Green Bay TEA Party Online WebWarriors Meeting 2014 Orientation

Green Bay Wisconsin TEA Party WebWarriors Orientation

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1. Green Bay TEA Party Online WebWarriors Meeting 2014 Orientation 2. Opening Prayer Father, Give us the strength and understanding to live in a country where freedom and equality are revered principles which will never be sacrificed. Restore our morality and virtue so that we will be able to have and keep a republic. Let us lead by example with sacred honor so that we will be worthy in your eyes. Judge us and discipline us as a loving Father. I ask that you bless this event today and that those presenting will provide solutions and leadership. In Our Lord Jesus name I pray. Amen. 3. Pledge "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." 4. Acts of Valor Quotes from Act of Valor: This movie is about Navy Seals. Whether its Seals or Delta Force were talking about Special Warfare Groups. What we are doing here today is forming a Special Warfare Group! In our case non-physical violence Warfare Groups. I need to stress that! 5. Age quote Aging can be Physical and Mental or Not! Here is our Act of Valor Dangerous Quote."LT Rorke: Before my father died, he said the worst thing about growing old was that other men stopped seeing you as dangerous. I've always remembered that, how being dangerous was sacred, a badge of honor. You live your life by a code, an ethos. Every man does. It's your shoreline. It's what guides you home. And trust me, you're always trying to get home." 6. The Press etc.. Wolf Packs are Not.. I need to mention the Grey Panthers & how sad that they became misled & co-opted by the Agenda21 folks and are now a part of the UN Civil Society We sure as hell aint Grey Panthers! So dont let anyone call us that. The Press etc.. If anything, We are a coalition of Wolf Pack(s) made up of all ages and backgrounds. 7. Source: Tecumseh Poem (Ref: Act of Valor) "Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about his religion. Respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide. Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, or even a stranger, if in a lonely place. Show respect to all people, but grovel to none. 8. Source: Tecumseh Poem (Ref: Act of Valor) When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home." Source: Tecumseh Poem (Tecumseh is a very Interesting Pre-Rev History figure)Let us begin to become an elite, highly trained group of warriors. 9. Lets Organize! OK!....Lets Organize! We are basing the organizational structure on what many of you may be familiar with as Prayer Warriors. Well start by organizing Prayer Chain groups that may be called a Pack or Wolf Pack which denotes ACTION for our purposes but we also encourage the original intent which is that of a Prayer Chain as well. That is up to each Pack. 10. Group #s of 7 We come now to the great number of spiritual perfection. A number which, therefore, occupies so large a place in (Biblical) works, and especially in the Word of God as being inspired by the Holy Spirit. SEVEN (7). Each group will consist of 7 people. Each group of seven is a link in our Prayer Chain list! 11. A word about Prayer We should all be familiar with 2nd Chronicles. 2 Chronicles 7: 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 12. A word about Prayer Prayer is such an integral part of our life with Christ. We need fellowship with God, and He needs our fellowship too! We are servants of God to take care of the prayer needs of others and to be good stewards of this Great Nation. We Are Called To Be Salt and Light! 13. How A Prayer Chain List works This is our Organizational Structure model When you receive a prayer chain message, call the person whose name is after yours. If you are unable to reach your person after several attempts, you can leave a message on an answering machine. If it is a sad or sensitive message, have them call you or your team leader when they can call back. Some Calls may require a response. 14. How A Prayer Chain List works This is our Organizational Structure model At times our prayer concerns are confidential. While we know the prayer concerns that are lifted up in church, we should not discuss them outside of church. There will be some prayer concerns that should remain with us, our Pastors and members of session/Elders. When this situation occurs, Team Leaders will send that information along with prayer concern. All Information stays In The Group! 15. How A Prayer Chain List works This is our Organizational Structure model If any of you are going to be out of town, let us know. If you have a prayer concern, let us know and well send it down. If one of us is gone there will be alternates. Now.. we will be using this same structure to implement various actions which will include but not be limited to A List of Action items 16. How A Prayer Chain List works This is our Organizational Structure model Note: You will be asked to form a Pack, Elect a Leader, and 6 alternates/members to work with your group. Please see the Layout structure example that follows. The Leader will be responsible in keeping this up to date. A Pack Leader calls Alternates 1,2,3. Alternates 1,2,3 call 4,5,6 respectively. 1 calls 4, 2 calls 5 and 3 calls 6. Check the website daily! 17. Layout for our individual Packs. Pack #s___ TBD The Leader will keep a master & copies will be handed out To members. Pack Leader calls Alternates 1,2,3. Alternates 1,2,3 call 4,5,6 respectively. 1 calls 4, 2 calls 5 and 3 calls 6. PLEASE Email Updates out ASAP! 18. Prayer Chain Structure Let me emphasize we will be using this same Prayer Chain structure to implement various actions which will include but not be limited to The List. All Pack leaders will eventually report back to their leadership committee chairs which have yet to be determined. For Now To Start things off until we become more defined and know whom we have in each group, please report to me. [email protected] (920) 785-1219. I am the most available during days as well as evenings. 19. The Fun Part? Here comes the Fun Part. The part were people no longer see us as NOT being Dangerous! In our case these are non-physical violence Warfare Groups. I need to stress that again! We WILL Be Respected and Considered Dangerous by those who oppose Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets and a Constitutionally Limited Government all the same! 20. The Fun Part Along with being available optionally as Prayer Warriors we will work together to perform some of the following actions together when called upon. Alternates will report to their pack leaders as to their progress. Note: Some packs may wish to meet on a weekly basis and this is encouraged. Note: All Green Bay TEA Party Members and Prospective Members will be expected to participate in at least one Pack.Ok, Lets get started. Those of you whom have at least 3 hours per week to dedicate to being a Web Warrior can start by emailing us at the Green Bay TEA Party at [email protected] and letting us know you are ready to get started Today! Please let us know if you are able to bring in additional volunteers and if you can be a Team Leader in Your Precinct..