Welcome to Info Session of NCCU Consulting Club. Feel Free to ask any question to our core members. Find a best seat that suits you and think about the question. We will start soon. Consulting? Consultants? What is Who are

2015 政大管理顧問社 招生說明會

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Page 1: 2015 政大管理顧問社 招生說明會

Welcome to Info Session of NCCU Consulting Club. Feel Free to ask any question to our core members. Find a best seat that suits you and think about the question. We will start soon.



What is

Who are

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         顧問,就是企業的醫生。 幫企業找出問題的核心, 透過大量蒐集資訊,去蕪存菁, 使用有系統的邏輯方法 形成策略來解決企業的難題。

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Consulting Industry

General Consulting

IT Consulting

Financial Consulting

Specialized Consulting

Marketing & PR Consulting

McKinsey BCG Bain

IBM Accenture APT

Deloitte KPMG PwC E&Y

Human Resource Corporate Society Responsibility Project Management

Nielson Era Oglivy

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Professional Leadership

Problem Solving

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問題解決訓練:假說思考� BCG�

簡報與提案技巧� NRI�

Case Interview� APT�

Project Management� Standard Chartered�

Problem Solving 培養問題解決能力�

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Professional 強化產業知識�

Study Group:Industry� Study Group�

CSR Consultant� KPMG�

IT Consultant � IBM�

Business Model Innovation� iCHEF� YoWuReport�

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Leadership 卓越的領導能力 �



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Autumn Party�

Winter Party�

Networking 拓展人脈,遇見志同道合的夥伴 �

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Learning      Resources

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Case Interview

PST Project

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Study Group

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þ Industry insights þ  Team Cooperation

þ  Mentor connection


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Group members : 4 to 5 people

Preparation period: 7, Oct. to 29, Dec.

Update: Every two weeks

Final presentation: 30, Dec

Brief Info

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第三方� 支付�

數位金融� 共享經濟�


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Recruitment 2015 Autumn

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Attributes you should have…

� Enthusiasm

� Logical thinking

� Team spirit

� Dedication

� Leadership

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Recruitment Process�

9/7-9/27 10/1 10/3-10/4 10/6

Application Form

& CV Submission Interview List

Announcement Group


Final List Announcement

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Application Form and CV� 1.   Application Form

Link: http://goo.gl/forms/T3hExFNPE3 •  Basic Information •  Motivation Survey •  Problem Solving Test

Before 9/27, be punctual !!!

9/7-9/27 10/1 10/3-10/4 10/6

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2. CV � Send one-page English CV to

[email protected]

� Title:系級(非政大者請註明學校)/單位_姓名 � Attachment name:Same as above�

Before 9/27, be punctual !!!

9/7-9/27 10/1 10/3-10/4 10/6

Application Form and CV�

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Interview List Announcement�

• Interview list will be announced by e-mail before 10/1.

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Interview List Announcement�

• We will assign those who enter 2nd stage with a time to interview (10/3 or 10/4). If you are not available then, please send us an e-mail as soon as possible.

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Group Interview� �  Self-Introduction

�  General Question

�  Guesstimation

9/7-9/27 10/1 10/3-10/4 10/6

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Final List Announcement� • Interview list will be announced by e-mail before 10/6. • Following up is the welcome party for club members at 10/7!

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Now, join us and become stronger with NCCUCC!

National Cheng-Chi University

Consulting Club

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Q & A�

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[email protected]

政大管理顧問社 NCCU Consulting Club