From Hostess to Political Surrogate: The Evolving Role of the First Lady of the United States Allison R Levin MA, JD Twitter @arl1102 [email protected] Thank you to Flaco’s Cocina for generously supporting this event!

From Hostess to Political Surrogate: The Evolving Role of the First Lady of the United States

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Page 1: From Hostess to Political Surrogate: The Evolving Role of the First Lady of the United States

From Hostess to Political Surrogate: The Evolving Role of

the First Lady of the United States

Allison R LevinMA, JD

Twitter @arl1102

[email protected]

Thank you to Flaco’s Cocina for generously supporting this event!

Page 2: From Hostess to Political Surrogate: The Evolving Role of the First Lady of the United States

The Project

Understand how the role of the first lady has evolved Cultural Movements

Start with Eleanor Roosevelt The beginning of the evolution of the role of first lady Prior to 1933 first lady was non-essential From this uninspiring beginning modern first ladies

developed their role in society

Seek to understand how each first lady reflects their personal and societal concepts about family, motherhood and femininity

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Early Modern First Ladies (1933-1968)

Worked under rubric of social housekeeping

During this period the first ladies helped show American women how they could participate in the political sphere while still meeting societal norms of being a good spouse and homemaker

Early modern first ladies helped transform the role from mother of the country to an activist voice of national consequence

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Eleanor Roosevelt

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Eleanor Roosevelt

Came of age during the progressive movement

As first lady she continued with her prior activism but only focused on projects that could help her husband Met societal norms by participating in the

political sphere while still being a good spouse and homemaker

Believed it was her duty to help people understand what the president was doing to help them during the Great Depression

Her job was to sell her husband’s ideas

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Eleanor Roosevelt

During the first reelection campaign FDRs opponents attacked Eleanor Huge mistake She was far more liked than her husband.

Like many women of the progressive movement she became even more active during WWII

Her progressive movement values are seen through two major changes she made to the position of the first lady Hold regular press conferences Invite non-traditional groups to the White House

She did not break with traditional wifely duties; They were just not front and center like previous first ladies

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Bess Truman

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Bess Truman

She was always very involved in her husband’s career

Truman’s first foray into elected politics was winning a judicial seat Bess was proud of his win, but also content to

be viewed by the public as not being involved Behind the scenes she used her family name to

pull strings with the media and candidates on the ticket to ensure his victory

Being married to a judge was what Bess had hoped for in her marriage

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Bess Truman

When Truman decided to run for senator in 1934 Bess was not happy

She quickly adapted and began to enjoy her role

She had become so integral to his campaign that when Truman ran for reelection in 1940 he made Bess a paid member of his staff She received an annual salary of $2400

In 1944 Truman agreed to be Vice President for FDRs 4th Term 82 days later he was President

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Bess Truman Being first lady was a challenge for Bess because she

wasn’t Eleanor There were no press conferences or weekly columns

As she settled into her role, she became a mix of the old and the new Casted herself as Harry’s wife and did not want the public

spotlight Took control of the White House staff and imposed new rules

and extended her domain to Truman’s staff

Despite all her statements that she didn’t want to be involved, she really meant publically involved

During his second term she became more involved and spent more time in DC hosting events and enjoying the social scene

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Mamie Eisenhower

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Mamie Eisenhower

She was happy to define herself as a wife

Feminists at the time quickly noted that she was extremely independently minded and wielded a strong influence over her husband

In 1952 when Ike decided to run for president she fully supported his decision

She felt and looked at home in the White House

She continued to speak her mind, but only in private

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Mamie Eisenhower

She took on as her project cataloging the White House china

As the Presidency continued she began to revert to a more traditional wifely figure Had to take care of husband first

She also revived some of the more popular White House events such as the Easter Egg Hunt

Still generations later, Ike and Mamie’s time in the White House is viewed as the archetype for the perfect pre-feminism couple

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Jacqueline Kennedy

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Jacqueline Kennedy

Straddled the period between progressivism and feminism

Used her education and background to actively help her husband Kennedy and Camelot became symbols of a

refined way of life

She made it her mission to support JFK but sharing the spotlight wasn’t always easy for her

Was instrumental in hiding the fact that he was virtually paralyzed after his back surgery

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Jacqueline Kennedy

She represented what the American housewife of the early 60s wanted to be: young, beautiful and glamorous with two model children and a doting husband

Previous first ladies had been more a grandmotherly figure, she was an American Idol

She spoke up for what she wanted but had no interest in politics Brought the first lady into the culture of the world From this point forward first ladies fashions and

appearances where part of the cultural lexicon

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Jacqueline Kennedy

One of the biggest dichotomies in her time as first lady was that she was viewed as America’s goodwill ambassador but had no interest in societal good.

