Company culture matters. A journey with Smartsalary.

Smartsalary Company Culture Book

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Company Culture matters ------------------------------------- It is widely acknowledged that a company’s culture is fundamental to employee engagement and fuels business results. Definitions can be found in various publications and all over the internet, but they have one thing in common: company culture, like any culture, is about the way things are done. It’s the rules and values, morals and ethics that drive people to work together effectively and sustainably towards shared goals. Company culture is part of what sustains our enthusiasm and engagement in our work. It’s the foundation of how we’ll respond to challenges or problems, and how we approach everything from customer service and sales, to finance and client meetings, to correspondence and presentations, and beyond. It’s the bond that will unite team members when times are tough, and ignite celebration when there are successes. But what is the culture at Smartsalary all about? Lean processes, innovation, applying an agile methodology, engagement, policies, processes and day-to-day interactions all drive our culture. We consciously manage these aspects of our culture, all of which form the basis of our strategy triangle.

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Company culture matters.A journey with Smartsalary.

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A journey with Smartsalary | 1

Company culture mattersForeword

members. The overall score at that time was 48%. This steadily increased until our most recent survey result of 75%. Smartsalary has been named an Aon Hewitt Best Employer twice in that time, in both 2013 and 2014. We have implemented countless initiatives based on feedback gained not just from these surveys, but also through a number of other feedback measures available at Smartsalary.

Coupled with strong Human Resources programs and strategy, and in conjunction with listening to team member feedback, we have implemented people practices that allow team members to do their very best work.

So what fundamental changes are required to successfully cultivate and foster a positive culture?

It is widely acknowledged that a company’s culture is fundamental to employee engagement and fuels business results.

Definitions can be found in various publications and all over the internet, but they have one thing in common: company culture, like any culture, is about the way things are done. It’s the rules and values, morals and ethics that drive people to work together effectively and sustainably towards shared goals.

Company culture is part of what sustains our enthusiasm and engagement in our work. It’s the foundation of how we’ll respond to challenges or problems, and how we approach everything from customer service and sales, to finance and client meetings, to correspondence and presentations, and beyond. It’s the bond that will unite team members when times are tough, and ignite celebration when there are successes.

Culture differs from company to company, but is always present in one form or another. Having an active culture that engages team members is hard work, but the end results are more than rewarding.

Culture impacts just about every business metric we have, from customer service to productivity to profitability. It is the key to recruitment because applicants want to work for a best employer. It is the key to retention because team members don’t want to leave a great culture.

But what is the culture at Smartsalary all about? Lean processes, innovation, applying an agile methodology, engagement, policies, processes and day-to-day interactions all drive our culture. We consciously manage these aspects of our culture, all of which form the basis of our strategy triangle.

Formalising engagement which is a strong driver of our culture began in 2008, when the first Aon Hewitt Engagement Survey was taken by team

“We’re totally focused on staff engagement and the ultimate customer experience here at

Smartsalary...We want our employees to come to work every day with ZEST,

that is, Zeal and Engagement, and leave work feeling a sense of Satisfaction

with their work, and Trust in us.”

Deven Billimoria, CEO

“Every single interaction, every employee experience,

every moment, every day creates our culture.”

Houda Lebbos, CHRO

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1Strong and consistent leaders inspire the culture and core values in employees to bring out the best in them.

Smartsalary leadership has enabled the company to grow from a start up to our recent listing on the Australian Stock Exchange. There were highs and lows through the years to create what Smartsalary is today. We worked together to expand our business whilst not losing sight of our culture and values.

Leadership at Smartsalary called for a back to basics approach, where leaders are approachable, take time to get to know their staff as individuals and are open to feedback to improve.

Asking for honest and open feedback would mean nothing if Smartsalary was not willing to embrace suggestions and strive for improvement in the areas identified by employees.

People want to work for managers who care and with whom they feel a personal connection. Our leaders take the time to get to know our people and gain their trust. These ideals are reflected in our values and in the consistent hard work of our entire management team.

