2011 Capital Staffers Index A Global Analysis of Digital Medias Impact on Shaping Policy November 2011

Edelman Capital Staffers Index 2011

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Der Edelman „Capital Staffers Index 2011” wurde im Oktober 2011 zum dritten Mal im Auftrag der Edelman Public Affairs Practice von dem Marktforschungsunternehmen StrategyOne durchgeführt. Befragt wurden 542 Parlamentsmitarbeiter und Entscheidungsvorbereiter in den nationalen Parlamenten in Argentinien, Brasilien, China, Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Indien, Kanada, Mexiko, USA und der Europäischen Union.

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2011 Capital Staffers Index A Global Analysis of Digital Media’s Impact on Shaping Policy

November 2011

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Research Methodology and Objectives This survey tests the perceived value of various communication strategies as tools for policymakers to connect with local residents and communities; determines the credibility and trust associated with social media networks; and compares the Internet’s influence on policymakers internationally.

Washington, DC Congress 50

Ottawa, CA Parliament 25

Mexico City, MX Congress 50

Buenos Aires, AR Congress 50

Brasilia, BR Congress 50

London, UK Parliament 91

Brussels. BE Parliament 51

Paris, FR Assembly 50

Berlin, DE Bundestag 50

New Delhi, IN Parliament 55

Beijing, CN Congress 20

The overall margin of error is +4.2% in 95

out of 100 cases.

StrategyOne surveyed 542 senior staff members from key capitals around the world from September 26 to October 31, 2011.

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Germany 2011 - Traditional is key

When constituents contact your member, how effective are each of the following modes of contact?

Traditional Channels % Total Effective

Direct Constituent Contact Surrogate Constituent Contact

Direct contact from constituents is considered much more effective than contact from surrogates.

Trade associations are viewed as particularly

ineffective in China and Germany. Written letters

test poorly in China as well.


France Germany


Argentina Brazil

Mexico China


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When constituents contact your member, how effective are each of the following modes of contact?

Germany 2011- Digital going mainstream


France Germany


Argentina Brazil

Mexico China


Digital Communication % Total Effective

While they have the broadest appeal, email and

websites are sometimes rivaled by social media.

A majority of staffers in a diverse array of countries

find Facebook effective, and Twitter is particularly

popular in Latin America.

Communications through Digital Channels

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In Germany, current Facebook use outpaces last year’s projected three-

year growth

Thinking about several different technologies, please indicate whether or not your Member was using them to communicate with constituents on key issues 3 years ago, is using them now, and will be using them 3 years from now. (Germany only)

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Twitter increasingly used as an issues and news first alert system

Thinking just about Twitter, which ONE of the following do you feel is the biggest benefit you get from using Twitter?

There is a clear desire to influence

the flow of information: using Twitter to receive news quickly and call attention to issues bypasses traditional news

sources and allows staffers to act as a

source of information themselves.

Twitter Use by Country (60% Overall)

53% Do not use Twitter

Listening to issues

Shaping debate

Talking to constituents

Receiving unfiltered


Calling attention to


Receiving news


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When constituents contact your member, how effective are each of the following modes of contact?

Traditional media channels play supporting role

Publicity-Oriented Constituent Contact Traditional Channels

% Total Effective


France Germany


Argentina Brazil

Mexico China


Staffers are generally a bit more skeptical of publicity-generating constituent-to-

member contact.

Less than a third of German staffers say these forms of contact are effective. TV

appearances are weaker in Europe overall.

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When constituents contact your member, how effective are each of the following modes of contact?

Paid advertising is considerably less effective in

Germany than elsewhere


France Germany


Argentina Brazil

Mexico China


Paid Media % Total Effective

Paid media advertising falls flat among European


TV advertising is generally more effective than print or

radio in the US, South America, and Asia.

Canadian staffers, however, prefer print and radio.

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Effective Public Affairs spans

the Media Clover

Traditional PA Digital PA

Political PR Political Advertising

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Content is the fuel that powers our stories, and can amplify

coverage across all four leaves of the media clover.

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From Policy Issue to Policy Priority “It’s the Economy Stupid” & “All Politics is Local”

How important are each of the following in turning a policy issue into a policy priority for you? (Germany only)

84% 90%

66% 52%

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Which ONE of these is typically the reason why a public affairs campaign fails? (Germany only)

Campaign “Fail Factors”

28% Poor message

18% Limited

grassroots support

8% Poor spokesman

Small & narrow


Weak media relations

Poorly executed advertising

No studies that support


Weak team

8% Poor strategy

No answer

Narrow corporate interests

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The internet is a driver in informing and shaping policy issues

81% in 2009

61% NO

Changed your position

on a policy issue, based

on something you read


Energized Learned about a public

policy issue for the first

time online


60% YES

54% in 2009

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Outside research and briefing overviews play an important role when

staffers meet with lobbyists

When you meet with lobbyists, which THREE of the following things do you pay the most attention to? (Germany only)

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Present clear analysis with evidence 36%

Be focused on message 26%

Better cooperation 14%

Use more technology 8%

More personal contact 8%

Know the issue 4%

Be less superficial 4%

Better communication 2%

Have good relationship with media 2%

Making Life Easier Evidence-based analysis is important

What is the ONE thing that advocacy groups or lobbyists could do that would do the MOST to make YOUR job easier?

(Open ended) [Germany only]

Top Two Factors Fact Supported


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Edelman Capital Staffers Index 2011 Key Results

1. Traditional Public Affairs remains core strategy with highest effectiveness rates

2. Digital Public Affairs is going mainstream a. Digital PA 1.0 equals traditional Public

Affairs in effectiveness b. Digital PA 2.0 still to gain importance

in future

3. Political Public Relations via traditional Media to flank traditional and digital approaches

4. Paid advertising of political content is less effective

Traditional PA

Digital PA

Political PR

Political Advertisi


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2011 Capital Staffers Index A Global Analysis of Digital Media’s Impact on Shaping Policy

Further Information: www.edelman.de www.edelman-newsroom.de www.facebook.com/#!/EdelmanDigitalDeutschland