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  1. 1. 1
  2. 2. Communication 2 Process of exchanging information Importance of Communication Basic comptence every employer looks for Succesfull job performance Conflict management and problem solving
  3. 3. Types of Communication 3
  4. 4. Types contd.. 4 Verbal Oral Written E-Mail IM / Chat Non-Verbal Expressions Gestures Behavior Body language
  5. 5. Chat Etiquettes 5 Yes Respect other persons time Give time to respond Attention One step at a time No Capital letters AFK, HTH,TTYL,BYKT,BBFN Hello how are you doing! Smileys
  6. 6. E-Mail Etiquettes 6 Yes Subject line Common Courtesy Signature line One step at a time Proof read Email address addition at the end No Reply All !!!! Humor bcc
  7. 7. 7 E-Mail Etiquettes To: field for those who you would like a response from CC: field for those who you would like a response from Bcc: copies to others as a way of talking behind someone's back is inconsiderate. Take the time to review each email before clicking Send to ensure your message is clear and you are relaying the tone that you desire. Refrain from sending jokes, forwards or chain letters using company mail id Always zip/Compress large attachments Again, no all caps
  8. 8. 8 Presentations Yes Embedded Videos Keep it simple Automate animations One step at a time No Too many colors Reveal everything at once Cute, funky fonts Whole talk on the slide Too many sounds and animations
  9. 9. 9 Miscommunications How it happens? Misinterpretation of instructions Assumptions No Probing Lack of attention How to avoid? Active listening Avoid Cross talking Take responsibility Discuss expectations
  10. 10. Truly competitive companies are looking for visionary, customized application development beyond their wildest dreams. Doubledareus..WeLoveachallenge. Thank You!