Principle OneLeadership drives culture

“I like the fact that all areas are interlinked, we all work together to make

a difference and frequently have meetings to share knowledge, and update the company on what is going on in different areas. I like that

everyone seems to get on well, and I feel able to talk to all managers and colleagues and ask for help when needed, and that everyone is eager to help each other

in tasks and projects.” – 2013

“Ever since I started working for Smartsalary, everything has been so positive, that I don’t think

there’s any negativity in this company. Thanks to its proactive management team.” – 2008

“I believe Smartsalary is a rough diamond. There are still

a few improvements to be made but there is definitely no way to go

but up. I am happy to be part of this organisation and happy to be able to contribute to the success

of the company.” – 2009

“Having a CEO that is so involved in the front

line of operations provides a sense of teamwork

through ALL levels of the organisation.” – 2010

“There have been some extremely hard and trying

times but senior management have really got us going in a

great direction at the moment. I’m proud to be an employee

of Smartsalary.” – 2009

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1Principle OneLeadership drives culture

Open communication is encouraged right from the start of a team member’s journey here at Smartsalary. All new starters are taken to lunch with members of the Executive Team, where we hope the beginnings of trust and communication begin.

At company-wide business briefings, we want people to ask questions and commit to answering them with honesty and transparency.

Perhaps most immediately apparent to any new team members or visitors to our office, is our open-plan environment where there is no seniority or barriers between any team members, from Sales to Administration to Marketing and the CEO.

Previous feedback indicated that there were times line managers felt a lack of support after being placed in a leadership position. Similarly, team

focus groups following these surveys, and by encouraging them to develop their own ways to engage and manage their teams on a day-to-day basis.

We have worked together to create a culture where mistakes are learning opportunities, not errors, and where leadership styles should be as flexible and natural as possible.

members were on occasion noticing this lack of support and consistency.

A combination of feedback and a solid Human Resources plan resulted in the development of a comprehensive Management Development Program in 2013, easily tailored to suit any level of existing capability and on its way to becoming Smartsalary’s own accredited management training course. By supporting our managers, we are making sure they are equipped with the skills to drive performance and engagement for all team members.

Beyond the Aon Hewitt engagement surveys, we have a comprehensive cascade of results sharing – from our Executive Management Team to all team members so that we give everyone the opportunity to understand and discuss the results. We proactively listen to team leaders’ feedback by creating

“My manager who has just left to go to another

team was AWESOME!! I felt that she really motivated me into being the best that I can

everyday and actually felt liked she cared!” – 2010

“One of the best run organisations you could work for – senior management is

motivated and close to the pulse, aggressive and ambitious. Great culture and great people. A point to raise would be the number of degree qualified people working in smaller admin roles in the service centre. I’d suggest a programme to identify and promote qualified candidates.

A management traineeship of some sort if you will. There is a lot of wasted talent if we can’t identify and provide due recognition

to these employees.” – 2009

“I have been able to develop and have my

leadership skills recognised. I have a great work environment

with many co-workers who I now consider

friends.” – 2008

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2Principle TwoBring your vision and values to life

Our priority is to bring our vision and values to life to continue to earn the trust of our clients and customers and help them save money. The vision at Smartsalary is to be widely recognised as the easiest salary packaging and novated leasing company to deal with.

As the company grew, it became more and more important to define the Smartsalary core values from which we develop our culture, our brand, and our business strategies. With so many new employees joining Smartsalary as we grow, we want to make sure that everyone is acting consistently with what our company is about.

Our values describe how we work and are judged by our clients, customers and each other.

Together, we came up with a set of five values that defined the best aspects of how we work together.

We encourage all team members to work by our core values, which are the root of our company culture. That is,

We encourage all staff to live by our core values, which are:

• In all our dealings we practice honesty and integrity.

• We believe in personal behaviour which demonstrates teamwork and accountability.

• All our customers deserve exceptional customer service.

• We value behaviours and attitudes which are fresh and dynamic.

• We create a culture that’s friendly and down to earth.

“Smartsalary has always been very willing to listen to

the ideas of their staff and where possible implement some. This

type of recognition goes a long way to keeping staff willing participants

in the organisation’s continued growth and gain in their chosen

market share.” – 2009

to be inclusive, accepting and flexible while supporting and sustaining a strong emphasis on customer service and living up to the message of being the easiest to deal with in our sector.

Feedback received indicated that early on, team members had not sufficiently bought into the company vision.

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2Principle TwoBring your vision and values to life

In 2011 the natural extension of this was to take our vision, values and Strategy Triangle and create more formalised, company-wide goals.

