1 © Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015 Organisation Dial and VIP: An outcomes tool 15 June 2015 Sarah Owen Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise

Organisational Dial and VIP: An outcomes tool', by Sarah Owen

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1© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

Organisation Dial and VIP:

An outcomes tool 15 June 2015

Sarah Owen

Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise

2© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

This session

• Brief introduction to Triangle

• The outcomes challenge

• The Value of Infrastructure Programme

and tools

3© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

A brief introduction to Triangle

• Social enterprise founded in

2003 to help value-driven

organisations to "count what

really counts" in their work

• Creators of the Outcomes

Star™ tools to both measure

and support change – used by

1000s of frontline services in

UK and internationally

• 20+ sector-wide versions and

Star Online web application A selection of

Outcomes Star™ tools


4© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

An example of an Outcomes Star™

• A key outcome area at each

point of the Star

• Each outcome ‘scale’ is

underpinned by a defined

Journey of Change

• Stars are designed to be

reflective tools, completed

collaboratively between service

users and keyworkers

5© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

The outcomes challenge:

What we mean by outcomes

• Not Outputs – the amount or types of services


• But Outcomes – the achievement or results because

of the services provided

• Hard or Extrinsic outcomes are just the tip of the


• Long-term, sustainable change is built by also taking

steps towards fundamental changes

• In attitudes, skills, motivation and behaviours – Soft or

Intrinsic outcomes

6© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

The outcomes challenge:

For capacity building activity

• Those supporting organisational capacity building are

two or more steps removed from the end outcomes

• Difficulty articulating the true impact of interventions

or support – may not be immediately evident

• Traditional tools maintain a focus on process/outputs

not on outcomes

• Lots of different types of work and influences – of

which volunteers from business is one

7© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

The outcomes challenge:

Star learning applied to organisations Key Triangle methodology and expertise:

• Articulating model of change

• Supporting impactful conversations

• Meaningful data

Capacity-building projects delivered with NCVO:

• Sustainable Sun 2006

• Governance Star 2008

• Workforce Wheel 2009

• VIP project 2009-2011

8© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

Value of Infrastructure Programme

and tools • 3 year England-wide initiative to

support infrastructure organisations to plan, assess, improve and communicate their impact – 2011 to 2014

• Funded by Big Lottery Fund and led by NCVO

• Aim to create a common impact framework and tools for sector

• Involved 100 organisations including infrastructure and frontline

9© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

VIP Tools: Organisation Dial

• Completed collaboratively -encourage reflection and focus discussion

• Visual picture of strengths and needs as a basis for planning

• Support development work and provide outcomes data

• Complete at the beginning and at stages throughout to provide evidence of distance travelled

10© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

VIP Tools: Organisation DialDefined 10-point scales create meaningful data





and nothing

is changing

Practice below


standards but


emerging to

improve things


systems in


Mostly good

but only

adequate in

some areas

Strong and on

the lookout to

innovate and

improve. May

lead the field by


11© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

VIP Tools: Organisation Dial

Benefits of use• Process and content help people in organisations understand the changes


• Provides capacity builders with a holistic framework for designing support

• Supports and inspires focused, engaged discussions

• Contribute to a shared language and understanding across all stakeholders

• Provides stakeholders with interesting hard and soft outcomes information

• Can be used alongside other measures eg surveys or before/after


12© Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise 2015

Next steps:

• If you would like a copy of the Organisation

Dial, please register your interest with me in

the exhibition space

• Also available to answer any queries

• Thank you for your time