier>

Category-Specific Results: The App Marketer’s Cheat Sheet

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Can the relationship between paid and organic installs reduce acquisition costs?

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Top charts - visibility matters

• If you’re ranked first, your app is downloaded

8x more than if you’re ranked tenth.

• Apps ranked in the Top 10 received

86% of downloads.

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Top charts - visibility matters

Because these organic downloads come at no additional cost to you, with every organic install the average user acquisition cost goes down.

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App Store Optimization

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What is app store optimization?

“App store optimisation (ASO) is the process of improving the visibility of a mobile app (such as an iPhone, Android, or Windows

Phone app) in an app store (such as iTunes or Google Play).”

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How to optimize your app store presence

• Research• Test• Iterate• Supplement

Our suggestions where to start:

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What to keep in mind when starting with ASO

• Understand the customer• Sustained campaigns• Continuous process• Maximize conversion

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• The harmonious relationship between paid and organic marketing is something that is truly unique to apps.

• Because this relationship is so strong, app marketers cannot afford to only focus on one or the other.

• Having a strong balance between paid and organic efforts is key to thriving as an app marketer.

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