Target Audience Profile Demographics Gender: Male Age: 19 ABC: C Religion: None Education: Student at university Occupation: Part time work in a bar Marital Status: Single Income: Enough disposable income to afford to go to the cinema or buy a DVD Nationality: British Psychographics Likes: Gadgets, Apple products, parties, alcohol, music, watching Prison Break, playing sports particularly football with friends, swimming, going to festivals He is an independent, explorer who is outgoing, likes to experiment with things, meet new people and try new experiences. He is currently completing a physics degree at University and is organised and hardworking as he achieved 4 A levels. He likes going on nights out with friends, drinking and watching a range of thriller films on Netflix and at the cinema with his friends when he has the money. However spending time with his family is important to him as he lives away from home due to his education. He is an aspirer as despite being on a low wage due to having only part time work, he hates not being on trend and he must have

Target audience profile

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Page 1: Target audience profile

Target Audience Profile


Gender: Male

Age: 19


Religion: None

Education: Student at university

Occupation: Part time work in a bar

Marital Status: Single

Income: Enough disposable income to afford to go to the cinema or buy a DVD

Nationality: British


Likes: Gadgets, Apple products, parties, alcohol, music, watching Prison Break, playing sports particularly football with friends, swimming, going to festivals

Dislikes: Smoking, drugs, litter dropping, cats, orange juice

He is an independent, explorer who is outgoing, likes to experiment with things, meet new people and try new experiences. He is currently completing a physics degree at University and is organised and hardworking as he achieved 4 A levels. He likes going on nights out with friends, drinking and watching a range of thriller films on Netflix and at the cinema with his friends when he has the money. However spending time with his family is important to him as he lives away from home due to his education. He is an aspirer as despite being on a low wage due to having only part time work, he hates not being on trend and he must have designer clothes such as Ralph Lauran. His favourite hobby is playing football and going down to the pub when he isn’t revising or working. He is into rock bands such as AC/DC and listens to them on a regular basis. However, he is also a mainstreamer as is into the latest gadgets so he likes to spend his money making sure he has the latest up to date technology to fit in.