Her project was redoing the White House Cost over 15 million dollars Huge backlash over her spending

Out of this came the greatest legacy of her White House years, the White House Tour book which is still sold today

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Lady Bird Johnson

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Lady Bird Johnson

Despite her appearance of independence she was still a product of an era where women needed the help of men to succeed

Huge decision to marry LBJ

Not long after they were married LBJ decided to run for Congress in a special election Turned being a congressional wife into a full-

time job calling on contacts and politicking daily

Became one of the most successful women on her own during her husbands political career

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Lady Bird Johnson

Became the political “first” lady for Kennedy and ushered in a new age of feminism where equality seemed possible for all people Huge fighter for civil rights Went against President and all her advisors to

do what she thought was right

When first lady she ushered in a new age of activism through her conservation program Not content to sit on sidelines When bill passed, LBJ publically stated that she

did all the work

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Lady Bird Johnson

The power of Lady Bird became clear after her husband’s death

It was then revealed that He had suffered 2 heart attacks one when running for the

nomination against Kennedy and one while VP He had wanted to run for a second term but she put her

foot down because she wanted to spend real time with him

She became a regent at UT-Austin and brought her beatification project to Texas Don’t mess with Texas

When she wrote her memoirs she revealed her greatest secret

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Modern First Ladies (1968-present)

This era coincides with the start of the sexual revolution, women’s liberation and second-wave feminism

The women who became first ladies came to maturity during the era of the equal rights amendment and sexual freedom

These women had careers prior to their husbands’ seeking political office

It wasn’t until this time period that a job description for the first lady was explored

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Pat Nixon

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Pat Nixon

She was an excellent student in High School but took a chance against her parents wishes and left her small town to move to New York

After two years she moved back to California and took part-time jobs to pay for a degree in marketing from USC

Took Nixon 4 years to convince her to marry him

They moved to DC in 1942 where he joined the Navy as an attorney

Nixon saw an ad looking for congressional candidates and decided to run Pat publically gave up smoking Probably the first real political team

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Pat Nixon

When he ran for reelection Nixon was unopposed which pleased Pat She loved Washington but did not like the

campaigning or what it did to her husband

After leaving Congress he had his first failed election and was subsequently appointed VP by Eisenhower in 1940 Took advantage of her love for travel

When Eisenhower ran for a second term he was slow to announce a VP

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Pat Nixon

When Nixon accepted the Republican nomination for President in 1960 she assumed a major role in the campaign

After the defeat, Nixon tried several more campaigns all which were unsuccessful

Pat reluctantly accepted Nixon’s return to politics because she believed he was the best person to solve the problems facing the United States She went in with her eyes open Told friends losing this time “would kill him”

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Pat Nixon

When Pat officially became first lady she was immediately presented with the question of what her cause was going to be She eventually continued her goodwill work, though she

refused to call it her cause or mention it as an agenda item

She continued to be independent and fearless in her actions Went to college campuses where students were protesting Continued US and International travel as death threats

mounted against her because of her husband’s actions

As the Watergate scandal mounted, Pat was concerned, but publically thought her place was to stand by her husband

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Betty Ford

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Betty Ford

Known for being outspoken and in tune with times

Embraced as a modern woman who insisted on speaking her mind about the world

Betty and Gerry were seen as a happily married couple but politically the need for the aura of marital perfection was gone

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Betty Ford

While he was in Congress, Betty stepped out from behind the her husband with her own issues and was not afraid to be candid Her mental health issues Her pain issues Her addiction issues

It was anticipated Ford would be Agnew’s VP in 1974 but when Agnew was implicated in Watergate, Ford got the call to be the presidential nominee

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Betty Ford

As first lady she changed cultural norms by being the first to discuss her health in a public speech and opening a dialogue about a previously taboo topic

Lobbied for controversial issues that were too politically volatile to be discussed by the President She refused to temper her opinions to placate

the experts in her husband’s office

While in office she continued to drink and use drugs and was extremely candid about it

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Rosalyn Carter

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Rosalyn Carter

When they married she took over the business side of the Carter peanut business and made it profitable in two years

When Carter ran for governor, she enacted the peanut brigade a term they used throughout their years in the White House

