Italian-Israeli Intergovernmental Consultations Joint Statement Rome, December 2, 2013 Today, December 2, 2013, the Governments of the Italian Republic and of the State of Israel held their fourth intergovernmental consultations in Rome. The Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Prime Minister of Italy, Mr. Enrico Letta, note with satisfaction the progress achieved and the significant developments in relations between the two Governments, further enhanced today through new bilateral agreements which underscore the determination of both Governments to continue promoting cooperation and collaboration in the fields of energy, economics, transportation, research and development, home front security and defence, education, culture and other fields in which the Governments have common interests. The wide array of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries is based on their shared heritage and interests. Both Governments are committed to further enhance the cross fertilization of their unique cultural heritage with a focused science and technology cooperation as a fundamental basis for innovation and a healthy economic growth to the benefit of both Peoples. Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Letta expressed confidence in the progress of economic reforms in Israel and in Italy which set conditions for expanded trade, investment and tourism in both directions.

Italian-Israeli Intergovernmental Consultations. Joint Statement

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Today, December 2, 2013, the Governments of the Italian Republic and of the State of Israel held their fourth intergovernmental consultations in Rome. The Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Prime Minister of Italy, Mr. Enrico Letta, note with satisfaction the progress achieved and the significant developments in relations between the two Governments, further enhanced today through new bilateral agreements which underscore the determination of both Governments to continue promoting cooperation and collaboration in the fields of energy, economics, transportation, research and development, home front security and defence, education, culture and other fields in which the Governments have common interests.

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Page 1: Italian-Israeli Intergovernmental Consultations. Joint Statement

Italian-Israeli Intergovernmental Consultations

Joint Statement

Rome, December 2, 2013

Today, December 2, 2013, the Governments of the Italian Republic and of the

State of Israel held their fourth intergovernmental consultations in Rome.

The Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Prime

Minister of Italy, Mr. Enrico Letta, note with satisfaction the progress

achieved and the significant developments in relations between the two

Governments, further enhanced today through new bilateral agreements

which underscore the determination of both Governments to continue

promoting cooperation and collaboration in the fields of energy, economics,

transportation, research and development, home front security and defence,

education, culture and other fields in which the Governments have common


The wide array of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries is based

on their shared heritage and interests. Both Governments are committed to

further enhance the cross fertilization of their unique cultural heritage with a

focused science and technology cooperation as a fundamental basis for

innovation and a healthy economic growth to the benefit of both Peoples.

Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Letta expressed confidence in the

progress of economic reforms in Israel and in Italy which set conditions for

expanded trade, investment and tourism in both directions.

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The Prime Ministers wish to thank all those who have worked tirelessly to

advance the ties between the two countries, with the aim of consolidating their

partnership based on further economic growth, cooperation on high

technology, science and culture.

The following Government members participated in the consultations:

On the Israeli side:

Prime Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr.

Avigdor Lieberman, Minister of Internal Security Mr. Yitchak Aharonovitz,

Minister of Home Front Defense, Mr. Gilad Erdan, Minister of National

Infrastructures Energy and Water resources, Mr. Silvan Shalom, Minister of

Education, Rabbi Shay Piron, Minister of Culture and Sport. Ms. Limor Livnat

On the Italian side:

President of the Council, Mr. Enrico Letta, Vice Prime Minister and Minister

of Interior, Mr Angelino Alfano, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Emma

Bonino, Minister of Economic Development, Mr Flavio Zanonato, Minister of

Education, University and Research, Ms. Maria Chiara Carrozza, Minister of

Cultural Heritage, Mr Massimo Bray.

Foreign Affairs:

The Governments of Italy and Israel concluded today high level meetings,

covering a broad range of issues pertaining to their bilateral relations. They

note with satisfaction the growing friendly relations and special partnership

between the two countries and reaffirm the mutual recognition of their

political, security and economic needs.

