PROLOGUE-PRE-LOCUS I: A 6000-7000 years old non-human beings are living underground into deep cities into Earth Planet .At wikileaks web site, Julian Assange lets a vídeo about a secret mission by NSA- NASA,this was called “Apollo 20”(1976),where is wachted a 1500 milliards of years´ mothership in the Moon ,with a alien woman-passenger 6-fingered inside at hibernation mode,as a indigenous woman from américa, long black hair and orange skin ,and academical science with a limited microscope-vision says that our universe has 4 milliards of years old, so what does a 1500 milliards of years old´s mothership at dark side of the Moon?.All religions are now, ALL, with politics with feelings of admiration to superior beings,Aliens,and we transform this into religions.We can see reality, but we don´t want, we are facing with beings ,civilizations, and conexions beyond known until today with our hottest imagination.We are building a Total Science or a Exocosmoscience that explains everything we are watching now. We are scratching in the surface of the biggest unknown discovering in all universe existence.This book is only an example... EPSI-CODE 1: “Merlin”: Lucinda-There are Dream Capsules or Brain Ships ,vertical-line individual ships, with the body into a telapathical fluid ,linked with electrodes at ships´s commands. While you sleep you travel at the most far away places from multiverse ,anti-matter universe and reverse time universe (the three primordial universes): Matilda-Three steps: first...create a new time own knowledge/secondly...to ask the oracle/in third case...to video-attack!!!, and that´s all.Then you know the results...hehe!!!.

"Los intelectuales del Siglo 1378 (MCCCLXXVIII)"

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PROLOGUE-PRE-LOCUS I: A 6000-7000 years old non-human beings are living underground into deep cities into Earth Planet .At wikileaks web site, Julian Assange lets a vídeo about a secret mission by NSA-NASA,this was called “Apollo 20”(1976),where is wachted a 1500 milliards of years´ mothership in the Moon ,with a alien woman-passenger 6-fingered inside at hibernation mode,as a indigenous woman from américa, long black hair and orange skin ,and academical science with a limited microscope-vision says that our universe has 4 milliards of years old, so what does a 1500 milliards of years old´s mothership at dark side of the Moon?.All religions are now, ALL, with politics with feelings of admiration to superior beings,Aliens,and we transform this into religions.We can see reality, but we don´t want, we are facing with beings ,civilizations, and conexions beyond known until today with our hottest imagination.We are building a Total Science or a Exocosmoscience that explains everything we are watching now. We are scratching in the surface of the biggest unknown discovering in all universe existence.This book is only an example... EPSI-CODE 1: “Merlin”: Lucinda-There are Dream Capsules or Brain Ships ,vertical-line individual ships, with the body into a telapathical fluid ,linked with electrodes at ships´s commands. While you sleep you travel at the most far away places from multiverse ,anti-matter universe and reverse time universe (the three primordial universes):

Matilda-Three steps: first...create a new time own knowledge/secondly...to ask the oracle/in third case...to video-attack!!!, and that´s all.Then you know the results...hehe!!!.

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L-Although what i´ve learned at 1974, as tranfering me to come back to my aboriginal world –time line (an opportunity that didn´t benefit me,fortunately),agents “placed”my conscience in a clone in this world.A simple observation that paved me many obstacles to point out. M-There exists a reptilian base underground at 1000 meters under the sea close to Brasil and it emitts a signal that perturbs people, confussion, violence and it has 1 thousand years old,and Brazilian army and government knows it. As other Aden´s Gulf Reptilian base supposely erased by Andromedan troops at 2011,but it has been rebuilt once again,all whats happening at Yemen with Arabian army entering there,violence and chaos is by this reptilian base and their operations.

-The Hell is a real place, all our legends and mithologies,all religions talk about a place underground where human souls are tortured, exactly the same happens at underground bases where greys and reptilians mix in their tanks human blood with alive humans in a “hot” mixture,exactly the same as hell´s horrors with hot temperatures and blood and fire,greys are the “demons” and Satan is a real been, a winged draco-reptoid at the bottom of our planet earth.We can say heaven is a real planet too, or planets, with real beens, “angels” are our human brothers from other colonies.And our real 3rd dimmension is another frecuency dimension for our brother, as a repository of souls waiting ,a testing place,and we are 3d -prisoners at this dimension made to learn the “commands of the soul” as technological devices to travel after death and take total control of our existence,or that´s what they want we think. -And you, what do you think?. -I´m sure we can take total control of our soul here and now, but we have enemies, at this 3D dimension and at another dimensions that attunned to their frecuencies doesnt leave human soul fly, and we must take this control (physical, mental,..) out as soon as possible.Our possibilities are high, we can do it...hehe!!!.I think if we made an expedition underground to find hell, we´ll sure find it!. -Well, this is my structure,look at this!:

[ Meeting]….