While first lady of Georgia led the charge to reform mental health institutions

When they entered the White House it was as equal partners

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Rosalyn Carter

Rosalyn is considered the first first lady to make a campaign promise Felt it was her duty to oversee the commission on

Mental Health when her husband issued an executive order to establish the commission

The same day the Office of Legal Counsel issued a statement forbidding Rosalyn from serving as chair

Report concluded that first ladies have long been advocates of Government programs in which they were interested without assuming a political role

Ignored mandates and opened the door for a first lady who was a political actor in her own right

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Nancy Reagan

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Nancy Reagan

Nancy was adopted at age 14 by an extremely conservative republican and his views directly shaped her own

After high school she went into acting where she met Ronald

While governor's wife she was criticized for her circle of glamorous friends and her expensive wardrobe

As the began their presidential run in 1980 she was referred to as “Queen Nancy”

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Nancy Reagan

She believed she would be able to return the role of first lady to one of glamour and prestige

Nancy was often seen as out of touch with the populace by expressing publically her views about the special privileges that should be afforded the rich

Advisors wanted her to have a cause, she reluctantly agreed

Her devotion to Ron was clear after the assassination attempt but she once again alienated the public

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Barbara Bush

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Barbara Bush

When she married George she married into a political family and she went in with her eyes wide open

In 1952 when George’s Dad was a senator, he encouraged George to get involved with Republican politics in Texas

When George ran for US senate Barbara began to see the negative side of politics

He lost he Senate seat but immediately ran and won a House of Representative’s seat

He then took a position as UN ambassador and continued moving up in politics

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Barbara Bush

When George ran for president it was clear that it was a requirement that she have a cause

Biggest problem Barbara faced was that she appeared to be a women of the 1940s in the 1990s Went grey at 28 and refused to color her hair Did not see any reason to lose weight when she was

healthy Was comfortable in her style and didn’t want to play


Not afraid of controversy

Despite all the discussion over her looks, she became a trendsetter

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Hillary Clinton

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Hillary Clinton

Excellent student in high school but had a tough transition to college at Wellesley

Her senior year of college she was an intern for the Republican Party Gerald Ford was her mentor Went to the RNC and found the politics unsettling Went to the DNC and was present when the riots

occurred Knew she wasn’t in line 100% with the protestors but

also knew she wasn’t in line with the RNC

Continued to explore her political beliefs at Yale Law School

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Hillary Clinton

Although Bill and Hilary were dating, Hilary chose her career over marriage Her one concession was taking the Arkansas bar exam

to be closer to Bill

They dated for over 10 years until Hilary finally agreed to marry Bill

Bill became Arkansas attorney general Hillary forced to quit her job

When Bill became governor in 1978, Hillary became a liability He lost reelection Had to regroup and run again

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Hillary Clinton

Bill spoke of her as political equal during his presidential campaign

Bill campaigned on the economy; Hillary campaigned on health care

Once elected Hillary had to find a place within the Clinton administration that fit her political ambitions

Her first step was to legitimize the office Moved into office above the oval office Made her chief of staff a presidential advisor

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Hillary Clinton She was appointed chair of the task force on health care

and was asked to have a plan ready for Congress within the first 100 days The task force met in private which lead to health care

advocacy groups to file suit The nepotism of her appointment also came into play

As the litigation dragged on throughout the bulk of the first term, Hillary’s approval ratings plummeted and she removed herself from politics until her senate run in 2000 Hilary never understood how thousands of women could

balance career and family but it was not acceptable for her to do the same

The decision which came out after she had removed herself from politics changed the office of the first lady forever

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Laura Bush

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Laura Bush

Loved reading and went SMU to be a teacher Got involved in the antiwar protests and political


First job was at a inner-city underserved school in South Houston

After receiving her Masters she went to work at an underserved predominately Hispanic school

Met George in 1977 It was not love at first sight Started dating because they were both over 30

She agreed to marry him in 1978

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Laura Bush

Five months after their marriage George was running for the congressional primary and Laura was forced to hit the campaign trail

Her first public speech was awful Made it her job to improve Learn campaign points Use her personality more

When George ran for Texas governor Laura was against the idea She hated Texas politics “We are here like it or not, so I might as well like it”

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Laura Bush

When they ran for President in 2000 Laura’s popularity was immediately apparent 6 point jump in the polls as soon as she hit the

campaign trail

At his father’s insistence George played up the difference between Laura and Hillary during the campaign

Very powerful behind the scenes

She coined the phrase compassionate conservatism

After 9/11 her role changed as the country changed

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Michelle Obama

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