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EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI IN JAPAN 2005There have been a number of disasters that happened in recent years in Japan, quite a few of them being earthquakes. Relatively speaking, Japan is often hit with this specific calamity but sadly, it doesn’t make the constituents of its great nation any number to the damage that an earthquake can cause. Every time that an earthquake occurs on this specific country, people are a little bit more scared. People try to be a bit more cautious. People wonder if they can still be safe. One earthquake that may have contributed to this fear would be the one that tore through the east coast of the Japanese island Honshu in the year 2005. It was called the Miyagi Earthquake of 2005.

“Earthquake rocks northern Japan” the headline said. This was the article title on the well-known and well-respected news channel, BBC News. In their account they reported that the powerful earthquake that hit Japan on that day has a magnitude of 7.2 and injured at least forty people. According to their report, the epicenter was thought to have been somewhere below the ocean off the Miyagi prefecture. It did damage, shook buildings and there were casualties caused by the incident.

TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONSmartphones have evolved at a mind boggling rate in the past few years. Since the release of the iPhone in 2007 we have increased almost all major specifications by 5 folds in 5 years, be it the processing power, RAM, MP, cores, GPU speed, cellular network speeds and so on and yet making the smartphone even lighter and more portable. Features like multi-touch screen, maps, 4G LTE, online content stores have changed the way we live our daily lives for good.

Its unbelievable how much the smartphones changed over the years, when you think about it and take your memory to the past, you’ll see that not even 20 years ago we were using old fashioned cell phones that were only used for communication purposes, now we have smartphones that can literally do everything, from using social media apps to setting up appointments and taking pictures with the best quality possible. Smartphones are not only a piece of a technology in todays world that we use everyday, its something that became a part of us, its something that we cannot live without and its something that will most likely be a part of todays culture for a really long time if not forever.

INTERACTIVE MEDIAWhen Reed Hastings launched Netflix in 1997, his idea didn't make sense to a lot of people. DVD players had only been on the market for a few months, and many families were still using VHS tapes to watch movies. In spite of that, Netflix's movie inventory consisted exclusively of DVDs. Naysayers also doubted that people would want to wait for home delivery when video rental stores seemed to be everywhere. Critics wondered whether Netflix's unlimited subscription plans, launched in 1999, would be profitable.

By July 2011, more than a decade after opening its virtual doors, Netflix had more than 25 million subscribers in the U.S. and Canada. For the first half of 2011, the company's total revenue exceeded $1.5 billion. Netflix also enjoyed a tremendous increase in subscribership in early 2011, up from just 15 million a year before. Netflix attributes much of this growth to increased amounts of online streaming content, availability on a wide range of electronic devices and strong word-of-mouth recommendations.

Personally I don’t really use my TV, I only use it to watch TV when I'm bored. I grew up just watching stuff on my PC or phone or tablet. A TV is a pain. All the ads and the reality TV droning on, all the annoying pricing schemes. When I got my internet setup, they said if I included a TV subscription that my bill would actually be lower. So I asked if I'd have to buy a full blown TV to use with it, and they said yes. The monthly savings wouldn't be useful for over a year to multiple years depending on the TV, and I'd probably get ‘scammed’ into paying for channels, so I turned it down.

Netflix has enough that there's pretty much always some show to watch if I want to, or some movie to see. Not to mention the killer ones that I signed up for, like HoC, OITNB, etc.

Also the price has always been sub £8 a month which is easy to justify. Far better and cheaper option than going to cinema, and for everything movie theaters try to sell, Netflix is available anywhere, anytime, with no annoying kids yelling or kicking your chair, and no overpriced drinks and popcorn. All for less than the price of a single movie ticket. It’s pretty good if I say so myself.