It means that aside from personal goals, every team member also has a stake in business Key Performance Indicators, with these goals cascading throughout the organisation.

Every single individual, from team members within Finance to the Service Centre to Marketing, are accountable to the company’s wider goals. There is a sense of team because we’re all working towards the same ultimate goals. These KPIs range from revenue generation to innovation to customer retention, and staff are kept regularly updated on how we’re tracking. It’s a fantastic way to encourage collaboration between different teams and more importantly ensure our team members understand how they are contributing to a bigger picture, not simply completing their own individual tasks.

VISION: To be widely recognised as the easiest salary packaging and fleet management company to deal with.

“I enjoy working at Smartsalary because of my co-workers. My co-workers and

I always strive to deliver the best to the customer. We have stayed at Smartsalary

because of this shared motive and goal.” – 2010

“For the most part it is an innovative, supportive and fun place to work. The senior management really care about growing the business not for pure profit but to be the

best at what they do for customers, staff and for the profit.” – 2013

AgileLean Innovation

Customer Loyalty

© 2014 Smartsalary Pty Ltd

Staff Engagement









“This organisation is very people focused, so you feel like people

care about your wellbeing and you are not just a

number.” – 2008In response to this, we developed what is now Smartsalary’s Strategy Triangle.

The triangle is a visual way for team members to see our key organisational focus and it has become the cornerstone for all company-wide goals.

The foundation of our strategy triangle has always been staff engagement – without this, nothing is possible! Building on this are methodologies we employ throughout our business – lean, agile and innovation. These principles help us strive for less waste, fast turnaround and continuous improvement.

Everything we do at Smartsalary ultimately leads to our triangle’s pinnacle – customer loyalty. If our customers remain loyal to our business, then we know we are on our way to achieve our vision. Over time we have realised that our Strategy Triangle is in fact our Company Capability Triangle.

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3Principle ThreeRecruit people for both talent and culture fit

With all the work and planning that Smartsalary has applied to building a strong and engaged culture, hiring the right people is more important than ever.

Recruiting the right people is critical to the continued success of our business – that’s why Smartsalary believes in the old saying “hire for attitude, train for skills”.

A recruitment framework has been in place at Smartsalary for a long time, providing guidelines for skills, behaviours, and of course, fair remuneration.

Diversity of people and ideas is the key to innovation at Smartsalary. We have built a culturally diverse workplace. Over 47% of team members were born in countries other than Australia and the split between men and women in the workforce is almost even. Additionally, we have team members ranging in age from their teens right up to their sixties.

Feedback from team members through workshops, one-on-one meetings and the Aon Hewitt survey results over time has seen the development of a more collaborative approach to recruitment with team leaders

involved in the recruitment process.

We have created a work culture that inspires referrals from employees, alumni and customers.

A flexible working environment that includes initiatives such as our Working from Home policy, our Bring Your Own Device policy and an excellent reward and recognition program are part of what

“Maintain regular Focus Groups like we had in

November. This was a great avenue to talk freely and honestly

about issues that you would perhaps raise with a line manager

but they wouldn’t have been communicated higher.” – 2011

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“I’ve been offered another job closer to where I live, more pay, but decided

I liked Smartsalary as soon as I walked in. The receptionists were so friendly – right from that moment and all the way through the interview

I was impressed with the values and the way everyone treats each other. Goes a long way

in my book.” – 2012

3Principle ThreeRecruit people for both talent and culture fit

of making sure we not only attract the right people to work with us but that the right people remain working with us. It’s an idea we borrowed from Zappos, a company who are widely recognised as thought leaders as far as company culture and engagement is concerned.

ZEST stands for Zeal, Engagement, Satisfaction and Trust – values and behaviours we want all of our team members to have. If a team member comes to work every day with zeal and engagement, and leaves feeling satisfied in their work and with a sense of trust in Smartsalary, then we know and they know they’re the right person for that job.

attracts the right candidates to us in the first place. We have also published videos on our job advertisements outlining the culture and positive working environment.

Succession planning has always been an important way of identifying the best people across the organisation to fill roles. This forward planning has paid off time and again, with a third of staff having progressed into other roles within the company.

