What do Millennials Really Want in a Job? by Peter Trombetti of Oficio Group

What do Millennials Really Want in a Job? - Peter Trombetti

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What do Millennials Really Want in a Job?by Peter Trombetti of Oficio Group

The Millennial Generation

Millennials = 18-34 year olds

This year the millennial generation will surpass the baby boomer generation in size.

They are the most diverse generation in the US

They are higher educated (and have the student loans to prove it.

*Info curtesy of: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/millennials_report.pdf

What do they value at work?Community - They want to like who they work with

Creativity - They value being able to make choices and do things their own way

Free-time - They insist on a fair work/life balance

Money - They want higher salaries and fewer benefits

* Information courtesy of Pew Research Center

The number 1 biggest concern of millennials at work is MONEY

What About Money?

With the Affordable Care Act millennials have access to cheap health insurance - they don’t value extra benefits and prefer higher salaries.

They care less than we think about “cool” workspaces - they value their time outside of work and don’t see it as a place to hang out. They prefer to have that money used on better bonuses and salaries.

They have lots of student loans - they have higher monthly payments that they will be paying for a longer time. They feel a pressure for higher incomes.

* Information courtesy of Pew Research Center

What About Money?

They believe they are in charge of retirement - most believe that social security and other current retirement benefits will not exist when it comes time for them to retire. They believe it will be up to them and their own savings to provide for their future.

They are digital natives - they grew up with phones and computers and many have regular access to them. They don’t value perks like company phones or laptops.

They want to enjoy work - they place an extreme value on enjoying their work. While money may be important, it doesn’t outweigh having a job they like.

* Information courtesy of Pew Research Center

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