1 Restoration and Revolution

Europe After Napoleon

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Restoration and Revolution

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Nationalist ConservativesLiberal

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The Restoration After the Congress of Vienna 1815, major powers sought to

restore legitimate rulers and is therefore known as the Restoration.

Wanted a balance of power and a collective security against any future revolutionary upheavals.

1815 to 1848 illustrates conservatives who want slow change within the institutional structure and to return to the old regimes policies.

Many liberal & national concepts developed by Napoleon where replaced by conservative rulers Spain – removed constitution and brought back Inquisition Prussia – retained the abolition of serfdom and religious


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The Congress System

In 1815, Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia signed the Quadruple Alliance and met regularly to maintain peace. Eventually included France – Quintuple Alliance.

The conservative monarchies of Eastern Europe – Austria, Russia, Prussia – formed the Holy Alliance dedicated to protect Christian principles of religion, peace, and justice. England did not join, being less fearful of liberalism.

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The Congress System in Action

The reactionary forces in Europe faced many revolutions often under the leadership of military officers & members of liberal secret societies

After a series of military revolts, in 1820 the King of Spain was forced to bring back the Constitution of 1812 making Spain a constitutional monarchy.

France provided military support in 1823 of 100 000 soldiers, making it possible for the King to once again remove the constitution.

Civil war broke out in Spain, ended with a definitive victory for constitutional monarchy.

Other successful revolts include: Greeks, Portugal and Belgium.

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Restoration in France Louis XVIII ruled from 1814 to 1824. All people had civil rights and were

equal before the law, but political rights, as in England, were restricted to males who owned land.

A group of “Ultras” – ultra royalists wanted to end constitutional monarchy – Louis held them off near the end of his life

Louis brother, Charles X (reigned from 1824 – 1830) openly supported the Ultras.

In 1830, he suspended the freedom of press and dissolved parliament, which lead to rebellion by all but the privilege class. Charles X was sent into exile.

Charle’s cousin, named King Louis Philippe (1830 – 1848) ruled as the Citizen King

Louis Philippe never called himself king of France, but king of the French. The king was often seen dressed in middle class clothes and he associated with new moneyed class of France.

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The British Example

Britain was able to avoid revolution because it had: A history of limited monarchy Power of a limited parliamentary democracy A sound justice system Tradition of free speech

Passed reforms that precluded the need for revolution: Restrict the hours of work Improved work conditions The Reform Act 1832 recognized the growth in urban centers and

it increased the size of the electorate seats from these centers. Opened trade by repealing laws that restricted international trade Education was provided by the church, with government grants