Presented by: Pang Google Confidential and Proprietary AdWords Sales 101

Google adwords sales for agency

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Presented by: Pang

Google Confidential and Proprietary

AdWords Sales 101

Google Confidential and Proprietary






การขาย AdWords อยางมีประสิทธิภาพ


Google Confidential and Proprietary


Google Confidential and Proprietary

Integrated Marketing: Online at the heart








Door Drops

Direct Mail

Other channels becoming digitalised



Digitalisation of other media




Google Confidential and Proprietary


Online: Not Just Another Media – A Whole ‘Parallel Universe’

Awareness Trial Repurchase/Loyalty Consideration




Direct Mail



Offline M


nline media

Image Ads

Video Ads

Gadget Ads




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Thai Users Searches the MOST IN THE WORLD!

Source: ComScore 2013

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97% of Thai Internet Users Search On Google.com

Source: ComScore 2013

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Search Is at the Center, Driving Results & Capturing Interest

User sent to website after clicking paid listing

Display, rich media, and video ads build interest and awareness; users search for more info

Sources: comScore Media Metrix (June 2008); Google internal analysis; Yahoo! and comScore, July 2007; ComScore, The Role of Search In Consumer Buying, March 2006; iProspect, 2007.

67% of Internet users have gone online to search for a product advertised offline

89% of consumers research products online; 63% purchase offline







Google Content Network• Hundreds of thousands of

advertisers and publishers• Target by site, category,

keyword, geography.

การขาย AdWords อยางมีประสิทธิภาพ

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Confidential and Proprietary


อะไร ทําใหคนซื้อตัดสินใจซื้อ?







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อะไรทําใหคนซื้อ สนใจในผูขายหรือผูใหบริการ

โมเดล AIM - Align, Inform, Manage นี้ชวยใหเราสามารถเขาใจความตองการของลูกคาอยางแทจริง และชวยใหเราตอบโจทยของลูกคาไดอยางตรงจุด

Google Confidential and Proprietary



How do they make money?1

How can they make more money?2

How can I help them make more money (at lower risk)?3

มีคําถามเพียง 3 ขอ ที่เราตองชวยลูกคาหาคําตอบ:

เมื่อเราตอบคําถาม 2 ขอขางบนได เราจึงจะมีสิทธิ์ถาม:

Google Confidential and Proprietary

8 Steps to selling Google AdWords

1. Introduction2. Explain AdWords3. Explain value proposition of AdWords4. Ask focused needs assessment questions5. Address the advertiser’s needs6. Explain the ‘Engage Agency’ / ‘PSP’ offer7. Address the customer’s objections8. Close the sale

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Have you ever advertised with

Google AdWords before?

That’s fine. Let me start with some

background about how Google

AdWords works.

That’s great. Are you still advertising with


Okay, thank you for your time.

Can I start by better understanding why

you stopping advertising with


Go to Step 2 Go to Step 4 End Call



Step 1: Introduction

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Step 2: Explain AdWords

“AdWords is an online advertising platform designed to help businesses of all sizes find new customers. Ads are displayed next to relevant natural search results on Google and other search engines such as AOL, as well as carefully selected web sites that display relevant content.”

Reasons to advertise:

• Position

• Message

• Keyword selection

• Geo-targeting

Google Confidential and Proprietary


There are over 18 million internet users in Thailand and they are increasingly looking for local services online – Google search has more than 96% market share in Thailand


Google AdWords shows ads to prospects who are actively searching for what business have to offer

Return on Investment (ROI)

Pay per click model ensures that businesses only pay for qualified leads

Step 3: Explain Value Proposition of AdWords

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Step 4: Ask Focused Needs Assessment Questions

• Ask probing questions, to help better understand the prospect’s needs

• Target Market

“Who are you looking to reach when you advertise?”“Who is your ideal customer?”“What area of the country does your business serve?”

• Other Advertising

“Are you advertising offline? (newspapers, yellow pages, flyers, radio)”“Do you currently advertise online?”“Is your marketing currently working for you? Are you sure?”

