With June mokoka

Growing smart leaders civic engagement

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WithJune mokoka


TheReformist Social Venture Copyright 2014-2015

TheReformist Social Venture Copyright 2014

Explore Opportunities

And Challenges

TheReformist Social Venture Copyright 2014

Generating Ideas

TheReformist Social Venture Copyright 2014

Develop and Test Ideas

TheReformist Social Venture Copyright 2014

Reading;Writing And Professional


TheReformist Social Venture Copyright 2014

Delivering And Implementing

TheReformist Social Venture Copyright 2014

Growing, Scaling And Implementing

TheReformist Social Venture Copyright 2014

Change Is Born

I Facilitate Forward Thinking

I Engage Minds

I Listen To Questions

I Encourage Constructive Criticism

I Grow Smart Leaders

About Me.... Meet June Mokoka; she is the Founder of TheReformist Social venture, where her

primary focus is to enhance and enrich anyone screaming CHANGE. She is the best selling author of “Just Do It; Don’t Stop” and an expert on motivating people to throw off self imposed limitations in giving their best to the world.

June has been exposed to diverse ideologies and life changing situations that would shape her persevering attitude. She personally learned critical life lessons and dramatic experiences

that acted as catalysts to her advocating that one wrong turn inour life path should not halt our success.

She often proclaims that “change is possible, but it is not free from obstacles.” Her current platform focuses on self reliance and nonhierarchical leadership development. June uses material she designed from real life experiences and customized to the needs of her

audience.   TheReformist Social Venture Copyrighted © 2014

And, You Won’t Miss On The Following Opportunities

TheReformist Social Venture Copyrighted © 2014

Follow Us And Constructively Interact With Us We Are Changing The World

Office Number: 0814648803 Mobile: 0845221536

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Twitter: @JuneMokoka

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  Instagram:  http://instagram.com/maseramemokoka

Tumblr: http://growingsmartleaders.tumblr.com/ask