THE LATE REPUBLIC Social Studies for 9 th EBG Teacher: Mauricio Torres

Late republic

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  • 1. Social Studies for 9th EBG Teacher: Mauricio Torres

2. The Roman army played a vital role in the Republics expansion. They were well trained and defeated many enemies. This way, commerce grew and new resources were at their disposal. 3. Expansion When the Gauls had to be paid to leave Rome, others attempted to invade Rome. Little by little, the Romans defeated them and took over their lands. This way, Romans took over almost all of the Italian peninsula. The army, was a highly organized entity, capable of fighting in large or small groups. 4. The Legion Groups of 6,000 soldiers Centuries Groups of 100 soldiers, led by a centurion. Legionaire Roman infantry soldier. 5. Before Rome set out to conquer Italy, most of its inhabitants were farmers. As the republic grew, most arrived in the city to work. Wealthy romans bought the empty lands and set their own farms, which were worked by slaves. Even with these production of food, it wasnt enough to feed a growing population. Therefore merchants had to trade with other lands and bring in more resources such as: Slaves Metal goods They were using coins to trade all over the Mediterranean! 6. As Rome grew, other powers saw the romans as a threat. One of these were the Carthaginians. The wars with Carthage were known as Punic Wars, because in latin, Punic means phoenician. The first war began because both nations sent armies to the island of Sicily. Rome easily defeated the Carthaginians over land, but on the sea it was a different issue. They had to raise a navy and quickly outnumbered their enemy. This led to a final victory! 7. Carthage was seeking revenge from Rome. Hannibal, its most brilliant general led an army across the Alps and defeated the Romans many times, in the Italian peninsula. The Romans, on the verge of defeat, made a daring attempt at destroying Carthage itself! It lured Hannibal back to Africa and was finally defeated at the battle of Zama. 8. By 140 BC, the Roman senate grew alarmed because Carthage was regaining its power. The consuls declared war and finally Carthage was destroyed to its foundations: The burned the city Killed most of the inhabitants Sold the survivors as slaves. This way, Rome now had control over the western Mediterranean and northern Africa. 9. Later, the roman legion marched on: They invaded Gaul and Greece. But it was Greece, that would later change the Romans forever! With the Punic wars, Rome took control of: Sicily, Corsica, Spain and North Africa.