High-Performance cademy FutureFit Coaching Created by experts, proven by science

Future fit coaching

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High-Performance cademy

FutureFit Coaching Created by experts, proven by science

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In today’s always on, high demand workplace, asking an exec to extract their best, without a coach, is like asking an athlete to compete on the world stage without their coach. You’d still be good, but you might not be great. Getting to number one takes a partnership.

We create those partnerships.

Never enough.

You’re a leader in business, and you have a million things on. The days are lightning fast, and some mornings it feels like a gun has gone off. It’s a race to the finish line each day, and there is never enough time to reflect. Everyone wants a piece of you, and sometimes it feels like most people only bring the problem, never the solution.

To get things done, you go it alone. In your mind, seeking guidance or support from anyone may even equate to a demonstration of weakness.

But, in the arena of elite performance, world class performers understand the value of having an expert coach by their side.


Why us?

The High Performance Academy is the only one of its kind in Australia.

We have taken the hard work out by reviewing the entire coaching industry, and selecting and training only the best in the business to coach leaders, guaranteeing significant results within three months.

Our coaches know what it means to be FutureFit.

It’s our proven science based methodology, designed to equip leaders with the tools, not just to excel in the current business climate, but to respond effectively to the unknown challenges of the future, providing you consistent competitive advantage.

Why you?

You may already know what areas you want to work on. You definitely don’t want to waste time with esoteric or cookie-cutter coaches. You want fast, pragmatic and targeted breakthroughs.

You want to be held to account to actions that deliver the breakthroughs. Everything should be based on measurable outcomes, backed by science and experience.

You also know that you have your own way of doing things. You are not looking to change who you are to fit in some box of what leadership is supposed to look like. You want to work with someone who isn’t in the game to change who you are, but to help you elevate the outcomes you produce. It’s about bringing out your best leadership, while doing things the way you do them.

If this is you, our coaches will deliver the results you want to achieve with them.

If this is you, our coaches will deliver the results you want to achieve with them.

For business leaders who are just-not-that-into ‘executive coaching’


You deserve to reach #1 in your

world. We can get you there!

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The bigger picture that drives us allThere are some who step into the top job equipped with the human

skills built from a lifetime of experiences, but more often you’ve got the

top job because you were bloody good at the technical skills needed

to deliver your KPIs. Regardless of starting point, we’ve seen that

today’s great leaders desire to deliver lifelong high performance, which

demands being both a great business leader and a great people leader.

Why? Because the leadership game has changed - we might even say it has been disrupted.

LIFTING THE LID OFF THE TOP 20Alongside our upfront briefing process, HPA’s Top 20 Toolkit will help you to sharpen the articulation of your goals and areas of focus before you get started.

Experience has led to us identifying the 20 most frequent goals that our coaches come across, and that the leaders we work with want to transform for self, team or organisation.

1. Be the great leader people are begging to work with

2. Get more done with less

3. Get more performance with fewer people

4. Hook into the key drivers of the next generation

5. Shift seamlessly from supportive mate to challenging leader

6. Drive performance across an ever changing, increasingly untethered team

7. Engage the top guns to step up their leadership and keep them passionate about where they work

8. Inspire staff to bring energy to even the most mundane stuff of the job

9. Break the silo mentality and build effective cross functional teams

The paradox of the modern business

landscape is that, the more we step into the

digitised, automised, app based workforce,

the more we step up the demand for great

people leadership. Everyone is playing the

technology and innovation game just to

keep up. Competitive advantage has become

simplified to maximising the capability of the

humans in your workforce.

This previously unmatched humancentric

focus means that finding the right coach is not a

“nice-to-have” - it’s a tier one, strategic priority.

You need a coach who can cut the fluff and get you

focussed on the biggest leadership levers to pull.

We do that with our science based methodology,

proven to get you – and your teams – to where you

need to be, faster.

10. Instil possibility mindset in a climate of constant disruption

11. Deliver the tough stuff performance feedback with confidence and competence

12. Build a future proof, high-performance culture

13. Smash through the people and culture challenges of mergers and acquisitions

14. Transform the company values from wall art to high performance art

15. Build a people and culture strategy that adds rocket fuel to the business strategy

16. Learn how to work hard smarter - manage personal energy to perform like an elite athlete

17. Learn the art of high performance coaching

18. Build accountability structures that drive performance and inspire people

19. Engage the staff in elite level teamwork

20. Develop world class speaking and presentation skills to perform under pressure

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• Increased overall effectiveness in your work and personal life

• Increased motivation and energy directed toward your key goals

• Reduced time and energy spent on personal barriers

• Noticeable increase in effectiveness for driving performance in others

• Improved capacity to respond powerfully to issues arising in any relationship

Your priorities are our promises

High Performance Coaching – 24 / 7 Your world doesn’t operate on a 3 to 4 week cycle, so why should Executive Coaching take place for an hour every 3 to 4 weeks, with zero support in between times?

We believe that transformational results in Executive Coaching happen as a result of working towards the achievement of identified objectives over a period of time rather than over a set number of sessions.

So we work with you in cocreating both the scope of work and way of working, where our coaches will be there for you 24 / 7, either face to face, remotely, via telecon or email.

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For all of our clients, the expectation is that there will be a noticeable difference in personal performance within 3 months of starting FutureFit Coaching. You don’t like to muck around. Nor do we.

So we offer 3 levels of coaching, based on either a 3 month, 6 month or year long partnership:

3 MONTH PACKAGE: Ignite Potential

6 MONTH PACKAGE: Grow Potential

12 MONTH PACKAGE: Accelerate Potential

Committing to the most appropriate Coaching partnership will in large part come down to your unique circumstances, experience and ambition. As a guide, here are some options to consider:

1. Thinking about personal development?

Initial change generally requires 6 months of regular, consistent intervention

to acquire new desired patterns of behaviour

2. Want to permanently change certain behaviours?

Achieving competency in changed behaviours typically requires 12 months

or more of intervention.

3. Seeking personal and professional development mastery?

Mastery generally requires 2+ years of consistent development work.

High Performance Coaching Packages


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Where are you at, right this minute? Meet the lead coaches

Whether you’re looking to ignite a significant change in your professional life, achieve a new level of competency or go all the way to developing mastery, there is possibly no journey that will be more personally meaningful and impactful to you than the one you take in working with the right coach.

The best teams and athletes in the world only get to number one when they find that right fit with a coach.

You are no different. We believe in the possibility of you reaching number one in your world. And we want to help you get there!

Thank you for considering us.

Please contact one of our team to learn more.

[email protected] 9024 7444

Mike Read With 30 years of business, marketing, innovation and People & Culture experience, working with and for some of the world’s most famous brands and organisations, Mike combines art & science to help engineer high performance cultures, teams and individuals.

Mike has been based out of Sydney working as a workshop facilitator, learning specialist and Executive Coach for the last 11 years, running his own practice PigsCanFlyToo.

Dr. Sean RichardsonWith a B.A, M.A and PhD in business, sport and performance psychology, Sean combines 30 years as a professional athlete with 15+ years of international psychological practice and organisational consulting across multiple industry sectors.

Sean’s Futurefit IP & methodology focuses on the mindsets required to produce sustainable high performance in individuals, teams and leaders.


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High-Performance cademy
