Initial Film Idea

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  1. 1. A l e c C a v e l l u c c i - M e y e r Initial Film Idea
  2. 2. Plot The initial idea that I have for film is a Thriller. Different Thriller characteristics will be included, such as suspense, different themes such as mystery, and there will also be a plot twist at the end of the film. The film will start by introducing the protagonist. He will be shown reading a book in bed, before going to sleep. He puts his book down on his bedside table, and the audience is shown his alarm clock that read 1:23Am. There is then a black screen, and a sound bridge of a school bell ringing, and then a shot of the protagonist walking down a school corridor, with a backpack on, walking past other students, showing the audience that this is the next day. He walks into a classroom, and sits down. Time passes and he starts to look at the clock on the wall, and then to the door. You can over hear other students in the class talking about how the teacher is late. The Protagonist starts to lay his head down on the table. It then cuts to a POV shot of the protagonist, and the screen starts to close in to give of the effect that the protagonist is closing his eyes. The audience is shown a black screen for while, then the sound of a fire alarm goes off. The protagonist shoots up into a sitting position, and we are shown the students in the classroom standing up, and walking towards the door to form a line. The protagonist looks around and sees that the whiteboard has some writing on it, which makes him notice the teacher standing at the door, ready to lead all the students out. He doesnt make a big deal out of it, just in case the teacher didnt see him sleeping. He heads to the back to the line. As he does this, the teacher opens the door and starts to lead the class to the fire meeting point. As his class walks through the corridors, he notices that his class is the only one there. The corridor is completely empty. He arrives at the meeting point, but again, there is no one there. Hes wondering where everyone is, and why no one else is questioning the situation. They get to their section of the meeting point, and they stand there. The protagonist fins the whole situation very weird, and he steps out of line. He walks to the teacher, and tries to communicate with her, but she is just staring blankly into space. He decides to leave his class there, and see if he can find someone. While leaving the meeting point he is able to hear his name being called out behind him. He turns back to see if it was his teacher or one of his classmates, but no one seemed to have moved or said anything. He continues to walk back into school, and decides to go look for help at his schools office. All the desks are empty. The protagonist walks to the back of the office, and hears his name being called from an open door. He enters through a door and finds a never ending corridor with door on either side of the walls. He starts to walk down the corridor ignoring all of the doors. It comes to a point where the walls stop having doors on them. As he continues down the corridor, and he sees that all the doors in the corridor are open. His name is then repeatedly shouted as the doors start to slam. As the last door slams, we see a close up shot of his face, eyes closed,
  3. 3. Plot And shown sideways on screen. We hear is name being called again, and another bang, but more clear now. As this happens, his eyes shoot open, and it cuts to a medium shot of him sitting up and looking around wildly. We then see an over the shoulder shot, and we see the protagonist finally look at the person we are looking over the shoulder of. It then cuts to a POV shot of the protagonist, and we see that it is the teacher looking over on the protagonist. We see a wide angle shot of the entire classroom, and all the other students are staring at the protagonist, laughing and pointing. The camera cuts to the clock in the room, and only five minutes have gone by since he last looked at it. The last shot is a panning shot looking straight at the protagonist, and the camera pans down with his head as he drops his head on the table.
  4. 4. Setting and Location This film is set in two places: One of them being in a bedroom, to shoot the first scene. And the rest of the film will be shot using the (Almost) empty site of Haverstock School
  5. 5. Characters Protagonist Alec Cavellucci-Meyer Students in Class Teacher
  6. 6. Props Bedroom Essentials Book Alarm Clock Classroom and Classroom Essentials Backpack
  7. 7. Filming Equipment Canon 60D Rode Shotgun Microphone Glidecam XR-2000 Lighting Equipment