Fossil Fuels By: Jaime Salicete

Fossil Fuels

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Fossil Fuels

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Page 1: Fossil Fuels

Fossil FuelsBy: Jaime Salicete

Page 2: Fossil Fuels

What are Fossil Fuels? Fossil fuels are a

nonrenewable resource. They are found beneath the Earth and were created from animals and plants that died over 300 million years ago. These fuels are released when they are burned.

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What are the different types of fossil fuels?

There are 3 types of fossil fuel: Coal Natural gases Oil

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How is Coal formed?

Decay, compaction, heat, and time creates coal.

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How is oil formed?

It is formed from the remains of plants and animals that lives 300 million years ago. Then the remains were covered with silt and sand. Then the heat and pressure from the layers helped the remains turn into what is called crude oil.

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How is natural gas formed?

Natural gases are created in the same way as oil. Plants and animals from millions of years ago decayed.  Over time, the sand and silt changes to rocks and trapped it beneath the rock.  Pressure and heat changes some of this organic material into coal or into natural gas.

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How is coal, oil, and natural gases used as a fossil fuel?

Natural gases are used to help us cook foods and heat or houses.

Coal is used to generate more than half of the electricity made in the U.S.

Oil is used in gasoline, jet fuel and, diesel fuel. Oil is also burned in factories to create electricity.

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What are refineries and why are they important to the

production of fossil fuels?

This is were oil is produced and it is very important because helps makes gasoline and plastic.

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Describe the Exxon Valdez oil spill discussing the incident, the clean-up, and

the effect it had on the environment of Prince William Sound in Alaska

The Exxon Valdez oil spill was an oil spill in 1989 in Alaska, that spilled about 10.8 million gallons of American oil.

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Describe the Deep Water Horizon oil catastrophe discussing the incident, the

clean-up attempts, and the effect it is having on the environment of the Gulf

of Mexico and surrounding areas.

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill is a still on going oil spill coming from a sea floor oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico. It started on April 20, 2010. This oil spilled caused a big explosion on an off shore drilling platform. 11 crewman are missing are thought to be dead, while 17 others are injured. Workers are planning to block of the bays and estuaries, by using anchored barriers, sand barricades, and floating containment booms. There are many more ongoing efforts, some that can take a long time and some that will be short, to contain the leak and stop the more spilling into the Gulf of Mexico.