COMBAT PARTY We chose this name because most of our stances on issues favor war or violence, and a name like 'Combat' represents our ideals. “Fight for justice"

Political Party Pdf

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COMBAT PARTYWe chose this name because most of our stances on issues favor war or

violence, and a name like 'Combat' represents our ideals.

“Fight for justice"

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The Combat Party, or CP, was formed in 2001 after the September eleventh attacks. It was created out of outrage that the national security of the time was so weak. The main issue of the CP is to increase America's national security and to stamp out Anti-American sentiment everywhere in the world.

We chose this time period because national security and terrorism are relatively new issues that have come to the forefront. To have the best effect, the CP should exist now.

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Captain America

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Captain America was born as Steve Rogers on July 4, 1917 to Irish-American parents. He received an education at NYU in fine arts. After his graduation, he enlisted in the military, overcoming his poor constitution.

He served during World War Two, where he earned great recognition for his “super-heroic” deeds. It was during this time that he made his transition from a mere mortal to a superhero that inspired terror and awe in all of America’s enemies.

Captain America worked hard throughout our history, fighting against Communism, crime, and immorality. He is a strong He believes that American ideals of liberty, capitalism, and the American dream should be spread all over the world. He favors George Bush's foreign policies of the last eight years- America IS the world police!

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We are trying to appeal to young voters, so we are going to use mostly online advertising on high-traffic sites such as YouTube, Facebook, and MySpace. In addition to online advertisements, we will have some prime-time advertising slots bought on networks such as MTV, VH1, and ESPN. We will have a campaign funded by small donors, as this seemed to have work for the last two major-party candidates.

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The Combat Party supports a strong stance against terrorism. We will no longer tolerate these threats against our country. We favor an aggressive military response to counter all nations that support or sympathize with terrorist groups. If elected, we will push for legislation to increase military funding and boost homeland security. More bills such as the Patriot Act will surely be put into action to protect our children. For too long, the government has been remiss in protecting the American people. The Combat Party will fight against terrorists until anti-American sentiment is gone from this earth forever.

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Global warming does not exist! The CP is firm on this matter. We believe that global warming was fabricated by the unpatriotic scientific community in an attempt to cripple oil companies. America uses the greatest amount of energy in the world, but surely that's fitting for the greatest COUNTRY in the world? We are in favor of a bill to lower petroleum taxes so the average American can buy more gas. Also, we are in favor of off-shore drilling to increase domestic oil supplies.

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The Combat Party believes that marriage is between a man and a woman. Though separation of church and state are crucial, a government must stick to a basic set of morals. Same-sex marriage is not only unnatural, it is immoral and goes against the Christian Bible. We support an amendment to the Constitution to preserve marriage as a union between a man and a woman expressly.

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Chief of State- Acts as example for and symbol of the United States

Cheif Executive- enforce federal laws, treaties, and federal court hearings, develop federal policies, to prepare the national budget, and to appoint federal officials

Cheif Administrator- responsible for all federal departments, including cabinet departments

Cheif Diplomat- conduct foreign policy by directing the actions of American ambassadors and signing treaties and trade agreements with leaders of foreign nations

Commander in Cheif- control the armed forces of the U.S to defend the country during war times and to keep the military strong during times of peace

Chief Legislator- give information to Congress via the State of the Union, to recommend measures for Congress to consider, and to sign or veto bills.

Chief of Party- represent the view of his party as a whole, help get members of his party elected, and to represent his party in a positive light

Cheif Citizen- represent the people and to work for the public interest

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Since national security and military matters are very important to our party, the first cabinet member we will chose is the Secretary of Defense. We need him to protect our country from terrorist attacks.

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Although he may look innocent, Tom Ridge was the first Secretary of Homeland Security appointed after the September 11th attacks. He did a fantastic job protecting the homeland and the safety of American citizens and because of this we are bringing him back for a second go round.

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The next position to be filled is the Secretary of State. Captain America believes in a strong foreign policy and is very interested in foreign affairs. By filling the Secretary of State Position, the C. America Administration is ensuring that the United States will be very globally aware.

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We believe that it is very important to the well- being of the United States of America that veteran’s receive the treatment they deserve. Because of this, the next cabinent position we will fill is the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Serving in the military is one of the highest honors an individual can accomplish and it is essential that these heroes are treated with the respect that they deserve.

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No matter what type of government is in power, money is always going to be a driving force in society. Because of this well known fact, the last member of the cabinet we are appointing is the Secretary of the Treasury. In order for Captain America to have a successful term in office, finance and money matters must be a major focus. We chose Bill Gates as the Secretary of the Treasury because he has proven to be responsible with investing money

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Clause One: Executive Power

Clause Two: Method of choosing Electors

Clause Three: Electors

Clause Four: Election Day

Clause FIve: Qualifications for Office

Clause Six: Vacancy and Disability

Clause Seven: Salary

Clause Eight: Oath