We learned how to work smarter and improve by paying attention to other best employers, to see what practices could work for us in a modified way. An interesting addition to the recruitment process that is not common among many companies is the ZEST program. We introduced this in 2012, as a way

“The company is always willing to develop employees’ knowledge

and skill sets not only to advance the company but also to advance the individuals.

They almost always advertise for new positions internally before going external.” – 2008

“Through the succession planning program, I feel that I am now in a role which allows me to best use my skills, make me a happier employee,

be recognised for my efforts across the business and most importantly, help

the business grow and become more efficient.” – 2010

“I have referred friends to work here – I have no hesitation in

that regard – Smartsalary are a friendly and happy

company.” – 2009

On the other hand if they are not feeling those things, then ZEST allows them to exit the business within the first six months of employment with a ‘thank you’ and a cash payment of $2,000 for giving it a go. It gives that team member the opportunity to leave gracefully, and with a sense of goodwill. And, it helps Smartsalary make sure we only have people working with us who really want to be here.

Of course, this is just one part of a six month on-boarding strategy that includes induction programs, buddy relationship building, one-on-one meetings with team leaders and team coaches and regular check ins with members of the Human Resources team (to name a few) which all combines to mean that we have a fantastic, diverse array of team members who contribute to the equally fantastic culture we are all a part of. Bringing new team members on board in the right way has been critical to our long term success.

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4Principle FourInvest in the team

The manager’s most important role at Smartsalary is to engage the hearts, minds and talents of team members.

Managers are expected to invest the time to get to know their team members as individuals, provide them with clear expectations and invest in their development. They lead teams that are motivated to provide award winning customer service and meet the performance goals of both the team and Smartsalary.

Smartsalary’s ongoing focus on people strategy continued in 2008 with the development of a business-wide performance management program. This included Living Job Descriptions, a Performance Planning and Review Process, and a competency framework. This has evolved over the years to become the ‘Smartreview’ process, incorporating our goals, peer-to-peer feedback, performance reviews and our competency framework. Performance management at Smartsalary focuses on conversations to emphasise continual improvement and encourage a culture of performance, aimed at reinforcing the company values and helping to embed the desired culture.

From 2009, we enhanced our on-boarding and induction for new team members. Continued training going forward became a higher priority based on feedback received from team members throughout work and from

the Aon Hewitt survey results. Cross-training to enhance technical skills was put into place, as well as training on fundamental business strategies such as LEAN and people management.

“It is remarkable how many people in this place

are passionate about what they do… Certainly we are not 100% there yet, and we will never be, but the engagement with large numbers of staff is as high as

I am advised most people have seen anywhere.” – 2009

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4Principle FourInvest in the team

Our learning and development offering has always included more practical, hands-on learning that can be done on the job. This has expanded to include the introduction of an e-learning platform to run short online courses. In-house training includes courses in soft skills such as presentation skills and decision making, and we introduced career development workshops which gave staff the support and skills necessary to make their career aspirations a reality.

In addition to this, every team member (with support from their manager) creates their own Individual Development Plan that outlines areas for further development. These plans form part of the broader Smartreview process and are reviewed regularly throughout the year.

By personalising training and development every team member is receiving the best possible attention to their own needs.

In late 2013, we implemented Work.com, an online performance management program. The social side of Work.com brought in peer-to-peer feedback which opened up the performance review process more broadly than the conventional manager/team member relationship to have the capability to include any other relevant colleagues. Through this, we collaborate with team leaders to create our performance and development goals for the year, ensuring our performance goals are aligned to our company-wide KPIs.

Of course, there is more to investing in people than training and development. A strong reward and recognition framework, total reward remuneration including a robust series of staff benefits, achievable stretch targets and goals for team members and their teams all form part of investing

“This organisation gives me the feeling that I will be

supported in any further learning that I decide to undertake and

will assist me wherever possible in completing tertiary qualifications

which will render me an even more valuable member of

this company.” – 2008

“My manager takes a genuine interest in my development and I feel

I have developed and learnt more over the last 10 months than I have in the last 5 years. Smartsalary is very supportive of

your life outside of work and encourages a work/life balance. They are very focused on

learning and development of employees through both internal and external

training opportunities.” – 2009

“This has been the most challenging and rewarding role I have

undertaken. Smartsalary constantly inspires me to grow professionally and

personally.” – 2010

Because Work.com is online, team members are able to receive real-time feedback, recognition and coaching. We can monitor metrics and share comments and feedback about a campaign or goal. This collaboration and individual attention drives performance and ongoing development.

in employees. But the most important investment we can make across all of these attributes is time. Devoting clear time to each and every part of a team member’s role at Smartsalary has helped encourage an open, friendly culture of support coupled with hard work and a strong customer service.