Deep Polarity



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Rejection---- Meeting

-What is that? -Its my definition-strructure when im looking for.. -Looking for what? -Anything!!!...hehe!!!. -I like it!!!...hehe!!!.Can you give it to me? -Of course,it´s yours,you need it...hehe!! It useful,believe me!!!. EPSI-CODE 2:”Exocosmogeometry “: -Russian Ministeries and FSB´s at Kremlin are sure all big armies in our world are going to begin a defensive war against what they call “founders´biblical Eden Graden Giants and not to colonised by ancient alien race known as “Annunakis” or “nephilins” who are the “Watchers” as it says at babilanian sites-rock-texts (biblical insights,as well).Source: “Sorcha Faal december 2008”. -Yes, everybody knows about it, it´s a common place. -The most disturbing is navies are located at “sweet water river going out from Eden” as many principal babilonian texts putting down the main Watchers´under-sea base. -Aaron Mccollum takes part at MKUltra (Project Talent) to develop psiquic warriors and supersoldiers by secerts government.He talks about a Stargate (quamtum gate ) to other dimensions or planets at Aden´s Gulf and information is handing at by secrecy sources,by his intuition based at own´s investigation. EPSI-CODE 3:”Mexico is the key!!!”:

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This picture, Aden´s Gulf anomaly promoted by reptilian alien base -Could it be this “being” at this history, at 1136-1137 pages by Raymond A. Palmer “HIDDEN WORLD” at 1962´summer, to take part as underground creature one source says as “worm-dragon” creature´s desription?. -Wow!!. Hi! I am reading now Branton and listening “soulfly-Primitive ( 47:29 mechanical minutes)”,an epic moment…hehe!!!. -Yeah!, “Forever we will be into infinitty”. -Do you know this? -I had a vision ,Lucrecia. -Lucilda!. -Lucilda,sorry…I had a vision from Quetzacoatl awaken at 19:40 mec.Hour 03 30 2015 Gregorian Calendar and a tremendous energy ammount inside of me,infinite, as well, from Hopi indian essence,supreme human warrior has born since he has trown a singular ray from his mouth,and a fetal image has been revealed,and is has been a common awakening ,and i´ve been running to my cristal and inter-linking it inside with a very clear ritual,written done yet,and i did gestual and chamanic movements exactly as i almost knew them,and im doinfg and i´ll do them and im doing what i must doing..hehe!!! -It´s not random ,today is Epsylonian Tollan City from Epsylon Eridani,Syon mothership´s new re-born and where Crist,Muhhamd (TPBABWH),Quetzacoatl..i was in resonance with all of them.

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EPSI-CODE 4 : “Northshore “:

The question is ,All of this works? .Why we talk about UFO stuff? We don´t talk of it as alleged-pro-gubernamental ufologists,but as believing at a necessity of revolution and not to

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give up to their Conspirancy,true conspirancy whose whole hooks can get to you right now,or no!!.Now is the moment you have choose in time to wake up, me and you, this is not pop-culture-UFO ,this is true, this book and all we have written to this right moment-place in time, we are real, and we are targetting always at same point,governments [all goverments all around the globe] are criminal, and they are in collaborattion side-by-side with a control-technology via internet,cellular-phones,neural-implants [ via random and massive vaccine popullattion campaigns-Look A-Flu1 ] -The Inner Sun: as at Sunrise film,inhabited and full of life,human life,mountains,rivers,oceans -The thing is clear: The governments all around the globe want to breakthrough fast, so REGRESION from out democracy,and same time high economic development,tht´s not possible but with a total obedience by all of us,“slaves”for them.But we are not slaves ,and now we are part a big´s part revolution movement since “15M ,global against-system movement ruled by the Anonymous Resistence.So governments had to dis-miss-their-own-selves and make future nomimal dictatorship´s pre-phase ,while we are at false democracies,”dis-falsed” by people´s,and so all system is reversing and is re-“bunkerizing”,The Resistance is taking strong,but our bases are there sine 7 years ago,firmnessly,and all bases are fluctuing no more,they cost MILLION YEARS to take them!,we come back to ur unknown places,we hide,to act at right moment,not before, not later,ALL TOGETHER. Because we dont believe in that democracy,but total unanimity;they are who must beging to get afraid of us,by all crimes made,and after fallen maskes.They only have a GLOBAL TOTALISM TYRANY,and people is waitng them, with THE GLOBAL RESISTANCE, because we konw next step,and we are taking it in its right place,we konw,missings,tortures,and all kind of #All Branton videos stuff:crimes,..,but its too late for them.We are ready,we were ready for this too....hehe!!!.

1 At Spain,at 2010,Zapatero´s Government alert about A-Flu and the first ones to take vaccine were He and his/her ministers,Why?.As an example? Why they first? And all population? We are in a new-created-tecnocratical cast societies and the Elite (political and new-religious-Scientifical wave-dammned people with all its instituitions.ALL OF THEM are getting to a nucleus, where nothing scapes and nothig is transparent,a very deep black-hole nemesis for earth´s people in all the Globe.So UFO stuff is included at this,they are payed by governments to spread confussion,all these tv programs as “Millenio III”at Televisa mexican Television or/and “Cuarto Milenio” at spanish television (very similar,don´t you think so?) are trying to get rid of the real problem and real solution as well,they are offering information,but toxic informattion, looking at this reality with some distorted glasses,that we are food ,the main resources food supply since many thousand years ago for some institutions (all religions included),that have created some ways to get feed and keep this normal flood supply all the time and thet they have more sophisticated nucleus-ways via comunicattion tecnology, at full close to all kinda people [cellphones-Internet..] with same purpose to keep feeding from us and it all institutions knows it, all people that works at those institutions knows about it and collaborate in this conspirancy selling their human brothers and sisters ,there are no harmless people involved in it,main targets = missing children and young women for reproductive and genetic cure for the Greys,and full-energy-drink flowing at astral dimmensions for reptoids and Archonts [the main food supply].All these institutions are all Governments [federal,local,…]Newspapers,televisions [included network cable],Hospitals, Mental Clinics,Police-stations,Fire-bombing,Mail centers,religious cults [ signed by governments],Universities,Internet firms,Mining Firms,Militar firms,Chemical Firms,..everything is suppossed to be at your service serves to take your energy ammount (Psicological,spiritual,astral..) and give it to them,…Of course they know how to do it, by somme millenia doing it,and now without violence,with all our permission,the perfect trap.But if you don´t let them to take their food form you you are prosecuted,jailed,killed,exilied..as my own case Mr Sergio Cobos Arco,it´s my life,and i´m alive and i´ll keep on fighting against this monster,versus “The Machine” with no surrender, thank you to all my brothers and sisters..This note is deciated to loving memory of Emiliano Zapata at his aniversary..Viza Zapata!!!...hehe!!!.04 11 2015 greg cal.