• Goals/Metrics

“What are the products/services you would like to sell more of?”“What is it that you are trying to achieve? (awareness, sales, leads, etc)”“What is the average value of a sale/lead?”“How many relevant customers would need to visit your web site for one to make a purchase?”

Always ask open ended questions!

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Step 5: Address the Advertiser’s Needs

• Build on AdWords value proposition to explain exactly how AdWords can meet the prospect’s needs

• Continually ask the customer to reiterate the benefits of AdWords… prospects that can articulate the benefits of a product or service are significantly more likely to make a purchase

Focus on the benefits, not the features

• Summarize issues the customer has raised“I understand that with your current marketing:

(a) you’re not reaching all potential prospects(b) you’re spending money to target people who aren’t relevant(c) you’ve no idea the impact your ads are having”

• Explain how AdWords can address these issues“Google AdWords can address all of these problems:

(a) Google search engage has more than 96% market share in Thailand(b) We can put ads next to relevant searches in relevant geographic areas(c) Each month, we’ll send you an impact report so you can measure value”

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Step 6: Explain agency offer

• Engage members are selected by Google as a trusted partners

• Advertisers will be offered top level value added services:• Selection of appropriate keywords• Multiple ad texts, targeted to the relevant area• Account set up in line with Google’s best practices• Account monitored and optimised to maximise performance• Monthly reports detailing value for money the advertiser received• Telephone & email customer service

• For a fixed price and no effort, the advertiser can start benefiting from the most successful advertising program

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Step 7: Handle objections

I want to be in the top position

I want my ad to display all the time

I have low budget

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Step 8: Close the Sale

• What if the customer isn’t sure yet?

• How could you close the sale?

• What materials would help you close the sale?

• What materials would you want to leave behind?

Google Confidential and Proprietary


Google Confidential and Proprietary


สิ่งที่ควรทํา กอนที่จะ Pitch ใหลูกคา

ทําการบาน !

บัญชี: โครงสราง

การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords


“Campaign #1”

“Ad Group #1”

คียเวิรดนับรอยรวมอยูดวยกัน หนึ่งโฆษณาทั่วไป


การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords


ดูรอบๆ Campaign หนาแรกที่ไปถึง

Oops!Page not found…

การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords


ดูรอบ Campaign : Conversion


ดูรอบๆ Campaign : ดูประวัติการปรับแตง

ทําการบานของคุณ: ไซต

การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords


Macaroni & Cheese

Buy Now!

• การกระทําที่ทําใหเกิดการแปลงมีอะไรบาง?

• มันเปนไปได / ชัดเจน / งายในการแปลงหรือไม?

• มีหนาแลนดิ้งเพ็จใดที่คุณสามารถใชสําหรับโฆษณาหนึ่งๆ หรือคุณอาจตองการสรางมันขึ้นมา?


การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords

ทําการบานของคุณ: Search

• คูแขงคือใคร?

• มีโฆษณาอื่นอยูดวยหรือไม?

• มีคียเวิรดที่เปนลบที่คุณพบหรือไม?

การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords


ทําการบานของคุณ: Keyword tool

• มีปริมาณการคนหาที่ดีหรือไม?

• การแขงขันเปนอยางไรบาง?

• มีอะไรที่คุณสามารถบอกไดบางเกี่ยวกับอุตสาหกรรมจากแนวความคิดของคียเวิรด?

การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords


ทําการบานของคุณ: Traffic Estimator tool

• มีจํานวนการคลิกที่จะใหซื้อหรือไม?

• CPC มีลักษณะเชนไร?

• เจาะลงไปแบบเฉพาะเจาะจงดวยตําแหนงพื้นที่!

การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords


ทําการบานของคุณ: Google Trendsm


oni a

nd c








t din


การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords


ทําการบานของคุณ: Google Trends

การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords


ทําการบานของคุณ: Google Trends

การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords


การขายการใหบริการเกี่ยวกับ AdWords


เงินทุน $10,000

Cost Per Click เฉลี่ย $1.15

อัตรา Conversion ที่คาดหวัง


มูลคาตอ Conversion $50.00

ผลตอบแทนที่คาดหวัง $17,391.30

คาธรรมเนียม $2,000.00

ROI 45%



Google Confidential and Proprietary


การบานที่ควรทํา กอนที่จะ Pitch ใหลูกคา

✓ ใช Keyword Planner คาดคะเนราคาและปริมาณการเขาชม

✓ ใช Display Planner สําหรับโฆษณาในเครือขายดิสเพลย

✓ ใช Google Trend คนหาคําที่กําลังฮิต หรือหาเทรนดใหมๆ

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Appendix: การรับมือกับคําปฏิเสธ

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Examples of Objection Cases

1. Cost and budget

2. Market Saturation & Locality

3. Seasonality

4. Sales & Conversion Metrics

5. Organic vs. Paid Listings (SEO vs SEM)

6. Ad Ranking

7. Max CPC vs Actual CPC

8. “I can’t see my ad!”

9. Invalid Clicks

10. Untargeted Clicks


Google Confidential and Proprietary

Cost & Budget

Objection: Pay Per Click is too expensive. I can't afford this type of advertising.


• Affordability is one of the main reasons Google has retained thousands of advertisers worldwide.

• You can also match your cost to your budget through control of the amount you are paying per click, and your overall daily budget

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Cost & Budget

Objection: I need to make sure that I bring in enough sales and leads to make this campaign worthwhile. How can you prove that to me from the beginning?


• Our goal is to bring your site and business an increase in traffic and sales. We will work with you by looking at your metrics to figure out what CPC you can spend in order to bring in enough traffic and generate sales. It is important to keep in mind that you are only paying when someone clicks on your ad and they are interested in learning and purchasing something on your site.

• We will do this by selecting highly targeted keywords, writing accurate and interesting ad texts, and making smart bids based on your conversion metrics.

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Cost & Budget: How Can I Compete?

Objection:How will I compete with big companies with my £1000 annual budget? Won’t large companies with a bigger advertising budget outrank me by paying more for the same keyword?


• The AdWords program supports advertisers of all sized budgets. We will help you identify the most effective and affordable keywords.Each month or quarter you will receive a report showing how your money was spent


Google Confidential and Proprietary

Market Saturation: Is the Market Too Saturated?


• Is the market too saturated for a small budget?

• When I search for similar businesses, there are already many adverts. Where will mine fit?

• You probably try to sell to my competitors. Surely we can’t all be listed on Google?


Google Confidential and Proprietary

Market Saturation: There is Room for More Advertisers, Even with Small Budgets


• If your competitors all advertise online, it must work… marketing online will help you gain some of their market share

• We will optimise your campaign to ensure your ads are visible

• If you only sell locally, we can target ads to your local area, so you won’t spend money advertising to other parts of the country

• Use examples of similar small businesses


Google Confidential and Proprietary

Market Saturation: Locality

Objection: My company is strictly a local business – I don't want traffic from outside

of the region we serve.

Response:• Google currently has the ability to determined a customized target

area using longitude and latitude. We can also refine your targeting by using descriptors for the region you would like to target

Google Confidential and Proprietary


This is a slow time for our business...our business is seasonal.


• Great, this is the perfect time to augment your slow time and improve your business. You could make your slow time a more productive time.

• If people are actively searching for your product or services, than they are asking for your information today, regardless of season.

• This is a good time to test your ad campaign prior to peak season, so you can ramp up during your busiest months.

• Your competitors are there - your clicks are going to them.

• Or alternately, your competitors aren't there so this is a perfect time to begin advertising and build a strong presence at a lower cost.

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Sales & Conversion Metrics: How does this work?


• How many sales/conversions per month can I expect?

• How do I know if AdWords gives a good return on my investment?

• How can I track all my sales/conversions?


Google Confidential and Proprietary

Sales & Conversion metrics: Online Marketing Gives Better Data Than Other Type of MarketingResponse:

• Acknowledge importance of metrics

• Ask how the advertiser measures sales / conversions with other forms of advertising (e.g. yellow pages, classifieds, flyers)

• Ask if advertiser is happy with ROI from current marketing channels

• Highlight the availability of your reports and what information they contain (budget spend, number of clicks, etc)

• Point out that they can get more useful metrics than with virtually any other form of marketing

• Use examples of similar small businesses

• REMEMBER: Google drives leads but does not guarantee sales, this is the responsibility of the site itself.