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Principle FiveCreate a feedback-driven culture 5A common thread throughout our culture-driving work has been and will always continue to be, feedback.

We receive feedback from a multitude of sources, including email, meetings, surveys and Work.com which encourages regular feedback and coaching both peer-to-peer and manager to team member all year. But our most consistently measured source has been the Aon Hewitt engagement survey.

Recurring feedback came through regarding our reward and recognition across the business. Because of this, we set about updating our program to make it more accessible for team members. Our reward and recognition program traditionally comprised of

“[Smartsalary] listen to their staff. All suggestions and

ideas are valued. Performance is recognised and rewarded.” – 2013

“The executive management are open and honest with all employees and take the time

to comment and praise good work. I love that if I wanted to chat with the CEO and any of the executive team I can go and see them or call.

Open door always and very approachable. Management on all levels take the time to get to know you and are genuinely

concerned and engaged with all of us.” – 2013

“The Management team are quick to recognise

effort, and highlight this, and this is a trait I have not seen in the past 10 years at

other companies I have worked for…” – 2008

an anonymous nomination process at the end of which winners were announced for exceeding expectations by demonstrating our values and working towards our company-wide KPIs.

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Principle FiveCreate a feedback-driven culture

With the implementation of Work.com, we have promoted a culture of “thank you” – something so simple, and yet often ignored. We encourage team members to publicly thank and therefore recognise peers throughout the year. These valuable pieces of positive recognition and feedback are then used as the source of winners in the new and improved reward and recognition program. The public nature of the program drives a culture of

Our benefits program includes a community program with additional leave available for eligible team members to use towards one of our partner charities, Good Return, Foodbank or the RSPCA. We have regular team events and an active social club.

Another avenue for feedback is an active program for suggestions and ideas. Initially using an external program known as Ideascale, this has grown over the years to become SmartIdeas, an internally run and reviewed program for anyone to submit ideas and have them implemented wherever possible.

Further to this and with innovation now at the heart of everything we do, we have run Innovation Workshops for everyone, and even created formal roles for Innovation Champions, who find practical ways to apply innovation across the business.

Our positive approach to honest feedback across the board is helpful in maintaining an inclusive, dynamic culture for Smartsalary and has meant that we have been rewarded as well. Our shared values are being consistently demonstrated by team members and inspire us all to do our best work for the business every day.

“Working for Smartsalary gives me a strong sense of

accomplishment. Together with a strong culture for high performance

and recognition, this gives the company a unique position in attracting and retaining great

employees.” – 2010

“All employees are given the opportunity to provide feedback & present new

ideas to managers to be a part of the continuous improvement.

Smartsalary value their employees, the reward & recognition

programs are a big part of the culture here.” – 2010

“Since I have moved into a new role, I have

had pay reviews frequently. I have been given the chance

to learn and develop new skills and do things in different areas of the

business.” – 2008

5positive reinforcement and feedback across the business. To date in 2014, over 1,200 pieces of recognition have been shared with the wider business.

All team members, from IT to Sales to the CEO and the Service Centre will see when a colleague has been recognised for an outstanding achievement in their role. This public recognition not only reinforces good habits, but also motivates staff to strive for excellence in their day-to-day work and further advances our culture of support, accountability and camaraderie.

This goes some way towards filling the gap in terms of recognition, but the other side of this program is reward. At Smartsalary, we practice a total reward model of remuneration which includes a varied series of staff benefits as well as our reward and recognition program itself.

Our reward and recognition program was foundational to fostering a culture of feedback, offering a way for team members to better understand and practice Smartsalary values, offer continuous feedback, appreciate and be appreciated and a way to be rewarded for the progress they make towards their goals.

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6Principle SixGet excited about the brand

We want to be proud of the company we work for!