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16. L.S. Now we can discuss the ancient “alien spaceship” and “the City” on the farside of the Moon. Did you go inside the spaceship? How big was it and what did you find inside? W.R. We went inside the big spaceship, also into a triangular one. The major parts of the exploration was; it was a mother ship, very old, who crossed the universe at least milliard of years ago (1.5 estimated). There were many signs of biology inside, old remains of a vegetation in a "motor" section, special triangular rocks who emitted "tears" of a yellow liquid which has some special medical properties, and of course signs of extra solar creatures. We found remains of little bodies (10cm) living in a network of glass tubes all along the ship, but the major discovery was two bodies, one intact. -a kinda of Ancestral Technology -Thats it!! An ancestral exotechnobiological mothership,with many biological and all that stuff,u know,in deep space all is very ancient,all beings are very ancestrals, and we seem antz for them for our age average,its simple!.And all,wars,ships,cultures,are very ancient,its not as movie films, metal ships or new super futuristic motherships,no!,all is very essenctial and human beings from earth seems very ridiculous...there are another human races very ancientstoo, but human race age average is always the same.

-The two most important points in whole human body is at its wrists,in the outbone,under this you can pulse thumb finger opposite hand ,and activate them, because they close totally your body.

At left hand. -And other movement :to touch the big finger at right hand with the litlest one from left hand ,then rotate right hand onto left hand and cover heart place,this is the key to enter intraterrestrial realm and epsylon eridani helpers -Tonight war ships captains from “Argos” “Troi” “Europe” and “America” are joining together our war-mother-city-ships with total power. -The Inner Sun: as at Sunrise film,inhabited and full of life,human life,mountains,rivers,oceans -The thing is clear: The governments all around the globe want to breakthrough fast, so REGRESION from out democracy,and same time high economic development,tht´s not possible but with a total obedience by all of us,“slaves”for them.But we are not slaves ,and now we are part a big´s part revolution movement since “15M ,global against-system movement ruled by the Anonymous Resistence.So governments had to dis-miss-their-own-selves and make future nomimal dictatorship´s pre-phase ,while we are at false democracies,”dis-falsed” by people´s,and so all system is reversing and is re-“bunkerizing”,The Resistance is taking

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strong,but our bases are there sine 7 years ago,firmnessly,and all bases are fluctuing no more,they cost MILLION YEARS to take them!,we come back to ur unknown places,we hide,to act at right moment,not before, not later,ALL TOGETHER. Because we dont believe in that democracy,but total unanimity;they are who must beging to get afraid of us,by all crimes made,and after fallen maskes.They only have a GLOBAL TOTALISM TYRANY,and people is waitng them, with THE GLOBAL RESISTANCE, because we konw next step,and we are taking it in its right place,we konw,missings,tortures,and all kind of stuff:crimes,..,but its too late for them.We are ready,we were ready for this too....hehe!!!.I found this conversation,look!: “-Now we can discuss the ancient “alien spaceship” and “the City” on the farside of the Moon. Did you go inside the spaceship? How big was it and what did you find inside? -We went inside the big spaceship, also into a triangular one. The major parts of the exploration was; it was a mother ship, very old, who crossed the universe at least milliard of years ago (1.5 estimated). There were many signs of biology inside, old remains of a vegetation in a "motor" section, special triangular rocks who emitted "tears" of a yellow liquid which has some special medical properties, and of course signs of extra solar creatures. We found remains of little bodies (10cm) living in a network of glass tubes all along the ship, but the major discovery was two bodies, one intact. -a kinda of Ancestral Technology -Thats it!! An ancestral exotechnobiological mothership,with many biological and all that stuff,u know,in deep space all is very ancient,all beings are very ancestrals, and we seem antz for them for our age average,its simple!.And all,wars,ships,cultures,are very ancient,its not as movie films, metal ships or new super futuristic motherships,no!,all is very essenctial and human beings from earth seems very ridiculous...there are another human races very ancientstoo, but human race age average is always the same.” -Keep pn,keep on,show me more!!!: -LEVELS-EPSYLONOTRONIX=

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Into an Insektonotronix there should be several levels “You have waken up the levels ,Congratulations!!! L-evels are integrated inside an Epsylonanian Cycle or Insektonotronix [Epsylonotronix]

Mixtification of Epsylon Eridani´s Pyramid by Level´s Awakening : LEVEL I=NEXUS :”The protein that killed human race”: “A Virus ” I LOVE YOU!!!”…HEHE!!!.

