生生生生 , 生生Happy Birthday,China!

Ai zhongguo

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生日快乐 ,中国!Happy Birthday,China!

60 年前……Sixty years ago……

1949 年 10 月 1日

中华人民共和国成立The establishment of the People’s Republic of China

毛泽东庄严宣布 : “ 中华人民共和国成立了 !”

Mao Zedong exclaimed, “The People’s Republic

of China

is established!”

群众欢呼 , “ 中华人民共和国万岁 !” “ 毛泽东万岁 !”

The People cheered, “Long live the People’s

Republic of China!” “Long live Mao Zedong!”

鲜红的国旗跟着国歌升起 . The Red flag rises with the song of China.

为了庆祝中华人民共和国成立 , 人们团结在一起 .

To celebrate the establishment of the

People’s Republic of China, the peo-ple

gather together.

共和国第一次的阅兵仪式 .The first march of the armies of the

People’s Republic of China.

中国第一颗原子弹1964 年 10 月 16 日

15 时

The first nuclear bomb

On October 16, 1964, the first nuclear bomb hit its mark!

- 毛泽东的逝世- The death of

Chairman Mao.

- 唐山大地震- Earthquake at


The year full of sadness

在唐山大地震中有242,419 人遇难。

242,419 people suffered from this earthquake.

虽然唐山人在两年前已对地震做了充分的准备可是它还是损坏许多建筑物。 Even though the people of Tang Shan had made many preparations to minimize its damage, the earthquake still caused a lot of damage.


In the year of 1976, Chairman Mao died

from disease.

毛泽东是一位被人崇拜的领袖。Chairman Mao was a

leader respected by many people.


改革开放Chinese Economic Reform


他是改革开放的总设计师。Deng Xiao ping was the leader of the

Chinese Economic Reform.

改革开放是实现中国现代化的重要决策。The Chinese Economic Reform enabled

China to be modernized.

改革开放前的城市Before the Economic Reform

改革开放后的城市After the Economic Reform


1984 年 的英雄 The Hero in 1984

1984 年 7 月 29 日,出生在福建的许海峰在美国洛杉矶举行的第 23 届奥运会上,以 566 环的成绩夺得男子自选手枪射击比赛金牌人们因为他记住了“零的突破 ” 这四个字和这

四个字的创造者 。Xu HaiFeng was born in Fujian. On July 29, 1984, he won

the archery competition in the 23rd Olympics in Los Angeles.

People remember that nothing is impossible!

香 港 回 归-1997-

香港回归• 1982 年 -1984 年,撒


• From 1982 to 1984, Margaret Thatcher came to China and held a meeting with Deng Xiao Ping about Hong Kong’s sovereignty.


• 升旗仪式正在举行。•Flag ceremony

1999 年 12 月 20 日澳门回归

Ye Jin Kim

A flower sent from the central government of the Republic of China

as a gift

A post made in 1999 to

remember the return of Macao

This vase is a gift from Hai Nan Province to congratulate.

President Jiang Ze Min and President Sampaio

Macao citizens are very happy to return to their country.

The citizens of Guang Zhou are congratulating the return of Macao in a dinner party held in Zhong Shan Memorial.

Macao children are holding and waving flags.

The flag of Portuguese is folded away.

2003 非典型肺炎

Jin Seo Park


2002 年底 , 爆发在中国 , 之后迅速蔓延到越南 , 新加坡 , 美国等32 个国家 .

At the end of 2002, SARS

quickly spread to 32 other


including Singapore and Amer-


到 2003 年 4 月 , 全球死亡人数超过 100 例 .By April 2003, the num-ber of people who died was over 100.

因为病毒传播 , 感染人数快速地增加 .

Because of the quick spread of the disease, the number of sick people rapidly increased.

5 。 12 四川大地震 / 汶川地震



Sichuan Earthquake

四川大地震在2008 年五月十二日下午两点二十八分发生的灾难。

The Sichuan Earthquake was a disaster that hap-pened on May 12,

2008, at 2:28 in the after-


地震的强度达到 8.0级,重创约 50 万平方公里。

The earthquake had a magnitude of 8.0, and it struck an area of about 50 thousand square kilome-ters.

2009 年 5 月 25 日止共遇难 69927 人,受伤374643 人,失踪 17923 人,使中国陷入了无限的悲伤。

On May 25, 2009, a total of 69,927 people died, 374,643 people were injured, and 17,923 people were missing, leav-ing all of China in dismay.

2008 年 8 月 8 日

北京奥运会Beijing Olympics

• 世界各国都纷纷参加这一盛会

• People from all over the world came one after another to participate in this great event.

这些图片是一些奥运会的吉祥物及奖牌,它们是福娃,金牌,银牌,铜牌,还有奥运五环。These pictures are symbols that represent the 2008 Olympics. There is “fuwa”, gold, silver,and bronze medals,and the Olympic rings.

在奥运会有很多有意思的项目 , 中国人参加了每一项 .In the Olympics, there were many interesting events and Chinese people partici-pated in every event.

北京 , 这个现代的城市 , 为了奥运会变得更加美丽 . 这个建筑物的名字是鸟巢 .

The modern city of Beijing is

looking More beautiful!

The Olympic stadium was

given the name “The Bird’s