This is true of any workplace but it is something that Smartsalary actively works towards fostering in all team members. We have the task of selling Smartsalary to our clients and customers, and to the wider public, so if we don’t believe in the brand then we can’t do our jobs with the passion they require.

Over the years, we’ve implemented a number of initiatives to get active within the business. We want to achieve a balance between creating a sense of fun and community, while still reaching established business goals.

Nurturing creativity in team members is just as important as any other KPI. There are countless opportunities for team members to contribute to more artistic pursuits than our everyday jobs may allow, whether it’s submitting a piece of writing that shares a career development story, participating in Smarthouse Films, our monthly internal video newsletters, or even making their own film for our version of the famous short film festival, appropriately renamed Smartfest! Projects like these help get our staff excited to be a part of our team.

Of course, getting excited about our brand doesn’t just involve the fun stuff. If we believe in what we have to offer, we can provide the best possible service to our customers. By offering continuous support in managing customers both internal and external, we foster an organisation-wide understanding that customer service is a highly important part of everything we do.

We teach our team members to seize the opportunity of turning an unhappy customer into a happy one, and use the Net Promotor Score (NPS) as a way of measuring customer loyalty. At the end of every interaction with us, customers are sent a survey which asks them how likely they are to recommend Smartsalary

“It’s simply a good place to work.

No nastiness between staff, it’s an Australia wide company, and

massive support from all departments.” – 2013

“I enjoy working at Smartsalary because of my co-workers. My

co-workers and I always strive to deliver the best to the customer. We

have stayed at Smartsalary because of this shared motive and goal.” – 2010

“I like the fact that all areas are interlinked, we all work together to make a difference

and frequently have meetings to share knowledge, and update the company on what is going on in

different areas.” – 2013

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Principle SixGet excited about the brand

Next StepsCompany culture matters

to a friend or colleague. We use this method in place of traditional customer service surveys because we want to measure loyalty, not just satisfaction.

The measurement is highly respected by our team members, who constantly strive to achieve the best outcome for customers. When we first introduced the NPS survey back in 2009, we were scoring at about 21%. Although the industry average NPS for financial services is 0%, it was difficult to accept such a low number. But as a team, we managed to double our score in less than three years. By 2012 we were sitting at about 42%. With NPS now fully integrated into our customer service culture, and a core measurement at Smartsalary, we

This book was prepared to both celebrate our culture as well as to help ensure we continue to put it front and centre, even as the company continues to grow and evolve. For without a strong cohesive culture, we have no chance of ensuring that our clients are delighted by and loyal to our service. And without this loyalty, we have not only let our clients down, but also ourselves.

We acknowledge the contribution of the following people to create this book

Adrik Kemp Amy Xuereb Andrew Sexton-James Anita Nicole Sanchez Ashlea Roach Caroline Page David Penman Deven Billimoria Gonzalo Diaz Houda Lebbos Irene Trakossas Jessica Sorrasson Joelle Jenner Kristie Hui Lynne Mackenzie Nell Cavallo

continue to strive for greater heights in this and all our achievements.

Making culture a priority paid off immensely, and quite literally, when many team members used their personal money to buy shares in our newly listed company, Smartgroup Corporation.

All of this couldn’t be possible without constant communication throughout the business. Of course we use email and meetings to achieve this, but on top of that we have our Smarthouse Films, Work.com and our own internal social media called Chatter. We use this to update on projects, give insights to one another on what we’re up to and how we’re going and generally get to know the whole business with the click

of a button. We can read about what our CEO is up to lately, get updates on business-wide initiatives such as our recent listing with the ASX or check out the recognition being provided throughout the business. It’s a dynamic tool that is really useful in giving us all a sense of teamwork and accountability to the business and each other.

“One of the key reasons for the high

levels of staff engagement may be the strong performance

management culture across the company and the career

opportunities that this kicks up for good

performers.” – 2009

“The culture and accessibility of the

management team (my manager in particular) is really what makes

my time here so enjoyable. I thoroughly enjoy working within the

team, and as such, am highly motivated to achieve and deliver

what I am expected to.” – 2008

“Being part of a conscientious

organisation is refreshing and encourages me to

become better within myself both personally and

professionally.” – 2013

Thank you to past and present employees, clients and customers who all formed part of this journey.

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Disclaimer: Quotes are not Smartsalary policy but employee’s unedited opinions.