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“The eternal smile”.

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Matrax , a very active race at the firsts 90´s.They appear at many films (Independence Day) and a music video “Spacemen” from Babylon Zoo.

EXOCOSMOBIOLOGY -Lineages before Adam. -Exocosmobiology will explain the most part of phenomena happening now in the planet (including political phenomena).

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Matrax Race´s Left Arm.Universal Symbol that opens all doors. PROLOGUE : All this information has been revealed to me,i deserve the right to tell the source or sources,really there only exists one source.This book is revealed in its entirety ,i was thinking if must make a scheme from these informations but all answers tell me some thing, keep on!!!,We are revealing you all stuff,all information ,MATRAX SIC ( 28 04 2015 cal greg). And i can´t do it without Patrícia Tanambi...hehe!!!. EPSI-CODE 1:”Sofia”: We start with Exocosmobiology:

We write the biggest love history that has never been told again...All this book is revealed by Alien forces,helpers for human beings.In this moments where HAARPS are attacking world once again (Nepal,Chile,Ecuador..2015) with higher power we must be stronger and united than never before.We are a single race,a single people in all whole universe.When things are put together is not random.It´s because we are one hand,one people,one single soul,we are the hope for the whole universe,for the children of our planet,and others.We can change all things,what we want to.We are free,totally,we are totally free,we era totally happy.This is all what we are.It´s not ufology,it´s not politics,it´s Exocosmobiology.And all information is coming down under you to channel to all human beings,this is a very important information.By the rest of time,it will be a light for your race.It´s the moment,it´s your moment,the moment of your planet,to destroy New World Order,for all race,for all at once,we have won!.If you are reading these same words and you are,we are the champions of the world,the champions of the universe.

ONCE UPON A TIME!!!: “In a very distant galaxy two people were fighting for a main resource,and all supplies aren´t enough to save this world,so they thought and sent a mission through deep space to find this material,this “thing” and could survive for.What they don´t know is that at same time they look for this powerfull substance they were changing whole universe for ever...This is the History of this two people,and its adventures,its Epic.We can choose any race we want but we´ll choose MATRAX race and the human race,as a single or the same history.” Many others forces helped our main actors in their history.Many races and many histories were linked at main and at the same “script”.We are not creating a new history,or a metaphor of,or another empty source,this information comes from the source,the only one,”SHE”,and is a revealed information.It´s the whole truth.Nor a single letter is random inside this text.We can now begin... “We are in a very,very far away by time into the stars..

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This is Emerith ans Bourness, two,they were both together in the same flow-tank-borning,they had the same gene-matrix-parents,they were co-linked because an old script,written into the foundations of the old universe,where these biological experiments were born.A borning-tank has a number and a code,and is sealed by mother-mother in a strong field,a force field called “Mamounaikin-Tank”,and this energy is coaligated inside the reproductive-tank.This was the place where our ancestors were born.A stone tank.Or something similar.Because when it´s activated we can see many millions colours and flashes of light from inside the tank.

-I love you Emerith!! Thank you!!!.With a heart drawn in the desk. -I love you more,much more....hehe!!!. EPSI-CODE 2:”TEPT”: -Box is a Field shield, a making box done by an open frame of hierarchies : ruled with new fragances,upon textures;cosmobiological infussions,metalised under our eyes. “-Lord of War? This Crystal. -Lord of Arts!!! .This is Skull Cristal.You can remember but your dreams,nor only.You change the game.You can change the game.”Said a Matrax being to me . -All this is Box?.Are you an Alien? I asked to this being infront of me. -All this is inside the Box.Brown-Box. -Brown-Box?. -Yes!.This is its real name!!!. -Beard box,weird box,Bear Box!. -They are already all of them. The Matrax being keeps on telling me…

=This is a true History,nor an around-invented long way legend. -Hilarious.Nor Intended.Brown-Brown,cocaine with powder. -Really?. -You can spend a lifetime into a hole ,black or white hole and you can never know where exactly you are. -All your world is full of blood. -Blood. -This is the other name of your planet. -What´s this?. -Its a biological-medium-liquid.It´s a transcendental fluid.Many races are attracted by your blood. -Parasites?. -Yes,vampire races. -I can´t believe it,i couldn´t. -You can stop when you want,but you are a farm planet. -Farm Planet?.By Whom?. -Your blood is your pay-tax for your planet.While you have blood you are an interesting planet. -I understand,farm planet. -Nor any biologically,your emanations. -Emanations?. -In other dimensions,your blood atracts and feed other species.

