What is the Definition of Teamwork? Teamwork is a group of members of a team working together to get something accomplished. When members of a group work together as a team, they can more accomplished in a short amount of time.

Teamwork (trabajo en equipo)

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What is the Definition of Teamwork?

Teamwork is a group of members of a team working together to get something accomplished. When members of a group work together as a team, they can more accomplished in a short amount of time.

Teams work together to problem solve more efficiently, with each team member offering a unique perspective to complex issues. According to Mary Guffey in Business Communication, "members recognize a need for each other's expertise, talents and commitment to achieve their goals." With each team using their strengths (such as one person writing, one inserting charts and analyzing data, one person researching costs, and another organizing the visuals for a presentation), a long-term project can come together with ease.


When teams work together, it is important to establish the purpose of the team; this will allow members to set clear goals. The ultimate goal of any team is to produce quality work for the company. For this reason, effective teams value open communication, treat each others as equals, and keep collaboration at the forefront by sharing information. Conflicts are resolved quickly within the group. The group schedules meetings on a regular basis to discuss the project's progress and meet deadlines.


Work group Teamwork

Produce collective work products

Focus on team goals

Define individual roles, responsibilities, and tasks to help team do its work; often share and rotate them

Frequently come together for discussion, decision making, problem solving, and planning.

Come together to share information and perspectives

Produce individual work products

Focus on individual goals

Is it the same a group and team? why? Why not ?

What is the disadvantages of teamwork in a workplace?

Personality conflicts of employees, lack of communication between those employees who get on well with each other and those who don't, talkative employees not getting on with the 

1.sharing of ideas 2.motivational - not wanting to let the team down. Shared targets and aims for the team to meet. 3.Employees needs - employees have social needs, go to work not just for the money but for human contact with workmates etc. Employees can therefore be happier in a team. 4. support eg more experienced members can help, mentor and develop the less experienced members. 

Advantages of work in a team

Teamwork requirements

Helping and Guiding


Participating and Suggesting

Respecting and Listening

Problem Solving and Communicating

Teamwork Skills for Children

Alfonso Aldair Reyes Valdez