Break From the Pack of Apartment Commodity “The sole purpose of marketing is to sell more to more people, more often and at higher prices. There is no other reason to do it.” -Sergio Zyman

Move The Google Needle Opt Summit All

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What does all of this Social Media noise really mean, and moreover, what does it have to do with Renting More Apartments? At the Urbane Lab, we have put a lot of effort and resources into figuring out how to get our apartment listings to rank high on a Google search. High, as in Page One, Number One!

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Break From the Pack of Apartment Commodity

“The sole purpose of marketing is to sell more to more people, more often and at higher

prices. There is no other reason to do it.” -Sergio Zyman

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(4) Two Hour eBoot CampSessions

Move the Google Needle

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eBoot Camp BookAuthor;

Corey PearlmaneBoot Camp Book


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Who is Here Today

• Your Name / Business

• What Is Your Desired Take Away

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eBoot Camp 1 How to Play and Win the

Search Engine Game

Anatomy of a Search EngineDomain NamesKey Words

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eBoot Camp 2 How to Play and Win the

Search Engine Game

Title TagsMeta Description TagsHome Page Content

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eBoot Camp 3 Increase Your Digital Footprint

Hurl Your URLSocial Networking SitesArticlesPress Releases

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eBoot Camp 4 Increase Your Digital Footprint

ArticlesPress ReleasesBlogsOpt-in FormsE Mail Marketing

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81% of Renters begin their apartment search with Google

“Apartments (Your City)”

• Does Your Apt Community Show Up?

• Kind of like not having a phone number, Prospects are calling, but you don’t hear them.

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Can Perspective Renters Find You?

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Starting Point:Know Where You Rank

Web Site Grader ; http://websitegrader.com/Google AnalyticsWeb Visitors per Unit

Urbane: 13,900 Feb-10 = 43.84 web visits per unitParagon: 2,669 Sept-09 = .58 web visits per unitParagon: 6,975 Feb-10 = 1.52 web visits per unit

Web Traffic Increased by 161% Physical Traffic Increased 10%

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Year over Year


• Web Site Traffic UP 108%• Physical Traffic/Tours UP 54%

• Rentals UP 69%

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Sponsored Ads or Organic Search

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Domain Names

Own the right web site addresses and watch your web traffic soar

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Tips For Success

Make certain that each of your Domain Names ‘point” to your web site

You can and should own multiple Domain Names

Add an alternate email, such as g-mail or yahoo to each account

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MyDomain.com http://www.mydomain.com/What Domain names fit your target renter

Search Domain Names for your apt community

Evaluate availability, in .com and .net

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The most important list you will ever make

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Tips for Success

What Are Your Keywords / Phrases

Web Page Source Code: Foxfire: View/Page SourceInternet Explorer: View/Source15-25 Keywords / (200) Characters

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Check Your Keywords

Apartments Royal Oak


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Title TagsA Search Engines First

Impression of your Web Site-make it a Good One

• 5-10 Words

• Each Web Page is a new Opportunity

• Keyword-Heavy Headline in FRONT of your Biz Name

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Meta Description TagYour Chance to Tell a

Search Engine User Why They Should Click Your Link

Most business owners leave the creation of their Title tags and Meta Tag Descriptions up to their

Web Designers

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Tips for Success• Description tag should be descriptive and

clearly explain what you web site does

• Use keywords in your description tag

• Be sure to do some selling to persuade a person to click your site

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Home Page Content

This critical content must be created with two audiences in mind; Your customer and the Search Engines

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Tips for SuccessUse keywords, but don’t over do it

Keep the ratio between keywords and total number of words on your home page to between 4%-10%

May seem obvious, but spell check your page

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• Webconfs.com and click “Keyword Density Checker

• Enter your web site into the Keyword Density Analyzer and hit “submit”

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What does all of this Social Media noise really mean, and

moreover, what does it have to do with:

Renting More Apartments?

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The direction of marketing has changed…

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Hurl Your URL

The Easiest Way to Effectively Market Your Web Site

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Tips for Success

Add your URL to all your Marketing Collateral

Partnership Marketing

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Social Networking Sites

Find new Rental Prospects quickly and effectively

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Social Media…Outreach on Steroids

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Fish Where the Fish Are

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Create a Community

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Be known as a content expert in your field and allow others to market your web site for


Google Your Co Name Now

What Comes Up?

Each article you publish becomes another web page

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Tips for Success

Include your best keywords and phrases in all of your articles

Make writing articles a regular part of your business

Post your articles to your web site before submitting them

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Go to ezinearticles.com

Review other articles for proper format

Repeat this process with digg.com

Repeat this process with stumbleupon.com

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Press Releases

Generate buzz about your projects about your products and services and make a huge

splash on search engines

Each Press Release you publish becomes another web page

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Tips For Success

Add your Keywords to each Press Release

Try to distribute a Press Release per month

Always include links to your web site

Add Press Releases to your web site

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Go to free-press-release.com and registerelance.com A Press Release writing site

Other Resourcesemailwire.com Fee based Service


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Our Blog is one of our highest producing digital assets we operate,

oddly, it is nothing about our apartments and everything about


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Become Hyper Local News

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Urbane Life Blog

(474) Posts = (474) new web pages

(1,862) Comments = Engagement

(1,218) Twitter Followers = Engagement

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Tips for Success

Your blog is not about you, it is about your prospects

Give your Circle of Influence a platform and they will propel leads for you

Turn your blog over to residents and evangelists