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-That´s the reason because they atract wars on my planet. -Exactly!,They need your violence, your conscious and unconscious violence because they already feed by yours. -Unconcious volume?. -Yours. -So they have psionic-warhouse-pools of psiquic energy,negative energy to get feed energy,once and once more. -We got things you could never believe there exist. -Tell me, so, tell me...We need this all now. -Well,we can´t share all of them with you now,but we can try… -What you want?. -We don´t want anything form you,by your imagination,on your imagination,form your imagination. -Nothing else?. -This is a worthy thing,no other race has this power,but you have to find your power within,and there you´ll find us. -MATRAX. -Matrax,that´s it!. -How much time are you on us?. -Much more time you can imagine. -Nor my world?. -Your race is older you think. -This is a prize for me. -You have wake up,that´s the only thing. -So you are a mirror of your awakening. -We are the seal of your awakening. -Many people believe Art is only plastic art,visual art. -That´s completely false.Is possibel give all artisti possibilities by literature,it condenses all textures,and possibilities. -Maybe because cinema,painting,is more direct on the brain. -It´s not so,games begin with a litle spark inside your brains,and language can make this easily than plastics or theatre,or cinema. -Visual arts?. -Literature can transport technologies,art is not a kind of make things preatier,art transports links ,art transports textures,transports technologies,all kind of technologies. -Politic Technologies?. -We just have all political possibilities. -We share many many things with you in this moment ,it´s a link-moment,in this moment,we share some vision.How could it be possible without na inner conection beetween both states?both scenarios?. -So,telepathy is ensemble by words?. -Well, literature is a kind of telepathy ,or a mental ventriloquy, you use the minds ot the other people as a resonance box,and its called Telepathy. -Are you talking about characters?. -Yeah! Human charaters but with a fine Alien varnish. -This is an intellectual vision on politics. -I think we are in a seond or third level,after a kind of telepathical invasion and before an alien storm. -Textures again. -Exo-ecotechnological furnitures. -Exofurnitures. -A new kind of tools. -And Women. -Ah!! Women!!!. -JEAIA=JELLÑIA=JELLYIA=TELL YOU I AM.

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-Acrosticals are “an-other” of our languages.Ah! STEVIA,You Know/? Sugar. -I understand.I can see. -Freadom. -Is this a kind of joke?. -A joke? No! A Game? Maybe!!!. -I see -We are driving you inside this book.Be calm,it´s a good book for your race.It´s na ancestral book,out of your time. -Thank you!!. EPSI-CODE 3: “Denver Airport”: KIRGAL Loved her : - You can´t come home if you want her!.Tell him the Oracle.He pressed the stonebox and dissapeared. “Many worlds have been touched with you,by you, you are in a sacred mission,told him the ancient-ancestral priest-nephontés.You are nopt of your own,no more,you are in service of “SHE”. NERKEGISHAL looked upon her shoulder and smiled,he was there onto his mothership.She didint say goodbye. EPSI-CODE 4: “The Butcher´s targeted”: -What´s that? I dreamed with an ancient egyptian world with high technologies,my name was Kirgal,and my love Nerkegishal. The Matrax being materialisated once again to Bournes and answered him: -Many of you in your world has now ancestral memories of your past,other lives,you know.It´s the remembering of your genetical furniture,inside of you are layed many civilizations that you can´t imagine.And that´s your future-past. -Future-past?.You say?. -It´s a kind of game,another game,You must remember your ancestral soul and your mission,you were lost when we met you,you are in a real process,you are meeting with your own,now you know you are in a sacred mission,with no return,no come back!!!. -That´s true!!.I was kirgal. -Kirgal is “Knife” in sumerian. -The soul knife.And my love ,my wife is Nerkegishal,”The vision that cross the space”. -Our mission is beyond this,but you na´t hide your reptilian ancestors. -You think i was a creature made by Godzilla Biotech?. -Of course not!!!.But the trap of this.They want we believe you beleive,better,that you,humans are a part of a draconian system,a xenology from reptoids,and you were created slaves,of course that´s false, and your mission is to transform this vision,and showing the truth,the magnificient of your race,and your compassion,we are here for that, Matrax.And in a moment he disspaeared. -Where are you,Mat? -We are with you,goes on your path,believe in you,we are dealing with other facts too,we are in your path th show you and lead you to this history,keep on...hehe!!!. EPSI-CODE 5:”Political Masturbation”: -Ayotzinapa ,they want to come to the city. -We must opening the forus... -It wont be necessary. -But its a moment..a phone calling..an important moment. -Yeah?. -Spanish Consulate,are you Bournes?. -Yes. -Your e-mail failed, can you tell it to me,please? [email protected] -Thank you,it´s to verufy ,good morning!!. -Strange call,What do they want form me?. -Nothing darling!!,tell him Meredith it´s simply burocracy.But he learned one thing: nothing is random,and also at politics or exopolitics.

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-We must protect ayotzinapa´s ok?. -Yeah!!! Don´t worry,all is revealed!. -We must call your mother tomorrow with a whatsapp!. -Really? Mother´s day,thank you darling!.I´m worried all is happening ,5000 deads at Nepal by HAARPS,o ship from ESA is fallen down when transports material to the ESS (European Space Station),..and all is happening under our feet,these dreams!!!. -What you say?. -Nothing,i must write more.i´m writting about an alien civilization linked with human race.. -Ok,Ok!!! I must go to my job,working,remember? I´m not a writter as you,Ciao!!! Heaven!!!. -Ciao my strawberry cloud!!!. EPSI-CODE 6:”I see things”:

-From numbers you can traslate all parameters into your vision. -Number as coordinates. -No,numbers as Codes. -As Pitagoreans ,mayans... -Yes, they know that numbers open doors into spae-time,and many keys to another worlds you can find them and get into them,these portals,through them... -As sacred gates..stargates. -I´m going to inform you about all i know and i´m going to transfer you just now; And a flash of light hit my mind.