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Both Governments acknowledge that mutual collaboration in the bilateral and

multilateral fields, including the UN, has to be used as a tool for strengthening

stability and peace on the shores of the Mediterranean, the Middle East and

Africa. In this context, they express their full satisfaction at the intense and

fruitful pace of the bilateral political dialogue and they pledged to further

strengthen it. The number of high-level governmental visits to both countries

during recent years is testament to the importance and strength of the

relationship between the Governments.

Both Governments reiterated their objective to strengthen the already close

relations and to solidify the unique historical ties between the two societies

and cultures.

Both Governments remain firmly committed to combating racial

discrimination, xenophobia, intolerance and anti-Semitism. This commitment

is rooted in the shared values and traditions of both countries.

The two Governments recognize the importance and mutual benefits for both

Israel and the European Union in promoting peace, democracy and regional

cooperation through the European Neighborhood Policy, by encouraging

scientific research, academic exchanges, environmental protection and

increased cultural ties between the Parties, as well as relevant Mediterranean

institutions, including the Union for the Mediterranean.

Both Governments highlight the shared goals of setting the conditions for

achieving a qualitative leap in the relationship between the European Union

and Israel as equal partners, based on the principles of mutual respect, solid

ownership and beneficial to both sides, particularly in the Horizon 2020

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framework program to which Israel’s participation is in the interest of both the

EU and Israel.

The two Governments recognize the significance and mutual advantages in

further deepening NATO-Israel cooperation in the spirit of NATO’s

Partnership Policy. To this end, Italy will continue to facilitate, together with

other NATO members, the participation of Israel in the relevant North

Atlantic Allied structure and programs.

Both Governments acknowledge the recent development in Northern Africa

and in the Middle East and share their concerns for the increased instability in

the region as a result of a growing sectarian divide, terrorism, socio economic


The two Governments exchanged views and assessments on the most

significant International and regional issues, including Syria, the future

perspective of the Middle East peace process and Iran.

International Development Cooperation:

The Governments of Italy and Israel are strongly committed to the global

agenda for sustainable development, poverty eradication and the attainment of

the Millennium Development Goals and have decided to hold regular

consultations on issues relating to the global development agenda.

The two Governments welcome the progress made in the joint development

activities in Senegal.

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Italy and Israel have agreed to further increase their engagement and

coordination by extending their development dialogue through Cooperazione

Italiana allo Sviluppo and MASHAV and by examining further development

cooperation partnerships for the benefit of developing countries. To this end,

both South Sudan and Ethiopia are currently under consideration.

Holocaust Remembrance:

Italy and Israel renewed the Memorandum of Understanding between the

Ministry of Education, Universities and Research of Italy, the Ministry of

Education of Israel and Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'

Remembrance Authority on the education about the Holocaust.

Both Governments express satisfaction for the strong collaboration between

the Ministry of Education, University and Research of Italy and the Yad

Vashem in the field of Shoah education, both with the seminars organized for

the Italian teachers at the Yad Vashem and with the journeys to the places of

remembrance organized for the Italian schools.

The two Governments stress the importance of the study, the research and the

teaching about the Shoah of the Jewish people during the Second World War.

In this spirit, they strongly reiterate that any form of denial regarding horrors

of the Holocaust and calls for the destruction of the State of Israel are totally


Both Governments will work together on bilateral programs to commemorate

the Shoah of the Jewish community of Italy, in order to raise public awareness

about the historical facts surrounding these atrocities. The bilateral programme

will be coordinated by a joint committee comprised of experts on the Shoah

and of representatives of both Ministries of Foreign Affairs, in consultation

with Yad Vashem.

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Education and Youth Exchanges:

The two Governments reiterate the importance of sharing their experience

concerning the educational systems of both countries and encouraging direct

contact and collaborative programs between educational institutions at all


The two Governments express satisfaction on the progress made within the

framework of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the field

of Youth and Students Policy, which has already been the base for numerous

exchanges between schools of both Countries.

They encourage higher education institutions in their bilateral cooperation,

maximizing existing experiences and strengthening future collaborations,

subjected to the principle of academic autonomy in the higher education

systems of both countries. One of the leverages will be the best use of the

upcoming European programs for internationalization and learning mobility,

in order to support Israeli implementation of reforms in higher education.

