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Lesson 6 Development of National Government

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  • 1. Lesson 6 Development of OurNational GovernmentBellringer: Who wrote the Federalist essayNo. 10? Provide a brief summary of it.

2. Match the Quote to Its Author No slip will pass Henry unnoticed Hamilton A Bill of Rights is what Jefferson the people are entitled Madison to against every Washington government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference. A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing. All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree. Give me liberty or give me death. 3. Development of the National Government Washingtons Cabinet Was originally 3 departments State; handle relations with other nations Jefferson Treasury; deal with financial matters Hamilton War; provide for the nations defense Knox 4. The Cabinet Changes Congress also created the positions ofattorney general, EdumundRandolph, and postmaster general READ: Washington regularly met with his cabinet for advice Part of the executive branch Vice President Adams cast the deciding vote to allow the President to appoint and dismiss cabinet members without Senates approval Increased separation between Executiveand Legislative branches 5. Todays Cabinet Obamas cabinet today has 15 executive departments The Cabinet includes the VicePresident and the heads of 15executive departments theSecretaries of Agriculture,Commerce, Defense, Education,Energy, Health and HumanServices, Homeland Security,Housing and UrbanDevelopment, Interior, Labor,State, Transportation, Treasury,and Veterans Affairs, as well asthe Attorney General. Presidents after Washingtonadded and removed differentcabinet positions Look at wiki site; (creation of 6. The Cabinet Washington rarely proposed laws, but almost always approved bills from Congress Focused mainly on foreign affairs and militarymatters Left economic troubles to AlexanderHamilton, Secretary of the Treasury Today, the Secretary of the Treasury deals with financial issues as well as some defense issues. He is the economic advisor to the President, signs all legal currency notes, and is in charge of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) 7. Whose in Charge of Money Today? The Fed, the Federal Reserve, is the United States central banking system today 12 districts with a bank ineach Produces currency Deals with interest levels Act on their own independentof the President Chairman Ben Bernanke Originated from AlexanderHamiltons idea 8. Who was in Charge of Money Then? National debt was a huge issue plaguing the country after the American Revolutionary War Hamilton proposed the US pay off its foreign debtsas well as debts to citizens During the war, the Continental Congress soldbonds to citizens (like loans) and promised to buythem back after the war Hamilton believed the states should help pay off the debt; it would help increase their desire to see the national government succeed Faced opposition, particularly from the South The South had fewer debts than the North and felt it was unfair 9. Compromise Hamilton compromised and agreed to have thenew capital, Washington D.C., in the South andthe South would help pay off debts Hamilton then asked the Congress to create anational bank Both private citizens and national government could ownbank stock Madison and Jefferson felt the ban would only benefitthe wealthy Others said it was unconstitutional The constitution never said the Congress could create anational bank BUT, as Hamilton pointed out, it never said the Congress couldNOT create a national bank 10. More Money Issues Hamilton also proposed a tariff, or tax on foreign imports He hoped to encourageAmerican manufacturing as away to gain wealth This protective tariff wouldprotect American industryfrom foreign competition The South had littlemanufacturing and thereforeopposed tariffs In the end, Hamilton got somelow tariffs and by the1790s, tariffs accounted for90% of the national income 11. Hamiltons Plan The final part of Hamiltons plan was the creation of national taxes Government needed additionalmoney to pay off debt interest Congress first opposed the majorityof tax proposals, but Hamiltonmade concessions Hamiltons plan gave the nationalgovernment new financial powers andhelped stabilize the country, but it alsosplit Congress Opponents, led by Jefferson andMadison, feared the new economicstrength of the national government 12. First Political Parties Jeffersons supporters tried to tarnish Washingtons reputation as his time as President came to an end America was beginning todivide in political parties In the 1700s mostAmericans consideredfactions harmful, as didWashington 13. First Political Parties By the mid 1790s, 2 distinct parties had emerged Federalist; supporters of Hamilton Stood for vigorous federal government Distrusted French Revolution Favored banking and shipping interest Support from the Northeast and wealthy South Republicans; supporters of Jefferson Power to state government; feared strong federalgovernment Supported French revolutionaries Small farmers and urban workers 14. More Disputes Hamilton felt the federal government had implied powers, powers not specified in the Constitution Justify a national bank Regulate trade Madison and Jefferson believed in a strictinterpretation of the Constitution Federalists believed in representativegovernment run by officials; little involvement bythe public Republicans believed in the participation ofordinary people in government Issue for Washington while he was President, because Jefferson and Hamilton were in his cabinet 15. Election of 1796 First time people ran in parties Federalists nominated Adamsfor president and CharlesPickney for VP Republicans nominatedJefferson for President andAaron Burr for VP Adams and Jefferson started asfriends, but became rivals Adams won 71 electoral votes andJefferson won 68 Under the provisions of theConstitution, the person with thesecond highest number ofelectoral votes became the VP A Federalist President and a 16. Matching: Federalist orRepublican Rule by wealthy class Alexander Hamilton Emphasis on Strong national manufactured goods government British alliance Madison Strong state government State banks Emphasis on Rule by people agricultural Protective tariffs Strict interpretation of National bank Constitution Loose interpretation French allianceof Constriction Free trade 17. Different philosophies ongovernment Conflicting interpretation ofCausesConstitution Different economic and regionalinterests Disagreements over foreignaffairs Federalists and Republicanspropose different solutions 2 parties nominate candidatesEffects Political parties become way oflife in US 18. EXIT CARD Answer in packet Describe Hamiltons economic plan for the US. 19. Your Choice Choose a political party (Federalist orRepublican) Write a one paragraph reason why you chose thatparty Create a campaign poster for your party