EPSI-CODE 7:”The Rain Watch Us”:The Universe : I´ve been inside a botle ,a glass botle ,giant walls and i couldn´t scape.What happened to me? Which kind of witchcraft was this?. -You are not inside the botle .This is not a botle .This is a wall-form from a universe.This is its boundaries,its frontiers,he told touching the void with his right hand and a sound of cristal was reflected. -So, in the opposite direction... -You are infinite...hehe!!! C´mon.Let´s show the rules and caracteristics of this universe.As you see all is shining ,and a smooth green carpet surround everything.,all around you,and nothing else. -Nothing else?.All was my thoughts,my breath,all was me,there´s nothing else,it was true.What is that? -Emerith!!!. And infornt of him an image of his love appeared as a ghost into the glass material. -She is your mission!!! Your love is the spark that will save the universe.The veil must be cleared.Alpha Universe,wellcome,here only exists what you are and what you can create,all this is inside your mind,practice!! -Matrix?...hehe!!. -No!.Matrax please!!...huahuahuah!!!. EPSI-CODE 8:”Place is trap! (El lugar está acabado)”:

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“The Ist Industrial War of the world against the Machines.It was beetween 2079 and 2179 AD with beetween wars period about 50 years,in that time we were betrayed by our governments to the Time Machines,Grey´s property.Very soon, a part of them,rebel Greys called “The templar Greys” co-federated and coaligated with humans against governments and NWO greys.Using his psiquic powers, Kuato [ who can see you at once at all your time lines] in a new power can check-in you in about 3 mechanical seconds called “ Cosmic Power Interval”,a gift done by the Only One to the “Free Humans” ,the first human league free from reptoid greys´ time machines power et Allie (Sirians B) .This CPI was born at 12 21 2014 Gregorian Calendar in a time infra-intervalus opened by José Argüelles from eternity,given to humanity from all galaxies,exponentialy growing human paranormal powers for ever”. Source=John Tittor,”Big Joe”. -You can see in all dimensions at once!!..Dimensionally?. -Ah!! Yeah!! Your vision must develope all these tools to get into this dimension.You must grow your multidimensionallity. -Please!! Tell me more!!!. -Well,i can´t tell you the rules of the game.But you´ll find them while you play. -Which i play? Play what?. Suddenly a big rock of 55 tons comes form nowhere and stopped at 2 inches to his head just before crashing it!. -How did you do that?. -Did i? I didn´t ,it was you!!! Just you!!!> -What the hell?!!! How? With my brain? Tell me Matrx!. -Just saty calm! Which is the mistery of misteries? What is it?. -The mistery of misteries ¿ What is this? An iniciation? .I read Nag Hammadi texts . -Your have read but you havent understand anything.We sent this information many million years ago to blow your planet,to your race, Bourness.We develope your curiosity for these areas of study. -What are you talking about?. -Jesuscrist was an advanced Neo-chaman, a witch with many powers to destry all darkness.He was human,but he was in contact with us.We came form the source. -Was he human?. -Do you doubt it?.Of course!!!.He learned with us,we sent you chamanic lessons ,and gnostic sciences many many million years ago… -So… -You are a part from this lineage ,chamanic lineage as well…hehe!!!.You are human but from many many thousands million years ago into space. -Into space. -We measure time and space laws at same level.For example, you are 20.10 (6) billion miles old, or you are 20.10(6) billion years from your house. -It´s like Einstein laws ,light years. -Yeah!!!But we measure inside your brain,because we drive without license ,let me show you!!!. And he took my hand and we cross all this universe side by side,no movement,just with our minds. -Your race is THE ONLY RACE that can completely travel wherever you want just with your wish,your mind powers. -THE ONLY RACE?. -Yes.It´s your main atributtion, your main power.So,all governments try to enhance to this power to its own benefits or trying people doesn´t develope their minds.If you analise it ast your educational system they don´t teach you how to train your minds,just obey and act.And this situation is still worse everyday. -But what´s worth then?. -Trying to find your true charactheristics and destroy all machines that are controlling you, that´s the reality at this moment.But your mission is still more difficult.