They will also explore the mutual exchange of assessment experiences in both

countries concerning research and academic systems. The two Governments

also appreciate the work started by the Bilateral Academic Steering Committee

in order to support and to coordinate the already numerous exchanges

between Higher Education Institutions of both Countries.

The Governments will explore avenues to promote initiatives in the field of e-

learning which will advance opportunities for cooperation at all educational


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The two Governments are also satisfied with the teaching at academic level of

the language, the history and the culture of the other country.


Italy and Israel confirm their willingness to reinforce the longstanding

tradition of cooperation in the field of culture, recognizing the richness of

their common cultural values and of shared historic legacy and acknowledging

the strong interest of their Peoples in the culture of the other Country, as

expressed by the Cultural Agreement between the two countries and by its

program renewed in 2012.

In this context, and in the framework of the said cultural agreement, they

signed an Agreement of Cooperation in Cinema Co-production which aims at

development film production and encourage the further development of the

cultural and technological ties between the two countries.

Furthermore, Italy and Israel underline the importance they attach to the

bilateral collaboration in the protection of cultural heritage, as well as in the

field of performing arts. In this context, the two countries express satisfaction

for the fruitful activity carried out by the Italy Israel Foundation for Culture

and the Arts.

They are also proud to announce that 2014 will be the year of the Israeli

Italian cultural friendship and cultural events will take place to celebrate this

event, notably in the city of Turin.

Internal Security and Home Front Affairs:

Recognizing the common challenges they face, the Governments decided to

strengthen their bilateral cooperation in the internal security field . In light of

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their shared interest to cooperate to protect their peoples, goods and interests

from threats by countering crime, they signed an Agreement on Public


The two Governments, aiming at prevent and suppress crime in its various

forms and to counter transnational organized crime, agreed to cooperate in the

fight against illegal migration, human trafficking, illicit trafficking in narcotic

drugs. They aim to prevent and suppress crime in its various forms and to

counter transnational organized crime.

To this aim, the Government of Italy and Israel will also consult in defining

legislative and scientific tools to combat crime.

The two Governments have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on civil

protection, as they acknowledge that the cooperation in this field is crucial to

the people’s safety from contemporary threats and that providing an effective

disaster response can limit or mitigate damage to the population, property and


The Agreement has the scope to achieve common goals in forecasting,

prevention, mitigation and contrast to natural or man-made disasters, occurred

in the state territory of one of the Parties.

Trade and Economic Cooperation:

Based on the solid foundation of actively pursued pragmatic cooperation in

the field of trade and economic development, the bilateral relations between

the Italian Republic and the State of Israel have reached an advanced stage of

long-term strategic partnership at many levels.

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Both Governments welcome the recent increase in the high tech relations and

start-up companies networking exchange that has brought to many events

both in Italy and Israel in the course of 2013. At the margins of the

Governmental consultations, the co-chairs of the High Tech-Start Up

Committee announced the new work plan for 2014 and meetings between

high tech companies of both countries in the field of embedded software was

held in Milan between companies in the IT and IT Security sectors. During the

B2B meetings they will meet with the leading Italian companies in this area.

Cooperation in cyber space:

The Governments of Italy and Israel acknowledge that today's economies and

infrastructures are heavily reliant on digital technologies and communication,

that this reliance is beneficial to the human and economic development of

their peoples and that it is set to increase with the advent of new technologies.

Both Governments recognize the critical role of information and

communication systems in the development of their open and democratic

societies and economies, and they acknowledge the expanding range of threats

posed to this domain by state, non-state actors and individuals. Protection of

information in the digital age against theft and misuse is one of the main

challenges faced by Nations, industries and individuals.

The two Governments appreciate that the protection of cyber space, fostered

by robust research and development efforts by both the academic world and

private actors, creates a rapidly expanding market for expertise, products and

services, that the two Countries can best leverage by maximizing their joint

efforts and interactions.

