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Red Borneo Kratom

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Experience the Kratom Gallery differenceHere at Kratom Gallery, we are absolutely committed to not only bringing you the very best Kratom the industryhas to o�er, but also the latest information you will need in order to make an informed choice when choosingyour products.

To us, Kratom is not merely a business, it’s a way of life and because we are so passionate about the benefitsthis powerful plant can bring, we want to share our passion with others, and enable them to experience thosebenefits for themselves; to that end we are determined to not only o�er top notch products, but also educationand learning, so that you, and others like you, can learn all there is to know.

What is Kratom?If you’re new to Kratom you might not know much about it – perhaps you’ve heard someone talking about it andare here to find out more, or maybe someone has mentioned that you might find it helpful. But wherever youare on your Kratom journey, the best and most logical place to start is with the plant itself, and where it comesfrom.

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Native to Southeast Asia, the Kratom tree, or Mitragyna speciosa to give it its Latin name, is a tree which is partof the co�ee family. Prolific in places such as Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, and Papua New Guinea,Kratom is a large, tropical tree which grows at heights of up to 82 feet, with a straight trunk which can measurean impressive 3 feet in diameter. The smooth, gray bark makes way for vibrant, glossy leaves which can be upto 20cm in length. Characterized by the mace-shaped bright yellow flowers which grow in clusters of three, thetree grows best in areas which are well protected from the winds, as, despite its size, the tree can be prone todamage in blustery conditions.

What sets Kratom apart from other plants is the presence of two alkaloids – namely mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, although there are believed to be more than 25 alkaloids found in Kratom, and in excessof 40 compounds in total. However, the actual levels of the alkaloids depends entirely on where the tree isgrown; for instance, Kratom grown in its native Southeast Asia will have a far higher level of mitragynine than aplant grown outside this region, because SE Asia o�ers the optimal growing conditions.

First documented back in the 1830s by Dutch botanist Pieter Willem Korthals – the o�cial botanist of the DutchEast India Service, in fact – it is thought that the tree was given its final name of Mitragyna (after muchrenaming and reclassification) by George Darby Haviland – a British surgeon and naturalist – in 1859, becausethe flowers and leaves resembled a bishop’s mitre. However, the leaves have been further studied by the likesof L. Wray in 1907, and I.H. Burkill in 1930.

Why Us?Here at Kratom Gallery we are passionate about education, and are totally transparent about not only ourproducts, but also about where they are sourced from, and the processes they go through to get from farm tothe finish line.

We use only the most experienced farmers who have been working the Kratom fields for generations, so theyreally are the experts in the industry, and because we rely on their expertise we know that you will receive thevery best Kratom you can buy. With unrivalled knowledge in the industry, our farmers grow and nurture thetrees before hand picking the leaves when they are at their optimum stage, which, in turn, ensures a superiorproduct which you (and we) know can be trusted 100%.

Every stage of the process is carefully monitored and regularly checked to make sure that nothing is ‘skipped’ –after all, our customers will only come back to us again if they can be confident that they are receiving the bestand safest Kratom there is.

Speaking of checking…

While we at Kratom Gallery know that our Kratom is safe and pure, we don’t expect other people to take ourword for it, which is why we use independent, 3rd party lab testing on all of our products. Your health and safetyis paramount to us, as is your value for money, so we use this method of testing to give us, and moreimportantly you, peace of mind.

While many companies are ethical, our industry, like most others, can be peppered with unscrupulous sellerswho want to make a fast buck at the buyers’ expense – either by using sub-standard Kratom at source, or, evenworse, by adding other unsafe substances to the powder to make it more potent. We only sell pure,unadulterated Kratom, and to this end our products are rigorously tested independently to check forcontaminants:

Heavy metals – our products are tested for heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, arsenic, and mercury.Pesticides – we guarantee that our products are 100% organic, so our Kratom is tested to ensure there areno pesticides used.Bacteria – lab testing rules out harmful bacteria, including salmonella and E.coli.Microorganisms – the only thing you want in Kratom is Kratom, so third party verification will make surethat there are no nasties like mold and yeast in our powders.

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5225 Canyon Crest Dr,Riverside, CA 92507

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This list is not exhaustive, and other tests are routinely carried out, for example to check for color and scent,and even visual appearance.

Variety is the Spice of LifeWe know that Kratom doesn’t come in a ‘one size fits all’ design, which is why we stock many di�erent strainsand blends to make sure that you choose exactly the right product for your needs. From the relaxing influenceof the stunning Borneo Red, to the uplifting White Maeng Da, we also o�er UEI – or Ultra Enhanced Indo – forthose who would like to take their Kratom experience to the next level. One thing you don’t have to do isnavigate these strains and blends alone, because we are here to help and guide you through your Kratomjourney, whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced user.

So, whatever you are looking for from this wonderful herb, let Kratom Gallery help you to a wonderfulexperience.


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