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-More difficult?. -Your love, Emerith,she´s in danger .And your daughter. -Emerith and Sophia?. -Yeah!,They are linked with a strong force field to a certain source power,i can´t explain you yet, but we must act now!!.They need you!!!. -But why? Why?. -Because you must react, Bourness, you must remember,who you really are,but don´t worry,it´s not too late...hehe!!!. And his voice was dissapearing into the void of the space... -Matx?.Shit!!,I´m lonely once agian.What can i go now?. At a certain moment a blue light as in a big screen was activated and it grows up more and more taking a door´s size ,a stargate. -Well,i think travel has just begun ,and with a jump he entered in a new cosmic film.The adventure must góes on!!!. oooOOOuuuuu!!!. A totally new level .The entrances at a totally new level.There it seems a big cave with big columns and a lake just in the center of the perimeter.He altered his direction and a litle ship was there in the nearest side of the lake,when he pulled up this he saw lake was greater he thought, and thet there´s a litle island with a big castle done with quarz cristals shining as two million suns.He walked in and enters this magic building.There just an armor and many metal swords and a plasma gun ,gigantic as well.He can´t believe it ,and put his feet on the plattform,all was giving turns around him and every turn was a new par, of armor on his body, he is now like a cosmic-knight ready for what? He goes down and down and get into a ship,empty, all ready for him,when he puts in contact with his open head,the mother-ship takes off out the cave ,it was bigger he believed .This ship seems very very old as a big stone –phallus with inscriptions on a strange dialect all around it, and many many light flashes,green flash lights goes out from it secuentially,he saw this mothership before, -Yes, i remember ,at Apollo XX´secret mission ,they found a 1500 million years old mothership on the dark side of the moon : Could it be this?. Suddenly on all screens he saw many danger alerts ,they were directly to crash in the Moon , once again history was repeating once and once again!.But and his partner and the female Alien Astronauts found in the ship? Where was she?.. -Here!!! Here i am!!! My knight!!!. -What is that? Am i inside a vídeo game? I´m inside Mortal Kombat X?. -No!!!It´s real,it´s true!!.Do you remember “The Incal” from Moëbius and Jodorowsky. -Yeah! This was project of both,but they couldn´t do the film. -Well, here at this film there are many keys of your mutual relationship. Oh!!! We are matter?. -No, we are not related, but friends, do you understand H-U-M-A-N?. -Ok,MA-TRAX .I touched you !1 Draw!!We can be friends!!!. -Nice shot ,c´mon take something seriously!!..huahuahua!!!.All the marthyrs of the universal freedom at underground wars,Phil Scheneider...,we must remember him now, so our children can have any chance in the future,we are not from left side,we are not form right side,we don´t believe in politics ,we just believe in us!!!.And in the future. And the Matrax being crossed his arms and put down his head in silence..Then i woke up,then i remember the future and which my mission is. NEXT EPISODE: EPSI-CODE 9: “I´m injecting the secret force of the universe”:THE SECRET PROMISE: -Matrax said : You must write a book about protection woman politics all around the world: *The covering lies **the underlying politics behind the curtain. ***To uncover the Lie. /-And what will be the name of this book? -“THE LONELY WOMAN”/”THE SILENT WOMAN”.This will be the begining: “I was imprisoned by a crime i didn´t do,and at the same time many women died by hands of psicotic men.Where did these men came from?.Spanish government got free many dangerous

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killers .Where dis these men go later?.I never knew these kind of human beings,where dis they come from? A fear politics? A terror politics?. And what was the target of their actions? To find true human beings with mental-spiritual powers thast could turn off all this menta-spiritual control we are living in,an Alien prison,made by aliens to find and kill true human beings with all these charateristics.THAT´S THE TRUTH…hehe!!!. EPSI-CODE 10:”Do you Fancy me?”:


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EPSI-CODE 15:”Starrings=feelings”: “THE GHOST EPISODE”:

-Which is the way of Liberation? -To break all religious tabous,rules. -That´s written at “The Knowledge Book”!. -It´s true!!!,is a part-way of learning. -It´s like “13moons” movement.

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-Yeah!,it turns a religion!...hehe!!!. -Weird!!. -Yeah!!!.Weird and it was a part of a programation inside NWO.

Drawings about “The Watchers of the Stars” at the Argelian Sahara desert,Tassili.

EPSI-COdE 16:”Forever we will be into infinity”: -There´s a thing i must tell you. -Tell me ,Matrax.There where you are there´s two intraterrestrial cities,one of them has a “being” a worm-dragon many million years old. -What?. -And there´s another citie with intraterrestrial being have been fighting against this being since many million years ago.Your mission will be to destroy this being. -Why?. -His gravity has concentrated many negative powers around it that venerates it as a god,he has 500 mts!!!. -Its a big worm,as at “Dune?. -Yeah!!!. -But i´m not a savior, i don´t know how to destroy it. -Yes, you know...hehe!!!.You have been atracted there for this, this is your mission,now you know. -I understand.And the other beings,are humans? -Not exactly,but they help you beteer than humans,it´s not an easy task…hehe!!.