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Therefore, in light of the global nature of challenges to cyber space and of the

economic opportunities emerging in this sector, the two Governments signed

a Joint Declaration aimed at deepening and expanding their mutual knowledge

and understanding of cyber threats and related issues.

To this aim, both Governments intend to foster cooperation among their

industrial, business and academic communities with a view to benefiting from

the economic opportunities arising from the protection of cyber space. Italy

and Israel will therefore strive to enhance the current dialogue in order to

commonly assess future trends and challenges of cyber space, promoting

cooperation and exchanges between their business communities,

entrepreneurs, experts and academic research institutions

Science and Technology:

The two Governments agree on the importance of further promoting

scientific and technologic cooperation between the countries. The parties will

encourage further direct contacts and exchanges between scientific institutions

in both countries in the framework of their bilateral agreement on cooperation

in the field of Science and Technology, also building up on existing successful

experiences of joint laboratories.

They welcome the recent selection of 14 industrial R&D projects and 10 R&D

academic projects jointly proposed by Israeli and Italian business, research and

academic entities that will be co-funded by the two Governments.

The Governments note with satisfaction the next publication of two calls for

proposals during early 2014, in both Italy and Israel for new joint industrial

R&D and academic projects. The Governments have agreed to continue the

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bilateral exchange in the field of R&D and professional training, particularly in

the areas with strong potential for innovation and modern applied

technologies, such cooperation in cyberspace.

The Governments continue to support the excellent cooperation in the field

of Space between the two respective Space Agencies and industries, especially

in the earth observation domain. It is noted with satisfaction that the new

Joint Research Programs were implemented under the supervision of the

Space Agencies and with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Energy and Water:

The two governments signed a Joint declaration on cooperation in the fields

of energy and water with the aim to further strengthen their economic

relations and to create a privileged partnership.

The two large water companies Acea and Mekorot signed an MOU for

cooperation between them both bilaterally as well as internationally.

They establish a framework that will enable them to share experiences for the

development of energy and water resources in coordination with other

frameworks established with other partners of the region. They will further

examine ways to enhance the relations between the respective water utilities

and industries for the exchange of cutting edge technologies in the field of

water management and desalination.

In particular, Italy and Israel will strive to support research and industry to

favor the transportation of natural gas towards the European Union where

Italy is ready to play its part as a bridge for gas transportation towards the EU.

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The two Governments note with satisfaction the mission of an Inter-

ministerial Israeli Delegation in the sector of compressed natural gas for

transportation that took place in Italy from 25 to 28 November 2013 which

underlined the longstanding Italian experience in this sector and where there is

scope for future bilateral cooperation.

The two Governments will act to further enhance innovation in the alternative

fuel in transportation.


The relationship between Israel and Italy in the healthcare is particularly

intense and characterized by several concrete and useful initiatives both at

Governmental and at a local level, such as the renewal of the Plan of Action

between the two Ministries of Health; collaboration between the Gemelli

Hospital in Rome, the Israeli Center for Simulation Medicine and the Rambam

Hospital in Haifa; cooperation between Schools of Medicine of the

Politecnico di Torino, the University of Torino and the Technion, Israeli

Institute of Technology; Cooperation between the Ministry of Health of the

State of Israel and the Abruzzo Region; establishment of PENTA joint

Laboratory between the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and Ben Gurion

University of Negev.

Expo 2015 in Milan:

The Government of Israel presented a preview of the Israeli pavilion to the

World Expo 2015 in Milan. Italy and Israel confirmed they common interest

in making EXPO 2015 a success. The theme of Expo 2015 “Feeding the

Planet, Energy for Life” is at the core of the partnership between Israel and

Italy and it is consistent with the two countries’ expertise, also in the context

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of their shared commitment to the fulfillment of the UN Millennium

Development Goals.


The Prime Ministers reiterate the key importance they attribute to the ties

between the two Governments and they agree to conduct the next round of

intergovernmental consultations in Jerusalem during the course of 2014.

__________________ H.E. Enrico Letta

President of the Council of

the Italian Republic

__________________ H.E. Benjamin Netanyahu

Prime Minister of the State of Israel