Google Confidential and Proprietary

Organic vs. Paid listings: Why do I need both?Objection:• Is it better to be in paid listings or the organic search listings?

• Surely I don’t need to pay for AdWords if Google is showing my business in search results?


User’s search

Paid listing with AdWords

Organic results

Google Confidential and Proprietary


Organic vs Paid ListingsResponse:• Top paid listed alongside top organic will increase the click-through rate of

both listings.

• With paid listings you have control over the message, the timing and the path of the user to your site.

• Brand recognition and recall increases when using both paid and sponsored effectively.

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Ad Ranking: How Do I Get in the Top Position?


• How are ads ranked by Google?

• How do I get the top position?

• How much does it cost to get the top position?

• Will my ads always be in the same position?

• Will my ads be above the organic search results or to the right of them?


Google Confidential and Proprietary

Ad Ranking: How Do I Get in the Top Position?Response:

• Ad position is determined in an electronic auction, each time someone searches on a relevant keyword:

• Top position cannot be guaranteed but highly relevant ads are more likely to get displayed in a higher position

• To maximise the success of the campaign, you will:• Choose most appropriate keywords • Write efficient ad texts • Optimise the campaign over time


Max CPC Quality ScoreAd Rank

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Can’t See Ad: Why Can’t I See My Ad?


• Where is my ad?

• Why can’t I see my ad in Google’s search results?

• Why can’t I see my ad on Google Maps?

• Why can’t I see my ad on the content network?


Google Confidential and Proprietary

Can’t See Ad: Advertisers May Not See Their Ads For a Variety Of Reasons


There are many factors that can prevent an ad being displayed, including:

• Account setup was not carried out correctly• There is no remaining budget on the account• The ad is being targeted to a different local area• Correct keywords were not entered to search for

the ad

Each situation will need to be individually investigated to clarify the reason


Google Confidential and Proprietary

Invalid Clicks: How does Google Stop Invalid Clicks?

“Invalid Click is a term used in search engine marketing which indicates a click generated by prohibited means (including click fraud).”



• How do you prevent people from clicking on my ad to increase my costs?

• I’ve heard about click farms and advertisers asking other advertisers to click on ads. How will this affect me?

• Can you tell me more about Google’s filtering technology?

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Invalid Clicks: Google has Advanced Technology to Identify & Filter Invalid Clicks






























• Google takes click fraud extremely seriously

• Filters are being continuously improved and updated

• There is also a dedicated team manually analysing clicks

• Clicks identified as invalid are not charged to the advertiser



Google Confidential and Proprietary

Untargeted Clicks

Objection: I don't want to pay for untargeted clicks.


• The users that click through to your website are "double qualified." By searching for a phrase specific to your business and clicking on a well written ad that clearly describes your offer, you are receiving extremely qualified traffic that is likely to convert into a customer.

Google Confidential and Proprietary





ทําความเขาใจธุรกิจโฆษณาออนไลนคนไทยกวา 97% ใช Google ในการคนหาขอมูล

การขายอยางมีประสิทธิภาพAIM: Align, Inform, Manage8 Selling Steps

การเตรียมการสําหรับการขาย ทําการบานกอนขาย: Keyword Planner, Display Planner, Google Trends

Google Confidential and Proprietary


รบกวนตอบแบบสอบถามคะเราอยากรู วาคุณอยากใหเราจัด Webinar


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ติดตอเรา หรือศึกษาเพิ่มเติม

ติดตอทีมสนับสนุนภาษาไทยทางโทรศัพท หมายเลข 001800-15-62064881 

• เวนวันหยุดธนาคาร

ติดตอทีมสนับสนุนทางอีเมลhttp://support.google.com/adwords/?hl=thคลิก “ติดตอเรา” ทางบนขวา

ศึกษาเพิ่มเติม• Youtube Channel http://goo.gl/gmtG5Y

• เวบบอรด - ประกาศและพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับ AdWords http://goo.gl/76FGmp