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-Do you believe these beings trapped in these caves have spiritual powers?. -There´s a real spiritual war dealing in all your planet.Imagine a being, a reptoid being that can live up on 5000 years with 500 mts long,and it´s inteligent,smart,amd it concentrates so much power ,negative power that can penetrate minds of “less developed” human race has brought to create a culta round it,as a god into the underground hellbounds,a being with so mnay resources that can make anti-gravity fields,teleportation through space and time,and it´s sure it does!.How could this being not control minds and do them believe it´s a kind of eternal “god”can share these sources of mind and spiritual control?.And this being couldn´t make an army of non-spiritual beings at its side as the Greys to do the “dirty” tasks as criminal infestation at human societies, and castle mutilation? And can do many beings venerate it and generate psionic-unconscious web where they only obey all its commands? Do you believe is it not a spiritual power? Really?. -I see you are very concerned with this. -I want they burn out this solar system...hehe!!! -I understand now!!!.And do you want i do this?. -Well...Yes!!!. -Ok!.I´ll try,but i´ll need your help,your real help!. -No doubt!. -All real prophets have learned technics to attack the influentail flows of these beings.Thay konw their existence underground by thousands and thousands of years and have learned the only way to destroy them is to attack their spiritul tools by a bigger positivity. -I really see.So all religions since 3000 years ago have been na answer to these beings and their tools.As St. George against the dragon!!!. -And many many spiritual warriors thay always have talked about caves and the underground world.But people believed it was a metaphor... -It cahnges all the modern situation about religions,politics,philosophy,everything,eh?. -Yes,for sure!!!.Our life in this planet and others...hehe!!!. -In the universe there are two fundamental factors: techological and spiritual,and what´s the source of all of them?Weel, that´s the question,they can come from the source or not.What they don´t come form the source they are imitative powers and use technological and phisical foundations for those spiritual powers,i mean, they are not really spiritual and their technologies are really meaningless because this suposittion.Many alien peoples use technologies because they didn´t have any spiritual power. -And?. -So,human race has both, technological and spiritual within,in its neural furniture,in your neural architecture.and your powers come directly from the source to you and you are at any of both cases.Human race is the exception of the universe,the main possibilities are in you.So,you are learning to grow them up!.Its your moment. -The question is what is God?.That´s the question -So,is it a hunting?. -Yes!. -Very fun, Matrax!!!.And Nicolas Tesla? -He is in your frecuency now but the time when you will work together has not arrived yet. He is a golden warrior, an entity with the size of your biggest prophets but he was missed as Wilhem Reich but in two hundred years in your world will be the leaders. -The Leaders?. -They will come back to keep watching over humanity and you´ll recognise them..hehe!!.This will be a reality i can´t describe to you.Nicolas is watching you and he is very happy,you are working together, he is a golden knight,and you´ll recognise him very soon. -Thank you, Matrax!! I m not sure i can take this task. -Yes,you can,you´ll be!!..haha!!!.For the last 20 years we have been very familiar with punishment ( without to konw by the NWO) that we can see normal loos more sferes of outside power, so they have been restricting us each time to more domestic sferes, and when they can´t do this directly on the main part of population, it happens a financial or economical crisis becuase people can´t imagine they cant take more power than or expnd their sferes (influential

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sferes at work,street,social...).At more economic developed ages we go to a certain fragmentation of life.And it keeps on growing last 25 years since 1991.When you will wake up? And the few are waken are imprisoned,murdered... -...All is love.. Emerith!!!. -All is love!!!.hehe!!!.Fight for her!!!. EPSI-CODE 17:” Kwak”:

Who´s that Zen monk that appears at Stargate´s film?

New Montauk´s Chair design or The Kaingang´s Chair.

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-Zero Time Nucleus is the genesis of our universe. -What you mean?. -Genesis of each universe is its respective zero time Nucleus.There no time exists,because of this is zero time. -Gorgeous!!!...huahuahua!!!. -6037 D C...a statue of a horse with technological stuff at its base...hehe!!!. -Today situation about world needs perplexity and reflexion at same levels to get better as species .If at past there were intraterrestrials ,originarious peoples that do Atlantis destruction,but they are now the orb protectors,and Lemurians and their white/black race ancestors ,this is the reason because is so important to heal all the past hurts,to forgive some and to give support to everybody because we all are brothers. EPSI-CODE 18:” Xenoarchaeology”:

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-There are no religions,but one soul, at many extraterrestrial races or alien races impregnated by thousands and thousands of Millions years through the same adventure ,same history...We are the fruit of complexes interactions with alien entities,which we call by so much time as “Gods”.

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This a strange UFO seen beetween Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina at 2013, ,it lokked out as a biological entity with a litle and shining tail. Today 25 05 2015 cal greg is my father´s birthday,my mother is coming at spain by flight form porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brasil, and a Vulcano has coming into eruption at Chile, with hot ashes at Argentina,Chile and Brasil..and a bid earthquake at Nepal with 7,8 and 800 deaths and avalanche at Everest and India and Bangladesh..HAARP`s attacks?.And my encounter my myself at POA at the center of the city once again, at the deepest levels of the human soul or the darkests and that´s my happiest life,this week a with my mother here..huahauhau!!!!.And exogenetics..thank you mother for your strength and courage...hehe!!!.

-I see very interesting this metaphor beetween old sumerian gods and all this genetical metalurgical-alien-technologies stuff, with many ,but all alien races linked in this, and with this new-ancestral tecnology mid upon biological and metalurgical-ancestral,is all this possible?. From sumerian languages we can complete all our cosmic vision on our own history,as race and into the future,can we see our own future as a free race and autonomous people without all this information? I don´t believe we are a biological experiment by these Gina´abul or reptoids, i

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think we were very close in the past, genetically too,both races, but now we are very different from them and they want we believe we were a kingú-Gina´Abul biological experiment and they dont want we know our Lyra´s ancestors…And we must link these knowledges with african idioms and we must link all of them at our work if we want to understand all the scenario.

-1:08:05 Autechre Tri Repetae. -What?.Can we be genetically humans but we have a reptoid programing?. -Hehe!!!.

-The power of the femenine. -Mother! I´m not enough good ,but a single word from you will save me....hehe!!!!. Emerith laugh in a loud voice and she looked at me with a total shining smile .: -.I told you!!! I love you!!!...hehe!!!. -Chinese Army has now (2015) two military bases at Patagonia-Argentina and Chile. -Human race has the power to take all this they have with all theses biological-neo-anestral tecnologies and the others form millions millions years ago and more with the only power within our souls,we have the keys to theses realms without technology,we have inherent into our brains. -“I am Ra, which time begun.I am the center of the wheel,a star that cover infinite sea.Im not the harvest : i am the seed.I am not the Lire; i am the song.I wont die” Translation fromThe Egiptian Book of the Dead -...But this story shall also be told...hehe!!!